This Story is dedicated to my friend from University, who complained that the poor Splinter should get a mate and the turtles should gain a Mom. So here it is^^

Ninja Turtles aren`t mine... Shame on that.. But my OC`s are^^

The day was cold and rainy, nothing like spring should be. The wind was singing through old abandoned houses, bringing more of the cold and the rain. The city looked like a stray dog ducking down in a corner under a card box to safe itself from the heavy downpour. The wind herded the cold drops around, whipping them against every surface available.

And down onto a teenager, nearly a woman, who tried to fight against the unholy weather, her hands gripping her hood. With fast steps the woman ran along the streets, cursing slightly under her breath. Her trousers and her jacket were drenched with the cold water and her boots were slippery, the cold fluid already inside of it. A heavy messenger bag, filled to the rim and looking like it would spontaneously explode, was secured on her shoulder.

Her blue eyes were watering from the wind, her pale skin pinked with the storms force and a few white hairs escaped her hood, whipping around her head like small snakes.

With other, colorful curses in two different languages, the woman tore around a street corner and into a smaller alley which would lead to her apartment. One of the more dangerous shortcuts, but she was desperate to get out of the storm and into her own four walls. In her mind was a picture of a few warm blankets on the couch and the TV with the anime marathon for this evening.

But all this homely thoughts were frozen as the woman got a few meters into the alley. She slowed her running to smaller steps, creeping through the small shadows around her as her eyes landed on a scene. The small streetlights were swinging around, their lights dancing over droplets of different fluids, red, green and brownish droplets were everywhere, flying around and mixing with the clear drops of rain. Grunts, laughter, high pitched whimpers and screams mixed together with swaying schemes and cowering shadows.

4 men were crowding a big person, who was crouched over something smaller, maybe a little box, in which you could see something green moving. The Person growled so loud and deep that the woman could hear it over the laughter and the comments of the thugs.

It only took her a few seconds to determine that the 4 men were scum, dressed in false leather with spikes and tribals on every available surface, their hair cut nearly to the skin or looking like disfigured waterfalls. Their faces, or what she could see of it, were covered in bruises and piercings, one or two tattoos even, but their eyes were firmly set onto the person in their midst. They were hitting him, pushing him around and one even draw a knife to threaten with.

The woman stopped dead in her tracks as her eyes landed on the bigger person, one of the lights illuminated it rather bad, but she could see something that should not be! What she thought was a brown coat was fur, what seemed like long fingers, were slender paws with claws. And for just one single, oh so short moment, his eyes caught hers, warm but desperate meeting shocked but determined.

This moment was all she needed.

Her brows drew together as she snatched her messenger bag and lifted it up. She sped up again and swung around, the bag following the movements. Moments later it crashed into the head of one of the men, who then fell like a log of wood. Her heart clenched and pained her, she was an enemy of inflicting pain and now here she was, pummeling a man with her overweight bag. A small noise of distress escaped her lips.

The noise stopped altogether, 4 pairs of eyes solely focusing on her as she used the momentum of her bag to step away from the ring of men and the rat. The man on the ground was still, but his chest was still rising and falling, which calmed the woman's racing heart.

"WHAT do you think you are doing? What the fuck was that?! You stupid little BITCH!" the biggest of the men spat at her, his eyes glowing with rage as he mustered the small woman in front of him. With fast reflexes he grabbed the woman by her shoulder and with the other hand hit her across the cheek.

The rat deposited the box in his hand to the ground and stepped over it, his long tail whipped around one of the still standing men's ankle, tripping him down as he threw himself at the other one with the knife. His long claw-like hands gripped the man's throat, nearly caressing it as it slid over his soft skin to his neck. Before the thug could utter a curse or act in any way, the rat pressed his fingers into one single point and the man froze, his face paled and he fell like a dropped doll. The rat`s eyes landed for a split second on the falling woman, his lips parted to show sharp teeth as he turned around to the more pressing threat for his children.

At the same time the woman hit the ground, hard, a yelp escaped her mouth and one of her hands went to her burning cheek, covering it. Her eyes wandered upwards, meeting the enraged gaze of the man who hit her. In the back of her head she registered the moving shadows behind the giant, the small grunts and thuds that came from a body hitting the ground.

"You little bicth! You really want to mess with the Purple Dragons? You will PAY!" he drew his hand back and lifted one boot to kick the small woman. She covered her head with both arms and curled into herself, waiting for the blow and the pain but it never came.

Several moments passed as she uncurled and stared at a brown furred paw in front of her. Her eyes followed the hand to an arm and higher up, until she could look into soft and warm eyes. The thug lay on his back, his eyes glazed over and his legs were twitching.

"Thank you." She spoke and accepted the offered hand. With more strength as she had thought the rat would possess he helped her to her feet and steadied her. But as soon as he had touched her, he let go and went to the box, lifting it up again.

