First Chapter-so exciting! you don't have to read the first story, but it helps. There is a blog, and the capitol people, mentors, and tributes all get posted there. All the really important people are included here. This is an overcap of the main events in several characters lives this past year after the Quarter Quell.

About a week after the Fourth Quarter Quell

Hadrian breathed a sigh of relief as he entered TV host Augustus Flickerman's studio office. With the games done, he was ready to return to his normal life. No more late show interviews, pre-game chats, and rushed game time commentaries. Flickerman could find a new co-host, Hadrian was ready to return to the boring kind of jobs he'd held before the last set of games.

Augustus gave him a cheery smile as Hadrian sat down, pouring him a cup of coffee, "I'm so glad you stepped in and helped out the last couple of weeks. You're an absolute gem, we couldn't have done it without you.'

Hadrian sipped on the coffee, "Yeah, thanks. But now you can find someone trained to help you out, now that life has settled down some."
Flickerman's brow crinkled, "Someone trained? You're a pro at this Hadrian, I could never replace you now."

Running a hand through his thick hair, Hadrian felt his stomach contorting. How could he explain and get his legendary boss to agree with him? "It's been fun, but I'm just not up for it." He continued, not letting Augustus interrupt him, "I've never been one to give so much attention to the games, and thinking about them non-stop wears on my health."

"Oh, Hadrian, I can't lose you now. There's just too much at stake here."

Hadrian frowned, "Why can't you find another person to do my job?"
Augustus pointed his finger at him, "Listen to me, I know a natural when I see one, and you're it. The Gamemakers love you, the crowds adore your style, and you develop a natural empathy with the tributes, something few Capitol natives can muster up. You're a once in a lifetime treasure."

"Augustus, I really hate doing this. It's nauseating to watch these kids butcher each other, and talking about makes it just eat me up. I just can't keep this up."

"No, you hear me. A host for the games must have some of those feelings. Otherwise, it's just a monotonous commentary. But when you're actually on the verge of tears watching that girl from three die,"
"Her name was Pixelle," Hadrian butted in, frustrated with the direction of the conversation.
"Exactly, you know her name. Heck, you teared up when the Career pack was ambushed, I mean few people here do that."

"And this is precisely why, I don't like this work. I can't sleep at night, when I finally get to even go to bed. I can't even eat, or read a decent book. I've never ever not wanted a job so badly before."

Augustus sighed, leaning forward. "I'm sorry kid, but I can't let your contract go. We need people like you here, it's just a touch of humanity for the games."

Hadrian moaned, burying his head in his hands, "My contract doesn't expire for four more years. I was hired to serve you coffee, sweep the floor. I signed that paper to pay off my college debts, not deliver commentaries on the games."

'I know when your contract expires. And I won't put up a fuss if you still want to quit four years from now. Until then, all I ask is that you give me all you've got."

Lifting his head, Hadrian rubbed at his reddened eyes, "I was just hoping you know, but if I can't quit I'll give the job my best." He stood up, now only wanting to go home and drown himself in a good book.

Flickerman let him go, trying to push aside the slightly guilty feeling nagging him. What he definitely needed right now was a lawyer to find some loophole to extend Hadrian's contract.

Nearly Three Months after the Fourth Quarter Quell ~ GameMaker headquarters

"The President has some small concerns about the victory tour, nothing too major, but he does want a good representative going this year." Lafayette Thrope, Head Gamemaker, was still concerned with keeping himself in Presidential favors. Which is exactly why he was hoping to send an underling on the victory tour. If any mistake was made, he wouldn't be present to take the blame.

The room full of Gamemakers met his announcement in unusual silence. Sure, there hadn't been any concern over the victory tour the last few years, yeah, more than a few years actually. "Look, people, I said it was nothing major, we just need a good balanced this year."

Still no response from the group, maybe he could get rid of that annoying griper who dyed his hair that irritating color of pink, "What about you Clément? Don't you want to tour the districts?"

