Amelia wakes up to the sound of machines functioning around her. At first she thinks she might've fallen asleep o call. But then she remembers; Owen's awake. She slowly squints her eyes open and lets them adjust. The sunlight is barely peeking in through the window. This tells her it's most likely around 6am, maybe a little before 7. Owen seems to be in deep sleep beside her. Their bodies is wrapped together in an embrace, just like she's missed like oxygen for the past month.

He woke up, he's safe - that's what she keeps reassuring herself inside her head. Her attempt to stay calm is unsuccessful, she has to feel his pulse. It's enough to see his chest heaving. Everything looks to be alright with him, there's nothing in particular to catch. Rational thinking can be proven to be difficult when you're hormonal. However, this is the third time she's pregnant, she's still as much of a capable surgeon as before.

She looks around the room and then out in the corridor. She dares not move, in case she wakes Owen. The hospital is slow. But by 8, rounds start and they won't get too much rest. Her body already feels like a wall of bricks - or steel, whatever applies to the statement of feeling like crap.

The pregnancy has made her tired and restless, sleep is valuable to her, now more than ever. She feels like she's sleepwalking to just get through the days. It's gotten worse because of the fact that her husband has not been by her side recently. Sometimes she's afraid for the child inside her, maybe complications from the surgery, she worries. Maybe the doctor didn't catch it. Nevertheless, her mind has been occupied to say the least.

Suddenly she spots Alex Karev out in the hallway. He looks worry free and calm. Rumors and news usually spreads like weed all over the hospital, but apparently not this time. Dr. Karev throws a short glance in the direction of her and her sleeping husband, without paying much attention. It doesn't seem like he understands what her presence means. He's oblivious. Ugh - men.

Then he stops abruptly, steps back and takes a good second glance inside the room. He stares, studies and takes it in. All of the sudden, he moves his eyes to meet hers. Alex nods his head towards Owen and raises his eyebrows. It's like he wants answers to the questions still unasked. Well, not that he could ask through the glass door.

Amelia feels herself smile widely and nod. Yes, he's awake. Alex's jaw drops in surprise and a huge grin forms on his lips. Amelia, herself, feels the miracle in her very soul. This is what she's asked for in every prayer - she's not a believer in God or anything, but she prayed anyway. This is what she's wished for every second of every day. It's happened. He doesn't remember their family or their marriage, but he's not dead. Maybe that should count for something.

After some thorough thinking she concludes it's probably best to get up. She better look through some charts before rounds. Nelson hasn't had the best track record with being primary. He's getting old and sloppy.

The idea of cancelling the days surgeries crosses through her mind. She's tired and wants nothing more than to be there for Owen. At the same time, space might be exactly the thing he needs right now.

She drags her body up slowly and plants her feet on the ground. Amelia leaves a message with the nurse; they need to round on Owen last on the floor. He needs his rest. It's far from a request in her mind. For the past years, Owen have been helping a bit with the chiefly duties. He stepped down a long time ago, but sometimes they need help in the administration. Everyone at the hospital knows him and respect him. They certainly respects his wife, as well. She's been proving herself for years. She's one of the best neurosurgeons in the country.

Amelia walks down the hallways. As she walks into the attendings' lounge she decides her scrubs sounds more comfortable - mind larger. She puts all of her belongings in her locker and starts changing clothes. She makes the mistakes of glancing at herself in the mirror during the process. She looks horrible. There's mascara around her eyes, her hair looks chaotic. She can't go to work like this. She might feel like crap, but she won't look the part, too. In the bathroom she washes her face and puts on some light makeup. Now, she's ready for all the smiles and pats on the shoulder. Most of all, she's ready to face Ollie.

Her pager goes off, only to reveal it's about Owen. A lump settles itself in her throat. Before she can dwell or freak out anymore, she sprints away as fast as she can with her current center of gravity. Two minutes later she's down on her husband's floor. Something about the silence throws her off - they paged her 911. There's no emergency, it seems. No alarm among the staff. Can he have - no -

She turns at the last corner and then she stands right in front of his room. He seems fine. Derek stands next to him, they're talking. Amelia walks in, gives Derek and dirty look and rolls her eyes. The conversations stops and she moans in annoyance. He can't be serious.

"Why the hell did you page me 911? He's not dying!" she whines. Her brother has these tendencies to piss her off. Derek chuckles while Owen takes a surprise look at his brother in law.

"You paged her 911?" he asks with an eyebrow asked. He's not amused, which tells Amelia he didn't know about it. Derek shrugs.

"Yes!" she spits and puts her arms in a cross. "I ran. I ran! I don't run. Especially not right now."

"Well, good reason to. I mean you need to -"Derek starts, but stops quickly. He hit a sore spots with his pregnant sister. Which is probably not wise. Her death glare tells him exactly so.

"Did you just call me fat?" she asks, there's a rather dangerous tone in her voice. Owen bites his lip and swallows.

"Let's update my wife, shall we?" Owen suggests. There's tension in the room, this seems to calm it down a bit.

"Of course," Derek agrees and takes a step away from the bed. "He's stable. No strokes, brain bleeds as far as I can tell. It is rather common to experience some memory loss after such an traumatizing accident. However..."

"It's not to have such a tear on the memory," Amelia finishes. This is something everyone in the room knows.

"I should probably get going," Derek mutters and starts walking away, but stops all of the sudden. "Do you need anything else?"

"Where is our daughter?"

"Day care, she's asking for you," Derek tells them and then leaves the room.

"Figured," she sighs and strokes her back. Perfect day. "How are you feeling?"

Owen's face softens and he smiles carefully at her. "I sort of freaked out when I couldn't find you, but Derek walked in mere minutes after I woke up."

Her phone rings just as Owen finishes. Amelia exhales. Perfect timing, yet again. It's Caroline from daycare. Their daughter is wondering why she's in daycare and not in preschool.

Amelia bites her inner cheek and looks at Owen. He doesn't hear the conversation, but seems to understand the urgency as he tells her to go. She hesitates at first, but leaves to go to daycare, after having kissed his cheek.