Derek stands tense at the back door of the Sheriff's house, his eyes red with fury at the nerve of this unwelcome and unannounced pack for threatening their home. Stiles is beside him, his long fingers tracing the triskle tattoo through the black fabric of Derek's Henley. He wraps his free hand around Derek's bicep and noses his shoulder. Some of the tension leaks out of Derek's shoulders at the gesture as Stiles knew it would.
They stand there for a long moment simply listening to the sounds of the night. Stiles can feel the charge of electricity in the air, smell the scent of rain in the distance as it nears their town. They hadn't been expecting a storm but it was coming. A flash of lightening in the distance catches his eye briefly before Derek's hand rests on the one Stiles has wrapped around Derek's bicep.
"Well, we knew this would happen sooner or later," says the Sheriff. "I was really hoping for later. We already have a lot on our plates here."
The Sheriff's standard issue police weapon has been replaced by the one he keeps for supernatural emergencies. Stiles can smell the wolfsbane bullets fifteen feet away.
"They will not get past my boundaries even if they try," Stiles reassures. "They are circling right now, trying to get Derek to attack first."
"Are you sure that isn't Boyd and the rouge Alpha?" asks the Sheriff.
"Positive," Derek and Stiles say in unison. Derek looks at Stiles and they smile at each other for a brief moment despite the threat lurking outside.
The Sheriff taps anxious fingers against his weapon. In the living room the rest of the pack sit anxious while exchanging worried looks with one another. They have never been up close and personal with a threat like this before. Never witnessed the violence of a true fight for territory. Stiles is surrounded by the thick stench of fear in the house. He is sure the other pack can smell it.
Derek turns Alpha eyes on Stiles.
"The Sheriff should stay in the house with the rest of the pack behind the boundaries of your protection. They have made it clear that they are not leaving without a confrontation. The Sheriff will be the first one they attack if he isn't protected."
"I can hold my own, Derek."
The Sheriff's tone doesn't hold so much offense as it does exhaustion.
"Yes, with a gun," Derek says. "I don't want you discharging your weapon if we can help it. Civilians can ignore the howls of animals, not gun shots."
"Well, except that there is supposed to be a distinct lack of wolves in California," quips Stiles. "Other than that..." he shrugs his shoulders with a small grin.
Derek rolls his eyes.
"The pack needs to stay in the house. The others will kill them if they step outside the boundaries.
"I've got that covered," Stiles says. "No one is leaving the house even if they wanted to."
"Dude," Scott says from the doorway, "Exactly how powerful are you?"
Stiles takes a deep breath and turns to Scott. His face is serious and he knows Scott worries about him fighting wolves even though Stiles is capable of leveling an entire pack if he wishes.
"I don't know," he says honestly. "It is always growing, always changing."
"Can't you just magic away the threat?" he asks. "I mean, I've seen you with Deaton. Surely—."
"I probably could, but we want to prove that we are strong as a pack. Strong enough to fight without my abilities. Besides, why would we reveal all of our cards on the first fight? No one including the Argents need to know what I can do. Not yet. Not ever, if we can help it. The stronger I am the bigger of a target I'll have on my back. Hunters will worry that I am to powerful to be safe for the humans. Power like mine hasn't ever existed here before. Other packs will want me as theirs or they will want me dead."Derek growls at that last statement. The vibrations running down Stiles' spine as he smiles. "We will fight this the old fashion way, Scotty; with claws, fangs and knives. I feel an alpha, three betas and two omegas. Derek?"
"The same. The omegas won't stick around once we confront them. After that it is just the three. You and Scott handle the betas. I'll handle the Alpha. Sheriff, give Talia a call and put her in the loop but tell her not to intervene unless necessary."
The Sheriff nods and pulls out his phone to do just that.
"Ok, let's do this then," Stiles says. "Sheriff, stand point at the door. If you see one of us get in too deep you take the shot if you have it."
"Scott," Derek addresses, "Are you going to be able to handle this? Stiles and I can manage if you want to hang back."
Scott is staring straight out into the night with one of the angriest looks Stiles has ever seen on his face in both worlds.
"They are threatening my pack. I can handle this," Scott says a low growl to his under his words.
