DISCLAIMER: I do not own Love Live School Idol Project, it's characters, setting, story lines or plot. I only own OC Characters found in this Fan Fiction.

SUMMARY: U's Music is composed by Maki, U's Lyrics is composed by Umi. U's Costumes is composed by Kotori. What about Camera? Music Accompaniment? Stage Lighting? Stage Effects? Has it ever crossed your mind? Who could be in charge of these tasks? Read and Discover the Unseen Helper of the U's. Follows Canon. 3rd Person Perspective. CC's prominent. Possible ships.

Author's Note: This will be a special type of fan fiction, I require that you, the reader, must play the song(s) of U's through the Net, or in your head. As such I will be placing links of the songs (you-tube) here and the lyrics as well, both in romanji and english. Whatever you prefer. Thank you for your understanding.

Chapter 01: Behind The Curtains

Yeah, No Credit... What so ever.

"Just wait for the signal to turn green and then you're all clear" a Love-Live Official said

The Official left the sound booth, leaving Him and his band inside. He walked a few steps to the clear glass window in front of them. He could make out tons of fans supporting their Idol Groups, in this grandest of stages 'Love Live!'. He placed his hand on the window.

'Can't believe they actually made it this far' He thought

He turned to face the band he gathered on a short notice. They all seemed ready to play the piece Maki and Umi composed. Bass, Piano, Drums, and Him as the guitarist. Inside this sound booth each member was awaiting the red light to turn green.

"I bet they're prepping up right now" He thought

The nine of them stood backstage.

"There's so many people watching" Kotori said

"It make you look forward to the performance, right? Umi said

Both Honoka and Kotori looked at Umi.

"I can't get enough of it anymore, the enjoyment of performing in front of so many people" Umi said

Kotori smiled at Umi

"Is this alright? Does it look cute?" Hanayo asked checking her outfit

"It fine! You look really cute! Rin assured Hanayo

"How about Rin?" Rin asked as she spun around

"Rin–Chan, you look really cute!" Hanayo said with a smile

"I'm going all out and stand out today. So you better watch out." Nozomi said

"Nozomi-Chan, you will?" Honoka asked

"Well then, I'll be sure to stand out even more, enough to be the center. Eli announced

"It's our final stage, after all" Eli said

"Interesting" Nozomi replied

"They're really fired up. Rin said

Rin looked at Maki "Maki-Chan, make sure you don't lose to them!"

"I know that. Maki replied

"You might just be third years, but if you just sit around we'll overtake you. Maki said

Maki looked at Nico "Got that, Miss Universe's Number-One-Idol?"

Nico let out a chuckle "Well isn't that interesting, I wonder if you'll be able to handle me when I get serious. You better prepare yourself!"

"Alright, it's almost time." Umi said

"Yeah. Honaka replied

She paused for a moment

"Everyone, let's bring it all together. All our emotions, our wishes, and our gratitude... Let's bring it with us as we sing" Honaka said

They formed a circle through their fingers

"What's the matter?" Umi asked

"It's just, I don't know what I should be saying right now." Honoka said

"What do you mean?" Nico asked

"I mean, there's really nothing left to say. Honoka said

"Everything's already been said.

"Our feelings are already the same.

"Everyone's emotions, and everyone's thoughts, are already the same.

"Isn't that right?"

"Yeah, you're right" Eli replied

Honoka took a deep breath and smiled

"U's Last Live, Let's break down the walls in our way!

"One!" Honoka said

"Two!" Kotori said

"Three!" Umi said

"Four!" Maki said

"Five!" Rin said

"Six!" Hanayo said

"Seven!" Nico said

"Eight!" Nozomi said

"Nine!" Eli said

They all said in unison "U's... Music... Start!"

He saw them appear on stage, with a single floodlight pointed at them. He held his electric guitar and took a deep breath.

"Alright! Let's do this!" He shouted

"Yeah!" They replied in unison

The red light immediately turned to green.

