
Chapter Nine

Unfortunately, both Nicholas and Perry were otherwise engaged when it came to taking their adopted son to Platform Nine-and-Three-Quarters at the end of the Christmas break. Both were currently on the brink of a breakthrough on some deep alchemeical theory that Hunter honestly had no interest in. Due to this, Hunter was escorted to the Platform by Tristan DeVere, the Head of the Royal Guard.

"Hunter!" Lily cried, flinging herself at him the moment the two caught sight of each other. Hunter stumbled slightly, shooting a thankful smile to Tristan, who subtly steadied him.
"Lily, you can't jump people like that." Rose scolded softly from behind her daughter.
"I am uninjured, Madame Evans, and also quite used to my little sister's exuberance." Hunter reassured, noting with amusement the way Tristan's interest for this girl hugging his Prince increased.
"Now, you simply can't go around calling my daughter your sister and then call me Mrs Evans. Please, call me Rose."
"Of course, Rose."
"Obviously, you can't call my wife by her first name and then call me Mr Evans." Michael joined in with a wink. "I'm Michael, Hunter."

"Heir Flamel." Christelle Malfoy swept up to the little group regally, Lucius at her side.
"Madame Malfoy, Lucius." Hunter bowed.
"Unfortunately, I have pressing matters to deal with, so I am unable to see my Nephew off. May I infer by their absence that the Lord and Lady Flamel are in the same predicament?"
"My Father's explanation was a little rushed." Hunter admitted ruefully. "Something about a breakthrough, and time-sensitive. He was out of my rooms before I could question him further."
"Such is Genius." she replied with a faintly wistful smile.
"Yes, though unfortunately, it does make for several headaches." the teen agreed, resolving to question Lucius later.
"Well, I must be off." Christelle turned to her Nephew. "Lucius, I expect good grades from you, and weekly letters. You are to behave yourself, and present yourself appropriately as Heir Malfoy."
"Yes, Aunt." Luc nodded. "Goodbye."
"Goodbye, Lucius."

Rose and Michael frowned at the seeming lack of a familial bond between the two, but kept their silence, Lily having taught them what she could of Pureblood Culture, so they understood the masks to an extent.
"Sev's saving us a compartment- he was here first, to beat the rush." Lily informed the two, gesturing over to where the final membr of the Quartet was leaning out of a window, it going unsaid that coming early meant less people for Eileen to cope with.
"Great." Hunter grinned, and made to move his trunk, only to have it gently removed from his grasp by Tristan, who, as it was weightless, carried it easily into the compartment and set it on the rack, before returning to his irritated Prince.

"Tristan." the teen hissed. Much to his irritation, the man smiled softly.
"I Serve the House of Flamel willingly. You are the Heir. Menial work is beneath you."
Clearing his throat, he continued. "I will return to France now, Heir Hunter. You have your Portkey on you?"
"Yes, Tristan." Hunter showed the simple leather-and-metal bracelet around his left wrist.
"Then I shall be gone. Goodbye, Heir." came the reply, and, taking the outstretched hand, the Head of the Royal Guard bowed over it, pressing a kiss to the Flamel Ring.
Hunter flushed, ignoring the stares of those on the Platform around him.
"Farewell, Tristan." he replied quietly, only to scowl as the man helped him into the compartment, then assisted Lily, and closed the door.

"What was all that about?" Lily enquired.
"Hunter disliked the man's behaviour towards him." Lucius supplied in Hunter's place, rather amused, as he knew French- as did many Purebloods.
"I am...unused to the respect and behaviour that I receive for being the Flamel Heir." Hunter sighed, leaning back on the bench. "I have received respect before, but such as I am given is overwhelming. More to the point, I have done nothing to deserve it."

"You are protecting Flamel House by becoming Heir." Lucius pointed out softly. "Many people have attempted to claim relation to them in some way. Each attempt failed, obviously."
Hunter snorted sadly. "They would. Both are only children- now at least, and are, by unfortunate Fates, infertile. A side-affect of the immortalilty." he explained to his older brother.
"Oh." Lucius breathed.

Just as the two were moving onto another subject, the door slammed open.
"H-help!" a tiny boy panted desperately, a First-Year by the looks of it. As the Quartet sprang to their feet, he continued breathlessly "Two older boys, they- they're going to kill him!"