Stiles' eyebrows have found his hairline and Derek is impressed at Scott's protectiveness. Derek's face shifts into his Alpha form and Stiles wraps his fingers around the cold wooden hilts of his knives as they step out into the night. They stride confidently toward the tree line . The wolfsbane lacing Stiles' blades wafts out into the night carried by the wind that has begun to pick up around them, moonlight glinting off the clean blades. His magic is crackling around him but he reins it in.
Scott never wanted them to kill. Never wanted to take a life if it could be spared. Neither did Stiles, but the difference was that Stiles understood better than anyone that not everyone could be saved. Sometimes letting one enemy live meant losing everyone in the future. Stiles didn't have room for mistakes like that in this world.
The howls have stopped, silence enveloping them as they stare out into the inky black shadows of the forest. Stiles and Derek know that the Alpha is close they can feel him near—waiting for the right moment to strike. They can hear rustling of the leaves and Stiles' eyes snap to their left.
The Alpha barrels out of the trees with red eyes and a snarl. It isn't anyone that Stiles has ever seen before. The betas that follow are also unfamiliar. The thought of so many unknown faces unsettle him as he watches them snap and snarl at his pack. He wants to kick himself for allowing himself to become complacent with familiar faces of their past. He has to remember that they can't always rely on their past as a blueprint. Things here are so familiar but so utterly different at the same time. Assumptions are dangerous and Stiles needs to stop assuming he is going to recognize all the faces of their enemies here.
Stiles waits for the arrival of the omegas but it doesn't come. They hang back in the trees keeping themselves hidden for reasons that Stiles can only speculate. He reaches out with magic. He can feel their uneasiness at the situation, their youth, most importantly their fear. Stiles definitely doesn't see them joining this fight.
"A pack of three," snarls the Alpha. "A human, a baby wolf, and a stupid Alpha hiding behind emissary wards."
Stiles rolls his eyes and pulls back his boundaries so that they are several feet behind them. Next to him Derek growls lowly.
"Our pack doesn't hide and you should be careful. By encroaching on our territory you have encroached on Talia Hale's territory. Her pack have held this land for generations. We urge you to turn back."
The Alpha laughs— an ugly sound deep in his throat. Stiles looks at his worn jeans and dirty light blue sweater. His blond hair is greasy and his face unshaven giving away the unkempt state of his pack. His betas present in the same way. They are grasping at straws and they thought Derek would be an easy target for territory.
"The only thing I am going to do is bite your precious human!" The Alpha lunges for Stiles and Derek roars in fury as he tackles him to the ground. Claws start to fly and Stiles makes sure to keep tabs on Derek as his own attackers approach.
The betas waste no time following in their Alpha's wake. A black haired female barrels right for Stiles. Scott is ready to pounce but Stiles shakes his head nodding to the other two betas running behind her.
She swipes at Stiles but he ducks under arm, rolls to his feet and comes up behind her faster than he knows she thought was possible for a human. Stiles slashes his blades across her back leaving a bloody X in their wake. She screams in agony as she falls to her hands and knees before rolling back to her feet.
Eyes shining bright blue, fangs bared, she lunges again with a roar. Stiles charges. He slides low knocking her feet out from under her. She falls with a heavy thud next to him. Stiles plunges his knives into her back once more. She screams when he jerks them back out.
Behind him he can tell Scott is struggling with the two betas. The tall gangly blond, most likely a sister to the Alpha, has his arms pinned as another male delivers punches and swipes. Scott is making good use of his feet at blocking but he needs help.
Stiles rolls back to his feet. The beta follows but she sways as she strikes at him with her claws. Stiles grabs her arm and brings it down quick and hard across his knee. The snap of bone is a sickening sound as it echoes into the night. She falls to the ground, the wolfsbane having worked too far through her system, impeding her healing. The bones of her arm are protruding from the skin and the smell of blood and defeat are heavy in the air. Her eyes fall shut.
Behind him Scott cries out as the male beta slashes his claws down one of his legs. Stiles turns and rushes the beta from behind before the other can call out a warning. He buries both of his knives up to the hilt in the male beta's sides that is attacking Scott. Before the beta can react he jerks them out, the hooked edges ripping and tearing further as they are removed. The beta roars and turns to swipe at Stiles. Stiles blocks the arm and twists it violently behind the beta's back the shoulder dislocating with a loud pop.
