A/N: Well we have come to the end. I think this fic kinda sucked even though it was lovely to write. I started writing it without much of an idea in mind, just the knowledge that I wanted to write about Haruhi and Tamaki. However, you all have been so kind, I'm still amazed no one thought this fic was a load of feel-good, improbable rubbish. Though in my defense I had a lot of plot lines in mind, only to read the Manga and realize my ideas were there! Seriously maybe Bisco Hatori and I are long lost sisters, It was like she took the imagined scenes in my head for Haruhi and Tamaki and just made them a Manga lol. Anyway I did enjoy writing this immensely. I urge you that if you are in any anime fandom and like writing to write a fanfiction. The over exaggerations, and anime emotions are so fun to write. It's fun to write for a very dramatic character such as Tamaki. Okay I've kept you too long, please read on.

Tamaki was practically shivering. He glanced up at Haruhi, who was serving everyone tea. The whole club was now in the cramped apartment except for Kyoya.

"Does anyone know why Ranka invited us here?" Hunny asked as he forced strawberry after strawberry into his mouth. Mori simply grunted.

"Nope," Hikaru shrugged as he and Karou tried maneuvering their long legs around the small table.

"Kyoya will be here soon! And then you all will know!" Ranka was being rather dramatic. Haruhi was shaking, she couldn't believe her father was going to tell the host club. If any of them had been observant enough they would've have noticed by now. The way Haruhi avoided Tamaki's eyes. The way Tamaki shuddered whenever Haruhi got near him. Tamaki's skin still burned with the memory of Haruhi.

"I'm here," Kyoya announced. He looked a bit annoyed at being called out this far for something he didn't even know about.

"Now what is all this ridiculousness about?" Kyoya demanded looking around.

"I have some very interesting news!" Ranka announced, obviously enjoying the attention. "I walked in this afternoon, TO FIND MY DAUGHTER STRADDLING THIS BLONDE BIMBO OF HER OWN VOLITION," Ranka was pointing an accusing finger at Tamaki.

Tamaki jumped out of his seat as if his ass were on fire. His eyes grew to ten times their original size as he trembled. Tears began to pour from his swollen eyes.

"Kyoya please," Tamaki wailed. "I didn't mean to soil her innocence, don't think less of me." Tamaki sprung from his seat on the floor and attached himself to Kyoya's leg.

"Am I going to get thrown out of the Host Club?" Haruhi realized too late that she'd said that aloud. Her normal apathetic mood had cracked. The Twins looked at her in confusion.

"Ohhhh Haruhi!" Tamaki cried overwhelmed with emotion. "You DO care about the host club!" Tamaki was at her side again, obviously forgetting where he was,

Tamaki rushed over to Haruhi and grabbed her face between his hands. He peppered her rosy red cheeks with kisses.

"Senpai stop," Haruhi said, half exasperated, half laughing. "I told you already I like being in the Host Club, you're really overreacting!"

"Stop!" Ranka howled. He wrenched Tamaki off Haruhi and threw him against the wall much like the first time they met.

"This foolishness needs to stop," Kyoya said nonchalantly. Tamaki and Haruhi glanced up at Kyoya like puppies.

"Waaaaait," Hikaru began, looking back and forth between Haruhi and Tamaki. "So you two ARE together?" He asked.

"Well," Haruhi glanced downwards.

"I mean," Tamaki added, but stared at Haruhi, wanting her full permission to reveal anything.

"Yes," Haruhi sighed finally. "Yes Tamaki and I have been together for a bit now."

"TAMACHAN!" Hunny squealed and hung himself around Tamaki's neck.

"HARUCHAN!" Another blur of blonde and Hunny had attached himself to Haruhi as well, pushing the couple's heads together as he clung to their necks.

"This is so exciting!" Hunny was near tears.

"It surely took you two long enough," Kyoya said in a harsh tone, but with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Kyoya!" Tamaki screamed, arms extending to grab Kyoya's shoulders. "Kyoya you knew?" Tamaki screeched. Tamaki began to shake Kyoya, practically sobbing, while Kyoya kept an extremely straight face.

