Victor Stats:

Name: Declan Diarmuid

District: 5

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Kills: Kitana Striker (1)

Preferred Weapon: Sword

Training Score: 9

Height: 6'4

Weight (Before the Games): 139lb

Weight (After the Games): 110lb

Appearance: Lean with muscle, tall, thin, light complexion, wide almond shape eyes with a sultry green color, medium sized nose, small-medium sized ears, pale pink lips that are slightly puffed, short dark, straight brown hair, strong brows, defined chin/cheek bones, and attractive.

Game Stats:

Year: 25th

Length: 14 Days

Most Kills: Kitana Striker, 5 kills (Allius, Mase, Stabby, Vixen, and Janet)

Youngest Tribute(s): Saad Bindsy and Athena Wolfshire (13)

Oldest Tribute(s): Maeve Alexis Saunders and Declan Diarmuid (18)

Most Common Age(s): 17

Final Standings:

24th: Brea Cadwell

23rd: David Tyler

22nd: Miles Brandt

21st: Allius Louis Dane

20th: Gabe Kenton

19th: Maeve Alexis Saunders

18th: Lia Fidelio

17th: Ava Birch

16th: Mase Nary

15th: Carty Ferrary

14th: Astrid

13th: Melisande Bylings

12th: Trinity Belnot

11th: Jacoby Wilsons

10th: Alan Swanson

9th: Stabby Needle

8th: Marlin Rivers

7th: Saad Bindsy

6th: Athena Wolfshire

5th: Vixen Rucker

4th: Alexander Rivers

3rd: Janet Berinski

2nd: Kitana Striker

1st: Declan Diarmuid

Thank you to everyone who read and reviewed this story. It was an honor writing your tributes out and I love all of you for submitting and continuing to read. I've gotten a lot of tips from all of you and it's helped out a lot! Congrats, Chayse for winning. Sorry if you guys didn't win, or were disappointed. I tried my best to pick a Victor and I ended up choosing in the wrong way, but I'm happy with the Victor and I hope you guys are too.

I've got a new SYOT called Second Chance, so hopefully you guys submit! I'd love to see your tributes! I'll see you all later, bye! :)