"Tour the districts?" Clément's face wrinkled in disgust, "Why would I want to do that? Anyway, my wife's expecting a baby, I can't leave her to do your job."

Lafayette sighed, "Come on people, It's just twelve days."

"Look, I can go." Gemini sighed as she spoke, "I do everything else around here." She swiveled in her chair, "My schedule should be free."

"You don't have to go, Gemini. I mean, you have skills I need here. We still haven't ironed out all the wrinkles in the arena for next year."

She frowned, pulling at the end of her ponytail, "No, it will be good for me to get out of the control rooms. Seeing the districts will help give me ideas, you know a fresh look."

"If no else volunteers," He eyed the room, hoping someone else would bat an eye. Just his luck that no one would.

District Seven, the Victory Tour

Copper squeezed Radiance's hand, pulling her face very close to her own, "Honey, I have to tell you something very important about our visit here. You must pay attention, and not talk to anyone about this."

Radiance nodded, emulating Copper's whisper, "Ok, what is it?"
"Things in this district have been rough," Coppers face seemed to pain at the very words. "It's really harsh here I am sure, and you need to be careful."

Careful. It seemed her mentor reminded her to be this way every single day. Practically every time they talked since she stepped out of the arena, she was prompted her to be careful. What were people so afraid of? Except for Odyssey, he was so self-assured. Copper could learn a thing or two from her cousin.

"Where are you girls?" Gemini stepped into the room, her voice even and cool. "I see you're all set for the cameras. Now we have an agenda here, Lafayette wants to make certain that you especially bring poise to this district."

A look seemed to pass between Copper and Gemini. So quickly that Radiance wondered if she imagined it. Before she could process what the two might possibly be thinking, the escort bounced in, her voice shrill and demanding; the complete opposite of the calm Mentor and even headed Gamemaker.

The crowds outside the train were stony faced. Radiance's stomach twisted as she fully realized this was Grel's district. Her ally, didn't he have some family member he was trying to save? Peacekeepers stood on each side of the train, and Radiance was surprised to see that their weapons were drawn.

The mayor escorted them to a vehicle, and the four of them, Copper, Gemini, Radiance, and the escort were driven to a platform. It was decorated as in many of the districts, Radiance was kind of tired of seeing her face everywhere. As they mounted the steps, Minnie, district Seven's female victor approached them, wrapping Copper in a warm embrace.

She laid a hand on Radiance's head, placing a finger on her chin, "Our district appreciates how your alliance worked with Grel." Her eyes darted towards the silent crowd, "Don't fret over how sullen they are, they actually do like you."

Radiance nodded, grateful for the other's support when she stood behind the mic. She had done this in five districts already, it should be normal. But this was the first time she had to address an ally's district. She fumbled with the card, while the mayor finished the formal introduction.

"I am grateful to be welcomed by the people of District Twelve. Without the support of Panem, I would never have been able to achieve victory." Her voice seemed to lodge in her throat, "My allies were instrumental in propelling my course."

Radiance swiped at her eyes, knowing the escort would screech at her for ruining her mascara, "I am thankful to your tribute Grel Gracy and his family and friends, without his teamwork, I could not be standing here today."

Radiance looked up in time to see a scrawny kid pushing his way through the crowd, they seemed to move to make way for the red head. "Follow the script," Gemini whispered, and Radiance began to read the fluff filled accolade to Leota.

The air seemed to whistle, the crowd yelling hoarsely, and Radiance felt herself tumbling. Peacekeepers marching, dense smoke, and high-pierced alarms sounded. Wood shrapnel flew around Radiance, and she curled into a tight ball, shielding herself from the ensuing chaos.

Strong arms lifted Radiance from the smoldering platform, and she clutched whoever they were tightly around the neck. Soothing words followed, and Radiance allowed herself to open her tight eyes. The square was filled with, was that bodies? Smoke still hung in the air, and the bright banners were trampled. The sight disappeared as Peacekeepers crowded in around her rescuer, leading her somewhere.