"Hit it!" He said

Each one of the member's of the U's opened their eyes as they heard the music being played. Sounds of the piano could be heard although out the stage.

He started playing an amazing lick on the guitar as the girls started their performance.

Play the song "Kira-Kira Sensation" here either in your head or through the net ( watch?v=WjVsNohlL6I)

Romanji Lyrics:

Donna ashita ga matterun darou? Nante ne
(Boku wa) Bokutachi wa sukoshi zutsu tesaguri shi teta

Hagemashi atte butsukari atta tokide sae
(Wakatteta) onnaji yume o mi teru to

Mezasu no wa ano taiyou
Ookina kagayaki o tsukamaeru
Itsuka no negai e to chikadzuite
Hikari no naka de utaunda senseishon!

Kiseki sore wa ima sa koko nanda
Minna no omoi ga michibiita basho nanda
Dakara hontou ni ima o tanoshinde
Minna de kanaeru monogatari yume no Story
[Mabushii na!] [Ii na!] [Oide yo!]
[Ureshii na!] [Ii na!] [Motto ne!]
Hitotsu ni nare kokoro… KiRa - KiRa!

Kyou mo ouen o kansha shi teru yo! Tte ne
(Kimi to) Kimitachi to kataritai yorokobi no chouten

Kotoba dake ja tsutae kirenai yo dou suru?
(Konna toki) utau yo utau shika nai

Hitori zutsu tobidashite
Nidoto nai shunkan o tsukamaeru
Itsuka no negaigoto oboe teru?
Hikari no naka de odorou yo senseishon!

Boku to kimi de kita yo koko made
Minna no omoi ga todoita yo arigatou
Tsuini isshoni kita yo tanoshimou
Minna de kanaeru monogatari honki Story
[Mabushii ne!] [Ii ne!] [Kocchi da!]
[Ureshii ne!] [Ii ne!] [Motto da!]
Owaranai de yume wa…
KiRa - KiRa… KiRa – KiRa!

Hi! Hi! Yume wa yume wa owaranai

Hitori zutsu tobidashite
Nidoto nai shunkan o tsukamaeru
Itsuka no negaigoto oboe teru?
Hikari no naka de odorou yo senseishon!

Boku to kimi de kita yo koko made
Minna no omoi ga todoita yo arigatou
Tsuini isshoni kita yo tanoshimou
Minna de kanaeru monogatari honki Story

Kiseki sore wa ima sa koko nanda
Minna no omoi ga michibiita basho nanda
Dakara hontou ni ima o tanoshinde
Minna de kanaeru monogatari yume no Story
[Mabushii na!] [Ii na!] [Oide yo!]
[Ureshii na!] [Ii na!] [Motto ne!]
Hitotsu ni nare kokoro… KiRa – KiRa! !

English Lyrics

What kind of future awaits us? While wondering that
(I have been) We all have been slowly fumbling along our way

Encouraging one another, and even when we clashed
(We knew) We shared the same dream

What we aim for is that sun
To capture that great brilliance
We're getting closer to fulfilling our wishes
Let's sing our Sensations within the light!

The miracle is right here and now
Everyone's feelings led them to this place
That's why we'll enjoy this moment
The story that we bring to life together, the Story of our dreams
"It's dazzling!" "It's great!" "Come over here!"
"I'm happy!" "It's great!" "Come closer!"
Our hearts become one... and sparkle!

Once again today, I am grateful for all the support
(With you) I want to talk with all of you, that's the peak of joy

It can't be expressed with words alone; What should we do?
(At times like these) Let's sing, we have to sing

One by one we leap forward
To capture this moment that won't come twice
Do you still remember the wishes you once made?
Let's dance our Sensations within the light!

With you I've made it here, up to this point
Everyone's feelings reached us, thank you
Finally we made it here together, so let's enjoy ourselves
The story that we bring to life together, our earnest Story
"It's dazzling!" "It's great!" "Over here!"
"I'm happy!" "It's great!" "Come closer!"
Our unending dream is
Sparkling... Sparkling!

