AN1: As always constructive critisms are most welcome!
AN2: If it looks like Harry will solve every problem you don't need to worry. He won't be able to do that and wasn't uneffected by what he saw in Redcliffe.
Chapter IV
Future undecided
"So, how are we going to do this, Boss?" Iron Bull asked before taking a mouthful from his tankard, leaning forward in his chair, looking straight in Harry's eyes.
The Qunari mercenary was unusual as far as his race went, at least according to Varric who told Harry that most of the ox men were stoic to a fault. Bull was quick to laugh and showed off his wits more often than not. He also liked to talk his adventure as a mercenary or the others' own life a lot.
They were back in Crossroads Inn at the Hinterlands, sitting around one of the tables in the far corner. Harry was in the farthest chair from the door looking over at them, glad to see that no one was arguing. A novel experience truth be told.
Ana was sitting next to him with Sera practically in her lap, while speaking with Varrick about Kirkwall from the bits and pieces he heard from them. He himself was in deep conservation with Solas about the older elf's adventures among ancient ruins from their people's golden age.
Next to them were Cassandra and Vivienne, both only exchanging a few words or putting a word or two into the other conversations going on around the table. Vivienne obviously was unhappy with being in an inn of any kind, while Cassandra mostly just watched over Bull.
Said Qunari was sitting next to Blackwall on the other side, Bull being the closest to the inn's door. Which meant he was the one talking to the girl serving their drink and food. At first the young lass was terrified of the giant, but seeing his amicable mood and a few charming words caused it to quickly change. The two man were probably exchanging tales about their times at the Free Marches and Orlais, before the Qunari spy asked his question.
At hearing it everyone of them turned their attention towards Harry, even Ana. Both of them were chosen to lead them, but the healer was much more comfortable supporting others, following Harry's lead most of the time. The half-elven looked at each of them, before speaking up.
"As you know Ana think we should approach both the templars and the mages. A notion most of my advisors in favor of. She will lead a group to negotiate with the Lord Seeker," Harry started. Seeing them nodding along as they knew that part he continued on. "Cassandra may be able to help them with her connections."
"I don't know how much help I will be," The ebony haired warrior looked uncertain of reasoning with the templars. Not entirely surprising given what happened in Val Royeaux, "I could hardly recognize Lord Seeker Lucius when we met him earlier."
"He didn't seem as someone who would listen to reasons." Ana agreed with their first companion. Yet, she tried to calm the Seeker, who was deeply confused and hurt by what happened in Orlais, "But I have a theory."
"What that would be Little One?" Varrick took a sip from his pipe. The dwarf liked hearing tales and theories as every single one of them showed a different views which he liked to have.
"Actually, you gave the idea Varrick," She replied causing the dwarf to raise an eyebrow in surprise. "You mentioned seeing something like this before..."
Varrick inhaled the next sip a bit too quickly at hearing that, while Vivienne and Cassandra instantly became alert. The others looked at them not understanding what caused them to react this way. Sure what happened at Kirkwall was bad, but everyone knew about it.
The answer was that the exact reason behind Meredith's madness was a secret few had the privilage knowing. Seekers, the highest echelon of the Chantry, Circles and the royal courts. The latter more along the lines of spies and rumors than actual information coming from the formers. Most just assumed that the stress from her position and the blood mages around drove her over the edge.
Coughing Varrick tried to get himself under control much to the amusement of those sitting around the table.
"That... was... a bit... different." The dwarf coughed out, making the Qunari mage shrug her shoulder.
"Maybe it isn't Red Lyrium, but I think something affects the templars."
"War does things to men, Ana. Warping them into heartless monsters, completely different from what you remembered them as." Solas softly said from across her. The old elf hedge mage did that sometimes: softly reminding them of other possibilities, keeping them from being narrow minded. "I know you want to be able to heal them, but sometimes it isn't their body that was poisoned, but their soul. And even you cannot heal that."
"We can only hope that we will be able to convince them to abandon their current course of action." Harry quickly said, causing Ana to silently nod along. The young Qunari woman wanted to help everybody she could and while Harry admired her for it, knew that you could not save everyone.
"I believe that as a first step of it Vivienne should accompany you, to show that not every mages want to go against the Chantry." Harry himself was quite sure that it would matter little to the Lord Seeker, as the man renounced the Chantry, but one could only hope. And surely there had to be at least a couple of templars who would listen. Not to mention that from what he gathered Vivienne would find some way to subtly insult Fiona, whom the First Enchanter didn't thought highly of at all, if she came with them to Redcliffe. "Bull would be a bit too much to the mages as he fought against Tevinter for years. I know it isn't the same." He quickly added seeing the Qunari was about to speak up in his own defense. "But most Qunari isn't too fond of magic and it is a well known fact. It may help us with the templars." Add the fact that the Ben-Hassrath agent was good at defending people and Harry wanted him to be around when fighting broke out, which was far more likely with the templars considering the difference between the approach of Fiona and Lucius. "Now, my team.."
"Whacha about me, ya idiot?" Sera asked from beside Ana, looking accusingly at Harry.
"I thought it went without saying that you would go with Ana." Harry's words caused snickers to erupt from most, booming laugh from Bull. The little elf archer's curiosity of Ana, as Harry didn't want to call it something else, was well known not only to those around the table, but in the entire Inquisition. Sera just sent a grin towards Harry, while snuggling up to the amused Qunari mage.
"You bet I do!"
"And the rest of you come with me." Harry looked over at them. After thinking it for a moment they nodded along.
"It's a sound plan." Bull agreed. "But what happens if the fact that we speak with both groups make both of them turn against us?"
"Truth be told after our meeting with her I think Grand Enchanter Fiona is reasonable enough to work with templars to save the world." Harry pointed out, ignoring Vivienne's grimace at hearing Fiona being reasonable at all. In truth he felt that the First Enchanter was in an even tighter spot than what she implied in Val Royeaux, so their problems with convincing the mages should be minimal. "The Lord Seeker on the other hand..." He didn't want to judge on first impressions, but what happened at the bazaar in Val Royeaux still lingered in his mind. And not only in his judging by the looks around the table. "...seems much harder to reason with."
"Boss, his man punched a defenseless woman." Varrick pointed out what everyone thought. "If no one will say this then I shall: I have reservation against allying ourselves with the templars."
"We all have." Harry replied, knowing that only Cassandra, Vivienne and Cullen truly supported the idea and even they had their doubts. "Lucius didn't have much of a choice. If he reprimand his soldier in front of the bazaar he would lose all the respect Orlasians have for him as a leader. A leader not in control of his own army is no leader at all, only pretending to be one."
"The problem that even with the last outrage being down by the templars it doesn't mean that the mages are saints." Ana softly spoke up, before anyone could speak up against Lucius. Maybe if the world was a different place things would have played out much different than what happened. Maybe not. There was little anyone could do about it. "We all seen the blood mages among them. And even those using much more accepted forms of magic did great crimes against the common folks." Ana sadly looked down at the table. "I would love to be able to say that one side is right and the other is wrong, but it doesn't work like that. This is a war, where things are gray and even the black and whites seems gray with it surrounding them."
The group fell silent after that, all of them thinking about what will happen now. Finally everyone finished their drinks and Harry stood up.
"It is no use to think too much about it. We just have to act the way we feel is right." Harry put a few silver coins down the table. "We will move out with the first light tomorrow."
The trek to Redcliffe Village was neither a very long or dangerous one, but the fact that they had to walk up to the hills made it fairly tiresome. Thankfully however they made it in less than two hours and without encountering anyone hostile.
The gate, built after the Fifth Blight to better defend the village, was quickly opened for their party. Harry expected someone to greet them, after all Fiona must have been informed of their group approaching Redcliffe. Before they could do anything however a young mage walked up to them.