Derek must have been watching Stiles as close as Stiles was watching Derek as they fought because when the dark haired female Beta tries to attack Stiles from behind right before Stiles turns and sinks a dagger into her sternum Stiles can feel the claws rip through his sides as clear as if it were happening to him and not Derek.
Stiles yanks his blade free from her and doesn't hesitate before turning and throwing it with a cold look. The blade lodges itself directly into the center of the opposing Alpha's esophagus. The stunned alpha falls to his knees blood pooling around him on the forest floor. The gurgling sound that fills the space around them is horrific. Even if the blade could be removed without tearing out the Alpha's throat the wolfsbane will have him dead in only a few moments. Stiles knows that he has killed him. Knows that if he was a wolf his eyes would be beginning to fade to red.
The beta holding Scott stills as she takes in the sight of her fallen pack mates—her Alpha choking on his own wolfsbane filled blood. Scott uses the distraction to twist out of the blonde beta's hold and punches her square in the jaw. She doesn't fight back once she falls to her knees. Her eyes are on her Alpha. The other two betas are looking on horrified from their own knees at the same sight.
"You really should submit," Stiles says in a voice so calm it gives even Derek chills. "The little human uses wolfsbane laced knives and those of you still alive don't have much time left to counter it."
Derek roars louder than Stiles has ever heard him. Until now, he has only ever heard one alpha with a roar that loud. The heads of all three Beta's drop instantly.
"Take your Alpha and get the hell out of my territory. Go!"
The Betas help each other scramble back into the woods, dragging the body of their dead Alpha with them. Derek watches for a moment before turning around and looking at Stiles who is absolutely furious.
"What the hell did you think you were doing taking your eyes off that Alpha?" Stiles yells.
Derek's quiet as he watches Stiles. He hasn't seen him mad like this before. He has seen him distraught, angry, protective, almost everything except furious like he is now. Derek can feel the energy coming off him in waves and he doesn't know what he should be doing. He is afraid to come closer not with Stiles' magic so unstable at this level of anger. If Stiles eyes could glow red he knows they would.
"I was fine. I knew she was behind me, Derek. I knew. Do you understand that? I was watching her just like I was watching you! She wasn't going to hurt me not like that Alpha could have hurt you because you were distracted!" Stiles grabs at his own hair and lightning flashes in the sky followed by a loud crack of thunder.
Derek wonders if it was convenient timing or Stiles himself but can't really bring himself to dwell on it when Stiles is stalking toward him. He watches as Stiles huffs out an angry breath before grabbing Derek's face firmly in both hands. His world tilts just a little on its axis when Stiles looks into his eyes with such conviction it takes his breath away.
"Do you understand what would happen if I lost you Derek?" Derek can't bring himself to look away from Stiles' direct gaze. His hands find Stiles' waist and he squeezes. "Everything ends. Everything. You are the only thing holding me together. That sounds horribly codependent and unhealthy but it doesn't matter because it is true. You and I break every law nature ever set by being here together and nothing and no one in the entirety of existence gives a damn because we are the only thing that stand between this place and complete chaos."
Stiles brings one hand away from Derek's face to push up the sleeve of Derek's marked arm. He momentarily traces the patterns before lacing their fingers firmly together. The magic rips through them causing the markings to illuminate an electric blue that shines through the fabric of Derek's sweater. Derek finds himself entranced by Stiles' bare arm the Navy, short-sleeve t-shirt doing little to hide his markings.
"I've been seeing Lydia," Derek's eyes snap back to Stiles'. "Our Lydia. She started showing up in my dreams after a week of being here. I didn't pay it any mind at first. I thought it was just my mind playing tricks on me—grief from losing everyone. But then I started seeing her in my sessions with Deaton— watching us — and then I started seeing what she saw." Stiles pauses and the hand on Derek's face moves down to rest at his pulse point.
"I can see what she predicts in the next moments. I saw the Alpha ripping out your throat, Derek. I saw Lydia standing over you screaming with tears in her eyes. I threw the knife on instinct. There was no other path, no other option. It was you or the Alpha because you were so focused on me that you let your guard down." Derek still can't bring himself to speak as thunder crashes around them. "This world doesn't have just one trigger that sets everything spiraling off into oblivion. It has several and I am one of them.