Sprinting down the corridor to a compartment, Hunter took a Runestone out of his pocket, that he had specifically designed to take down wards, he pushed the boy back and sent the rock into the door, which emitted a cracking noise as several hastily-erected wards fell.

James Potter froze as a wand dug into the back of his neck.
"Drop your wand, now." a vaguely familiar voice hissed. The sheer menace in the tone made him automatically obey out of self preservation. Instantly, he found himself locked in a full-body-bind. A quick flick of his eyes revealed that his fellow Marauder was in the same position- well, the other Marauder present. James's anger grew again as he remembered why he had attacked the little snot.

"Luc, how is he?" Hunter asked, crouching by his brother, who knew the most healing spells of the three boys- Sev's Healing expertise was centred on potions, naturally.
"He'll live." came the grim reply. "We need to get word to his Family though, and Narcissa finished her schooling last year."
"Regulus." Lily called softly as an idea came to her. The barely conscious boy's gaze slowly moved to her. "Call your House-Elf."

"K-Kreacher." Regulus managed to croak out through the blood in his mouth, brought about by several badly broken teeth.
With a crack, the Elf Hunter recalled, though clearly younger, cleaner, and of better temperament, appeared in the compartment.
"Master Regulus calls?" he croaked out, then shrieked. "MASTER REGULUS!"
"Kreacher!" Hunter barked at the horrified Elf, knowing he had to break him out of his shock. "Fetch Lord Black and the Black Family Healer immediately. Reg's stable for now, but he needs the help of a certified Healer!"
The instant Kreacher processed the order, he was gone.

"What in Merlin's Name!-"
Severus looked up to see a Hufflepuff Prefect standing in the doorway, her eyes wide in horror.
"You. Go to Compartment 27 and bring the trunk with the initials S.S on it. Now." The acid glare that accompanied the order had the older Hufflepuff squeaking and disappearing as fast as possible.

Five minutes of silence passed, until the sharp crack of Kreacher returning sounded in the compartment, with two Blacks. The female rushed to Regulus's side, casting a slew of diagnostic charms. The Quartet moved to one side to allow her to work.

If the Marauders could have moved or spoken, they would be flinching and whimpering under the formidable glare of Lord Arcturus Black.
"My Lord Black." Lucius offered with a bow. This drew the man's attention to the Quartet.
"Heir Malfoy. Heir Flamel. Heir Prince. Miss Evans."
Lily started slightly at the fact that Lord Black knew her name, but curtsied as the others bowed.
"Thank you for aiding my Heir." the elder wizard said softly, his eyes switching from them to Regulus.
"Regulus is of our House, and we would hardly condone this...barbarism." Hunter refuted the thanks with a grimace as the Prefect rushed in, dragging Sev's trunk.

Instantly, Severus shooed her away and, opening it, removed his Potion Store (A box with several layers, each layer charmed to be able to hold about thirty potion bottles, each layer also spelled to keep the potions at the correct temperatures that would keep their shelf life as long as possible) and moved to the Healer's side.
"Healer Black?" he quietly caught her attention. "My Potions are available for use."
"Severus Snape?" she identified sharply with a nod. "Good. The younglings have each declared you the best Potioneer in Hogwarts. I need a Blood Replenishing Potion, Skelegrow, and a Concussion Neutraliser. Do you have them?"
Silently, stunned at the praise, Severus dug about in his Store and handed her the requested Potions.

"Cassiopeia." Arcturus barked at her. "When will Regulus be stable enough to move?"
"Give the Potions a few moments to begin their work, Arcturus!" she snapped right back. He frowned slightly, but didn't respond to her, turning back to the Quartet.

"May I take copies of your memories of this event?" he asked politely. Exchanging glances, Hunter finally nodded, speaking for his siblings as well.
"Certainly, Lord Black. You may also wish to take a copy from the boy who led us here-" here he gestured to the boy hovering nervously in the corridor- "as he also witnessed some of it."