Someone was talking into something, telling someone rushed details of what had just happened. Radiance tried to process it, but all she could do was ask herself where Copper and Gemini were. And the escort. What about the mayor, all the people standing behind her?

Bouncing, apparently they were walking on stairs. Then she was laid in a chair, and Radiance realized they were in the train. It was kind of dark, the curtains were all closed. She looked up, staring into the face of a peacekeeper. "What's going on?" her voice was hardly above a whisper.

"I think you blacked out some." He bent down, his blue eyes intense, focused completely on her. "Just some ruffians, but they did a lot of damage. We're glad you're fine, no injuries is what the medic said. They didn't throw it at you."

Radiance took in a deep breath, her ribs pinching, stopping her short. "What?" the words came out in a rush, "What was thrown, where's Copper, and Gemini?"
"It was a Molotov cocktail, a homemade bomb. Had a lot of punch to it. They were trying to get the mayor, some people here are holding some grudges."

"But what about?"
He smiled, catching her hand, "The escort was standing next to the mayor, so she's the most hurt. Copper was right behind you, she had some burns, and broken ribs. Gemini was just shook up, I think her ribs might be cracked."

"The escort?"
"Badly burnt. Broken bones, all that stuff."

Radiance sank into the chair, her mind reeling. "And the mayor?"
His face darkened, "They got him, there's nothing we can do."

She stared at him, "You mean he's dead?

"Why, I mean, couldn't you do, or try, or given him something?"

He shook his head, "No, guess it was his time to go. Which is a little unfortunate for this district." He stared at his hands a few moments, "I'm assigned to escort you straight to the Capitol. We're leaving as soon as the company all boards."

"Will Copper and the rest be coming?"
"I'm sorry, but they are being detained for treatment, except Gemini, I think she's well enough to come."

As he spoke some peacekeepers entered, leading in Gemini. She swept over to Radiance, giving her a tight hug. She paused to glance at the peacekeeper.
"I assume you're the man in charge here?"
"Yes ma'am, I've been assigned here."

She patted Radiance on the head, and Radiance simply clutched her other hand. Gemini just felt normal, safe.

"I'm Gemini Heavensbee. Are we to be sure this train is absolutely safe for the return to the Capitol?"

He nodded, "Absolutely, my men and women are doing all possible to ensure the safety of this vehicle."

"And your name?"

"Pardon me," he clicked his heels, "Lieutenant Dietrich Helst, ma'am."

"Thank, you Dietrich, If I may, I will take over Miss Osmium's care. Feel free to come visit with us later, I just think she needs some time."

"Of course," Helst gave a quick bow, scurrying off towards the front of the train.

Gemini sank into a chair next to Radiance, brushing her loose hair out of her eyes. "Copper is going to be fine. They're treating her burns, and I expect we'll get to see her in a few days."

Radiance nodded, "What was this all about?" A whistle blew, and the train began to move.

"You're talking about the square?"
She nodded, continuing to clasp Gemini's hand.

She sighed, "People can become dissatisfied with the system, and they react, its normal human behavior. The Capitol should expect this kind of stuff more often."
Radiance stared at her. "You're a Gamemaker? You sound more like, I don't know." Her voice trailed.

Gemini grinned, "I'm a Heavensbee, our family is entitled to our own opinions on life. Everyone knows we say what we think. But you need to rest, this afternoon's been quite a shocker."

Radiance easily fell asleep, and Gemini ordered some white wine. She had thrown away the pills the nurses had given her. She hated medicine, alcohol could calm you one down just as well. It was too bad the escort had been so badly hurt, they had definitely not been in the plan. Copper should have stepped away in time, but she'd been too concerned with Radiance's emotional state. Well, at least it didn't make her look involved.

She turned on the TV, making sure the volume was set fairly low. Thankfully, her contacts had debugged certain compartments on the train before it left the Capitol. She had gone to the President, claimed it might encourage the mentors to talk. And since he trusted her to report everything back to him, all was good.