"I don't know how but Lydia managed to find some way of getting to us. Finding a way of helping us which honestly doesn't surprise me. I would have been more surprised if she didn't." Stiles lets Derek's hand fall as he reaffirms his grip on Derek's face. The light of their marks fades away leaving them shrouded in the shadows once more.
"Coming here changed her abilities or maybe it was death. I don't know. All I know is that the stronger my magic gets the more I see her and the more she is capable of showing me, and what she showed me tonight is that we have the same potential of destroying this place as saving it if we are not careful. The only way this works is if we are together. We are each other's balance."
Derek's emotions are running high from adrenaline and shock. He can feel the blood dripping heavily from his wounds as he stands there warring with himself on how to react to this situation. More than anything he wants to pull Stiles' lips to his own and kiss him until they can't from lack of oxygen.
"Why didn't you tell me?" he finds himself asking instead.
"Because I wasn't entirely sure it was real until tonight. I thought maybe she was something my magic created, but then I heard her calling my name and cursing the moment you got hurt and I knew it was her. My brain isn't that creative with her memory. Then I saw what she was seeing and I knew it wasn't just in my head. Derek," Stiles pauses and looks away for the shortest of moments, "it isn't just that I can't lose you. It's also that I never want to."
Derek's internal war stops and just like that he knows what he is going to do next. He tightens his grip on Stiles' waist and presses their lips together for the first time. Everything stops as Stiles kisses him back with something that can only be described as a purpose. The worlds melt away as Stiles slips his tongue across Derek's.
The wind around them picks up as their lips move with each others. The thunder is still crashing and the lightening striking across the sky but none of it matters as Stiles' long fingers grasp at Derek's hair and magic swirls around every part of them. This was what they had been waiting for since before they died. Everything built up to this moment.
"Um, guys?" Scotts voice calls hesitantly bringing Derek partially back to earth. "Guys!" Derek and Stiles both pull away from each other at the sound of Scott's frantic voice.
The wind is swirling around them dangerously. Scott is having a hard time staying right side up as he yells to them from only a few feet away. Derek had forgot he was there witnessing their exchange.
"I'm real glad you guys managed to figure this out and all but could you maybe stop crating a tornado with your pent up sexual frustration please?"
Stiles immediately goes red in the face and the wind dies down abruptly. Which definitely answers Derek's question from earlier. Stiles rubs at the back of his neck shyly and studies the ground.
"Okay," he says awkwardly. "So, what do we want to do about the pair of omegas who are standing no less than 200ft away that are injured and scared shitless right now?"
Derek sighs deep in his chest. He kisses Stiles' temple before letting him go to turn and face the tree line once more.
"We know you are out there. You might as well show yourselves," Derek says. "As long as you don't attack we will hear you out."
Two identical sets of footfalls begin to near the edge of the tree line. They are labored and the heartbeats accompanying them are a bit too fast to be healthy. Stiles pushes his boundaries out in front of them as a precaution. He isn't sure what is going on here.
When the two drag themselves out of the shadows Stiles stomach plummets and he reaches up to grab Derek's arm for support. The two people he is looking at are not people he expected to see to be honest. Not here. Not with the chain of past events.
Aiden and Ethan are leaning heavily on each other. Breathing strenuous and scents over ridden with fear. As they get closer Stiles can see the source of the problem. They both have gunshot wounds. Ethan in his left leg, Aiden in his side. Wolfsbane in nature the wounds are causing quite a bit of trouble if the black residue around Aiden's mouth is anything to go by. Their clothes are dirty and ripped. Scratches and bruises indicated days of torture with aconite running through their systems.
Stiles reaches into his pocket and brings out a small pouch. He tosses the contents into the air. A circle of mountain ash surrounds the twins. They look startled as Stiles approaches. He wants a closer look at their wounds, but he doesn't want to chance the swipey claws of desperate omegas. He doubts they would hurt him in this state. It would be suicide for them, but he isn't taking any chances in this universe. They had killed their entire pack in his world to become Alphas. He doesn't know what they are capable of here.
"Let me see," he says softly. "You don't look like you have a lot of time so I would suggest cooperating."
The twins collapse onto the soft grass inside the circle. Aiden lifts up his tattered shirt while Ethan rips open the leg of his jeans. The black veins traveling up their bodies toward their hearts reminds him a lot of the time Derek pleaded with him to chop off his arm. Stiles pushes his magic out an into the wounds momentarily halting the spread of the poison.
