Disclaimer: The following is a nonprofit Fan based story; The FLASH and all related characters are owned by DC comics, the CW and anyone I may have missed.

A/N: Post Season 1 Not much has changed aside from a few things in this story like Eddie now being dead. I also combind the previous chapter 1 and 2 since they should have been the same chapter to begin with and Chapter 3 is the new Chapter 2.

The Flash: The Fury of Killer Frost

Chapter 1: The Birth of Killer Frost

In the S.T.A.R. Labs medical lab Ronnie Raymond sat next to his unconscious wife. Seeing her like this was heart breaking for him. She looked so weak and helpless; nothing like the Caitlin he knew; fell in love with and married.

When he, as Firestorm, and Barry found her in that lab her skin was pale and cold to the touch, even for a guy who sets himself on fire, and her hair was platinum blonde almost white like ice. When he carried her unconscious body from the H.I.V.E. back to S.T.A.R. labs her hair and skin returned to their original color, however a little while after they set her up in the lab her skin once more turned pale and her hair turned white and the room seemingly dropped a few degrees every day. Ever since then Ronnie barely left her side.

Caitlin Snow Raymond was in a coma that refused to release her for the last three months. Professor Stein, Barry, Cisco, Joe, and Iris all comforted him and visited Caitlin, the only ones who did not were the duo from Earth-2, Harry Wells and Jay Garrick. Out of everyone Barry was the most distraught since it was him who persuaded Caitlin to take that job with the then unknown H.I.V.E. Ronnie couldn't blame Barry for what happened to his wife, it was something they could not foresee, and how can he blame his friend for telling Caitlin to pursue a job in her dream field especially when no one else offered her anything.

The only strange thing about it was that Caitlin seemed to NEED Barry's permission to take on a new job, not her husband's but one of her best friends. It made sense though; Barry needed Caitlin to patch him up after each time he did something stupid and they had developed this special relationship where they each leaned on the other heavily for support, that and technically Barry was Caitlin's boss as their original Dr. Wells bequeathed the lab to the young speedster in the event of his death.

"Ronnie…" Ronnie perked up when he heard Caitlin say his name. For the first time in months she was awake.

"Cait" Ronnie said as he readjusted himself to that he was leaning over her. "Cait, it's me Ronnie."

"Ronnie." Caitlin said happily as she opened her eyes to look into her husband's eyes. Ronnie saw her once brown eyes now icy blue. Ronnie was taken aback slightly. Caitlin no longer looked like the woman he fell in love with, but that didn't matter, not to him. No matter what she looked like she would always be his Caitlin Snow. Caitlin had been subjugated to far worse than him. After all she thought he was dead for twelve months, but then she found out he wasn't, except he was a passenger in his own body and had fire coming out of his head and hands.

"Cait, I'm right here." Ronnie said he took a hold of her hand. It was cold to the touch and his hand felt like it was on fire. The sensation was completely different than any other time but he didn't care as Caitlin began to regain her color. Ronnie leaned in and closing his eyes kissed Caitlin on the lips to which Caitlin responded in kind, but for the first time her eyes were wide open, her icy blue eyes before they turned brown.

The moment Caitlin's lips touched Ronnie's she felt a surge of heat cascade across her lips and throughout her body. The sensation was akin to ecstasy and she didn't want it to end any time soon. However, even though she desperately wanted to prolong the kiss Ronnie began to pull back and she didn't know why. Did she do something wrong?

"Wait Cait-" Ronnie never finished his sentence as Caitlin slammed her lips back into his after a brief separation, much fiercer than the first time.

Caitlin poured so much passion into the kiss. She wanted this, she wanted him, and the sensation coursing through her heating her up was driving her mad. After all she and Ronnie had never gotten the chance to spend the night together after their wedding, what with the singularity wormhole in the sky and everything else that happened.

Ronnie was feeling the exact opposite of Caitlin. While she got warmer and hotter from the kiss, Ronnie felt himself getting progressively more sluggish, weak and cold as the kiss continued. He wanted to stop, no, he needed to stop. Somehow Caitlin was draining the heat from his body and that was very dangerous to those around her. The only problem was Caitlin clearly didn't want to end this passionate kiss of theirs, nor did she seem to know what she was doing.

Slowly Ronnie opened his eyes and he saw that Caitlin looked virtually normal, no platinum blond hair, no blue lips or blue eyes (as far as he could tell) and her skin had returned to its usual complexion. However this was not the only thing he noticed. Creeping all across his body was a layer of frost. Where ever it was Ronnie felt like he could not move; the cold sucking out everything he had. With difficulty he reached up and took Caitlin's right wrist in his left hand and attempted to remove her hands from him.

"Ronnie, please don't pull away, I want you." Ronnie shivered when he heard those words and not just because he was freezing. "I need you right now." Caitlin felt Ronnie pulling away again but this time she opened her eyes. She couldn't really make him out with her vision being blurry and predominantly red but slowly it was coming back into focus. Why was her husband pulling away? Didn't he want her as much as she wanted him right now?

"C-C-Cait" His shivering voice snapped her out of the trance like state she was in and her vision came back, but as soon as it did Caitlin wished it hadn't. Ronnie looked like an ice sculpture, his skin was pale and frost was creeping over his entire body.

