A New Tune To Dance To part 2
By Lady Bulma

Disclaimer: I do not own any part of Dragon Ball Z or Final Fantasy 8.


Bra studied herself in the mirror one last time. She was dressed casual, yet nice. Trunks banged on her door. "Hey Goten is here. Be nice to him Bra. The only reason why I am letting him do this is because I feel bad about Paris. Otherwise I would have killed him for taking you to a movie."


"Yeah right, like I believe that. Come on he is waiting."

"Okay, okay! Let me put my shoes on." She quickly put on her shoes and followed her brother down the stairs. ~An evening alone with Goten! Oh my Dende!~ She was all grins. Goten looked at her approching figure. He smiled at her. Vegeta came into the room scowling.

"If you hurt her I swear by Dende that I will KILL you! Do you understand?!" Goten was about to answer when Bulma stepped infront of Vegeta.

"Don't even think about it Veggie! I won't allow it. You will behave or else!"

"Or else what?!"

"The couch will be your bed for a year and you will never see the gravity room again!" Vegeta scowled and gave up. He hated it when Bulma could black mail him like that. Goten looked nervously between the couple. Bra smiled and gave her father a good bye kiss. She then followed Goten out the door. Goten put his arm around her and they walked her down to the movie theater. Bra was turning every shade of red. He looked down at her and smiled. She smiled back up at him.

"It has been awhile since we have hung out just you and me. So what movie do you wanna see?"

"Whatever you want."

"How about Final Fantasy 8. I heard it was exposed to be good."

"That sounds great." They bought their tickets and sat down. Goten didn't bother to buy food. He wasn't very hungry for some reason. All he wanted to do was be with her. They sat through the movie silent. At the end they were laughing about their favorite parts. Goten once again has his arm around her and is leading her to the park. They sit down on the nearest bench. Silently they watched the approching stars. Goten broke the silence.

"Bra, why are you so pretty? AhnevermindthatIaskedthat!" He began to laugh nervously. Bra felt happy yet a little disapointed. They went back to silence. ~So beautiful. Why am I so afraid though? What is that conection that I feel towards her?~ He studied her more closely. He could tell there was some sort of connection, but he couldn't tell what. He decided to ask his dad about that. He would probably know. Goku knew some of the weirdest things. He stood up and took Bra's hand to walk her home. Bra reluctantly took his hand and got up.

Goten picked her up and flew her to her window. He then opened it and helped her in. Bra smiled sweetly at him. "Thanks for taking me out Goten." She gave him a kiss on the cheek. Goten stood their in shock first, then he came to his senses. "Oh. You are welcome. See you later B-chan."

"Bye." He flew out leaving her alone. Vegeta was down on the lawn powering up. Goten took one look at him and took off as fast as his Ki would take him. Luckly Trunks came out and stopped his dad. Goten waved to his friend and headed for home. Goku was eating outside. "Hey Dad!"

"How was your date Son?"

"We went as friends for the millionth time."

"If you say so."

"Dad, can I ask you something?"


"I felt this strong conection to her. Could you tell me if you know what it is?"

"Do you really wanna know?"


"How much do you like her?"

"A lot I guess."

"Okay then. What you felt was a Saiya-jin bond. Me and your mother have one. So does Vegeta and Bulma."

"I still don't understand."

"It is a bond that two Saiya-jins form. They have to love the other person first. Then they form the bond. So when did you fall in love?"

"What?! Really?! Wow, that is pretty cool."

"Yeah you two formed it the other night at the party. I guess getting rid of Paris set it off. You have probably loved her all of her life."

"B-chan. She is my little sister. How could that be?"

"You love her more than a sister."

"Dad, you are really smart sometimes. Thanks for telling me all that. I gonna go to bed now. Good night Dad."

"Good night Son. Sleep well." Goten got up. ~B-CHAN! I have always been fond of her, but love?! Does she feel the same though? Of course she does Goten! Think! She also shares the bond. Has she noticed it though is the real question. I don't want to ask her about it if she hasn't realized that it is there. It might make her mad. THIS IS SO CONFUSING! I am not sure what to do!~ Goten climbs into his bed and tries to not worry and to get some sleep.

Bra dances around her room with happiness. ~We share a bond! I hope Goten noticed it. I will ask him about it tomorrow. But we share a bond! I am soooo happy!~ She falls onto her bed and tries to go to sleep.

She wakes up to a gloomy day. Her head feels a little hot. Bulma walks into the room. "Oh, you are awake. When you didn't get up in time for school I came in to check on you. You have a bad fever. Let me make you some lunch and then you can go back to sleep."


