The Twelfth Doctor and Clara & Jenny [The Doctor's Daughter]
"Doctor stop putting bananas in the shopping cart" Clara said as she grabbed the bananas out the cart and laid them back with the others. The Doctor immediately made a move to grab them again but Clara stopped him shaking her head no.
"You already have enough bananas you can do without these"
The Doctor sighed. "Bananas are a good source of potassium Clara"
They continued walking through the supermarket. The TARDIS had run out of food and the Doctor didn't want to buy new food at the supermarket as he told her that 'food from restaurants count as enough food' Thankfully it had been easy for Clara to get him to join her anyway.
"Jenny stop putting so many bananas in the shopping cart" a strange voice called out. Clara nearly walked against the Doctor as he suddenly froze. She gave him a confused look as he slowly turned around.
"You okay?" She asked getting a bit worried. The Doctor's eyes widened as he saw the blond woman who was just a couple of feet away putting a lot of bananas in a shopping cart. There was also a man standing next to her looking kind of annoyed.
"You need to stop doing that" the unknown man groaned. The Doctor excitedly patted Clara on her arm.
"What?" She asked curiously turning around to look at what the Doctor was looking at.
"Look she's also doing it" before Clara could say anything the Doctor joined the blond woman and started to gather a whole pile of bananas. The blond woman kindly smiled at him as she saw what he was doing.
Clara sighed and joined the strange man.
"Doctor what did I say about the bananas" this time it was the woman's turn to freeze. She dropped all the bananas she was holding and turned around to face Clara.
"Did you say Doctor?" she asked. Clara frowned, she knew the Doctor?
"Yes? You know him?" Clara questioned curiously as she shared a look with the Doctor who was standing behind the woman and had now stopped gathering the bananas to watch the two women.
"He's my dad!" the woman excitedly exclaimed as she turned back towards the Doctor with a huge smile on her face.
"Wait hold on did you say dad?" Clara asked shocked, she did not expect to hear that right now. She knew the Doctor had children but she assumed they had all died years ago, she never expected to actually meet one.
"You're him aren't you? You regenerated?" the blond woman told the Doctor ignoring Clara. The Doctor smiled, this actually was Jenny.
"Jenny, I thought you died" He breathed before he got hugged by Jenny who threw her arms around him.
"I somehow came back alive just after you and the others disappeared" Jenny excitedly told him. She stopped hugging him and gave him a serious look.
"Where are Donna and Martha?" She asked seriously, the Doctor's happy mood immediately got replaced by a sad one.
"they are gone"
Jenny's excitement also seemed to disappear as they both serious stared at each other.
"did they?"
"No, they didn't die" the Doctor told Jenny. "They just had to go their own ways"
Jenny nodded understanding it. She then walked towards the man who was with her.
"Doctor, this is Max" she introduced the guy to him smiling a little again.
"Is this your husband?" The Doctor asked walking up to him looking as if he was inspecting him. Jenny burst out laughing. "Don't be silly, of course not. My wife is at home, Max is my brother in law"
"I'm the Doctor" the Timelord grinned at the man. Clara who was now standing next to him held out her hand and said.
"And I'm his companion Clara, good to meet you two" Max shook her hand as Jenny only gave her a huge smile. The Doctor was beaming with happiness over the fact that Jenny and Clara were here at the same time.
"Let's go meet your wife, I want to check if she's good enough for you" the Doctor told Jenny turning serious.
"Trust me she's good enough, she's a professor at a university" Jenny informed him proudly. The Doctor looked at Clara patiently as if he waited for confirmation. Clara knew how much meeting Jenny and her wife meant to him.
"Doctor, If you don't mind I'll finish shopping on my own so you can meet the wife if you want" Clara suggested watching with joy how the Doctor got really excited again.
"Have fun shopping, don't forget the bananas!" He excitedly told her as he grabbed Jenny's arm and just pulled her with him which she did not mind at all. Quickly they were gone leaving Clara and Jenny's brother in law behind.
"It was nice to meet you, at least now we can do some normal shopping" Max smiled.
"Yes indeed, have a good day" Clara said pushing her shopping cart away from the man and away from the bananas. Now it was time to do some serious shopping and she couldn't wait to get back to the Doctor and see what his reaction to Jenny's wife will be...