The memories were quickly taken, and, as soon as Regulus was declared stable, Kreacher popped the three away.
"What shall we do with these two?" Lily asked, slightly vindictively. She liked Regulus. Despite everything, he had always been polite and helpful to her, even before Hunter came. He had also kept Severus company when Lucius couldn't.
"Let's leave them." Lucius dismissed the frozen forms with a derisive look. "I hardly doubt we will be able to trump the Hell Lord Black will rain down on them."
"I really didn't think Lupin was that much of a fool and a sycophant." Severus added idly as they moved to the door. "His life is hard enough with his condition. Making an enemy of Lord Black will cut his already infinitesimal chances to little to nothing."
"Pack, Sev." Hunter explained simply. "He attacked the youngest-weakest, unprotected-of a Pack that he saw as responsible for destroying his Packmate, when in truth his Packmate had destroyed himself. Still, I must agree with you."

The four walked out, closing the door behind them, leaving the two remaining Marauders to stew in what they had done, and contemplate the fate that awaited them.

The Hall was buzzing with the story of the Lupin and Potter's attack on Regulus. The reason for the attack was also around the school like wildfire- the one once known as Sirius Black had been disowned.
Dumbledore presided over all, as usual, but his twinkle was dimmer. He was likely thinking of the outcomes of two of his Gryffindors beating up a much younger Slytherin for something that was out of his control. The fact that hostilities against Slytherins had significantly lessened would also increase the negative reaction. Not to mention the fact that Lord Black would be looking for blood, asking why and how such a thing was allowed to happen. To be honest, most of the Slytherins thought that not having adult supervision on the train led to a lot of messes, and would also be a support for the Firsties at the beginning of the year.

The train journey had been a success if one looked at the tentative acquaintances being formed by the other Houses and Slytherin. Naturally, this was happening mostly among the younger years, as, to be honest, the Elder Slytherins simply could not bury the hatchet so easily after everything, and the elders of the other Houses were more firmly fixed in their prejudices. However, things between Slytherin and the other houses were much smoother now. Naomi had been solemnly apologised to by her bullies, no doubt under the pressure of the elder years, and they now had a tentative truce, though Barty still guarded his only friend fiercely. Many speculated whether they would marry in the future, if only to protect each other.

Just before the Feast ended, Slughorn approached the Slytherin table, looking irritated. Across the hall, they could see McGonagall bearing down on the Gryffindor table, giving the three boys a clear idea of what was going on.
"If I may guess." Lucius drawled as Slughorn made to speak. "Headmaster Dumbledore wishes to speak with those involved in the attack on the train."
"He is being quite persistent." their Head of House sighed, leading them to the doors, where they joined Lily (who had Fawkes upon her shoulder) and Lupin and Potter, who looked...grey. McGonagall was standing behind the two with pursed lips and steely eyes.

The group filed into the Headmaster's office, where said man was twinkling behind his desk. However, his eyes did noticeably dim once they set upon Fawkes.
Dumbledore's reputation had been scalded considerably recently, but nothing had done more damage than the news that the Phoenix was not actually his Familiar, but that of Godric Gryffindor, and bound to the school. The fact that he had neither corrected any assumptions on their relationship, nor informed anyone of the truth, thoroughly dented his previously polished reputation.

"Ah, James, Remus, Lily, Hunter, Lucius, Severus." he greeted them cheerfully nonetheless "Minerva, Horace, thank you for escorting them here."
"Not a problem, Albus." The Transfiguration Professor replied. "I assume our presence is no longer needed?"
"Now, just wait a minute, Minerva." Slughorn spluttered, looking faintly appalled. "In situations regarding attacks, the Heads of the Houses involved must be present for the interview about the event in question so as to stand witness in any ensuing investigation. I will stay, Albus." At the last sentence, Slughorn turned slightly to look at a disgruntled Dumbledore as he dropped into a seat, indicating that the group of students should also sit. Flushing slightly, McGonagall followed suit.

"Now, could someone please tell me what happened on the train this morning?" Dumbledore asked, frowning in a faintly disappointed manner, making Potter and Lupin squirm and flush in shame.
"We four were relaxing in our compartment, when a younger student burst in, saying 'They're going to kill him!' we followed him to a, admittedly clumsily, warded apartment. Hunter managed to break down the wards with a Runestone of some kind. Inside the compartment we found Potter and Lupin beating Reg- the kid was right, from what I could tell in his assessment of them going to kill him- and stopped them, contacted Lord Black and the Black Family Healer my means of their Family Elf, and spoke to Lord Black when he arrived. Severus assisted the Healer by providing potions from his store." Lucius summarised before either Marauder could speak.
"As to the Runestone, Headmaster, Père and Mère have long since taken it upon themselves to teach me this and that." Hunter interjected. "Unfortunately, the Runestone I used was only workable for one use, but thankfully, had enough power to break the wards."