"Greetings Herald. We have expected your arrival."
"Greetings, I look forward meeting the Grand Enchanter again." Harry smiled at the man, who looked a bit confused, but answered nonetheless.
"I'm a bit unsure about that Herald." Seeing the questioning look sent by the four he elaborated. "The mages here follow Magister Alexius now. However you can meet with the Grand Enchanter in the inn." He gestured to one of the larger building in the village below them in the valley. "If you want I can escort you there."
"No, it won't be necessary." Harry replied slowly, trying to control his surprise at hearing who was in charge. Most of the mages wanted very little to do with Tevinter, thanks to the Imperium's reputation outside its border. Only a few groups was helped by them, but it was maybe a token effort as the Imperium was in no place to offer more with the Qunari threat on their northern border being ever present. Well, that was how Harry knew it to be. Apparently something changed either so suddenly or secretly that Leliana had not taken notice of it yet. "Nevertheless could you inform the Grand Enchanter of our arrival?"
"Of course. If you excuse me." The mage took off, leaving them alone. After taking a few steps away from the gate guards, mercenaries most likely, Harry turned towards the three man with him.
"What do you think of it? None of us expected a magister to be here." Harry whispered to them.
"None of us knew about a magister being in the southern parts of Thedas in the first place." Varrick replied, looking as distraught as Harry himself. Dealing with the magister will undoubtedly much harder than with Fiona. "I don't know how could he be able to travel down from the Imperium so fast without being seen or heard!"
"Maybe with magical help?" Solas suggested, maybe the least upset one among their group by the Tevinter presence. A fact which bothered Harry, but had to put it to the side for the time being. "My concern would be not that a magister is here, but that he leads the rebel mages. It would be a very dangerous move from Fiona to give up her position."
"A sudden move that no one seen coming. A bit like when the templar hit the grand cleric and Lucius' announcement after it." Varrick contemplated, frowning a little. "It seems both sides of the war went crazy at the least favorable moment."
"Or desperate." Blackwall, who stood silent until now interrupted. "From what you told me the rebels have very little support. They most likely jumped on the first chance for some when offered."
"You may be right, but the Imperium being the first to come to their rescue seems fishy considering the threat posed by the Qunari. They can't exactly afford to make an enemy out of every other nation." Varrick crossed his arms in front of his chest. "And it still doesn't explain how they arrived so fast."
"I doubt we will find the answer for that question by standing here." Solas reminded them. "Herald, may I suggest heading to the inn? It would be quite rude of being late of a meeting we asked for after all."
"Yes, you are right." Harry nodded along as the little group slowly walked down into the valley where Redcliffe village was.
Stepping inside he wasn't greatly surprised seeing dozens of rebels mages mingling with the villagers. It seemed that most of the folks of Redcliffe became at least indifferent of the spellcasters even if not welcoming them with open arms. A few clearly tried to maintain some distance between the mages and themselves, but most got over the fact that they resided in the village and the castle fairly quickly. To be fair there was little time for the peasants and merchants to complain about anything as most of their days were spent working in one way or another.
Of course as Harry was never in Redcliffe he lead them to the docks instead of the inn. Maybe it was a mistake dismissing the mage from earlier, but he needed a moment of privacy with his companion to discuss the new situation. Seeing as they were certainly not where they should be Harry went to the man standing nearest to them asking for directions. He was a young man with auburn hair wearing simple, gray clothes. He looked over the docks deep in thoughts.
"Excuse me." Harry was uncomfortable of disturbing the man, but everyone else was either working or at least speaking to someone.
"Ah, sorry." The young man looked at them, his gaze lingering at the staff in Solas' hand. "Can I help you with something?"
"Yes, I'm Harry of the Inquisition. I was supposed to meet with the Grand Enchanter in the village's inn. Could you tell me where can I find it?"
"Ah, you are the Herald." Connor's eyes flashed in recognition. "I'm Connor Guerrin."
"Connor Guerrin?" Varrick asked back surprised at seeing the young man here. "The Theirin's nephew? I thought... I'm surprised to see you here."
"Yes, I'm that boy, you must have heard of." Coonor replied with a sour grimace remembering what happened in the castle during the Fifth Blight. "Sometimes I'm surprised at it myself."
"It takes great strength and wisdom to face your fears." Solas laid a comforting hand on the young man's shoulder, with Blackwall nodding along from behind the elf.
"Yeah lad, believe me I know more than my fair share of man who wouldn't be able to do it."
"Thank you, but I'm not that brave." Connor denied with a shake of his head.
"If you don't mind me asking you were sent to the Circle after the Blight, weren't you?" Harry asked the rhetorical question. There was no way they didn't send Connor to the Circle after what happened in Redcliff during the Blight. "Sorry if it insult you, but I would have thought you one of the last person to vote yes to dissolve the Circles."
"None taken. I voted against it." Connor admitted freely. Seeing their confused looks he smiled wryly. "I would preferred if we stayed in the Circles, but I can understand the others desire for self-governance. I left with them to help them archive it. But with that magister here things changed."
"How so? What happened with the Grand Enchanter? When we spoke in Val Royeaux two weeks ago she didn't mentioned anything about the magister."
"I didn't speak with Fiona personally for a long time so I cannot tell you for sure, but rumors say that she felt that our cause was on the brink of annihilation. Then the Tevinter magister suddenly appeared and the Grand Enchanter indentured herself and her followers to him and the Imperium by extension." Connor nearly spat the next words. "After that the magister threw my uncle out of the castle! He rule over us like a monarch."
"What can you tell us about this magister?" Varrick looked interested even as Connor looked around to make sure no one was near them.
"Magister Alexis is an older man, about fifty I think, has a son older than me by quite a large margin. He is... arrogant and makes sure to remind us how much we have to 'thank him' for. After my uncle left for Denerim most of the mages, the rebel mages that is, were ordered out of the castle as well. Not that many was there to begin with, but still." Connor replied, before adding reluctantly. "I believe he is a mage of considerable power though as everyone threat him with respect... and fear."
"His son is here with him?" Harry asked. That could mean that the magister truly wanted to help the rebels if he wasn't afraid of his son's life. Or it could mean that he did not value it either. But considering what he heard of Tevinter the man would be already dead or exiled in the latter case.
"Aye. You wouldn't believe he is the son of the magister with how different he is from Alexius. I didn't see much of him, but he seemed kind." Connor nodded along. "Well, I only saw Alexius once as well. He is in the castle with his son and several group of Tevinter soldiers and mages most of the time."
"How many are with him in there?" Blackwall asked a bit hesitant. They were here to make a pact with the rebel mages, not to start trouble with a Magister who had a small army at his back.
"At least a hundred strong, but more than two is much more likely."
"So a magister of the Imperium is in control of one of the most important castle of Ferelden." Varrick summarized. "I don't like the look of it, Boss."
"Neither do I." Harry admitted freely. Maybe it was his heritage, but he was uncomfortable speaking to a magister. And the rest Ferelden won't like this turn of events either. The fate of Redcliffe is the fate of Ferelden. It was a proven proverb as far as most were concerned. And Tevinter occupied the castle in all but name. "But I want to hear at least Fiona's explanation for this sudden change."
"Speaking of which we should hurry." Solas reminded them of their reason speaking with the young man. Connor sheepishly smiled at them.
"Yeah, sorry for holding you up. I needed to talk to someone about all of this. The inn is up the hill." He gestured towards one of the stairs leading up from the docks.
"Thank you." Harry quickly broke off with the others, heading straight to the building.
"Herald!" Connor shouted after them. When they turned to the young man he smiled at them. "Good luck at talking with the Grand Enchanter!"