Hi! Hi! Our dream is never ending!

One by one we leap forward
To capture this moment that won't come twice
Do you still remember the wishes you once made?
Let's dance our Sensations within the light!

With you I've made it here, up to this point
Everyone's feelings reached us, thank you
Finally we made it here together, so let's enjoy ourselves
The story that we bring to life together, our earnest Story

The miracle is right here and now
Everyone's feelings led them to this place
That's why we'll enjoy this moment
The story that we bring to life together, the Story of our dreams
"It's dazzling!" "It's great!" "Come over here!"
"I'm happy!" "It's great!" "Come closer!"
Our hearts become one... and sparkle!

The confetti was fired as the they ended their performance. The crowd screamed in excitement, an amazing performance was delivered. The girls stood in a single file after the performance.

"Damn, I can still feel the adrenaline pumping within me!" He thought

His sweat traveled from his forehead down to his chest, he held the neck of his guitar with his left hand and turned to face his band. Same as him, sweating and smiling; ready for another performance. They all looked at U's from the glass window.

"I wanna do that again" He thought

"Thank You Very Much!" Honoka addressed the crowd

Nozomi stepped forward "Toujou Nozomi!"

Maki stepped forward "Nishiniko Maki!"

Umi stepped forward "Sonada Umi!"

Rin stepped forward "Hoshizora Rin!"

Nico stepped forward "Yazawa Nico!"

Hanayo stepped forward "Koizumi Hanayo!"

Eli stepped forward "Ayase Eli!"

Kotori stepped forward "Minami Kotori!"

Honoka stepped forward "Kousaka Honoka!"

"Otonokizaka Academy School Idols, U's!" Honoka said

Simultaneously all nine of them held hands bowed "Thank You Very much!"

The crowd cheered for them.

The girls walked backstage.

The green light turned to red

"I guess it's over huh" He thought

A Love-Live Official came inside the sound booth. "Be on Standby"

"Huh?" He asked

Backstage the girls held each other, hugged each other, and cried tears of joy. Each and everyone of them knew that they gave it their all.

Out of nowhere the crowd shouted





The girls were taken aback and stared at the crowd from a window.

Honoka heard in her head

"No one's probably going to come to watch us perform,

and No one's probably going to cheer for us either,

but I still want to try my best. I just want us to try our best so'll reach to them,

so that they know we're here. I want these feelings to reach them!"

Honoka's body shook and she felt the tears build up in her eyes





Each band member stared at the crowd through the glass window.

"An Encore" That thought went through each of their heads.

"Wait for the light to turn green again" The Love-Live Official said

The girls back on stage and held hands, ready to perform once more.

The light turned green, once more

"Hit it!" He said

Music boomed throughout the stage and the curtains opened

Play the song "Bokura wa Ima no Naka de" here either in your head or through the net ( watch?v=AchonnkbRbY)

Romanji Lyrics

massugu na omoi ga minna wo musubu
honki demo bukiyou butsukariau kokoro
sore demo mitai yo ookina yume wa
koko ni aru yo hajimatta bakari

(wakatteru) tanoshii dake ja nai tamesareru darou
(wakatteru) datte sono kurushisa mo mirai
(ikunda yo) atsumattara tsuyoi jibun ni natteku yo
(kitto ne) kawaritsuzukete
(We'll be star!)

sorezore ga suki na koto de ganbareru nara
atarashii (basho ga) gooru da ne
sorezore no suki na koto wo shinjiteireba
tokimeki wo (daite) susumeru darou

kowagaru kuse wa sutechae tobikiri no egao de
tonde tonde takaku bokura wa ima no naka de

kangaeru dake yori minna de hashirou
ashita wa mikansei yosou dekinai chikara
sore nara okoru yo kiseki wa hitsuzen
kore kara da yo nanimokamo zenbu ga