His eyes were fixed on the small female, who just stared at him. He could see shocked eyes in the color of the blue and fierce sky after a storm, nearly white hair framed a heart shaped face, and her skin was pale. All in all she looked like a breeze could knock her over, but her actions told him otherwise. She had defended him and his little ones although not even knowing him, her heart was brave.

As she opened her mouth, a little bit more light illuminated her features and he scowled as he could see a dark splotch on her cheek. He could feel his hand twitch, but pressed it a bit more against the box with his whimpering younglings. He expected her to scream and to run away, but to his shock she stepped towards him.

"Sir… Are you hurt? Did…" she closed her mouth again, unsure what to say and shuffled her feet. She started shivering as the wind blew with renewed strength. Before either woman or rat could say something more, the lid of the box, more like a chest, opened and a small green head showed itself. A small head of a turtle, soft green eyes gazed over her before the small baby smiled and ducked down gurgling sounds and whimpers reached the woman`s ears and her heart clenched again.

"Are those…" The rat pressed the box to his chest, his ears flattened against his head.

"These… These are my younglings. We had to flee to the surface, this storm caused a flood in the sewers, but then this men came and you know the rest. I have to thank you, for defending me and my children. But I have to ask, why are you not afraid? I mean, a giant, talking rat and small baby turtles are not common…" his voice was deep and soft and it sent shivers over the woman`s back. She had to think actively about his questions.

"It would be natural to be afraid, right? It would be normal to call for help now, or to hit you with my bag. It would be common sense to scream. But I am not normal myself. People don`t like how I look and they say things about me that… That doesn`t belong here right now. Let`s just say that I don`t think that you should judge others by their appearance." She sighed as she looked around and grabbed her bag again, lifting it upon her shoulder.

The rat shivered and felt his tail twitch. Never had he imagined to meet a human like that, who wouldn`t scream or run away. It was a new experience for him. But what should he do now? The Sewers were still flooded and the storm would kill him and the little ones before the sun would even start to rise. His fur was already drenched and the cold made his fingers stiff.

"Ähm… Sir, you could… My apartment is nearby and you… I have enough space for you and your children. This is the least I could do for you… If you want, that is…" her soft voice traveled barely over the rain to the rat.

He hesitated, eyed the female and sniffed the air. She smelled like lemons and raspberry, pure, and he couldn't detect any sign of treason and she offered him a safe place for the night. At least his children would need it.

"I would like that very much, thank you." He smiled at her, exposing some of his teeth to her, but she just smiled back and stepped around him, following the darkening alley to the next street where she stopped and stared at him.

"Here, take that, this will keep you hidden and it is just a few more steps to my apartment." A soft jacket was thrown over his head and he could feel the small tugs on it as the female righted it on his head, covering his head and shoulders the best she could before she took his arm and lead him along the street, passing houses and shops and several other alleys, before turning into a backyard and opening a small door.

"Sorry, I forgot, my name is Winter and I welcome you to my humble abode."

Splinter moaned as the hot water scaled over his body, chasing away the cold he felt to this point. To his feet sat his 4 little babies, staring at him with wide eyes. They, too, were enjoying the warmth from the water and happy to be out of their makeshift transportation.

The female, Winter, had given him 5 big towels and shooed him and the little ones into her bathroom, she had even told him to take his time and to relax under their while she would cook something to eat for all of them.

Leonardo and Donatello sat to his feet, splashing water at each other while Michelangelo and Raphael were sliding through the water in the tub, chasing each other. The happy giggles and yelps lifted his heart. He had feared the worst as the thugs had surrounded him, he could have either beaten them or defend his young, and his former Owner Hamato Yoshi would be not amused if he had gotten the young ones injured.

And now, thanks fate or Kami, he had found a kind hearted woman, who offered her own home to him and his younglings as a shelter for the storm. He felt something warm inside of him, near his fast beating heart.

He would never forget the kindness of Winter and if he could, he would cherish her as his friend.

A knock on the door ended his fantasies of warmth and safety and he lifted his head again. The small turtles were leaning over the rim of the tub, staring intently at the door.

"Dinner is finished. You can come out whenever you want to. Also I took the liberty to find your Babies something to wear, as for yourself, I think I found a robe for you, which should fit. I hope you don`t mind." Her voice was soft and sounded like small bells in his ears, it caused a small shiver to run over his spine. But he couldn`t linger on this thoughts, he didn`t even know if she would want to hold contact to him.

"We will be out soon, my friend. Just need to towel us dry."

Winter chuckled softly to herself as she turned away from the bathroom door.

The smell of bacon and garlic drifted around the small living room, mixed with the fruity smell of the orange juice she loved.

"He called me `friend`. I really like that!" She sat down on her couch, absently patting the small blankets she had found in her closet for the turtle tots. And now, she could only wait for her guests to emerge.

So, any critics or comments?

Don`t worry, the next chapter should be up soon^^

I will make a few chapters about the turtle tot stage, but then go into the series.

Don`t worry, my Oc is no Mary-Sue!

And she will never be.

And whoever is wondering about her looks, Winter has albinism, not the hardest form.


Stay tuned in^^