Harry waved at him before turning back towards their destination. On the hill was the small market of the village with a few business and the inn around it along with several houses. The inn was one of the largest structure in the village, though still smaller than the chapel of Chantry.
It was a large, rectangular building made out of large trunks of firs. The trade sign was a gull and a lantern, making the name of the inn: Gull and Lantern obvious.
Stepping inside Harry and his three friend became quickly aware that they have indeed arrived late as Fiona was already at the back of the inn with a few mages surrounding her. Walking towards her Harry could feel more than one pair of eyes following them.
"Welcome, agents of the Inquisition." Fiona greeted them. She studied them, clearly not knowing exactly why they were here. "What has brought you to Redcliffe?"
Harry exchanged a look with Varrick and Solas, both who were there when they spoke with her in Val Royeaux, only to meet incredulous stares there as well. He was glad that he wasn't the only one dumbfounded by her words.
"I don't know what to say." He admitted not seeing any need to play this game. "Is it some sort of test? We are here because you invited us in Val Royeaux a few weeks ago."
It was Fiona's turn to look at them disbelievingly. She gently shook her head in denial.
"You must be mistaken. I wasn't in Val Royeaux since before the Conclave."
"Well, we spoke with someone looking exactly like you." Harry pointed out, while his mind started searching for answers. Fiona seemed the same as she was in Orlais, so if it was an impostor she made a very good job at playing the part. So good in fact that Harry had trouble in believing it to be a mere impostor. Some human may have trouble telling one elf apart from others, but Harry, being half elven had no problem whatsoever with the task.
Another option was of Fiona playing some kind of elaborate plan for some reason by denying her presence in the Orleisian capital. For what purpose he couldn't tell, but he wasn't keen on helping her in that scheme.
And the final option was that for some reason Fiona didn't remember her visit to the capital. That would mean that someone meddled with her memories, most likely the magister himself, to drive her into his service. How he was able to do was a mystery as Harry knew no magic capable of something like that, but again Tevinter was ancient and knowledge could be lost and regained all the time in that country.
"How? I guess with some magic... But why would anyone do that?" Fiona muttered, barely loud enough for the four to hear her, before she shook herself. "It matters not anymore. The situation changed as you no doubt heard already. I pledged myself and the mages under myself to the service of the Tevinter Imperium."
"I don't understand why would you do that." Blackwall spoke up in his gruff voice, honestly concerned for her people. The Warden was like Ana: constantly worrying for the people. "Do you not fear all of Thedas turning against you? Because it will most likely happen now."
"I have to agree with him." Varrick nodded towards the dark haired man. "I tried to think of a worse choice you could have made... and came up with nothing."
"I can understand your situation." Solas was gentler, but just as firm as the others in his opinion of Fiona's choice, which wasn't the best. "But surely you can see a better future for you and yours than slavery under the Imperium."
"There are always more than one choice, Grand Enchanter." Harry reminded her, but knew for all their words, there was little they could do to change the current situation. He highly doubted the magister would be kind enough to rethink this alliance between Tevinter and the rebel mages.
"You say that, but I assure you: this... bargain with Tevinter would not have been my first choice, but we had no choice left. All hope of peace died with Justinia." Fiona replied sadly, closing her eyes for a moment. "We are loosing this war. I have to do everything to save as many of ours as I can."
"I see. And how many will die fighting the Qunari? Did you think of that?" Harry asked her, his voice calm, but there was an edge in it. He saw little chance of Tevinter not sending the majority of the mages to Seheron or other sight of battles against the ox men. The half elven highly doubted that Fiona wasn't aware of that herself. He was becoming more and more sure that someone confounded Fiona as she couldn't be that short sighted.
"As I pledged myself to the Imperium I can no longer negotiate in the name of the rebel mages." She said, deciding not to answer Harry's question, though the heavy look in her eyes told Harry that she heard him and knew the answer just as well as him.
Their conservation was cut short as four other men stepped into the inn. After a quick glance around their leader headed straight towards where Fiona and the Inquisition stood.
"Welcome, my friends! I apologies for not greeting you earlier!" The leader spoke first. He was an elderly man dressed in Tevinter battlemage armor with crimson cloak over it. His brown eyes coldly surveyed them even as his lips formed a cold smile. Beside him was a younger man so similar they could only be father and son. For some reason the son of the magister wore different colors: yellow instead of the crimson of his father and the soldiers behind them. Speaking of the two bodyguards Harry only glanced at them before focusing back to the two in front of him.
"Agents of the Inquisition, allow me to introduce Magister Gereon Alexius." Fiona introduced the two side to each other. Her voice held no love for the man and she didn't introduce the magister's son at all.
"The southern mages are under my command." Alexius bluntly stated as he went around and sat at the head of the table that they stood around. His eyes carefully studied Harry's form, "And you are the survivor, yes? The one from the Fade? Interesting."
Harry decided to put aside his reply that not every southern mage was under Alexius' command and why exactly the magister said that to describe him, in favor of questioning the nature of the alliance between the rebel mages and the Imperium. He wanted to know more of what happened here.
"If you don't mind I would like to talk about this... alliance Fiona and you agreed upon."
"Certainly." Alexius agreed easily, a bit too easily in Harry's opinion, but the half elf decided not to voice that particular thought. "What do you wish to know?"
"I'm a bit uncertain when exactly did you negotiated with Fiona and her followers."
"When the Conclave was destroyed, these poor souls were threatened by the templars' brutality, who rushed to attack them. It can only be Divine providence that I arrived when I did." It was not an answer and everyone knew it. Not only that, but Harry had a feeling that no matter what Alexius said about saving mages' lives the agreement heavily favored the Imperium. Fiona also frowned a little at the reminder of that time.
"It certainly was... very timely."
That sent off the alarm bell inside Harry's head. What was the chance of a Tevinter magister arriving just in time to help the rebel mages? Just before he arrived to help them?
"Just what does the Imperium gain from taking the rebel mages under its wing?" Harry asked to gain a moment to gather his thoughts.
He quickly counted how fast a message could arrive to Tevinter from Haven, how long it would take the magister to gather an army and how fast they can travel all the way to Redcliffe. He was used to Dalish clans, who easily left any place any time, so maybe his calculation was wrong, but Alexius could have archived it if he was in the south of Tevinter or had a fleet to carry his army. Granted it still meant that they either had a spy in Haven, which wouldn't be surprising considering the Conclave or used some magical means to send the news to the Imperium for it to arrive in time. And even with all those conditions lining up it would be a very close call. In other words it was unlikely to happen. Not impossible, but improbable all the same.
Harry wasn't one to jump on conclusions, but it was a far easier answer that Alexius knew about what would happen at the Conclave and made a plan to get the rebel mages under his control. That would mean that the Imperium was behind the Breach. If what he and Solas spoke of was true an artifact of elven or Tevinter origin was used and as he said magic of all kinds could be lost in that country, waiting for someone to rediscover them.
"Aside of helping fellow mages?" Alexius asked back with a raised eyebrow. "For the moment the southern mages are a considerable expense. After proper training they will join our legions." Confirming Harry's thoughts on what the fates of the mages will be. Fiona however voiced her displeasure hearing that.
"You said not all of my people would be military!" Her voice was both furious and pleading at the same time, "There are children! Those not suited for..."
"And one day I'm sure they will be productive citizens of the Imperium. When their debts are paid." Alexius interrupted her, his voice losing its softness replaced with steel. After a few moments of pregnant silence Fiona bowed her head in subservience. Harry started to understand what happened: the elven mage offered all of their battle ready mages to save the children, old and unsuited from fighting the templars. Clearly Fiona was blind from desperation to never thinking of Alexius going back on his word or creating a loophole to do as he pleases.
"Fiona said she is 'indentured to the magister'." Harry said to Alexius. The man nodded along hearing it.