Hunter could actually back this up with the pertinent knowledge. Though he hadn't chosen Ancient Runes as an elective in his...previous situation, he had stumbled upon several of Bill Weasley's old books and notes when staying with the family. After managing to copy them, and then secretly ransacking the Black Library for what he could, the teen now had a very firm grasp on the subject. No one knew about this of course- Ron would have thrown a fit at him changing electives for starters, and it would also have brought unwanted attention to him. However, this time around, he had chosen the subject, happily dropping Divination like a hot potato.

"I would expect nothing less from Nicholas." Dumbledore chuckled fondly, setting Hunter's teeth on edge. "Now, James, Remus...what do you have to say for yourselves?"
"Nothing, Headmaster." Remus spoke before James could get a word in edgeways. He knew they were screwed, no matter what they could say in their defence. Lord Black was in possession of memories as proof of their attack (he would no doubt take Black's as well); James would just end up digging their graves deeper. He knew that. So did James, but he wasn't one to back down.
"...I see." The Headmaster frowned, and Professor McGonagall seemed stunned. The Marauders not defending themselves? Coming up with some form of an excuse or way out of trouble?
"Well then...I am afraid, that I will have to take...thirty points from you both for attacking another student, and I will be writing to your parents about your actions. You also have two weeks of detentions with Argus. I shall also be awarding fifteen points to each member of the Quartet, for their actions."

"Thank you, Headmaster." The Quartet rose, Severus speaking for the group. "If that will be all?"
"Ah, of course." Dumbledore twinkled. "Well done, you four, for defending your Housemate."

The three Slytherins were greeted by an intent silence as Slughorn escorted them into their Common Room.
"Well then, is everyone settled?" Slughorn asked. Receiving positive answers, he quickly made himself scarce, as a former Snake himself, understanding that nothing of import would happen or be discussed in front of a Professor, regardless of the fact that he was the Head of Slytherin House (at school, of course. He would never dream of even attempting to assert himself as Head of the Slytherin Family.)

As soon as the Entrance was closed, chatter began to break out. Hunter, Severus and Lucius headed to their chairs by the fireplace (being a part of Lord Slytherin's 'Inner Circle' as it were, gained them access to these seats), prepared for a bombardment of questions.
"One at a time, please." Hunter requested, after greeting his Grandfather.

"Will Regulus be alright?" Samantha called immediately, wringing her hands and biting her lower lip savagely from within her circle of friends.
"Healer Black went right to work, and got him the required potions almost instantly. The only thing that might cause him some concern is his concussion. The Neutraliser isn't a cure, despite the name." Lucius informed the Common Room, utilising his knowledge of Healing- it was his dream job, actually."He'll probably be stiff for a few days, and be on bed-rest, but yes, Miss Bulstrode, he should be fine."

"What punishments did Dumbledore give out?" Barty called from where he lounged against a wall, his mouth twisted into a sneer.
"Thirty points each, letters home and a fortnight's worth of detentions with Filch for the Marauders, and fifteen points each to us." Severus informed him, mirroring the sneer (and people wondered where the angelic-faced Junior learnt it...)

"Lord Arcturus is going to rain down his fury on them." one Slytherin third year snickered. "I've seen him at parties. He's scary. Uncle Anthony says he's ruthless, and absolutely terrifying when angry."
"More than that, Damien, he's the Leader of the opposition to Dumbledore and his lackeys in the Wizenagemot." Junior pointed out, actually having one of the best understanding of the political climate due to his Father,despite his dislike towards Senior. "The fact that Lord Potter is a key part of his opposition, that his Heir attacked Lord Arcturus's, will deal the 'Light' side some serious blows."

"Does anyone have any intel on what actually happened to the Nameless?" Severus asked idly, straining not to roll his eyes. Politics bored him. Lucius, for all he wanted to be a Healer, had the most interest and ability in politics out of all of them- he would actually make a deadly politician if he so wished.