She grinned as she held up her glass of wine, "A toast to you, Uncle Plutarch, for setting all this up."

Capitol, the evening of the Attack in District Seven

The plan had worked, Annora smiled as she listened to the newscaster prattle on. Footage of the mob in seven was fairly tame, showing district slaves throwing Molotov Cocktails was definitely not in Capitol taste. Of course the camera crew couldn't help the fact that they had been filming the tour, and the attack had aired live.

Annora shrugged off her high heels, grateful that the attack would get her an evening off. People here would be too worked up to request her company. She sank into a comfy sofa, as the anchor spoke of how well Radiance was. Everyone was in a frenzy, they could hardly think of anything other than worrying about Radiance's state of health.

The phone rang, and Annora sighed. It better not be some Capitolite. She didn't feel like speaking to any of them.

"Hey, am I allowed to talk to you tonight?"

Annora grinned, "Hey, Snider." District 12's sole male victor, and probably the only person who understood her. "I suppose I could allow myself to invest in your company."

"Really. Didn't know my company was such an investment."

His sarcasm always made her feel goofy, "Snider, shut up. My line is always open, especially for people like you. You've seen the news?"

"Who hasn't? Quite a show, definitely makes this victory tour memorable."

"For sure. But it leaves my evening free. I'm just going to sleep, I think."

"Too bad," Snider chuckled, "Wish I could be there, it's rare for you to have a free night, huh?"

Annora felt her cheeks redden, "Come on, Sni. If I have a free night, I'm not sharing it with you."

"Too bad. Anyway just called to check on you. Raquel's going to burst in here any minute. That upset in 7 is going to make her wild. I've got to hold the fort, ya know." Raquel, the victor they all had to keep in line.

"Sure," Annora toyed with her hair, loosening the high ponytail, "I just need to go get some sleep. See you soon, Snider."

"Yeah, you too Annora. Have fun."

"Thanks," She held the phone, listening as the dial tone buzzed. She wished she could chat with him every evening.

The news was playing footage of Radiance, emphasizing her face when the attack occurred. Apparently she didn't see it coming, and everyone was weepy-eyed for how afraid she must have been when it exploded. These Capitol jerks were plain stupid. It doesn't matter how you felt as a tribute, how fearful the arena was, or how awful it feels to kill someone. But once you're a victor, even stubbing your toes is a national trauma.

District One A few weeks before the Reaping of the 101st Games

Radiance stayed away from the training center, spending most of her hours hanging out at Copper's house. Copper was still bandaged up from the victory tour attack, and Radiance spent most of her day reading to her mentor.

"So," Copper looked up from the puzzle she was working with, "You know who's going to volunteer this year."

Radiance pursed her lips, "Do we have to talk about this?"

Copper sighed, "Honey, the reaping's only a couple weeks away. I'm not cleared to mentor, it's going to be you and Odyssey."

Radiance knew the doctor said Copper couldn't mentor. But she was hoping that her mentor would get well in time. "You still think you shouldn't this year?"

"I'm going with you, but I have a whole slew of doctor's appointments. I can't help the tributes if I'm knocked up on drugs. Besides, Odyssey can give you a ton of help."

"It's just, I think I know who's going to volunteer, and I'm worried for her."

"How do you know, is she a friend of yours?"

Radiance looked at the book, the words blurring together, "We always said we'd volunteer back to back. I mentioned that maybe she doesn't have to, but she wants to, I think."

Copper nodded, "She saw you win, why shouldn't she think she can't win as well?"

"I just know she'll get hurt, and I don't want to be responsible."

Copper sighed, "Don't feel responsible. I mean, you can't bear that guilt, it will crush you. You need to talk to Odyssey, he can really understand what you're going through."

"Don't you understand me just as well?"

She stood up, "I can choose to think about my experience. But it just demobilizes me. When Odyssey thinks about his, whatever, feelings I guess, He gets motivated. We're complete opposites. He just handles stuff better." She brushed back her hair, "I need to go take a vinegar bath, I'm sorry."