"That's correct. Our southern brethren have no legal status in the Imperium as they are not born citizens of it. They must work for a period of ten years before gaining full rights. As their protector I shall oversee their work for the Imperium."
That was more reasonable then what Harry expected from Tevinter. He assumed that maybe the mages' children can gain it, if they born on Imperial soil. Of course it was still a very questionable decision, but better than the alternative of servitude for life he expected. It was questionable how many will survive to enjoy it after fighting the Qun though.
There was still one question that lingered in Harry's mind. Connor mentioned Arl Teagan and the half elven was curious how the magister will respond.
"I haven't seen the Arl or his men. Could you explain me why?"
"Arl of Redcliffe left the castle and village." Alexius simply stated. It was the truth. The magister simply decided not mention the little detail of why the Arl had to leave.
"Arl Teagan didn't abandon the village during the Blight, not even during the siege." Blackwall pointed out. The Warden's gaze never wavered as the magister turned his attention to him. After a moment Alxius turned back to Harry.
"There were... tension growing. I did not want an incident."
"Because throwing out the third most important noble in Ferelden from his own castle won't cause an incident." Harry sarcastically thought. However his mission was to close the Breach not to step into the political games of a magister.
"I see. As you must know I need mages to close the Breach. Mages whom you can provide."
"So, to business at last." Alexius remarked, before turning to his son. "Felix could you send for a scribe? Oh, pardon my manners, friends. Felix, my son." Felix gave a shallow bow before leaving. Alexius' gaze lingered over Felix for a moment with concern. But the moment was gone and his steely eyes back on Harry, "Truth be told I am not surprised seeing you here. Containing the Breach is not a feat many could or would attempt. There is no telling just how many mages will be needed for such endeavor." A small smirk played across his lips. Both knew that Alexius had the upper hand in their talk. "Ambitious indeed."
"I will take every mage you can give me." Harry's voice never wavered as he got ready whatever outrageous price Alexius will name.
"There will have to be..." What Alexius wanted to say will never be known as Felix came back. Just as he walked past Harry's seat he suddenly lost his footing. If not for Harry catching him the young Tevinter noble would have fallen to the ground. Now that he was closer the half elven mage could see that Felix was sickly pale even with his naturally tanned skin as if he spent most of his time indoors.
"Felix!" Alexius was on his feet a moment later, his arrogance evaporating as his eyes were full of worry for his son. Harry was glad to see that as much he was a bastard the magister still had a heart.
Felix quickly regained his strength, a bit too quickly in fact. By the time his father was at his side he was back on his feet apologizing to Harry.
"My lord, I am so sorry. Please forgive me."
"Are you alright?" Alexius asked him, looking over his body. Felix gave his father a reassuring, if bit exasperated smile.
"I'm fine, father. It was nothing really."
However Alexius wasn't having any of it. He gently started to herd his son to the door of the tavern. It was strange seeing both side of the man in mere minutes. The overbearing father and the ruthless magister. And the most disturbing thought was that Harry was sure that both were the true faces of Alexius.
"Come! I will get your powders. Please excuse me, friends! We will have to continue it another time." Without even a glance back he marched his son through the inn, "Fiona, I will require your assistance back in the castle." The elven mage simply bowed to her leader, following him to the door. Just before he stepped out Alexius turned his face back to Harry. "I will send word to the Inquisition. We will conclude this business at a later date."
Harry's attention was however on the piece of parchment Felix gave him. 'Come to the Chantry tonight. You are in danger.'
"Very mysterious." Varrick commented as he looked at it. All of them knew that it was most likely a trap. Harry sighed before turning his three companion.
"We will be careful, but we need to figure out what is happening here."
The Chantry stood near the inn, so the four of them had time to wait, as they assumed the meeting will be at night and the sun still had a few hours before setting. While a part of it was spent resting, before that they went out to fill their stomachs and supplies.
It was little disheartening to see no one in the Chantry when they stepped inside just after nightfall. They quickly spread out, seeing if there is a note of some kind in case they missed their mysterious friend. However nothing came up.
"Boss, someone is down here. And from the sounds I hear there is a fighting going on." Varrick said to him from next to the door leading down to the vine cellar. Stepping next to him Harry could hear the faint sounds of fighting as well. Without a moment of hesitation he started going down the steps, hearing his friends following him.
The chamber under the Chantry was rather spacious in Harry's opinion. Of course the fact that the Chantry wasn't overly large and it was mostly empty helped with that impression. Empty except the rift in the middle and the demons from it fighting a young mage.
His body was lean, nearly feminine as he gracefully danced around the demons coming from the rift. He wore boots, smudged from travel just as the bottom of the high collared, grey robe he wore above it. His outfit was completed by a trouser of the same color as the robe and a leather, bronto most likely from the roughness of it, belt with a flask and a pouch attached to it. His skin was about the same shade as Josephine's, with raven hair chopped closely at the sides and a neatly trimmed moustache and strip under his lips.
The next moment he stabbed a shade with his staff blade. A staff which had a three headed dragon ornament on the top of it. That was a lesser used symbol from Tevinter if Harry remembered correctly.
"Good! You are finally here! Now, help me close this, would you?" His voice was lighthearted at least.
There was no time for questions. Why was he, whoever he was, here? Where was Felix? Just the first two from Harry's very long list. For now, they had to stay alive to ask and for this stranger to answer them.
Thankfully, the rift wasn't large and only wraiths and shades came from it. However as Harry tried to stab one of the shades its movement felt strange. He couldn't point out but sometimes he could hardly keep up with everything going around him the next everything slowed down no matter how fast he wanted to move.
After mere minutes off fighting the demons disappeared. Under the watchful eyes of the mage Harry closed the rift. The man stared back and forth between Harry and the place where the rift was.
"Fascinating! How does it work exactly?" He looked at Harry's face and chuckled a bit, "You don't even know, do you? You just wiggle your fingers and boom! Rift closes."
"Who are you?" Harry was suspicious of the man. His accent was near identical to Alexius', adding another hint of him being a Vint. It was maybe his people's past with the Imperium, but he wasn't glad in the slightest to see another from that country this day.
"Ah sorry, getting ahead of myself again." The man bowed with flourish, "Dorian of House Pavus, most recently of Minrathous. How do you do?"
"Another Vint. Boss, I don't like this." Varrick murmured, sadly not quietly enough for the newly introduced Dorian's ears. To his credit the young man seemed more amused than offended.
"Suspicious friends you got here." So, Solas and Blackwall disapproval showed on their face as well at Dorian sudden appearance. Not that Harry could blame them for it. He started to get agitated by meeting Vints everywhere he went. "Alexius was once my mentor. I have valuable information, as I'm sure you can imagine."
"That isn't very reassuring." Harry commented dryly. Dorian nodded his head along still smirking.
"No, I would not think so too. Would it help if I were to reveal that I work with Felix?"
"As I don't exactly know... " Or even suspect."... what Felix goal is... no, not particularly."
"Good, you aren't stupid. That is a relief at least." Dorian nodded approvingly. "Felix should be here shortly. Well, if he can ditch his father."
"So, he really only pretended to be sick." Harry said. Felix recovered a bit too fast in the tavern for it to be real. "Alexius couldn't jump quick enough to his side though. Is there something wrong with him?"
"An illness lingering for months at this point. Felix wasn't the most healthiest to begin with and is an only child. Alexius is being a mother hen most likely. Would explain why Felix is late."
"Was it you or Felix who sent the note?" It was a side note, but it would be interesting to know which one was the subordinate. Dorian picked up on it as he smiled at him.
"I was, though it is a partnership if you wonder. No matter, someone had to warn you." Equals? That would imply that they had few members or even only the two of them. Even smaller organizations needed some kind of structure.