"He became a Squib. Threw an absolute tantrum before the Ritual, though. They left him in Mundane London, at an Orphanage. Used a secrecy spell to bind his knowledge of the Magical World- He'll know, but won't be able to tell anyone else."
Barty provided this information easily. The reason he knew it, of course, was that all Family members had to be present at a Disowning, and, through his Mother, the boy himself was of Black blood.
"A fitting punishment." Lucius mused. "He did always see himself as above us, acting as though he was a greater being. He will be far at sea in the Mundane World, and having knowledge such as that of the existence of the Magical World, yet being unable to share it and Lord it over others, will be absolute torture for him."

Hunter brushed away the sadness he felt at the loss of Sirius Black. After all, this was not his Sirius, and even if it was, the man had abandoned him to Hagrid, Dumbledore, and the Dursleys, when he chose revenge over his Godson that night. Despite everything, he could not forget that.
"Potter is going to be insufferable." He said instead. "Lupin, perhaps, may be able to learn some sense, but Potter? He will never accept that it was not us or the Black Family at fault for the Disownment, but the Nameless himself."
"A slew of pranks then." Severus noted.

"Right." Hunter clapped his hands together. "Everyone knows the Rules, correct? Do not go anywhere alone, keep your wands accessible. If something seems wrong, find an older student immediately, and be sure to spread a warning of what feels wrong around."
"If...if Lupin doesn't help Potter, you think he'll rope Pettigrew back in?" Naomi asked hesitantly, squeaking when all eyes fell to her.
"No." Hunter said with certainty. "I know what he did to get thrown out of their little gang. It is not something he can undo, and if Potter did, he'd likely lose Lupin in the process."
"Not something he can't afford then." a Snake murmured. "Is there a likelihood of the two pulling other Gryffs into their grudge?"
"Longbottom could be a possibility." Sev conceded, narrowing his eyes. "But other than that, no."

"Moving on." Hunter announced, grinning. "Heir Prince- Severus Snape- has initiated a Courtship with Miss Lily Rose Evans. I give him my congratulations, but also warn that if he hurts my Sister, I will have his head as forfeit."
"Seconded." Lucius chimed in with a smirk as Severus flushed under the congratulations of the House.

Over in Gryffindor, Lily was in a similar situation as the girls of the House had descended upon her the instant she entered the Common Room to squeal over her First Courtship Gift- the bracelet.
"Oh Lily it's gorgeous!" Marlene Mckinnon cooed, turning the girl's wrist to watch the gems sparkle in the light.

"Must've been hard to convince your Dad to agree." Laura Brown noted.
"Not really. Daddy's known Sev for ages, and Courting isn't a direct step to marriage. The main problem Sev faced was the 'Hurt my baby girl and die' talk."
Almost everyone burst into laughter at the thought of Severus Snape facing an overprotective father, and the mischievous look on Lily's face.

Those not laughing included James Potter, Remus Lupin, Frank Longbottom, and Peter Pettigrew, ensconced in a corner of the Common Room.
James was sulking, both at the Courtship between Lily and Snape, and the fact that he was now in trouble for attacking Black. Remus was morose, his Wolf still hurting from the loss of a Packmate, and the knowledge of the trouble he was in. Pettigrew was pouting at not being included in the attack and a perfectly logical (in James's mind) dislike of Snape.
Frank was reaming out James and Remus.

"Of all the idiotic things you could have done, James!" he cried. "Do you have any idea how much damage you've just inflicted on the Light in the Wizenagemot?"
"What?" came the uncomprehending reply.
"Merlin! Did you not pay any attention to your lessons as a child! To the current political situation!? You attacked the Heir of House Black. You are the Heir of House Potter. Both are on opposing sides" Frank lectured, relieved that Remus, at least, seemed to understand what he was talking about. "Lord Potter- Your Father- is one of Headmaster Dumbledore's strongest supporters. Lord Black can, and will, use your attack on Regulus against him, striking a blow to your Father's standing, thus damaging the Political front we have going! You sodding idiot!"

