Hello Everyone! I know it's been a while; but real life happens as we all know.

Betas: SolFenix and justjakewilldo, a huge shout out to these two for taking their time to look through this chapter!

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this chapter! Thanks again for reading!


"Potter! How, good of you to grace us with your presence." The droll tone of Professor Snape's voice was at odds with his glaring eyes. "You're lucky the Headmaster informed me of your meeting; now, take your seat!" He snarled venomously."

"Thank you Professor." I say with as much respect as I can muster. I mean really, after learning everything he did for the cause I can't hold much hatred towards him. 'Although, he didn't need to be quite so... traumatizing; before... and to think Snape and my mum had... well, something. If that had lasted? Creepy.' *Shudder* 'Oop! Better pay attention before I draw any further notice to myself.'

"Now to get on with it... You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making. As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses... I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even put a stopper in death... if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach." Snapes eyes sweep over the class during his speech and his grimace turns into a full scowl as his eyes land on mine. "Potter! What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

Of course Hermione's hand immediately shoots into the air.

"Asphodel and wormwood... hmmm. If I remember correctly they make the Draught of Living Death." I reply coolly. I pivot slightly towards Hermione, one brow raised, and with a slight shake of my head she slowly lowers her arm. I can see a blush blooming across her cheeks.

"...Correct, Potter. ...Tell us then, where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar?"

'It was brief, but did his sneer falter?'

"Let me think... the stomach of a goat sir, and it is a very good antidote to most poisons."

"Last question Potter..." No longer sneering, but Snape's eyes remain narrowed in suspicion. "What is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?"

"Well... Nothing, Sir. They are the same plant, also called Aconite." I reply confidently, though act as if suspecting a trick question. Nearly forgot I'm supposed to be a first year again.

"...Very good Potter. It... seems you have more of your mother in you than I had thought." Snape's comment unknowingly quoting the Headmaster.

'Ooohhh, this is weird. I'm not sure how to feel about this. I mean he was into my mum, sooo... NO NO NO, best not to dwell on that.'

"Why don't I see quills out!?" Snape's shout causes half the class to jump. "Well!? What are you all waiting for? Copy that down! I won't repeat myself. Pay attention, or you will get yourself a one way ticket to see Poppy!"

"Potter... see me after class." Snape casts a weighing look over me, and turns with a halfhearted snear.

"Oh... shit."

With a quick flick of his wand, Snape reveals the instructions for today's lesson on the blackboard. With a quick spin that billows his robe around he drawls out, "I have put today's assignment on the board, pair up and get to it. Ingredients are in the cupboards." He leans back against his desk, eyes roving over the students, as they began to squirm under his scrutiny.

Looking around, I see Hermione and Daphne partnering up, along with the rest of the class. I turn to Draco, who looks like he would rather be anywhere other than here. Granted, after the spectacular showing by his father; Draco has continued to wallow about as if the world had ended.

"Well Draco, how about it? You, me, and this potion. I'm sure you've read ahead too."

"Of course I've read ahead Potter! I've said before, don't call me Draco." he scowls back at me.

"Yes. Right. Well I'll just get the ingredients then, shall I?" I reply with a smirk.

As I walk back to the cabinet, I notice Neville's quill about to fall into his cauldron. With quick reflexes I snatch it back and set it back onto his table. 'Well, that's ONE mishap avoided.' As soon as I reach the cabinet I hear knocking on the dungeon door. 'Hmmm, I don't remember this happening?'

"Professor Snape?" Spoke a hesitant voice as the door creaked open; revealing a nervous boy.

"What is it Percy? I am in the middle of a lesson as you can plainly see." Snape's grimace returning as he appraises the red-headed boy.

"Sir, I apologize; but the Headmaster requested an emergency staff meeting and stated that all classes today will be cancelled."

"Emergency? Hmmm... Class dismissed!" The sharp sound of Snape's boots upon the floor resounds through the lab as he stalks towards his desk.

"But Professor, what about the assignment?" Hermione tentatively asks. Confusion across her brow.

'Noooo, Hermione! Why? WHY!?"

"Ah, an excellent question Ms. Granger. One foot on Burn Creams and their uses." A cruel smile spreading across Snape's maw as he scans briefly across the class to Hermione. "Now, get out!" and with another stride Snape's through the doorway.

I look over at Hermione and Daphne, I can't make out what Daphne is saying amidst all the students groaning about the long assignment, but it's very easy to see a second blush furiously spreading across Hermione's cheeks.

Putting the ingredients back I see Snape pushing through the students shuffling towards the door. "Sir! About staying after class?"

"Oh yes Potter, it seems we must reschedule. Do try not to do anything foolish until then? I know it's in your blood." He smirks at his perceived slight with one brow raised in silent challenge.