"Of what?"
"Look, you are in danger. That should be obvious even without the note." It was. No matter what some might say he wasn't an utter fool. The nature of the danger was what troubled Harry. He could deal with the common dagger, poison or fireball type of danger. But something was very unusual here. Starting with the simple fact that Grand Enchantress did not seem to remember their first meeting in Val Royeaux. "Let's start with Alexius claiming the allegiance of the rebel mages out from under you. As if by magic, yes? Which is exactly right. To reach Redcliffe before the Inquisition, Alexius distorted the time itself."
"Is that even possible?" Harry wondered. He heard of many who tried to change the flow of time itself. None succeeded before. But it would give an easy answer how Alexius could reach Redcliffe in such a short amount of time.
"It is I can assure you of that." Dorian gravely replied his dark eyes turning serious even as his smirk remained on his face.
"I hope that is less dangerous than what I believe it to be." Harry decided to set aside his doubt about such magic existence. Something was obviously wrong with the entire situation and he had nothing to loss with hearing Dorian out even if he lied.
"More. The magic Alexius used is wildly unstable and it is unraveiling the world." Dorian gestured towards where vaguely the Rift was. "The Rift you closed here? You must have noticed how it twisted time around itself, sped some things up and slowing others down. Soon there will be more like it, and they will appear further and further away from Redcliffe."
You asking me to take a lot on faith." Harry reminded him. He had to admit it was a perfect answer to his questions, but again there was others, less unbelievable answers as well. But why would Dorian lie and not use a far more believable tale if he just wanted to pull the wool in front of Harry's eyes?
"I know what I'm talking about. I helped develop this magic." Dorian grimaced. "When I was still his apprentice it was pure theory. Alexius could never get it to work. But that was years ago, so he could... It doesn't matter now, do it?" Dorian was very agitated at this point with taking small steps back and forth. "What I don't understand is why is he using it now? Ripping time to shreds just to gain a few hundreds lackeys? He is a magister, he can get that without stepping out of his mansion!"
That meant that the number of mages in Recliffe didn't reach one thousand, a number Harry and the Inquisition hoped for. Not without reason though, as reports put their number somewhere between a thousand to a thousand and half. Unknown to them the cause of Fiona faced large losses, both to the templars and desertion.
"He didn't do it for them." Came the voice from the steps. Felix walked forward, with no sign of his illness.
"Took you long enough." Dorian mock scolded him, before turning serious again. "Is he getting suspicious?"
"No, but I shouldn't have used the illness card." The young Tevinter mage grimaced. " I thought he would be fusing over me all day."
"The bane of an only child in Tevinter." Dorian shrugged with a grin. "I thought you got used to it in the last twenty-four years."
"If I remember correctly I'm not the only one in this room." Felix reminded him dryly, before turning to Harry "My father joined a cult. Tevinter supremacists. They call themselves the Venatori. And I can tell you one thing whatever he has done for them he did it to get to you."
"All this just for me? I will need to tell your father that I am not interested. Not to mention I didn't get him anything." Harry decided here and there that he is spending too much time with Varrick. At least Dorian was amused at his antics.
"Send him a fruit basket. Everyone love those."
"I see you will get along with Dorian just fine." Felix remarked to himself, though his lips twitched nearly into a smile. After a moment he continued on. "Look I don't know why, but they are obsessed with you. Maybe because you survived the temple of Sacred Ashes?"
"You can close the Rifts. Maybe there is a connection." Dorian pointed out. "Or they see you as a threat?"
"If the Venatori is behind the Rifts, or the Breach, they are even worse than what I thought." Felix said darkly. Harry however pointed out one little detail to both of them.
"Alexius is your father..." To Felix."... and your mentor. "To Dorian. "Why are you two working against him?"
"For the same reason." Felix replied, bitter from what he had to say. "I love my father and love my country. But this?! Cults?! Time magic?! What he is doing now is madness! For his own sake you have to stop him!"
"It would be also nice if he didn't rip a hole in time." Dorian added. "There is one in the sky already!" He ignored the exasperated look given by Felix. "I can't stay in Redcliffe. Alexius doesn't know I'm here and I want to keep it that way for now." He gave Harry a hard look. "But whenever you are ready to deal with him I want to be there. I'll be in touch."
"I think we are heading back to Haven after this." Harry admitted. "Leliana might have something for us to work with. If you want to you can join us there."
"I'm honored by your invitation." Dorian bowed graciously even if the smile never left his face before walking towards the steps. "Oh, and Felix? Try not to get yourself killed, will you?"
"There is worse things than death Dorian." Felix muttered to his friend's back.
He should have expected this. Cullen's scowl, Leliana's frown and Josephine's strained smile seeing Dorian stepping into the War Champer behind Harry. None of his advisor was glad to see the – former - apprentice of the cause of their problem inside Haven.
Cullen was a templar, knight commander even, and the his official breaking away from the Order did little to put his general suspicion of mages out. Leliana was the left hand of the Divine and the Inquisition's spymaster, enough said on that. Josephine was the mildest of them but even her polite mask was strained for a moment. Harry was only thankful that Cassandra was halfway to Therinfal Redoubt instead of being here. She would undoubtedly speak her mind, as always, and while Dorian didn't seem as someone who would take offense Harry wanted this partnership of theirs to start on good terms.
"Any advice on the situation?" He asked looking at the three, who turned their attention from Dorian to him.
"A frontal assault of Castle Redcliffe would result in a bloodbath." Cullen reminded, knowing full well the defensive capabilities of the stronghold. "Even if we had the numbers to afford such losses I would be against such plan."
"The Fereldan nobility will be outraged by Alexius' action." Josephine reminded them. "We could either ask for their help or wait until they oust the magister themselves."
"No, if that happens the Rebel Mages will suffer heavy casualties." Cullen reminded her. "I doubt the Fereldan soldiers would care for the origins of the mages fighting against them or even just being in the crossfire."
"There is another way into the castle." Leliana offered. "During the Fifth Blight we had infiltrated the Redcliffe in a secret tunnel built as an escape rout for the Arl and his family. We could use it for my agents to sneak into the castle. But we need a distraction for it to work."
"Me." Harry finished, with what was on everyone's mind.
"Felix said the Venatori was obsessed with you." Dorian said with a hand on his chin. Harry asked him about these 'Venatori', maybe a predecessor in Tevinter history. Dorian just laughed at it stating that there are dozens of cults in Tevinter today, literally thousands in its history. Gaining some information of the Venatori's past, if it wasn't a new one, will take hours and hours of hard work. "They may suspect that something is amiss if you walk into such an obvious trap so readily."
"Or Alexius see me as naïve, stupid or desperate enough for it." Harry replied with a shrug. "He knows that we need the mages, in case Ana can't persuade the templars to join our side."
"You can't just walk into Redcliffe Castle, Herald!" Alexius sent a letter which detailed the settings of the next round of their talks about the Rebel Mages. One of them was that any negotiation must be done in the castle itself instead of Redcliffe Village. Cullen was simply horrified by the sheer recklessness of the decision of the Herald. Josephine wasn't far behind and even Leliana's eyes shone with worry. But neither of them put forward another plan. For better or worse this was the best they could make.
"As we have no better plan we need to go with this one." Harry decided. "We need to hurry. Alexius won't wait for me indefinitely."
Or rather couldn't. Josephine wasn't wrong when she said the Fereldan nobility will make sure Redcliffe doesn't remain in the hands of a magister. News from the royal court of King Alistair already spoke of a huge gatherings of knights, men-at-arms, numbering in the thousands. In short order that army will surely march to Redcliffe with their intentions clear. It was no surprise that Alexius' letter demanded that the Herald arrive in a week to finish their talk.