"They shouldn't have disowned Sirius." was the sulky, and weak, rebuttal to Frank's rant.
"He brought it upon himself-" Frank held up a hand to stop the inevitable protests. "I'm not saying he didn't have his reasons, but anyone could see the signs. He didn't have to do much, simply appease them enough to keep the Heirship." he sighed. "Sirius could have done a lot for our cause in becoming Heir- and eventually Lord- Black. With that Family's power and resources, we could have severely dented the Dark side."
"I know." James grumbled. "Siri had a few plans about what he'd do."
"Well whatever they were, they're useless now! Do you know what makes it worse? There are several Neutral Families we were making headway with, who will likely be reevaluating their stance on allying with us due to this fiasco!"

"We'll just have to take it as it goes." Remus grimaced. "We've already got a giant punishment from the Headmaster."
James groaned, sinking his head into his hands. "Dad's going to murder me. Mum'll dig me up, punish me, then rebury me."
"I just hope no one takes this out on my parents. We're bad enough off as it is." Remus felt sickened, the situation only now, with Frank ramming it into his skull, truly sinking in. The damage they had caused, oh, Merlin! This was going to cause problems upon problems upon problems!

"Be glad the rest of the Black kids are out of Hogwarts." Frank pointed out. "They'd be down upon you before you could even blink."
The duo shuddered. Both had felt Black anger last term over the Raime- now Flamel- Debacle. They had no wish to feel it again. Why hadn't they thought?

The next few days went smoothly, if smoothly counted the Prophet blaring Lupin and Potter's actions to the nation, and the Howler from Lord and Lady Potter, which had James cringing in his seat, ashen.
The Lupins didn't send a Howler, but a letter from them had Remus looking a level of ill that was on par with how he looked once a month.

The Quartet all received letters from Lord Black, and they and Regulus's friends all received obviously dictated letters from the teen in question. Theirs contained polite thanks, and an invitation to dine with the family once the summer holidays started, regardless of how long it was until then. Lord Black proceeded to inform them that he had asked their families permissions (except the Flamels, as he could not reach them due to impressive Wards, so he asked Hunter to pass on the invite for confirmation). This gained them several envious stares, as a private meal with the Black Family was a very rare invitation to receive.
Hunter forwarded the invitation to his Parents, with a note to write the reply to Lord Black directly, please, not through him. Considering his parents recent breakthrough, it would probably be redirected to one of the Royal Advisors.

The two remaining Marauders were subdued to the point of inducing paranoia in the Professors and a majority of the students, specifically Slytherin. Lupin looked as though someone had repeatedly and violently stabbed his puppy in front of him- if he even had a puppy- whilst Potter was scowling and moping, putting little to no effort into any of his classes, much the the frustration of the teachers, mainly McGonagall, who had, by the end of First Year, declared him her star pupil, and was therefore feeling slighted. The two received little to no support from the children of the Light as the shockwaves of their attack rocked the Light's standing in the Wizenagemot, inducing anger in many.
Dumbledore had, this time, managed to avoid any blows to himself, if one did not count the murmurings about how this showed the danger of the Train being unsupervised whilst teeming with rivalry.

Despite all of this, student life in general continued on as normal for the majority. Hunter managed to sneak the Quartet down to the Chamber to meet Isela, and, via translation, several interesting conversations took place- mainly between the Basilisk and Severus, who was intensely interested in any properties of her venom, and how they could be used in potions, leading Isela to give him some venom, much to his joy.
Lily, despite knowing that Isela had her eyes closed and would not harm them due to their relationship with Hunter, clung to Hunter's hand throughout their time in the Chamber.

Hunter himself had been somewhat worried about bringing Lily down to the Chamber, as she was of Slytherin blood as well, and might have inherited the Gift of Parseltongue. It turned out, that, as far as he, his Grandfather and Isela, could tell, her Slytherin blood showed only in her eyes. She wasn't a Parselmouth. From what they could guess, her being a Witch and having a child with a Wizard, brought the bloodline to the fore.
His Grandfather was slightly saddened by this, but clearly chose to focus on the fact that his Grandson had the abilities of their Line, and all that it entailed, though by no means did he dismiss his Granddaughter's heritage.

Much to Hunter's amusement, he found himself summoned to Dumbledore's office about a week into the term.
"Ah, Hunter." Dumbledore beamed, twinkling as the teen dropped into a chair in front of his desk. "Sherbet Lemon?" He offered.
"No, thank you Headmaster." Hunter declined politely. "May I ask why you summoned me here?"