"Yes sir." At my reply he sweeps past the last lingering students and his footfalls quiet as he storms down the dungeons corridor.

'Well, my plans seem to be working thus far. At least it seems he doesn't outright despise me this time. I wonder if it's because of my supposed studiousness? Though he still see's some of James in me; if I keep us the Lily's son persona, then things could be much better this time around.'

Stepping out of the room with an audible sigh, I find the girls waiting together and, surprisingly, Draco a few paces away. 'Wow, would you look at that?'

"Hey girls! Want to head to the Library and get a jump on this assignment?" I ask innocently enough. Really, I wanted to get into the Restricted Section and start perusing. The Library burned in the last time line during the fall.

"Don't you 'Hey girls' us! What was that back there?" Hermione said.

"What do you mean Hermione?" I ask honestly; wondering what she was on about.

"When did you have time to read that far ahead in potions! I have never seen you with a potions book out! Let alone near a book that's not even on the reading list!" She huffed. "OH and what exactly was with that look you gave me?!"

"Whoa now, slow down! I read ahead this summer when I found out I was a wizard!" I lied smoothly. "As for the look... Well, there is no easy way to say this Hermione; but sometimes you are just a little too... into the lessons." I said as I run a hand over my neck worried about the impending fallout. Glancing up I notice Hermione turning red; and this time not from embarrassment. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, not like... I mean... It's not bad! I swear! But if you don't let other people answer questions; or the teacher answer some, then you could be stunting the learning of others! Sometimes it's beneficial for a person to fail so that they can learn to stand on their own! If you keep answering all the questions in every class, then some students are going to start to slack off. The other students would believe that they would never be called on, because Hermione always has her hand in the air!" I rattle off as fast as I can; hoping to avoid the wrath of Hermione the Hurricane.

Slowly backing away with my hands up in surrender. Her eyes unfocus and glaze in a far away expression as she mulls over my explanation. Having reached some decision, she blinks a few times; coming back to the present. Quietly she admits, "I never thought of it like that Harry."

We all stood waiting a few moments in awkward silence, unsure how to broach the pregnant pause. "I suppose... for the sake of learning... I will raise my hand less." her expression pained but full of conviction; and just like that the rest of us released a breath, we didn't realize we were holding.

"No, it's ok Hermione, you don't have to... it was just an observation; a passing thought, I know how much this kinda stuff means to you." I said; hoping to pull myself back into good graces and put a theoretical band-aid on the situation.

"No Harry... you're right." Hermione said with finality. "I am passionate about learning; and I want to do my best in everything I do. That's not a problem is it; not overbearing or anything?" she asked, while worrying her lip. Looking as if the answer could shatter her world.

Daphne quickly stepped forward wrapping Hermione in a one-armed hug, "Of course not Hermione! You are perfect just the way you are. Just give everyone else a chance for once in class." She said jovially.

"Yea!" I chime in. "Just lay off the hand waving; we all know you know the answer!" I said letting out a fake laugh, trying to break the tension.

With a quick rub of her eyes she beams at both of us and smiles. "Ok, lets go to the Library!" We all laugh knowing it's her favorite place in Hogwarts. As we turn down the corridor we find Draco; making fake puking sounds... 'realllll mature.'

"Are you all finished with... whatever that was?" He asks intelligently.

"Yes Draco..." I say, emphasizing the 'O.' "We are done with 'what that was' as you so eloquently put it."

"Good." He said as we all started to make our way through the hallways. "What do you think the Headmaster wanted with Snape?" He asks while trying to look nonchalant about our answer.

'I know you a little better than that dear Dracooo.' My smirk goes unnoticed by the others. Oh I have a very good idea what the meeting is about. Perhaps a certain dog? A dog falsely imprisoned in Azkaban? Maybe Maybe! I am going to have to figure out what phoenix's like to eat, because I know a bird that deserves a grand gift!'


"Thank you all for rushing here on such short notice." Albus addressed his staff. "As you know, this is not a normal occurrence, so you can rest assured that I would not call you for trivial matters." his trademark twinkle absent from his eyes.

"Can we get on with this Albus?" Snape's impatience cutting through the stale room air.

"Y-y-y-ye-s-s-ss p-p-please, I have a very strict r-r-rou-t-t-tine!" Quirrell chimed in.

Albus looked at the two of them for a long moment before speaking. "There has been an escape from Azkaban." He said, getting to the point quicker than he would have liked. 'No one has any sense of theatrics now-a-days.'

"Preposterous!" McGonagall exclaimed.

"Preposterous indeed!" Albus replied. "But the truth of the matter is that, today, a break out has occurred in Azkaban. Our worst fears have come true; Sirius Black has escaped... and has vanished from Azkaban without a trace!"


A.N. Thank you for reading!