"One more thing before all of us go on our merry way." Dorian stepped forward. "As I said Herald I want to there when you confront Alexius. I will accompany the agents sent in the tunnel."
A tense silence filled the chamber. The redhead spymaster only barely managed to protest aloud, but her face told Harry her thoughts on the matter for a moment before her careful mask of neutrality returned. Harry could understand her reluctance on the matter but nodded to Dorian. Before his eyes found Leliana's hoping she got his silent message. The spymaster give a near non existent nod to him as answer, fully understanding him. Dorian was trustworthy as far as Harry could see it, but they spent only about three days together and fought together once against demons. He was still from Tevinter and the former apprentice of the man they plot to attack. Leliana's agent will closely watch Dorian's actions during the attack of Castle Redcliffe.
For a moment Harry just laid in the dark water, dazed from the fall. He faintly felt a pair of hands grabbing the front of his armor and hauling his sorry ass out of the water. Dorian, his savior, concernedly looked him over.
"Are you alright?"
"Yes, thanks for getting me out." Harry whispered as he looked at their surroundings. They were in some kind of dungeon with water nearly to their knee, the only faint light being the red lyrium crystals littering the walls and floor. "Where are we?"
"The more interesting question would be when are we." Dorian told him somberly. "Alexius amulet sent us through time itself."
Harry remembered the flash of light just before he landed in the watery dungeon. Everything went according to the plan hatched by the Inquisition. They distracted Alexius and the Venatori allowing Leliana's agents to move unnoticed. Alexius was surprised not only by their sudden appearance, but of Dorian's as well. Not to mention Felix's betrayal. As Dorian and Harry moved to restrain the old mage his amulet, a small rectangular thing, glowed brightly enveloping the two in a bright flash of bluish light.
"How far? A month? A year? What are dealing with, Dorian?" Harry asked the Tevinter mage who could only shrug his shoulder. The half elven wasn't even trying to deny time travel this time accepting it as truth.
"I honestly don't know. We could be a hundred years ahead of our time and I wouldn't known." He perked up a little bit. "But I sincerely doubt that more than a year, two at the most, would be between now and our original time. Also we should still be in Redcliffe Castle. The magic may caused us to appear a few hundred feet away from the our original place, but..."
Whatever Dorian wanted to say it had to wait as they save firelight appear on the water and heard two soldiers tumbling down the steps leading into the dungeons. Dorian and he was out of sight luckily near the corner next to the steps, though still about five or so yards away. The two guard wore the armors of the Venatori guard Alexius had in Redcliffe. One of them looked around saying that he heard something while the other, and older from the sound of his voice, looked on stating that only rats were in these dungeons.
Dorian was the faster to decide what to do as Harry weighted the option of simply revealing themselves to the two guards. He slowly and quietly made his way towards the steps. Luckily the one standing impatiently ranted to the other about being too cautious. To be fair he had a point: they were in the dungeons. The chance of anyone hostile being down here was minimal aside of an army out their trying to get into the castle by tunnels. Being right in any other circumstances didn't saved him from Dorian though. He quickly thrust his staff blade into the gap between the chest piece and the helmet of the one standing near the steps looking exasperatedly over as his partner tried to pry into darkness a few steps ahead of him. He let out a gurgle as blood sipped from his mouth. The other turned out hearing the noise behind him only for Harry's dagger being thrust into the opening in his armor at the armpit. Blood flooded his lungs and soon his lifeless body was slowly lowered by Harry to the water.
"Now what?" Harry asked. He was ought to be angry with Dorian for killing without provocation, but from their clothes it was highly doable they were enemies.
"If we can locate the amulet I maybe able to send us back to our original time." Dorian smiled apologetically at him. "Sadly, I can't say for sure."
"A sliver of hope is more than enough for me." Harry assured him. "Let's go!"
As quietly as they could they moved up the stairs, arriving in an empty and dimly lit corridor. To the left were two doors and then a dead end. In front of them was another slightly ajar door showing only half broken crates and empty shelves. Looking into the two other rooms they found similar sights.
The next corridor was also empty. As the one after that. And the next. Only the fourth had more than red lyrium and a few torch. On the side of a door at the middle sat a guard, though he didn't seem to pay much attention to his surroundings as he was asleep.
"This one we take alive." Harry whispered to Dorian. The flamboyant man only gave a nod his gaze never leaving the form of the guard. Slowly they approached him and from a yard or so pounced on him.
The guard couldn't say anything before he was bound and gagged. Getting his helmet off him Harry could only say that the man would have been average if not for the simple fact that his brown eyes had a red tint to it.
"Listen closely." Harry whispered to him, while Dorian kept watch over the corridor. "I let you speak. If you scream or in any way try to give us away I will kill you. If you answer our questions you remain alive. Understand?" After a reluctant nod from the guard, he did take out the dirty rag they stuffed in his mouth. "Who are you people?"
"We are the Venatori knife ear." The guard replied. Harry nodded that was expected.
"What year it is?" The guard looked at him, clearly thinking him stupid.
"Who the fuck are you? You don't even know... Aah." He cried out as Harry dragged his dagger across his cheek causing a thin line of blood to appear. "Alright! Alright! It's the first year of the New Age!"
"How many year is that from 9:41 Dragon?" Harry only slightly pulled back the dagger, making it clear that the blade was near and he was willing to use it again.
"One! Only one year!" The guard wasn't the bravest, a blessing in this instance. That was good. One year meant that things shouldn't be too different from what they have known.
"What do you know of the Inqusition?" Harry asked, but the guard only let out a laugh.
"Those fanatics? They are no more! The last four is in this castle." A bit ironic of the Venatori to call anyone fanatic.
"Where!?" Harry asked at the end of his patience, grabbing the man's shoulder squeezing it hard.
"Three inside that room." The guard sent him a cruel smirk. "The pretty redhead is sent to the torturer, again." He looked on with a wicked glint in his eyes. "I wonder how long she will last? She screams pret..."
His words died down as Harry's sword severed his head from his body. Harry wasn't too bothered by breaking his word. The man clearly was a nasty piece of shit, who enjoyed what happened to the prisoner. Also obviously stupid. You don't antagonize the people who caught you with no hope of rescue anytime soon. If he didn't goaded Harry he would had a high chance of coming out of this entire situation alive.
Getting the keys from his belt Harry wordlessly he opened the door. In the semi-darkness, light being provided by the torch he brought in he could only make out vague shapes.
"Blimely! Is that you, Boss?" Varric! There was eight small holding cell in the chamber and in the one to the right to him stood his dwarf friend. He sat despondently, his back to the wall, but quickly stood and went to bars. "I could hear you, but thought my mind or the Venatori play trick on my mind again."
"Don't worry, Varric I will get you out from there." Harry looked into the darkness surrounding them. It seemed that at least two other cells were occupied. "Is there anyone else in here?"
"Me, Herald." Came Solas tired voice from the cage across Varric's. Blackwall stepped next to the bars one down the line from Solas'. After a little fumble with the keys, his three companions were free again. They all loked worse to wear and had a strange, reddish tint to their eyes.
"Red lyrium." Varric said seeing Harry's glance. The mage didn't investigated further.
"What happened? I heard it has been a year since... we disappeared." Harry asked, looking at them.
"A year? Felt more that's damn sure." Blackwall muttered drakly.
"How did you appear now Herald?" Solas asked, looking over them.
"Alexius sent us through time itself using his amulet. If we can get the amulet Dorian believe himself able to send us back to out time."
"That explain some of the oddities we have seen." Solas nodded. "If you are truly able to do as you say then you must know this: Empress Celene was assassinated at the Winter Palace during peace talk with the other side of the Civil War."
Harry silently moved on the fact that the current situation in Orlais escalated. They were in hurry after all.
