An imperious man with a frown on his face. That was Loren's first impression of his new King. King Aegon Targaryen sat on a wooden chair in the middle of his tent, a makeshift throne. Loren had heard whispers that Aegon planned to build a new throne using the swords of his enemies. This new throne would not be housed on Dragonstone, the traditional seat of House Targaryen, but in a new keep built on the mouth of the Blackwater Rush. All rumors of course. Aegon looked at Loren with disdain. Next to him stood Rhaenys, his sister-wife. She was young and very pretty. She wore a beautiful black dress and swayed her hips to the side. Loren caught her making eyes at him. He had been told that Aegon had another sister-wife, Visenya. She had rode the third dragon during the battle, but she was nowhere to be seen.
Loren was flanked by two Targaryen men-at-arms. Though they had told him he was not a prisoner, he couldn't help but feel like one. This was not helped when the two men shoved him forward, to bow before King Aegon. Loren got on one knee. "I Loren of House Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, King...former King of the Rock, swear fealty to you, King Aegon."
Aegon waited to answer, stroking his wispy mustache. Finally he spoke, with the tone of someone completely disinterested. "I accept your pledge of fealty. I will allow you to remain Lord of Casterly Rock and have your dominion over the Westerlands. I will also grant you the honor of serving me as Warden of the West."
Loren didn't respond at first, instead bowing his head as if to signify he accepted what Aegon had decreed. This apparently wasn't good enough and one of the men-at-arms kicked Loren. "You are so generous my King. I only hope that I may be able to serve you to the best of-"
Aegon waved Loren off. "Get out of my sight."
"As you wish." Loren got up and went to leave the tent, but then turned around. "King Aegon, if you don't mind me asking-"
"What!" Aegon slammed his fist on his chair.
"Your sister," said Loren. "I was told you had another sister, Visenya, but she isn't present here. Where is she?"
Aegon groaned. "She was injured during the battle. An arrow to her shoulder. She is being tended to. Now leave."
"Don't be rude dear brother." Rhaenys put her arms around Aegon's shoulders. "Loren is a loyal servant, and a handsome one at that."
Rhaenys gave Loren a smile. Loren decided it was in his best interest not to give Aegon another reason to be angry at him, and left the tent. The two men-at-arms escorted him out, giving him a few shoves. Outside the tent, the mood was triumphant. Aegon's men were busy celebrating their latest victory. Loren's men joined them, partially on Loren's orders. As one of Aegon's loyal bannermen, Loren felt it was a good idea to try and make friends with the enemy. While his men had suffered many losses at the hands of House Targaryen's dragons, they were willing to look past that if it meant being treated to Aegon's supply of wine. Loren could see one of his household knights toasting with Aegon's half-brother.
Loren headed for his tent. He was in no mood to celebrate. He had been a third son and wasn't expected to inherit. He had excepted his lot, mourning when his older brothers had died. When he was crowned, few believed Loren was prepared to rule, including himself. Loren had intended to prove them wrong and leave his mark on House Lannister. True, he would always be remembered in history, but not for the reasons he wanted. Yes, House Lannister would still rule over the Westerlands, but as vassals to a foreign King. Loren was so caught up in his thoughts, that he almost didn't notice the woman hiding behind his tent.
At first Loren thought she was a camp follower, likely trying to sneak away from a jealous man to another. However, when he got a closer look at her, Loren realized that she was wearing armor. This was a sight you didn't see everyday. She had light blonde hair, silver in fact, which she had braided. The woman's shoulder seemed to be bandaged. Loren walked up behind her. "Queen Visenya, I presume."
Visenya jumped as Loren walked up behind her. She quickly regained her composure and briefly scanned him over, noticing his gilded breastplate. "King Loren, I presume."
"Yes," said Loren. "Though, it's Lord Loren now."
"Right," said Visenya. "I'll try to remember that."
"I thought I'd see you when I bent the knee to your brother," said Loren. "I was hoping to introduce myself to my new Queen, but you were nowhere to be seen. How's the shoulder?"
