You asked for it, here it is. Might make this a three-shot, but this will show the crew's reactions. Also, I want to ask if anyone could get this story into a community? That way when the Two Shot (Or three-shot) is over, it will live on :). Also, what do y'all think about the name change? I like it better.
Update: I wrote this thing out quite a bit and my PC froze. Now I gotta rewrite it. Greeeat.
Nami hadn't talked to Luffy since that night. After their Loguetown escape, they had been too busy to see each other. Now Nami was in the crow's nest, as she had volunteered to take watch duty since she knew she wouldn't sleep. Luffy almost died and it worried her, especially since they had just become official.
She had thought about it a lot. she wanted to go with him, but she also wanted to go shopping, plus she didn't really want to see the execution platform. She found it creepy.
But after hearing the news she punched him on the back of the head the first chance she got.
Sighing, she closed the navigation book she had been holding, as she wasn't even paying attention. She leaned back on the pillow her head was propped on, pulling the soft blanket over her shoulders. She rested her eyes for a minute despite not being tired before she heard someone climb up the ladder.
Luffy poked his head out from the hole, his eyes meeting hers before climbing in the nest.
"Sorry I scared you." He said, putting his head on the pillow while Nami gave him some blanket. She sighed and leaned her head on his shoulder.
"I think we should tell the crew tomorrow. No use prolonging telling them of our relationship. Besides, they would just find out eventually."
Nami nodded, that topic had been on her mind as well. Though a question came to mind, a question she had been thinking over for the last two nights.
"How are you acting so..." She tried not to sound rude, but couldn't come up with a better phrase. Luffy seemed to know what she was thinking.
"Smart? Let me see how I can explain..."
Luffy closed his eyes, and Nami almost thought he was falling asleep until he opened them and looked down at her.
"You see..usually I don't use my brain on my decisions. My brain gives me doubts if I think about it too much so I trust my instincts and emotions. My emotions may be simple but I find them more accurate. I simply don't like to think. I only think when I'm coming up with fighting strategies and when I need to give a speech to motivate the crew. Right now I feel that it's needed for me to use my brain."
Will I ever get used to this? Nami thought to herself as she pondered his words. They had a point, she always used her brain and it was always telling her to run. It was only when she really had to fight that she did, and even then her Bo-Staff could only do so much. It explained why Zoro, Luffy, and Sanji were never afraid to charge in even if they didn't have a chance, while her and Usopp (usually) ran without second thought.
I always knew he was extraordinary, but I always thought of him as a dense guy who had his moments. Luffy is truely something else, I can't seem to understand him. He's an amazing man..
"I think I understand." She said finally. Before she could continue, however, they heard someone else come up the ladder. Before they could even move a finger, Zoro popped his head up, not even a trace of surprise on his blank face.
"Shut up and don't bother explaining." He said before they could speak a word. Zoro crawled into the tiny crow's nest.
He was forced to lay a few inches from Luffy, which he found too close for comfort, but had no choice. After all, the crow's nest wasn't built for three people. Ignoring Nami's slight blush, he began to explain.
"I saw you two the other night. I had gotten hot in the Men's Quarters and came outside to sleep. I was laying against the main building behind some crates when I heard you come out, Nami, and then Luffy followed close by."
Zoro leaned his back against the wall of the main building with his hands behind his head, feeling the cool night air against his face. He lay like that for several minutes, being completely aware of his surroundings despite being asleep. However, he opened an eye and peered past the crates, revealing Nami walking to the front of the ship.
He didn't think much of it, but when he heard the "pat pat" sound of Luffy's sandals, he couldn't help but watch. He saw as they talked, not able to pick up exact words but saw as they turned to each other, both very close.
He saw them speak before they kissed, wrapping each other in an embrace. He smirked, leaning back against the wall. He'd seen enough.
"I knew it would happen sooner or later."
End Flashback
Nami's blush grew, a deep crimson red as Zoro continued.