"I was simply curious as to the validity of the rumours that you are in contact with the new Heir Slytherin, dear boy."
Though he showed no outside reaction, Hunter scowled inwardly. Heir? He was Lord Slytherin, thank you very much, and Dumbledore knew this. The replies to the letters Lucius had passed on to him were all signed Lord Slytherin. Clearly, the Headmaster was attempting to test the depth of his knowledge, and provoke a reaction of some kind.
So. How to reply?

Denying any contact would probably come and bite him later. It was better to be vague...his Grandfather could and would corroborate any story he came up with. Anyway, he was better at omitting the truth than outright lying.

"Somewhat." the teen replied. "Lord Slytherin occasionally communicates with Lord Salazar, and Lord Salazar keeps Lord Slytherin updated on various goings on around the Castle. As you already know, his identity in unknown. You won't be able to get it out of any Slytherin or Lord Salazar himself."
"Indeed." Hunter would later swear that the great Albus Dumbledore was pouting.

"Would you possibly pass on my regards, dear boy?"
"Surely you were one of the many who wrote to him, Professor?" Hunter cocked his head to one side.
"Oh, yes, but unfortunately, Lord Slytherin did not give me any means to contact him."
"I don't believe he gave anyone means to contact him. Lord Salazar has been heard to mention that spelled letters were attempted."

Really, how could Hunter resist that jibe?

Dumbledore twitched.
"Ah, I see."
"Naturally, Lord Slytherin has means of defence against such underhand actions." Hunter continued blithely. "I am afraid that is all I can impart to you, Professor. May I be excused?"

"Certainly, Mr Flamel." came the absent reply as the old man waved him off.
The teen smirked. The formal form of address was a subtle attempt generally employed by Dumbledore to make people feel as though you had offended or upset him somehow. Every Slytherin knew this. And naturally, it worked on none of that house. How Dumbledore had not yet worked this out was a mystery.

"Luc?" Hunter suddenly spoke whilst they were doing their homework "Your Aunt...she seemed wistful when we were discussing my Parent's and their breakthrough. Do you have any idea what that was about?"
Lucius frowned slightly, putting his quill to one side.
"There were rumours..." he conceded. Looking at the interested expressions around the table, he elaborated. "It has been rumoured that Aunt Christelle fell in love with a German Baron some years ago- something of an eccentric, a genius. Nothing came of it. People say an unbreakable marriage contract had been created for him at his birth, leaving him unable to have a relationship with my Aunt, shattering the bond they once had."

"Oh." Lily whispered sadly. "Poor Madam Malfoy."
"This is just speculation, however." Lucius hurried to add. "I have never asked her for the truth of the matter. I don't believe anyone has."
"I would imagine she avoids the topic as much as possible." Severus said, reaching to take Lily's hand in a gesture of comfort.
"Thanks for explaining, Luc." Hunter said softly. "It bugged me for a while. I knew there was something behind it, but I didn't know exactly what."

"Oh, dammit, he's looking at us again." Lily groaned, gently banging her head on the table.
The three boys looked up to meet the wide gaze- a somewhat wistful and forlorn look- of Remus Lupin. The teen in question was hunched at one of the smaller tables in the Library, attempting to complete his homework.

Whenever he saw them now, Lupin always stared at them in this manner, sometimes with a little anger as well. Hunter could understand, to a point: Moony's Pack was crumbling rapidly, and there they were, very similar in numbers to the Marauders, an example of what they could be. It probably didn't help that Remus was likely getting nudges from Moony to form a stronger bond with Hunter, as the Wolf recognised him as Pack, no matter how vague the connection was.

"Whyyy?" Lily moaned. "What makes the Marauders so fixated on us?"
"It's me this time." Hunter admitted sheepishly. "I saved him, remember? His Pack is crumbling. The Wolf is clinging to any chance at a bond he can get."
Across from them, Lupin flinched. Of course, he'd heard them.

Severus snorted. "He wants us to accept him into our Pack? After all he's done...or rather, all he didn't do!?"
Hunter shrugged. "I never said it made sense." He sighed. "I'll see what I can do."
Luc eyed the youngest in the group dubiously. "You're planning something dangerous and stupid."
"It's what I do."
"Of course it is."