Her eyes went wide and she instinctively moved her hand to cover her gaping mouth. When she moved it she heard a crack. Both of them looked down to see that Ronnie's hand that was gripping Caitlin's wrist had snapped off leaving Ronnie with a frozen stump and Caitlin with his hand around her wrist.

"R-Ronnie?" The frost and ice kept creeping all over Ronnie, they weren't even in direct contact any more.

Ronnie just looked at Caitlin and forced a smile through his frozen face, which cause multiple cracks to run across that pretty mug. "I-Its ok C-Cait…I'm j-just a little c-c-cold." that was so like Ronnie, trying to make her feel better in the worst situations.

"What…what did I do to you?" Caitlin could barely hold back the tears. "Oh, god. I did this. I did this."

Ronnie forced his right hand to move up and caress his wife's face. More cracks ran up his arm and across his chest and small pieces broke off of him threatening to shatter him at a moment's notice. His frozen body moaned in defiance as he leaned in towards Caitlin and he began to close his eyes.

"No! Ronnie stay with me!" she ordered in doctor mode "Stay awake! You need to stay awake! We'll fix this! We have to!" Ronnie just smiled but didn't say a word.

"It's too late Cait, ever part of me's frozen."

"Then we'll get you and Professor Stein to fuse! Firestorm can save you!"

"You don't know that. I can feel myself freezing up and even parts of me are cracking and breaking off."

"Please! Ronnie you can't die! What will I do without you?" This had to be some kind of nightmare or night terror. Caitlin thought as she embraced her freezing husband as tightly and gently as she could before resting her chin on his frozen shoulder.

"Cait," Caitlin could barely look at her husband after seeing what she had done to him. "I love you." He wanted those three words to be the last ones she hears from him. And with those words Caitlin listened through her sobs as Ronnie breathed his last as his eyes froze over.

"R-Ronnie?" Caitlin asked the ice sculpture hoping this was all a lie.

Ronald Raymond, Structual Engineer for S.T.A.R. Labs, husband to Dr. Caitlin Snow Raymond, and one half of the hero Firestorm had died.

Caitlin made a move to try and touch her now ice sculpture of a husband but the moment she tried to caress his face it began to crumble. More tears welled up in Caitlin's eyes. "RONNIE!" She let out his name as a blood curling scream and a large wave of frozen air blasted out from her, knocking back everything around her and coating it all in a layer of ice. The force of the wind knocked back Ronnie's frozen body and despite Caitlin trying to stop it from falling Ronnie fell over and shattered when he hit the ground.

Seeing what she had done and become, Caitlin huddled up on the medical bed. Hugging her knees close to her chest she began to cry ever more fiercely rock herself back and forth, hoping this was all a horrible dream.

Barry slowly made his way to the med bay. A few months ago Caitlin was attacked by Damian Darhk and his H.I.V.E. agents. Damn bastards tried to kill her then they left her to freeze to death. Barry punched the wall in frustration. Because he wasn't fast enough one of his close friends and Ronnie's wife was in a coma teetering on death's door.

"RONNIE!" A scream snapped him out of his thoughts as it echoed throughout the halls, a female scream, Caitlin's scream. In a heartbeat Barry burst into the med lab "Caitlin are you OK!?" He asked as he skidded to a stop. What he saw shocked him to the core.

Caitlin was huddled up on her bed looking normal but that wasn't what shocked Barry. Scattered all across the floor were large chunks of ice with the sole exception being a chunk of ice clenched around her right wrist. Upon further inspection Barry realized that was not ice, it was a hand, a hand with a wedding band on the ring finger.


"Caitlin what happened?" He scanned around the room. Where was Ronnie? He was supposed to be here. After all he never left his wife's side since he wanted to be the first thing she saw when she woke up. "Where's Ronnie?"

Caitlin stuttered through tears as she looked up at her friend. "R-R-Ronnie...He's...He's..." She turned to the ice shards on the floor. "Oh God..." She buried her hands into her face and started to cry. "Barry…I...I...killed...I killed Ronnie..."

Here ends the chapter

Please tell me what you liked, didn't like, look forward to/think will happen, or your general thoughts and comments, this'll help me make this story better, I would like legit reviews. I'm a big boy so I can take criticism.

Also for those wondering why I killed Ronnie it is simply because I see no other logical way Caitlin can become Killer Frost otherwise. If Ronnie were still around she probably wouldn't go insane or evil, but her being the one that killed him can absolutely break her, plus it'll be a center of conflict for Barry and Caitlin.

Yes I know Firestorm in the comics can temporarily heal Caitlin but here's the thing people seem to ALWAYS forget. Firestorm is TWO people; Ronnie AND Martin Stien. Ronnie is NOT Firestorm, nor is Prof. Stien Firestorm. Firestorm is Ronnie AND Prof. Stien. Ronnie CANNOT heal her only Firestorm has a chance.

Honestly the shipname Snowstorm doesn't make a whole lot of since to me since that's technically shipping Caitlin and Firestorm (2 dudes). That and Caitlin and Ronnie only had interactions in 2 full episodes (14 and 23) and flashbacks in episode 3. Any other time they were on screen 'together' it was Firestorm, not Ronnie.

Thank You, and if you sneezed while reading this Bless you.

Have a Fantastic day