*Author's note – I do not own Soul Eater, its characters, or any of its concepts!

Chapter 1 – Drunken Desperation

Spirit hated it. He couldn't stand it any longer. Finally he'd gotten fed up with watching his baby girl get taken away. In the beginning, it was acceptable, seeing as how his precious daughter and Soul were just partners in crime fighting. He'd let too much time slip by, however, grown too comfortable, and now what was once an innocent friendship turned into something even he had never obtained from her. Real admiration, love…

He could see it when Soul looked into her eyes, sparkling with true admiration. It could also be seen in the real, genuine smile she gave in return to said gaze, a smile that she'd never once given him in their entire memories together. No weapon-meister bond and resonance had ever become as strong or as faithful as theirs. Lonely jealous eyes always watching them grow up together, and in the same apartment mind you, too. Everything Spirit had tried in stopping them from falling for each other failed miserably and the spark between them grew faster than he could blink an eye.

The red headed man slammed his fist down onto the bar counter, his glass of alcohol vibrating upon the strength of the impact. Other customers jumped slightly at this sudden outburst of rage. "Damn it! My… my baby girl!" he screamed. "Gooooonnnneeee!" The agony of it blocked any more words from coming out as he simply dropped his head onto the bar, long red strands of hair flying down. A hit that hard could give anyone a concussion!

Throwing his hand forward without lifting himself up, spirit opened his palm, silently demanding another drink. Tonight was an ideal night to get plastered, just so he could forget the agony of his little girl growing up. The glass that followed, though, did not feel like the same kind glass he'd been drinking from. Glancing upwards, barely lifting off the counter, told him it wasn't either. Instead, it was a cold iced water.

"I'd say you've had enough if you ask me…" a strange feminine voice followed. "Maybe you outta flush yourself out a little first if you don't want to get into a wreck tonight?" The source of the suggestion chuckled a little.

"Eh, wha?" Spirit mumbled, slightly disappointed in the interruption. Finally pulling his body back up, and slouching into the bar stool with a heavy sigh, the exhauspirated father turned his head to the one who'd blocked him from his precious alcohol. "And who are you… telling me what I should and shouldn't do?"

The young woman's hair was a brilliant pink, the kind that could almost glow in the dark. She wore a black dress that hung tight to flatter her hips and rose high enough to reveal more than enough leg. Adorning her feet were luscious black high heeled boots with black lacing intertwined upon the front.

Lucious long lashes batted, catching Spirits attention, as fond as he was of the ladies. "Well for one thing, I could be your designated driver, but THAT would be embarrassing, wouldn't it?"

"Tch… I can handle myself!" Spirit called the bartender for another drink.

"I overheard you were having problems with a daughter in pursuit of love, or perhaps the other way around?"

"Yeah… it's that idiot weapon of hers. He swore he'd never touch her! And she's falling for him. Oh my MAAAAAKKKKAAAAA! MAKA BABY, DADDY IS HERE FOR-" His words were immediately hushed by the woman's hand.


Spirit nodded, acknowledging her indication of the unneccesary outburst as they both saw the entire bar's worth of customers staring their way. He merely scowled in return, turning around to face his back to them once more. "Oh, what did I do for her to love HIM more than ME?!"

"You know… it doesn't have to be like that"

"What do you mean? There's nothing I can do anymore! I've tried everything… EVERYTHING! Convincing them him wasn't love, scaring her out of getting with boys, threatening him, keeping them separated, making him look bad… " At the last suggestion, Spirit blushed slightly in the small shame he had left.

"Well, if you don't mind me interjecting, there's something I could suggest."

Spirit gave the witch a deadpan look and scoffed lightly. "Really? I've tried it all." A hint of sarcasm in his voice told her he didn't believe her. After an insistent look in return, though, he waved his hand, telling her to go ahead with it.

"What if you could make him forget overall that he was in love." She smiled, offering a sense of reassurance. She was, after all a witch. And witches weren't banned since they no longer used their magic for harm after the pact they'de made with Kid.

Sighing, Spirit somewhat rejected the idea of using any kind of spell, no matter how much witches had proven their trust. But he was drunk. And desperate. "Well, what do I have to do? And only if it doesn't hurt him!"

Laughing, she turned her stool so she was face to face with him. "No, it won't. And its easy. Just meet me here tomorrow, same time." She quickly grabbed a nearby napkin, writing down what appeared to be a list of credentials necessary. A questionable look told her that he'd become suspicious. "Don't worry! It's just to make sure I don't accidentally make the wrong people forget each other! We wouldn't want to accidentally start something tragic…"

"Oh! Right…"