"I can only hold it in place for so long so you better do some quick explanations about why you arrived with a pack intent on killing us," Stiles says.
"We didn't," Ethan says. "It was bad timing. We heard about an Alpha in Beacon Hills sharing territory with Talia Hale. We figured you would be building a pack and we weren't particularly fond of ours."
"That's an understatement," mutters Aiden. "They are assholes."
Ethan nods in agreement and watches worriedly as Aiden wipes at the inky gunk on his lips.
"We were on our way to approach you properly when we ran across some hunters a couple counties over. We didn't do anything we swear to you. They attacked us the moment they realized what we were. They tortured us for days before we managed to escape. We didn't mean any disrespect by arriving this late or unannounced but we didn't have a lot of time after getting shot," explains Ethan.
"We figured you were our best bet on survival," Aiden says. "Everyone knows Talia Hale has a treaty with the Argents. We figured that would extend to you and you would have access to bullets that could help us."
Stiles looks to Derek who nods his head in agreement. They were not letting the twins die.
"We haven't exactly worked things out with the Argents yet, but we can help you," Stiles says as he stands and breaks the mountain ash barrier.
"Sheriff," Stiles calls.
The Sheriff comes jogging over with worry etched on his face.
"Clean off the kitchen table and break open a couple of your wolfsbane bullets. We are offering these two omegas sanctuary," Derek announces.
They basically drag the twins into the house. The rest of the pack is gathered around in the kitchen. Jaws hang open as they stare at the injured being carted in. Derek and Stiles lay Aiden down on the table first since his wound is closest to his heart. Derek makes quick work of slicing off his shirt with his claws as Stiles grabs a pair of pliers from under the sink.
"Sheriff, I am going to need you to set that wolfsbane on fire and give me the ash as soon as I get this bullet out."
"Are you sure his bullets will work?" Ethan asks as he slides down the wall beside the back door collapsing on the floor."
"It is the same type of bullet," Derek says. " I can smell it. Standard in the hunting community."
By this point Stiles can't keep the poison from spreading so he has to work quickly as the black veins travel further up toward Aiden's heart. The wolf's eyes are flashing yellow off and on and that is definitely interesting. The twins he knew had always had blue eyes. Eyes that had taken many lives.
As Stiles gets ready to dig into the wound with the pliers Aiden starts throwing up more back goo and they have to roll him onto his side so he doesn't choke. Several exclamations of disgust ring out at the sight. The new pack members are watching on in abject horror as they get a dose of what this life entails.
"Shouldn't you sterilize those first?" asks Lydia as she looks at the black vomit on the floor then to Aiden.
"No time. The poison is almost to his heart. He'll be fine," Stiles says as he digs out the bullet. "He is a werewolf. The least of his worries is a pair of rusty kitchen pliers."
The bloody bullet falls onto the floor with a tiny clatter and a splatter of blood.
"Scott, help me hold him down," Derek commands as he holds down Aiden's upper half.
Stiles helps pin him with his magic as Scott holds down his legs. Stiles scoops up some of the ash the Sheriff sat on the table and crams it into the bullet wound. Aiden screams and thrashes and Stiles is pretty sure that crack meant they owed the Sheriff a new table. Then the black veins disappear and Aiden is left panting on the broken table as the wound heals before their eyes.
Stiles doesn't waste any time as he moves over to Ethan who has let his head loll back against the wall. He has already dug out the bullet in his thigh with his claws. It lies in a bloody pool on the kitchen tile next to his bloody, clawed hand. Stiles gently lowers him to the floor and Derek and Scott take their places.
"Just do it," Ethan mutters.
Stiles goes through the same process that leaves Ethan panting and unconscious on the floor as his body heals itself before their eyes.
"Holy shit," says Jackson. "What the hell happened to them?"
"Hunters captured them and tortured them. They managed to escape but they got shot with wolfsbane bullets. They almost didn't make it," Derek says as he looks at Erica and Isaac.
"They didn't do anything to provoke them. They just ran into hunters that don't follow the code. Is this still a price you are willing to pay?"
Erica and Isaac look at each other and then back to Derek. They nod their heads. If they still wanted everything despite the risks. Derek and Stiles weren't going to argue.
"Why are they still unconscious? I thought Werewolves had super healing," Jackson says.
