To: Jon_Snow
From: Arya_Stark
Date: 02/05/2007
Subject: Heartbreak Chronicles
Dear Jon,
Yesterday, they told me that you are missing. Today, Father sent me to the therapist. The therapist told me to write to you. It would be therapeutic, she said. It would help me heal, she said. I do not want a therapist. I do not want to heal. I want you to come back. Please come back.
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To: Jon_Snow
From: Arya_Stark
Date: 05/05/2007
Subject: When you're gone
Dear Jon,
It's been three days since I found out that you're missing. I keep having nightmares. Please come back.
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To: Jon_Snow
From: Arya_Stark
Date: 09/05/2007
Subject: Missing You
Dear Jon,
It's been a week. I miss you. I have always loved you best. Please come home, brother.
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To: Jon_Snow
From: Arya_Stark
Date: 16/05/2007
Subject: Wish You Were Here
Dear Jon,
They have shipped Ghost over today. He and Nymeria are curled up together. Nymeria missed her brother. Ghost missed his sister. Do you miss your sister? I miss you. I wish you were here. Please come back to me.
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To: Jon_Snow
from: Arya_Stark
Date: 23/05/2007
Subject: Keep Holding On.
Dear Jon,
It's been three weeks. they're still looking for you. Wherever you are, brother, just hold on tight. You'll be home soon with me.
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To: Jon_Snow
From: Arya_Stark
Date: 26/05/2007
Subject: Howl
Dear Jon,
Last night, nobody could sleep. Nymeria and Ghost kept howling the whole night. And halfway through the night, Summer, Lady and Shaggydog joined in. I think they are calling for you. Father wouldn't believe me when I said so, but I know they are missing you. It can't be any other reason. It can't be. Please come back.
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To: Jon_Snow
From: Arya_Stark
Date: 31/05/2007
Subject: Since You've Been Gone
Dear Jon,
It's been a month today since you've been gone. Why did you have to join the army? Why couldn't you just stay home with me? Oh right, I know why. Mother. I have not talked to her properly since they told me. She drove you away from here. I do not hate her, but I can't look at her without remembering that she is the reason why you left in the first place. Father told me to talk to her, but I wouldn't. Father is sad too. He does not smile much anymore. I don't blame him. Most days I can't find a reason to smile. Robb and Theon are at uni, I haven't talked to them in a month. I have not talked to Sansa much either. She is gone an awful lot with her friend, Margaery. Bran and I talk, sometimes. He misses you too. Rickon got his first crush yesterday. Shireen Baratheon, remember her? She is a sweet girl.
I miss you, Jon. I have not gotten into a fight at school in a month. I do not have the energy to do so. Ms. Brienne, my therapist, says I am holding on to your memories too tight. I told her I would hold on to my brother's memories as bloody tight as I please. She pursed her lips and said I am only making this hard for myself. Why does she not understand that it was already hard when you left? Now that you are missing and only the gods know what you are going through...I keep having dreams about awful things happening to you. The nights are the worst. Sometimes I wake up screaming, and Father comes and sings me to sleep, only for me to wake up again. I have started taking sleeping pills.
I fear I am breaking, brother. Please come back home.
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