If you're ever in Berk and you see a black speck fly above you, that's Night Fury, you know the guy that can shoot fire, has mechanical dragon wings, can withstand the hottest flame and fights bad guys. Yeah, just another day in my life.

So you might be wondering who I am, well when I don't have my mask on, I'm Henry 'Hiccup' Haddock, my cousin called me that when I was small and it just kinda stuck, I'm twenty one years old now, and I was, you know, that scrawny geeky kid, that read a ton of comic books, back in High School. Now I'm an engineer, I've never actually gotten a degree on it, but I have a car shop.

My dad, Stevenson 'Stoick' Haddock is a mountain of a man, basically the tallest and broadest person in Berk, and he's the mayor of the city, meaning were rich. When I was young he ignored me because I wasn't brawny like him, he still does, I believe that part of the reason is because I look a lot like my mother and she was killed, no one's by who, but I intend on finding out, I had spent many nights out, in dark alleys and neighborhoods, listening to something that could lead me to my mothers homicide, but I never heard anything useful.

Berk is a large city, as big as New York, with a high criminality rate, making it the perfect place for a super hero, like me.

Now to that part of the story, it was actually back in senior year, we went to a field trip to a government lab that was trying to test how to make fire proof suits for fire-fighters.

They had manage to make one; it was black and dark grey, it looked like leather but was a lot more resistant, unfortunately it had cost 3 million dollars, so it was set on display in the middle of the room, the suit protected every part of the body, including the neck, it just left the head uncovered, I had spoken with some of the scientists and they were going to make a mask for it but the price of the materials stopped them.

They were looking for new materials to make it out of, but even so it would be extremely expensive and only if fire-fighters had the money to buy the suit could they use it, it had outraged me, the men fought to save lives and had to pay to keep theirs safe?

Me, being the science freak I am, was absolutely loving the trip that is until a fire started, everyone panicked, including the scientists, and ran for the emergency door, someone pushed me and I hit a table making me see starts for a few moments, that might have actually been minutes I'm not sure, before my head cleared, but when I stood up, everyone was gone and the emergency door was locked, I was about to scream but started coughing, meaning there was little oxygen in the lab anymore.

I thought of a solution pretty quickly, I ran to the fire proof suit, broke the glass case, but as I finished putting it on, a small explosion happened sending jars of boiling liquid onto the suit, which absorbed the liquid and touched my skin with it, it had burned but I ignored the pain, I hid my head close to my chest, my arms wrapped around the back of my head, being used as a protection.

There was an explosion and I felt fire engulf me for probably some of the most terrifying moments of my life, then it all ended and I looked up coughing, little oxygen had been in there after an explosion like that, but I noticed it had opened a hole on the roof, and after a moment I took several deep breathes, drinking in as much air as possible, and coughing again for doing it too fast.

I was about to go out, but remembered the suit I was wearing, I thought that I could borrow it to a friend of mine that had the technology to analyze the garment and make cheap fire proof suits and give them to fire-fighters, so, with that thought, I went to behind a table that had been thrown in the blast and removed my suit then folded it and placed it in my inner jacket pocket, it stood out a bit, but I had hoped that in the mess no one would notice the lump inside my jacket.

I ran to the door, just as the fire-fighters axed through, running outside and getting instantly surrounded by my class mates, they were all asking how I got out but when I tried to answer, nothing came out, I tried to speak but no sound was made, thank god my teacher noticed and told everyone to shut it, then led me to an ambulance, then they took me to the hospital.

Later the doctors told me that I had inhaled some gases and that it had deteriorated my vocal cords, I'd never speak again.

Or so they thought.

I spent the rest of High School getting pity looks and extra points in classes, I became a walking ghost back then, I didn't speak, and everyone refused to be friends with me still, but not out of spite but out of fear, no one wanted to be friends with the school's freak. Finally just when I would have supposedly gone to college, I didn't, I locked my self inside the lab that was owned by Gobber, an old friend my dad, and basically my father figure, his real name is Gerard 'Gobber' Belch, he's a genius, although he lacks two limbs, a leg and an arm, he still makes major discoveries in science.

But during that time I worked and worked, I lived off of coffee, Cola, and Oreos, I know healthy, but after an entire month I did it, I had made fake vocal cords, I had spent the entire money I had gotten from the insurance company and the lab, but I also discovered a new metal, Blackstell, it was a was a dark grey and black metal, lighter and stronger than titanium, it was basically indestructible and it never rusted or deteriorated, the list of components involved so many gases and metals that it would take a few minutes just to read it, as soon as I had made the design I destroyed the hard drive that had the list, I didn't want it to fall in the wrong hands, although it had not been forgotten, I had spent hours memorizing it, in case it was ever necessary.

