As some of you may have noticed, I deleted the first Scrappy Galore promo, which was over a year ago. Well, since Nightmares is coming to a close, I'm releasing a new promo just before Scrappy Galore officially is published.
Lord Candycane, Witchy, and Peterbelly sit in a tavern.
Peterbelly: So, my story's coming to a close? It was fun while it lasted. So, what's this I hear about a Scrappy Galore?
Lord Candycane: It's my new story. It's about the scrapped racers and their conflicts with the Sugar Rush Racers.
Peterbelly: I never really did learn the names of the scrappies, though.
Lord Candycane: Don't worry, it's explained in the first chapter. However, I have an announcement to make.
Witchy: Yes?
Lord Candycane: Creamy won't be appearing.
Witchy and Peterbelly: WHAT?!
Witchy: You wrote her out?! But I thought she'd be the main villain!
Lord Candycane: I have that covered. Creamy has fulfilled her role in my previous stories, but now it is time for a new villain to take the reigns.
Witchy and Peterbelly:...Who?
Lord Candycane just grins.
Far off, in the Glitched Candy Tree Forest, a glowing figure sits on a double-striped branch, but it doesn't break.
The figure opens her hand, and a swirling vortex of electricity appears over her palms. She grins.
The Figure: They have no idea...
Sure, it was short, but Scrappy Galore will be published in a matter of a couple days. So, stay tuned.