"They were tortured for days. They were mostly likely drugged with heavy doses aconite and strung up on an electrified fence if I had to guess. Hunters are very fond of electrocution. The wolfsbane does quite the number on a werewolf. If they were exposed to it for a long period of time then it will take them a day or more to get back to normal."
They spend the next hour cleaning up the kitchen and settling Aiden and Ethan up in the guest room that Stiles lines with mountain ash as a precaution. Later, in the living room the pack is chattering away. The conversations going several different directions. Derek and Stiles stand just outside the room. Stiles buries his nose in Derek's neck and just breathes for a little while. Derek's arms wrap around his waist and pull him tight to Derek's chest. They stay like that for several minutes. Simply enjoying the comfort the embrace brings to them both. Stiles magic, previously restless under his skin settles into a low, comfortable hum while Derek nearly goes boneless.
Just as they pull apart Isaac comes out of the living room. He is avoiding eye contact as usual staring at a speck of dirt near the stairs.
"I-I missed my curfew," he says. "I was supposed to be home 2 hours ago. My dad is going to be furious."
"Isaac you don't have to go back there. You know that right?" Stiles asked as he puts a comforting hand on his shoulder. "You never have to go through that again. You have us now."
Isaac looks close to tears. "I-I have to go back to get my stuff and I—you have a full house tonight."
"You can stay with me tonight," Jackson says as he comes up behind Isaac. He looks seriously at Stiles and Derek. "My parents won't mind and I owe you one after what a dick I have been. We will sneak in and get your things tomorrow."
Isaac is just staring at him dumbfounded with reddening cheeks.
"Okay," Derek says. "But that mean Isaac needs to have a conversation with the Sheriff before you leave. You two stick together. I don't want you going off on your own. We have more than the Rogue to worry about now as you have seen. We will come with you both tomorrow to get your stuff," Derek says. "That's an order."
Jackson nods firmly. He isn't going to challenge Derek on the matter. Gaining his trust is important. Stiles and Derek Watch and Jackson put a hand on Isaac's shoulder and leads him over to the Sheriff.
"Kid has something he needs to talk to you about," Jackson says and he pats him on the back and goes over to sit with Danny and Scott.
"No one goes home alone tonight," Derek announces. "There are too many threats on the board. Buddy up and keep your phones on and charged."
They don't protest. Scott and Danny pairing up quickly, followed by Lydia and Erica. Finally the night comes to a much needed end as everyone files out of the house leaving Stiles and Derek standing in the living room alone as the Sheriff had left to file a report for Isaac.
Stiles is held tight in Derek's arms as Derek noses at his neck. He doesn't know how long they have been clinging to each other. Time wasn't important to them as they reveled in each other's presence.
"I wanted them dead," Stiles mumbles into Derek's shoulder. "I wanted them dead for even thinking about hurting any of you."
Derek tightens his hold. "I know, so did I."
Stiles pulls back to look Derek in the eye.
"We are connected in so many ways," Stiles says softly as his fingers trace the patterns on Derek's arm. "I don't think we could ever truly lose each other even if we tried. But before all of this—before we lost them—when I was still just a human I couldn't imagine losing you then. I knew it was possible, but I couldn't stand the thought of it."
"I know," Derek says his hands coming to rest on the sides of Stiles' neck. His thumbs trace along his jaw line, rubbing against the five o'clock shadow that has began. "You stayed. No matter what you never let go and I—I didn't want to be anywhere else but with you, but everyone—it always ended badly for me. Kate, Jennifer—"
Stiles presses his forehead against Derek's their noses touching.
"I would never hurt you, Derek."
"I couldn't bring myself to take the chance. Not if it meant I could lose what we had."
"Then we agree that this," Stiles motions between them, "all happened before."
"Way before," Derek confirms.
"Good," Stiles pulls back to look into Derek's eyes.
Derek laughs and Stiles is mesmerized at how it sparkles in his eyes. Stiles can't help but to brush his lips against Derek's. The kiss is soft despite how long awaited. Stiles hands find Derek's hips as the kiss deepens. They are lost in each other as they stand there oblivious to everything except each other. When they finally pull away Stiles laughs the sound soft and low.
Derek raises a brow at him in question.
"You have Danny scared to even look at me."
Red bleeds into Derek's eyes as he thumbs at Stile's pulse point.