"It was obvious to me. Think of it this way. He let you wear is straw hat. The rest of the crew isn't even allowed to touch it. By then it was obvious to me that he had a thing for you. Luckily Usopp and the shitty cook didn't pick it up. By the way, Luffy, whenever you do tell them, expect a few kicks from dartboard-brow."
Luffy shrugged. "I know. But it doesn't matter. Sanji will get over it eventually. Besides, when we get another girl in the crew he'll just swoon over her like always."
Nami had to chuckle at this, remembering when he tried to flirt with Nojiko only to be knocked out cold.
Afterwards they sat in silence, Zoro fallikg asleep with Nami cuddling Luffy. Luffy had his eyes closed, but his breathing wasn't as steady like Zoro's, letting her know he was awake. Nami continued to stare at the night sky, trying to find various constellations in the stars.
"I'd say it's about three in the morning. Zoro, we should probably get back to the Men's Quarters." Luffy said, turning to Zoro with his eyes now opened. Zoro nodded while Nami pouted a bit. Zoro retreated down the latter, followed by Luffy, but not before he gave Nami a quick kiss goodnight.
The crew was woken by Sanji calling for breakfast. Of course, Luffy zoomed out of the room and into the kitchen, launching himself into his chair with his mouth wide open and his tongue sticking out, while pounding his fists on the table.
Sanji laid out a large plate stacked with sausages and eggs with toast, all sprinkled with seasoning while he gave everybody else a smaller helping.
"NAMI SWAAAAN, I MADE YOU A DELICIOUS SMOOTHIE TO HAVE WITH BREAKFAST." Sanji swooned with hearts in his eyes. Zoro and Usopp groaned, as they only had juice to drink (In Zoro's case, Sake)
"Hey shitcook, make yourself useful and make us some of that."
"Make me, Marimo (Moss head)"
"What did you call me, dartboard brow?!"
"You heard me, shitty swordswoman. Why don't you hide yourself over that bandanna, make yourself useful for once."
"You wanna fight, blondie?!"
"Bring it on."
The two were interrupted by Nami, who punched them hard in the back of the head.
"SHUT UP!" She yelled, while Sanji jumped up and danced around her.
After a loud groan from Zoro, and a glare at him from Sanji, everyone finished their meal, each one having to block Luffy's outstretched hand from stealing food off their plates.
As everyone began to walk out, Luffy blocked the doorway. This made everyone slightly shocked, this wasn't like Luffy. He pointed at the table and they sat back down. Nami and Zoro picked up on what he was doing rather quickly, while Sanji and Usopp didn't have a clue.
"Everyone, I have something I need to say..." Luffy said, standing in front of the dining table. "I'm in a relationship.." Nami walked up and held his hand, but let him finish. This action made Sanji gasp dramatically while Usopp opened his mouth slightly. "..with Nami."
What happened next was quite bizarre.
Usopp was just sitting there with his eyes popping out of their sockets while Sanji lay on the ground, pounding the ground with his fist.
"Of everyone she could have chosen...it had to be our shitty captain. Wait. YOU THREATENED HER DIDN'T YOU, SHITTY RUBBER MAN?!" Sanji jumped up and tried to strike Luffy in the temple with a spinning kick, only to have Luffy grab it with one hand. His hat covered his eyes, and his mouth was a disapproving frown.
Sanji was awestruck. Even for Luffy, grabbing his leg mid-kick like that was not easy to do. "HE DIDN'T THREATEN ME, WHO DO YOU THINK HE IS?!" Nami yelled, while Sanji saw her point. He tried desperately to find some answer, but none of them Luffy would do. He settled for laying on the ground with tears flooding out of his eyes, pounding the ground while everyone sweatdropped.
"Ah..well, to be honest, you guys are kind of cute together." Usopp said after getting over the initial shock. Luffy flashed a grin, his hat no longer covering his eyes.
You guys wouldn't believe how many times my shitty laptop crashed or Chrome shut down and I had to restart.
It's done though. Chapter 2 is written. Now to re-name the story and the other chapter.