(wakatteru) kanashii toki ni koso ue wo muitemiyou
(wakatteru) motto subarashiku nare sekai
(hoshiinda yo) kagayaki wo mune ni yadoshitai kara
(gutto ne) kisoiaou yo
(We can fly!)

furikaeru hima nante nai ne sonna kibun sa
hirogaru yo kimi to doko made mo
furikaeru hima nante nai to kanjiteiru yo
shigeki e no (kitai) moriagatteku

yowaki na boku ni sayonara kesanaide egao de
tonde tonde takaku bokura to ima no naka wo

yume ga ookiku naru hodo (tamesareru darou)
mune no atsusa de norikire boku no ondo wa
atsui kara atsusugite tomaranai
mubou na kake? kachi ni ikou!

sorezore ga suki na koto de ganbareru nara
atarashii basho ga gooru da ne
sorezore no suki na koto wo shinjiteireba
tokimeki wo (daite) susumeru darou

kowagaru kuse wa sutechae tobikiri no egao de
tonde tonde takaku bokura to ima wo
yowaki na boku ni sayonara kesanaide egao de
tonde tonde takaku bokura wa ima no naka de

kagayaki wo matteta

English Lyrics

Honest feelings tie us all together
Even when we're being serious we're clumsy, Our hearts clash
Even so I want to achieve big dreams
It's right here, It's only just begun

(I know)
It's not just fun and games, We have to be tested
(I know)
Even though such pain lies in the future
(I'll go)
When we come together we get stronger
(I'm sure) We'll continue to change (We'll be stars!)

If each of us can put our hearts into the things we love
A new (place) will be our goal
If we trust in the things each of us loves
We can (embrace) the excitation and move forward

(Leave your fears behind) With a brilliant smile
(Fly, fly high) We live in the present

Instead of just thinking about it let's all run together
Tomorrow is incomplete, We can't predict it
It'll just happen, A miracle is inevitable
This is just the start of everything

(I know)
For sure in times of sadness let's look up
(I know)
The world will become more magnificent
(I want it)
I want to carry the radiance in my chest
(Firmly) So let's compete together (We can fly!)

I feel there's no time to look back
I'll spread (With you) Everywhere
I know there's no time to look back
We'll build anticipation for the stimulus

(Farewell my weak self) Don't put it out with a smile
(Fly, fly high) With us amidst the present

For our dreams to grow (We have to be tested)
The fire in my chest overtakes (my temperature)
It's so hot (it's too hot) so it won't stop
A risky bet? Let's go win!

If each of us can put our hearts into the things we love
A new (place) will be our goal
If we trust in the things each of us loves
We can (embrace) the excitation and move forward

(Leave your fears behind) With a brilliant smile
(Fly, fly high) With us through the present
(Farewell my weak self) Don't put it out with a smile
(Fly, fly high) We live in the present

We've waited to shine

He held the last note as the crowd cheered and the girls held their pose. The music ended and the U's won the Love Live compettion.

He held his electric guitar close and panted from exhaustion.

"It's a long story, but please listen. Listen to the unbelievable story of me helping a group of girls save their school. I didn't ask to be in this, I was so focused on my works, yet here I am. In the sound booth of Love Live! I may get no credit for any performance, but that dosen't matter. I just love playing music, I don't have to be in the lime light or anything. But I have them to thank."

Ring his phone went, He got his phone out of his pocket and it said he has two new messages. He pressed several buttons to acess his inbox.

Ayase Eli – UNREAD

Toujo Nozomi – UNREAD

Dad – READ

He first read Nozomi's message and read Eli's message after. He felt the other band members breathing down his neck.

"Hoh Hoh" The Drummer muttured under his breath

"I see, Toujo Nozomi and Ayase Eli" The Bassist said

"You lucky son of a gun" The pianist said

Startled, He jumpped from his spot and face his band members. Each one of them had a big grin one their face.

"What?" He asked

"Ayato, You player!" They all said in Unision.

Author's Note: Review, Follow or Favorite if you please. Chapter 2 to come out soon.