Hello I'm trying out this type of writing to see how it goes -.-' heh

anyways on to the story...

Disclaimer: I do not own Soul Eater.

Maka walked down the halls of the DWMA, towards a strong force she sensed in a distance which got closer by the second. Maka didn't know why she felt so attracted to it like a magnet, but she did, it send a tingly feeling through her body and she would find what it was.


Kid walked down the rows of lockers searching for the force that was pulling on him. As he rounded the corner he saw what it was, well more like who it was, Maka. The blonde green eyed girl stared into his golden orbs sending shivers down his spine.

"Why hello Maka." Kid said politely with a hint of blush, both knowing they had been attracted, well more like pulled towards each other.

"Hi Kid. Are you on your way home?" Maka asked. Kid chuckled.

"No, the exit is the other way." Maka blushed at her silly mistake. "Oh uh right."

"I'm on my way to see my father." Kid said. It wasn't exactly a lie, after what happened he wanted answers.

"Oh okay bye." Maka said a bit disappointed.

[In the Death Room]

Kid explained the uncontrollable force to his father, but without mentioning who the girl was.

"Well Kid, looks like you found your perfect mate." he said cheerly.

"What!" Kid blushed.

"A grim reaper rarely falls in love with a mortal, since we are actually quite picky when it comes to looking for the perfect mate." Lord Death explained.

"Oh," was all Kid said.

"But let me tell you something, who ever this girl is, I feel pretty bad for her." His father said.

"Huh? Why, because we make mates immortal." Kid asked.

"That probably won't be the a reaper falls in love it' because deep down their senses know the other person feels the same, and are willing to become immortal. The problem is, Kiddo, that you will become pocessive of her and may get extremely jealous of other boys, but that's the second stage, at first you'll just desire her badly, ahem, throughout the process you will become stronger, I guarantee that, if you see her hurt you will get whatever hurt her to pay, in the later stage you'll kill what ever hurts her. You won't be able to control all this usually 'till you know she's safe and that she loves you back, but even then you'll still have these moments if you lose control. But for now son, whatever you do don't avoid her."

"Okay." Kid lied. How could I ever do this to Maka. Even if she starts loving me, I can't let her go through this, so I'll just avoid her, what's the worst that can happen. Kid thought.

As he left the room Lord Death muttered, "Because if you avoid her, the stronger the desire for each other will become and so will your 'needs', so you'll become seductive the next time you see her. Hopefully history doesn't repeat itself..." he chuckled. "I wonder who the girl is."

A/N: Oh Lord Death, it will ;).

Hopefully that didn't suck ^-^ XD sorry for making it short but i'll update as soon as I can, and with a MUCH longer chapter.

See ya~