"Much better," said Visenya.
"That's great to hear," said Loren.
"I suppose now that you've introduced yourself to me you want to get back to celebrating," said Visenya.
"I suppose you're right," said Loren. "I was just going to open a bottle of wine. Care to join me?"
"Of course." Visenya followed Loren into his tent. He went to a cabinet and pulled out a bottle, which he uncorked. She sat down on his bed. "Is this Arbor gold?"
"No," said Loren. "Something Lord Farmen sent me. Though he's been trying to get Fair Isle to surpass House Redwyne in the wine trade."
Loren filled a bottle with wine and handed it to Visenya. She took a sip. "Well, it seems like House Redwyne still rules over the wine trade."
"Yes," said Loren. "But you rule over House Redwyne now."
"True," said Visenya.
"To House Targaryen, may their rule never end." Loren and Visenya toasted. Soon they were downing more wine and talking about themselves. "Being the third born, I was never expected to rule. I think that was why I always wanted to be remembered in the annuls of history. Now I will be. I will forever be remembered as the Lion who knelt, the last King of the Rock, King Loren the Last."
"King Loren the Savior of House Lannister," said Visenya. "Do you think you'd have fared better if you resisted my brother?"
"No," said Loren. "I met him today. I don't even think he wanted to spare me."
Visenya looked down at her glass, twirling it in her hand. "My brother always gets what he wants. He could have had Rhaenys and I would have been married off to one of our bannermen, or some patrician in the Free Cities, or some King, but he wanted us both."
Loren didn't really know how to respond. "I see."
Visenya snorted. "I don't even know why he had to have me so much. For every one night he spends with me, he must spend ten nights with her. When he does spend his nights with me, I don't even want him. I suppose I don't have a choice in the matter."
"He must see something in you," said Loren.
"Do you see something in me?" said Visenya.
"I see a few things that would be desirable," said Loren. "Especially to your brother."
"You met my sister," said Visenya. "Tell me, how do I compare to her?"
Loren pretended to take a drink from his glass. " could say that...well..."
"See," said Visenya.
Loren sat down next to Visenya, putting his arm around her. "Yes, your sister is more desirable than you, but you have many qualities that she lacks."
"Like what?" said Visenya.
"You took a more active role in the battle." Loren pointed to Visenya's shoulder. "If you hadn't you wouldn't have gotten that. Can I see? I've had experience with battle wounds."
"Alright, it can't hurt." Visenya let Loren inspect her wound. "How is it?"
"It looks fine," said Loren. "It should heal up nicely."
"Tell me, Lord Loren," said Visenya. "If I am your Queen, what would you do for me?"
"Anything," said Loren.
"Like what?" said Visenya.
"This wound," said Loren. "If you asked, I'd stay with you all night to tend to it."
Visenya smiled. "And what else?"
"On your orders I would invade Fair Isle and prevent Lord Farmen from making anymore wine," said Loren.
Visenya laughed. "Would you commit treason?"
"If I'm following the orders of my Queen," said Loren. "It's not treason."
Visenya leaned in to Loren. "Would you kiss me if I asked? Would you take me to your bed like I was your wife? Would you make love to me like my husband is supposed to?"
The two sat there is silence for what felt like an eternity, neither daring to speak. Finally, Loren answered.
At that moment, Sansa heard a knock at the door. She quickly poured powder over what she was writing and stowed it away. "Come in."
It was Littlefinger. He noticed the ink Sansa had out. "What were you writing?"
"I was just working on my penmanship," said Sansa.
"I see," said Littlefinger. "We have guests."
"I'll be right there." Sansa got up and left with him.
He put his arm around her making her uncomfortable. "Do you mind if I see what you were writing, just to check your penmanship."
"I wasn't writing to anyone," said Sansa.
"I didn't say you were. I just want to make sure your penmanship is...appropriate." Littlefinger gave Sansa a grin that made her sick to her stomach.
"I suppose I don't have a choice in the matter," said Sansa.