"Where can we get you some armor and weapon?"
"If what they told us true our weapons and armors should be in the next chamber." Blackwall replied sullenly.
The next room? Why? It seemed so illogical... But Harry wasn't going to complain. The group quickly made their way outside and then to the chamber next to the holding cells. Luckily Blackwall's information proved true: their equipment was there.
Only a few corridors later they came across the torture chamber. Stepping inside they were greeted by a horrifying scene. Leliana, only in rags hung from chains, while the torturer, a tall and lanky man paraded the tools of his trade in front of her. At the creaking sound of the door opening the man turned towards them. It was the last fault he did in his life. Leliana was only a foot behind him and the redhead spy did take the opportunity. She grabbed the chains holding her body and quickly wrapped her legs around the man's neck. The man tried to struggle out of the grip but Leliana was well trained and experienced. Within moments she crushed his air-pipe. After that the man lost and lost more strength, until he couldn't stand. Leliana was silent as he watched the group making its way to her.
His former spy mistress quickly made her way to a table where her armor and bow lay. That was when Harry understood why the Venatori placed them so close to the prisoners: it was to torture them. To have the means of their escape a few feet away but still out of reach must have been maddening.
"Are you not curious how we got here?" Dorian asked her. Leliana didn't look up from the table gently placing the pieces of her armor to their place.
"No." Her voice was hollow, dead.
"Well, if we can get to Alexius there is chance that we can travel back in time and undo this, this nightmare." Dsorian explained to her, but she just threw him a disdainful look.
"Undo this? A nightmare for you maybe. But we lived through it." She wasn't the Leliana Harry have known. The Nightingale was able to make difficult choices true, but she wasn't so cold, so unyielding, so unfeeling. Harry couldn't imagine what happened to break Leliana so much and dared not to ask it. And Dorian seemed to recognize it as well.
"Alexius is in the throne room. He usually there these days." Solas broke the tense silence.
The group silently started to make their way through the stronghold with only Harry asking a quick question about their other friends. Sadly, none of them heard of them since stepping foot in Redcliffe a year ago. Dead or on the run from the mysterious leader of the Venatori the 'Elder One'. Neither option was to Harry's liking.
Castle Redcliffe was one of the greatest fortress in Ferelden, not only in reputation but in actual scale as well, making the journey long as they needed a bit of time before realizing that there were far less Venatori than their first expectation. The strange voidness of the castle wasn't the only strange circumstances. Apart of – or rather because of - the red lyrium that seemed to fester the entire structure, the once greatest fortress of the Hinterlands was in ruins. Walls cracked, towers fall, people just disappeared. One could hardly believe that desolation of such magnitude can happen in one year time.
Harry tried to ignore it all. The pain of his comrades, the hate rolling off of Leliana or the ruin all around them. He only hoped that Dorian could truly send them back, to be able to make it the nightmare the Tevinter mage made it out. He couldn't change what happened for these four, but for his friends in the past there was a chance.
The half-elf only paused when they had to cross one of the yards. He cared not the lesser demons and wraiths plaguing the open grounds. They were easily dealt with, at least compared to the Pride Demon at the Breach. A few scrape nothing more.
What gave him pause was the Breach. Back at the Temple of Sacred Ashes the Breach seemed enormous a colossal tear in the Veil. But compared to this monstrosity it was nothing more than a tiny bit larger rift in the barrier between the Beyond and their world. Now, the Breach enveloped Thedas, just as they first feared.
Harry wanted to ask the others how this happened, but as most of his question there was no answer for this one either. The prisoners only know what they learned from their guards and the torturer.
As it became apparent that there was nothing to hide from apart a few Venatori here and there and some demons who could sense the Mark on Harry anyway their pace increased signifiantly. Soon they found themselves in front of the throne room.
"I don't remember seeing this." Harry commented seeing the great magical gate blocking their entrance.
"Alexius must have had one brought down from Tevinter." Dorian replied, looking closely at the gate. It was, as most magical artifacts, of elven origin that the Imperium stole and reverse engineered. "I know how to open it up. We need to find five fragments of the key, most likely red lyrium."
"And if they aren't in the castle?" Harry pointed out, however Dorian shook his head.
"Alexius still need to eat. In fact I doubt they aren't in this particular tower."
The search was quick and merciless. Less than half an hour later they stood before the great gate all five fragment in their hands. The five Venatori mage holding onto the parts were better than most mages, but stayed well out of the others way, allowing Harry and his group to defeat them individually. Not to mention how predictable they were: all fire related spells and little else. Later Dorian would explain to him that tradition in Tevinter had battlemages study fire spells at first, a logical choice considering that element's offensive prowess, and few truly ventured into other disciplines.
The throne room didn't change much and was, when one thought of the rest of the castle, in surprisingly good condition. Alexius sat on the throne, his cold eyes following them closely, his face showing no surprise at the sudden arrival of his prisoners, his former apprentice or the Herald from a year prior. His only reaction was rather sensible: grabbing the staff resting on armrest of the throne.
"So, finally you came." His voice was raspy, like he haven't used it frequently in recent times."I knew that you will reappear in the future."
"Where is Felix, Alexius?" Dorian asked after his friend, only for Alexius' face to be distorted by pain.
"He died, Dorian. I didn't want power. Never did and never will. But there is nothing I wouldn't do for my son. The Elder One promised me a cure. I thought... It matters not. Not anymore."
"Cure? For the taint of the Darkspawn?" Dorian exclaimed. "There is no way... Who is this Elder One?"
"You will see soon." Alexius replied, letting out a humorless chuckle, pointing his finger towards Harry. "He will sense the Mark he gave to him. He will arrive soon."
"Alexius." Dorian spoke slowly, inching forward. "We need your amulet. We can go back. We can change what happened!"
The old Tevinter mage tugged the amulet out of his armor, examining it as he hold it out for Dorian to see. His eyes suddenly glowed with insane fire.
"For months I tried to do it. Failed again and again. But with the Mark..." His gaze locked on Harry. "I will have need of you, Herald."
The title was far more mocking than even how Chancellor Roderick used it. On the two sides of the magister two Rifts opened and with them appearing the battle for the amulet has begun. Wraiths and shades poured out of the hole in the Veil along with a dozen sloth demons and four terror demons. Thankfully, the demonic host was either overconfident or had no true leader for what little order Harry had seen at earlier Rifts to be here, as they rushed at them without any tactic whatsoever. The first wave was repelled without trouble with most of the shades and wraiths disappearing. One terror demon and five sloth demon also added to the casualties on Alexius side. Speaking of the magister, he seemed fine with standing out of the way throwing a few fire ball here and there, but the demons were too close to the targets for the Tevinter mage to truly support them.
However this changed after the first clash. With the majority of the demons dieing that wasn't a problem anymore. Harry was about to stab one of the terror demons when a blast of fire forced him to retreat out of reach. A quick glance around showed that the battle, while in his allies favor still raged on. Leliana and Varric were precise with their shots, but they needed to stay far from the demons. Blackwall and Solas each battled against one of the two remaining terror demons, while Dorian engaged the remaining sloth demons.
Alexius sent another fire spell to his way. Harry was only barely able to get out of the way. The demon he was fighting wasn't that lucky. The lance of fire destroyed its right leg. With a loud shriek it went down only for Harry to stab it in the head. There was no time for the half elf to enjoy his victory or even catch his breath.
He quickly ascended the stairs of the dias leading to the throne, meeting Alexius. Their duel was fast and ferocious. Both were skilled and experienced, but Harry had the advantages. For one, he could and would kill Alexius, but the older Tevinter mage most likely needed him alive at least for a short time. Cutting, stabbing, burning or even maiming him was acceptable. But killing him would most likely result in the Mark fading from his body. There was a chance that Alexius could salvage it if he was quick enough, but the man obviously wouldn't dare to gamble with his last chance of saving his son like that. The other advantage was simply being younger, faster and stronger.