I made 30 more vocal cord designs out of titanium, which I later traded for the operation to install my own, I made a deal with the doctors and headmaster of the hospital that people would only have to pay a small fee to get those installed. After the surgery I was left with a dark grey streak on the back of my neck.

During my month of isolation I discovered something, I was immune to fire and that when the vocal cords vibrated too long and too strong they shot a blue and white blast, the longer the vibration and force the stronger the blast.

It was an accident on how I found those out, I was playing with the cords, striking them like they were guitar ones and after a little while it shot the blast and hit my hand, it exploded and I made a 360 (which was amazing by the way) in the room and fell, I had felt the heat too but no pain and when I looked at my hand it wasn't burned or even showed any signs that it had been hit by a fire ball. I was ecstatic, I had super-powers!

So, with the renewed ability to speak, I went over to the city hall, where my father works, and entered, the doorman nodded at me, knowing I couldn't speak. I entered the elevator and clicked on the top floor, humming along the crappy elevator music, when I arrived at the floor I marched to my dad's office, knocking on the door.

"Come in." had came my dad's tired voice. I opened the door and spoke.

"Hey dad."

The news flowed pretty quickly, and soon my face was on every newspaper, something I hadn't actually anticipated, I received several praises a day, of how smart I was, or something along those lines, not that I cared really but it was nice to hear, then some magazine posted that the truth was that I had spent a large portion of my dad's fortune in hiring dozens of scientists and that they had done everything. That seemed to make a lot more sense to people and I was soon despised more than before, the thing that angered me the most was that my dad, my own father, didn't even deny it.

I soon sent the suit, that I had stolen to Frank 'Fishlegs' Ingermann, a friend of mine, who's parent own the biggest and most high-tech science research facility, he analyzed the fabric and was able to reconstruct the it to a cheaper one, it was a lot like latex but it could only withstand flames up to 1000º C., whereas mine could hit 5000º without much more than a small burn here or there and gave them oof to the fire houses, making his family name grow more prestigious, he also told me the fabric had an amazing resistance, it wouldn't be able to stop bullets but it would protect me from punches, and that it was feather light, that got me an idea.

I spent two months in the lab, this job was delicate, more than my vocal cords, but instead of just coffee, Cola and Oreos, Gobber actually brought me dinner in those two months, but afterwards I succeeded in my goal, to create fake wings.

I created a sort of jet-pack from which to wings came out of, the wings were crucial for balance (and for awesomeness), they looked a lot like bat/dragon wings, a black metal spine would run up my back when I put it on, allowing me to control the wings, the wings were made out of that leathery material, after countless hours trying to reproduce it with cheaper materials, but combined with Blackstell so it was strong and light, and the frame was of Blackstell as well. I made a mask for myself that covered all of my face and back of my head, where the metal spine would connect to, except two eye holes and everything below the nose to the chin.

I flew it only once in the cover of night, I had felt so free, so careless about what was happening in the ground, it had been amazing, but I stored it afterwards for emergency use only.

One day, Gobber and my father had a large conversation about the high criminality rate in Berk, and it clicked in my head, I had super-powers, blast-shooting vocal cords, and fake wings, I could help my city, and finally discover my mother's killer. So I spoke with Fishlegs and the large man agreed to help, and so it began. I enhanced my suit with some Blackstell plates and started to patrol the city at night, flying above the buildings.

After the first few times I realized my blast took too long to fire, it would take around 5 seconds to fire a non-deadly blast, that was too long, so me and Fishlegs worked on the mask adding sensors to it that would make the cords vibrate faster meaning, it would take no more than a second to fire a blast that wouldn't kill, in addition it also made my voice different, it was still mine, it was just less nasally, a lot less nasally, and a bit less high pitched.

I began to help more people around Berk and soon the name Night Fury stuck, apparently it had been a pitch black dragon, from ancient times and it had shot blue and white fire, just like I did and so the media dubbed me that, not that I can complain it's a pretty amazing name.

I was lying on top of a wheeled plank under a car, working on it, me and Gobber had opened the car shop a couple months ago, Gobber didn't work there, just me, it wasn't very big, there was a garage only big enough for about 10 cars and there was a private room where I worked on them.

My auricular beeped and I clicked it with an oily finger, hearing Fishlegs speak.

"The police is in trouble there's a gun fight on the docks."

I wheeled out from under the car and ran to the tiled wall where I clicked specific tiles opening a door, not to a room, but a sort of closet with my winged jet pack, it was currently deactivated so there seemed to only be a thin back pack, I placed the straps around my shoulders and instantly a belt rolled around my waist where the straps connected to.

