Hello, everyone. So this is the first fic I have the courage to upload. I've been on this site for almost a year and just now, I feel confident enough to upload a story. I just want to make clear that maybe there'll be some grammar mistakes, as it's been a while since I last practiced my English grammar, so bear with me and if you want to help or point out mistakes, do please feel free. Anyway, this is a short one, mostly because it's an introduction to the whole fic and for you to get to know a little about my OC but I assure you it will get better. The story is almost finished, I've been writing it since probably the tenth episode was aired, but if there's any suggestion, as well, feel free. Reviews are welcome, don't forget to do it, please. Thanks all, and I hope you enjoy my story. :)x

"Dr. Allen speaking."

"Danielle, its Joe." I looked from my computer, where I was reading about the STAR Labs incident, to the phone. Weird, this phone is only for emergencies. "Look, I'll make this quick but I need to know you will take this calmly."

"Joe, I don't have much time so whatever it is, just tell me."

"Barry…he's in a coma." I froze. My hand in the mouse of the computer even stopped moving. "There was an accident at his forensic lab, a lightning struck him. He needs you."

"When was the accident?"

"Last night. I know I should've call but between taking him to the hospital and—I'm sorry, Dan."

I closed my eyes. My younger brother was all I had left and now he's in a coma. "I'll go to Central City as soon as I can. Just…keep me informed if anything happens."

"Be careful." The line went dead after Joe hung up.

My eyes were filled with tears but I was strong enough to not let them fall down my cheeks. My eyes fell on the photo I had of both Barry and myself the day I graduated and next to it, one of when he did. I took a long sigh, shaking everything away as I made my way to the receptionist.

"Dr. Allen, is there something I can do for you?" The young blonde haired girl asked me with her shiny smile.

"Is Dr. Richards around?"

"I believe he is in his office. Want me to give him a call?"

"No, it's fine. Just hold the calls for me, okay?" She nodded and I walked to the main office of the floor. I knocked twice and open the door. "Alan, a word, please?" He motioned me to walk inside and so I did, sitting down in front of his desk. "There's been an emergency back in my family and I need to go to Central City."

"Oh, no. What happened?" Since Alan and I had been friends ever since my first day working at the hospital, he was consider a friend of the family.

"Barry was struck by a lightning at his lab and is in a coma. I think we both know that if I go, I won't come back."

"Danielle, your brother needs you, I understand. Grab your things and take the soonest train to Central City now. Don't worry about anything else, I'll make sure everything is covered." He got up to offer me a hug, which I accepted. "My best wishes with Barry. If you need anything, don't doubt on calling me."

"Thanks, Alan."

The very next day, after gathering everything from my office and my apartment, I was on my way to Central City. Naturally, the first place I went to was to Joe's house, which was empty when I arrived. The only thing I did was leave my things on my old room and rushed to the CCPD. The stairs to Barry's lab were closed and I couldn't help but feel an emptiness on my stomach.

"Dr. Allen?" A voice caught me off guard, making me turn around to meet the blonde haired guy, to whom I looked confused. "Oh, I'm sorry. Eddie Thawne, I'm new here. Detective West asked me to keep an eye for when you arrived."

"Oh, please, call me Danielle or Dan." I said while shaking his hand. "Is Joe around?"

"Not at the moment. There's a funeral being held to his ex-partner, he died the night of the explosion. But he asked me to take you to the hospital in case he wasn't around."

But just when he stopped talking, the elevator opened up and Joe coming out of it. I noticed his face lighting up when he saw me and I didn't doubt to go to him and hug him. "Dan, I am so sorry."

"Joe, this is not your fault. Things like this happen every day, we just got unlucky." I told him with a small smile. "Can we go? I need to see him." He nodded as we both made our way outside, not before I thanked Eddie.

After a few minutes, we were at the hospital. My heart sunk when I saw him lying on the bed with the breather connected to his body. Joe told me he was going to leave me alone with him and so I walked to sit on the bed, placing my hand on his. It was hard looking at him without his bright smile and so good mood. "Barry, don't do this to me. You're all I have, please. I'll do everything I can for you to wake up."

It's been already three weeks since Barry was in a coma, not getting worse nor better. Alan had make sure that I got a spot at the Central City Hospital, so I could stay with Barry and also Joe and Iris, which I thanked him for. I was decorating my new office when Iris messaged me that she was stopping by to bring coffee so I agreed on meeting her down with Joe. I put on my white coat and went up to Barry's floor. I greeted the receptionist and walked to the room.

"Hey." I greeted the both. I could notice Joe's tired face and if I was honest, I was starting to get worried sick about him. "Joe, not talking as a doctor, you need to go home and rest. You won't make anything better if you stay here without sleep or eat."

"That's what I tell him but he won't listen." Iris said and Joe sighed.

"I'll go home when Barry does." Just as he finished saying that, the breathing monitor began to beep and Barry began to have a seizure.

"Oh, my God. Oh, my God." Iris tried to go to Barry but I stopped her.

"Clear the room. Joe, call for the doctors." I could hear Joe call for the other doctors as I walked to him and check what was wrong. When I realized what it was…he had no pulse.

"They said he was stable." Iris said with a concern face.

"Joe, take her outside. Now!" I walked to take the pillow out and that's when the other doctor came inside.

"How can he be seizing? He has no rhythm." Dr. Charles asked.

"Starting compressions." The nurse said and Charles turned to me.

"Allen, leave it to us. Go with your family." He told me but I didn't want to leave him. "Allen!" Breathing heavily, I made my way out, my hands shaking.

"Dan, what happened?" Joe asked.

"Seizing…no rhythm. That's impossible." I managed to say as tears were down my face.

"They can't save him." A third voice sounded next to us and when we turned around, there he was, Dr. Harrison Wells on his now wheelchair. "But I can."

"I know who you are. You're the scientist that Barry's obsessed with, the one who blew a hole in the city." Joe said.

"Harrison Wells, and interestingly enough, my facility is the very place I would like to take him."

"You're out of your mind." Joe said as I took a look back inside.

"I'm not gonna try and convince you with promises. But, Detective, give me a chance."

"I think we already know what you're capable of, Doctor. You hurt a lot of people that night."

"So those doctors in there, they're good enough? The best in the city, best in the country. Look at them. They have no clue what's going on. They're baffled, and the reason for that is what's happening inside Barry is a mystery, and they don't have the tools to solve it."

"But you do?"

"That's right. Millions of people used to look at my lab, and what did they see? They saw the future. Well, let me take that technology, let me take that know-how into ensuring that your son actually does have a future." Joe said nothing and turned to me.

"I need a professional opinion about this." Joe told me and I sighed.

"I won't lose him." I turned from the window to Dr. Wells. "My brother is everything to me, Doctor. Please, save him."

"He is in good hands, Dr. Allen, and I will do everything in my power to bring him back."