But even with those restrictions Alexius was a dangerous opponent. He kept Harry on his toes never allowing the half elf to gain the momentum. A few stabs with the blade of his staff forced Harry to fall back. Only for the magister to erect a wall of fire a few feet behind him. Harry had to shield himself from two fireballs and a stream of fire, rather than jumping to the side as he would. He was practically boxed in.
There was little he could do but make a dash towards Alexius. The magister was surprised by the bold move and was a touch too late bringing the staff into a horizontal slash, allowing Harry to block the blade with his sword. Alexius quickly brought his weapon back to defend against the counter attack to his chest. The tang showed its success as Harry sword only met the grip. But his dagger in the left hand was thrust into Alexius' right thigh. The Venatori mage went down with a cry.
Harry turned around, looking at his opponent grabbing his leg, his hands glowing as the healing spell slowly closed the wound. The magister slowly stood up, but his movements were tender. It took a bit of time for the wounds to be fully functional. Lighting cracked around him as he gathered magical energy between his palms, not bothering with his staff anymore. That kind of lighting strike would surely kill Harry.
There was no time to attack him before he could fire the spell. Harry could only cast a moderate shield to protect himself, but there was no need for it. An arrow flew through the chamber to lodge into the neck of the magister, followed another to his chest. Glancing behind Harry could see Leliana and Varric with their weapons drawn. It seemed that the battle was over.
Dorian, leading the group, made his way towards him and the body of his mentor. Harry winced at the flash of hurt appearing on the Tevinter mage's face.
"I'm sorry Dorian."
"As I am." He nodded as he knelled to close the eyes of his mentor before getting the amulet from inside his robes. "It will take some time. You can..."
He was interrupted by something impacting with the earth somewhere close shaking the very foundations of the castle. A beast of immense size roared outside.
"That is the Elder One." Solas said. Varric and Blackwall looked at each other, nodding. Solas sent Harry a small smile. "We will buy you some time my friend."
The three strolled out the chamber, the magical gate closing behind them with a loud tang. Leliana put an arrow on the string of her bow. Harry could feel his hearth hammering inside his chest. Dorian focused on the amulet as magic began swirling around them, but his tense form told Harry everything.
He was only thankful that the gate made the noises from outside nearly null. He knew what happens outside, but at least didn't had to listen to it. A few seconds latter the gate banged open. Leliana sent arrow after arrow flying, killing dozen Venatori and demon before they could reach her, while murmuring the Chant of Light. But there were far more enemy than she could have any hope to defeat. In seconds she was surrounded. Harry lunged at her, to help her, to take her away from the danger, but Dorian grabbed his shoulder.
"You move and we all die!" For a moment Harry stilled looking at the redhead's body falling to the ground. The next there was a flash and they appeared at the throne room a year in the past as the Inqusition surrounded Alexius.
"You'll have to do better than that." Dorian voice was strained even as he tried to stay true to his witty nature.
"Put aside your claim to Redcliffe and the rebel mages and we let you live." Too much happened in the last hours for Harry to remain polite. Alexius himself didn't seem to mind as he fallen to his knees.
"You won. There is no point in extending this charade." He looked at his son who stood beside the group with... regret? Fear? Guilt? Harry couldn't tell which. "Felix..."
Felixgently smiled at his father as he crouched next to him.
"It's goin to be alright, father."
"You will die." Alexius whispered.
"Everyone dies."
Maybe it was acceptance Felix showed at that moment or something else but Alexius nodded his head as he allowed the Inquisition's guard to lead him away with Felix walking beside him.
"Well, I'm glad that's over with!" Dorian remarked to Harry as he looked at Alexius back. Only for the doors of the throne room to open and two dozen knights, wearing black armor march into the room. After them came a woman and man. The man was tall and muscular, reminding Harry of Cullen, though with more sandy-brown hair compared to Cullen's blond. He wore simple armor, not as heavy as the knights, but he needed not. The woman beside him was a beauty, with a more elaborate dress on her.
"Grand Enchanter, we would like to discuss your abuse of our hospitality." The man cut to the heart of the matter, his voice steel.
"King Alistair, Queen Anora..."
"When we offered the mages sanctuary, we did not give them the right to drive our people from their homes." Anora spoken more softly, but her eyes were cold.
"Your majesties, I assure you, we never intended..."
"In light of recent events good intentions are not enough." Anora replied, her voice and eyes softening a bit seeing Fiona's despair.
"You and your followers have worn out you welcome." King Alistair was clear where he stood in this discussion. "Leave Ferelden., or we will be forced to make you leave."
"But.. We have hundreds who need protection. Where could we go?"
"The Inquisition might be willing to take in the mages." Harry joined the conservation. Fiona however seemed instantly suspicious.
"And what are the terms of this arrangement?"
"Hopefully better than what Alexius gave you." Dorian reminded her of her recent faliure, before turning towards Harry with a raised eyebrow. "The Inquisition is better than that, yes?"
"It seems we have little choice but to accept whatever you offer." Fiona said at last. Harry could feel a headache coming. The woman forced herself into the corner not once but twice in negotiation! He will need to speak with her about it. Not a conservation he was looking forward for.
"The Inquisition will be honored to have you fight alongside us as allies."
"A generous offer." Fiona put it lightly to say the least. Most would force the mages into servitude. "But will the rest of the Inquisition honor it?"
"The Breach threatens all of Thedas. Everyone in the Inquisition understand that we cannot be divided now. Our success need your full support." Harry reply thankfully was mostly the truth. There will be some conflicts, but those will be minor. Those coming from the Inquisition. If Ana was able to secure the templars... That will cause problems. Large ones at that.
"It is a generous offer. I doubt you will get a better one from anyone." King Alistair remarked. Fiona nodded her head.
"We accept. It would be madness not to."
"Before you accept I would like to speak with your people." Harry replied. Fiona raised an eyebrow at the request but nodded along.
"I will ready my people. The Breach will be closed. You won't regret giving us this chance."
Half an hour later Harry looked over the roughly five-six hundred mages. It seemed that they had hardly anything to their name considering how quickly they were ready to leave Redcliffe. Add the fact that most residents seemed eager to see their back. True, most got used to their presence, life goes on and what not, but few were happy when Alexius threw Arl Teagan out.
"Some of you have been already told that Alexius betrayed your trust." Harry looked over the assembled men and women. "King Alistair and Queen Anora cannot offer you sanctuary anymore. The Grand Enchanter and I came to an agreement that the mages and the Inquisition will fight side by side as full allies to end the threat of the Breach." The mages cheered hearing what most likely was the best news given the situation. Harry had to raise his palm to quiet them down. "However as we speak other agents of the Inquisition are heading to Therinfal Redoubt to speak with the templars. We need to stand together if we want to seal the Breach." He looked at the faces surrounding him, seeing more and more of those uncertain about an alliance with the templars. "I know that many offense happened during the war on both sides. I won't force anyone to fight for us. Anyone who wish to is free to go wherever he or she wants to."
There was very few who took up his offer to leave. Not that surprising as only those who truly wanted peace remained in Redcliffe. Thus the vast majority of them followed Harry and Fiona back to Haven to wait the return of Ana with – hopefully – the templars.
Harry couldn't help but smile as he looked back at Redcliffe Castle. He was able to prevent the future he saw passing. Yet, he was anxious. Who is that Elder One he heard of? For some reason every time he or Dorian mentioned it a strange shiver ran through him.
He turned back towards the Frostback Mountains, Haven and the Breach. In a few days it will be over. The Breach will be sealed and he could go back to his clan.
He didn't know how wrong he was.