"I'll take that as an okay. Lay back down now." Bra lays back down. Bulma leaves and Vegeta comes in.

"Your awake."


"I'm sorry you don't feel good Princess." He sits on the edge of her bed and feels her head.


"I am gonna go train now. Feel better Princess."

"Ugh." Vegeta walked out of the room. Bulma walked back in with a bowl of chicken broth. Bra sat up a little and began to eat it.

"When you are done with that go back to sleep. Trunks will be getting home any minute now and probably with Goten so the house won't be so quiet."

"Uuuughhh." Bulma walked back out and left Bra alone. ~Oh no! Goten is gonna see me like this. I can barely if not at all talk. I bet I look a mess too. This is good soup. I don't want him to see me in this state!~ She heard a pound and laughing downstairs. It was Trunks and Goten and they were heading to Trunk's room. To do that they had to pass Bra's room and her door was open! Bra was too weak to get up and the last thing she wanted was to be seen in her condition. Trunks looked in as he passed by.

"So this is why you didn't get up." Goten peered in.

"You okay B-chan. Are you feeling any better?"


"I'll take that as a little." Trunks tapped him on the shoulder.

"I will be right back. I hear Vegeta calling me."

"Sure." Goten came in and sat on her bed. ~Get out Goten! I don't want you to see me like this.~ "So B-chan, do you know about Saiya-jin bonds?"

"Ugh, yeah."

"Well.....um......I don't know how to say this, but................well............um.........haha...........um.............."

"I know about our bond, ugh."

"You do?"


"Oh. Well then I will let you get some sleep. See ya."

"Ugh." Goten walks out. Bra is finally alone. She has totally forgotten about that conversation due to her illness. She goes to sleep while Goten secretly watches her worridly.

"Get better soon B-chan." He went outside to find Trunks.

Bra woke up on Saturday feeling 100% better. She quickly got up and got dressed. Bulma was just walking in with a plate of food. "Oh, are you feeling better?"

"Yep. What is today?"

"Saturday. Goku, Chichi, and Goten are all here right now. Don't wear your self out today. You need to take it easy."

"I will be okay. Just relax." Bra ate everything on the tray and bounded down stairs to watch TV. Chichi was sitting in the family room.

"Are you feeling better? Goten was very worried about you."

"Yes I am. Thank you." Vegeta and Goku walk in. Goku is laughing at Vegeta. Vegeta is trying not to kill him in the house.

"What are you doing out of bed Princess?"

"I feel better."

"It is about time. Go do what you wanna do."

Goku decided to add in to the conversation. "So your feeling better. That is great. Now Goten will shut up. Finally. All he has been talking about is how worried he was for you. In fact he is outside with Trunks. You should go show him that you are alright so we can get some peace around the house." Bra nodded, not understanding why Goten would be so worried about her being sick. She had been sick before and he never worried. She shrugged and went outside. Goten immediatly spotted her.

"B-chan. You are out of bed. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I am feeling better. Hey Goten, I remember having a conversation with you while I was sick, but I can't remember what it was on."

"Oh, um....well we talked about................um..........haha...............um........well...........do you know what a Saiya-jin bond is?"

"Oh are you talking about the one we share. I already know about it."

"That is what we were talking about."


"See ya later." Goten took off nervously. He was turning bright red. Bra looked up at him sadly and went back inside.

The next day Goten was over at Capsule Corp again hanging out with Trunks. Trunks had just recently noticed the Saiya-jin bond and decided that it was better to accept rather than battle with your best friend. "Hey is B-chan better?"

"Yeah. She is back to normal."

"Oh, where is she? I haven't seen her all day."

"Probably in her room, the lab, or the family room. Do you want me to get her?'

"I just had a question to ask her, but it isn't important."

"Oh really, because I noticed a bond between you and her."

"Please don't kill me! I have no control over this type of thing."

"Goten, if there wasn't a bond between you two it would be all over for you."

"Thanks man. I gotta go. See ya." Goten took off to call B-chan. He sat down on his bed. ~Your just calling B-chan. You have done this before. Not a big deal. Calm yourself young student. You must be like grasshopper. Okay, I have been watching too many ninga movies. Now pick up the phone and call her.~ He lifts up the phone and dialed her number. Her voice is at the other end.

"Moushi Moushi, how may I help you?"

"Um...B-chan, how are you?"

"Goten! Just fine. You?"

"Good. Um...since we have a bond and...."


"You didn't know what I was going to ask though."

"You were going to ask: will you go out with me, right?"

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"I just did. Let's see a movie this Friday." And so the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

The End

Author's note: How was it? What do I need to improve on? Should I continue this story? Please Review. =^_^=