I grabbed the helmet from it's stand and put it on, on that moment the black metal spine rolled up my back and connected to the back of the mask, and I felt the new, yet familiar, muscles link to my brain, and clicked the button.

You would expect that a hatch would open upwards, but no, instead it opened under me, dropping me into the sewers where I opened my wings and flew, I took several sharp turns, and flew out of a pipe that led to a lake, I soared towards the docks.

"Which dock?" I asked remembering Fishlegs was still connected.


I turned off the auricular.

I arrived soon and saw a full out gun fight, there was a container open and a car with metal plates on it's side and top blocking the entrance, men were behind it shooting the cops, who were behind their own vehicles shooting back, I opened my mouth and shot the armored car, making it explode, it scared the gang members, I grabbed the closest one and threw him to a container.

Okay, alright I didn't actually throw him, I was barely able to lift him, I dropped him in front of me and beat my wings, the gust of winds propelling him against the large metal crate.

I went to repeat the process, but when I turned, it was calm.. eerily calm, there was no one in sight, the car still on fire, so I landed on the ground and looked around.


Out of a near by container, S.W.A.T. men started pouring out, around thirty all holding M4's, I noticed the first man to leave the hiding spot and tried not to groan, it was my uncle the captain of the police force in Berk, like my real uncle, Samuel 'Spitelout' Jorgenson, meaning my cousin, Scott 'Snotlout' Jorgenson, (I have no idea why all the 'S's) couldn't be far, I looked through the crowd of men that surrounded me and recognized his bulky build.

"Night Fury!" My uncle roared "On your knees, hands behind your head, and then removed the mask."

"So it was an ambush, that..."I accused, raising a finger,"that's actually pretty smart..." I dropped my hand to hang at my side.

"On your knees, hands behind your back and removed your mask, or we will open fire!"

"Well now you know I listen to your radi-"

"FIRE!" But as soon as he opened his mouth, his words hadn't even come out, I crouched hiding in a cocoon of my wings, the soldiers started shooting, but no bullet pierced my dragon-like wings. As soon as the firing came to an halt I opened my wings with extreme force, making them all recoil slightly, and took to the sky leaving the cops on the now quiet dock.

I flew through the sewer tunnels and the hatch opened when I came near, allowing me to enter, and removed my wings calmly, I walked into the repair room and turned on the TV, I noticed they were interviewing my cousin.

"That Night Chicken! As soon as he saw me, he fled, his wings between his legs!" I so wished I could be there to tell him that's impossible.

I let the news go on, looked outside the door to see if there was any customers, which there weren't, and laid back on the wheeled plank again, rolling under the car once more and began fixing it, as I did, I clicked my auricular and called Fishlegs.

"Hiccup, I just saw the news, are you okay?"

"Yeah, that Blackstell silk did most the work though."


"Fishlegs." My tone suddenly turned serious "They know I'm listening to their radio."

"I figured, that's a problem, we use that to see if someone needs help."

"Yeah, no kidding."

"I'll have to figure something out. I have an idea in mind, it'll take time though."

"Well, in the mean time, keep listening to the police radio, it'll be better than not helping people."

"Alright Hiccup, fly safe."


I turned the auricular off, I only used that thing to communicate with Fish, I kept my work on the car and after some minutes my phone went off, I wheeled out from under the car and took a few strides to my desk, grabbing my touchscreen phone, the image of a woman with short brown hair appeared on screen, right above the words 'Alice', my father's secretary.

"Yes, Alice?"

"Good morning Mr. Haddock," Gods I hate when people call me that, "I was just calling to remind you of the lunch you have with your father in an hour."

"Yes, I remember, thank you." Shit, I had completely forgotten about that, I thought I'd just grab a hotdog from the stand around the corner, "Just, remind me what the restaurant was please?"

"The restaurant's name is 'Dragon's Lair'. Have a nice day Mr. Haddock." And she was gone.

I went to the elevator on the back of the repair room, me and Gobber had chosen this building specifically, the rent was quite fair, it had a large garage, also for rent, and it was only two stories, the second one housing a T3 house with a huge living room, so the whole building was basically mine.

I went up to my house and dressed into my finer clothes, which were pretty much the same, just a green shirt and some black jeans, I kept my working shoes on, they were too comfortable, no way I was taking them off.

I headed off to 'Dragon's Lair' and found I was actually kind of excited to go there, it was one of the best food places in the entire city, it housed a three story building, with tables, very pricy ones at that, on the roof that had the best view of the sea, as I got there I found that I still had around twenty minutes to burn, Ah get it, you know I can shoot fire.. and yeah I'll stop with the puns, well I decided to sit down on a nearby bench and wait.

As I waited I saw a blonde girl, her hair braided and wearing a loose black suit, enter the restaurant her face was vaguely familiar, but I paid no attention to that.