"You knew all this time and you didn't tell me! We could've swapped tactics, and I could've told you about all my worries, and asked you for date ideas!" Tamaki was wailing again now as he turned paper thin and floated to the floor.

"That's exactly why I didn't want you to know I knew," Kyoya said simply, writing a note down on his clipboard. Kyoya's words stabbed through Tamaki's heart.

"Kyoya Senpai, you knew the whole time?" Haruhi questioned.

"Of course I knew, you two didn't hide it very well. With Tamaki's mood being even more excitable than normal, and Haruhi practically glowing, I can't believe no one else noticed."

"Yeah, especially since The Twins almost caught us like a billion times," Haruhi laughed. The twins looked at one another.

"You two were canoodling in that dressing room!" They chorused together pointing accusing fingers at the girl. Haruhi couldn't help but giggle.

"Aren't you ashamed Haruhi? Usually you distance yourself with anything to do with The Boss."

"Shut up you two, of course I'm not," she rolled her eyes.

"You two are so cute!" Hunny giggled.

"No, Haruhi is the only cute one," Karou scoffed. Haruhi gave him a withering look, knowing this would set Tamaki off again.

"Karou," Tamaki pawed at his shirt from the floor. "You don't think I'm cute?"

"This isn't helping!" Ranka shrieked. "Tamaki you aren't worthy of my beautiful daughter!"

Haruhi rolled her eyes," Daaaad."

"Everyone be quiet!" Kyoya snapped. Everyone cowered in fear.

"Tamaki stop yanking on Karou's shirt, Hikaru stop hitting Tamaki." Hikaru had begun hitting Tamaki like a dog who was misbehaving as Tamaki tried to get Karou to say he was cute.

"Haruhi, please tell your father how you feel."

"Dad I- I love Tamaki," Haruhi stuttered. "I want to be with him, and I'm sorry but you're just going to have to accept that."

Tamaki had stopped his pursuit of Karou and was sitting on the floor blinking up at Haruhi, a goofy smile on his face. Haruhi glanced at him and grinned sheepishly.

"And I love her," Tamaki stood up, legs trembling. "I'm sorry if you don't approve Ranka, but I care about Haruhi too much to let my fear of you get in the way." He was quivering as he said this.

"This is, this is.." Ranka was sputtering in anger.

"Ranka!" Kyoya snapped. "You know you don't actually disapprove of Tamaki! You know you just like to be dramatic, and you're afraid of losing Haruhi, but she's old enough to make her own decisions." Ranka gave Kyoya a betrayed look.

"Ranka," Kyoya sighed. "You know you don't mind Tamaki, if you truly care about Haruhi, let her do this, you can't protect her heart forever."

"You! You!" Ranka sounded furious. "You, you are right," he finally sighed. "But Tamaki if you hurt my daughter," Ranka flipped his hair over his shoulder.

"He won't," Haruhi interrupted, grabbed Tamaki's arm and moving closer to him.

"I would never," he said intertwining his fingers with Haruhi, looking more serious than he had since Kyoya came.

"I," Ranka sighed. "I know that Tamaki, I'm just so used to trying to protect my little Haruhi."

"It'll all be okay dad, I'm still your little girl," Haruhi told him, making a disgusted face at the last two words, but she meant it none the less.

"What's gonna happen to the host club," The Twins asked. "We already lost Haruhi as a host, and Tamaki is the most popular."

"Yeah," Mori said simply.

"Nonsense," Kyoya responded. "We'll continue with the 'Love Birds' package. Everything will be fine."

"Oh I'm just so excited this is happening!" Tamaki squealed. "Our family all knows now Haruhi! Oh my gosh, everything will have to change now," Tamaki was rambling with his hands pressed to his red cheeks. "I'm still the Daddy, but now Haruhi can be the mommy, I'm sorry Kyoya, maybe now you can be my son," Tamaki continued speaking very fast.

"Tamaki," Haruhi said over his mash of words.

"What?" Tamaki asked excitedly turning towards his girlfriend.

"Shut up."