I continued to wait until I saw a limo stop in front of the restaurant and knew my father had arrived, I walked up to the entrance has the driver opened his door, and he squeezed out, I tried not to laugh, letting a chuckle escape, it was a comical scene to see such a large man trying to get out of a limo with a small door. My father stood tall, but I had grown has well and could almost look him in the eye, without having to lean upwards.

"Hello son." He spoke "Let's head in, I have very important matters to discuss with you." Of course he had, I had figured he didn't want to spend father-son time together.

We were led to a table on the roof, much to my happiness, and sat near the railing, instantly I noticed the table was set for three, I felt something fishy was about to happen, and, as if on cue, the blonde woman I had seen enter the place, sat down I recognized her faster than I thought I could, the blue eyes, the pale and slightly freckled skin, the gold blonde hair, this was Astrid Hofferson, probably the only person I know that doesn't have a nickname, and my first crush, I realized, as she sat down, that she had only grown more beautiful, over the years since High School.

"I believe you two already know each other." Stoick spoke, his voice stoic and his face stone.

"Yeah, good to see you again Astrid." I spoke, with as much as a cheerful voice as I could muster at that moment, I had absolutely no idea of what was about to happen.

"Hello Hiccup." She spoke with a voice almost as emotionless as Stoick him self's and she didn't even look at me, now come on!

We ordered our food as a waiter came to receive it and Stoick talked, "Yes, Hiccup, you're aware about the criminal people call Night Fury, am I right?"

"Well, I wouldn't call him a criminal." I spoke with a calm voice, restraining myself not to shout my dad's ears off saying I was only trying to help.

"He's a criminal, he doesn't abide by the law, now I believe he wishes to harm us, so I'm hiring a bodyguard to protect you, in case he tries to hurt you."

"Dad he can shoot fire balls, you think someone can stop him? I'm not doubting Astrid abilities, but I'm just saying."

"He's a coward who hides behind a mask, any one could stop him if they really wanted too." Yeah keep telling yourself that. "Now, Astrid will watch over you 24/7 and you will do whatever she says if your safety is at risk." Damn it, I couldn't be Night Fury if she was always keeping an eye on me

I didn't answer, soon the food came and the lunch went on in silence, no one opening their mouths other than to place food in them, soon I was heading back to my shop, I needed to fix some cars and talk with Fish, we had a problem.

"Fishlegs we got a problem." I was laying on the wheeled plank under the car for the third time that day, and I was no closer to finishing the repair on the vehicle.

"What is it?"

"My father thinks Night Fury intends to hurt us, so he arranged a bodyguard to keep me safe."

"That's a problem."

"That's not even the worst part."


"It's Astrid."

"Oh boy... That girl hates your guts."

"Yeah, but that's not the problem Fish, the problem is I can't be.." I wheeled the plank from under the car and saw my bodyguard there, a large sac swung over her shoulder "...I'll talk to you later Fish..." I turned off my auricular before he could even complain, and stood up dusting my hands, I realized this was the third time I had been interrupted while fixing the car.

"You can't be what?" Astrid asked me.

"Oh, uh, nothing."

"You're hiding something."

"Me? No, you're imagining things." she glared at me, I sighed, "We should get to know each other better." I told her, she scoffed, Astrid was one of those people who had despised me even more after they had found out the 'truth' and it hurt me that she wouldn't believe that I could that.

"I'm not going on a date with you."

I blushed a bit and gulped before saying, "I never said date, I said get to know each other, so you don't fell like ripping my throat apart."

"I know exactly what you are, Henry Haddock, you're a coward, and a spoiled little brat." That stung, a lot.

"Is that really what you think of me?" I spoke softly, almost whispered.

"I know it's the truth, now show me my room."


Hi there, I have some questions to ask you in relation to this story...

1 - Do you want to see this story continue? Because I've written three stories and a one-shot, and only the one-shot came out the way I wanted it.

2 - (If you do want this story to continue) You probably noticed the lack of Toothless, well that was on purpose, I have three ideas for him, either an AI (like Jarvis), an experiment animal that can walk and talk (like Rocket, because I can totally see Toothless has a crazy black raccoon) or a normal cat? If you have any ideas for this please be sure to tell me.

3 - (If you do want this story to continue) If you have any ideas for villains, please tell me.

Now this is not important, but I came up with this idea after reading an article about Black Canary and her Canary Cry and it just gave me this idea, plus Falcon is one of my favorite heroes and I loved the idea of a wingful jat-pack from the Captain America movie, I hope the backstory makes sense, and that I didn't fail at explaining something properly.

I hope you enjoyed this and please tell me what you think.

Have a great day!