Rihan and YA; The redo is finally done!

The quenchless stars,

so eloquently bright,

untroubled sentries of the shadow'y night.

-James Montgomery

Blue flames

It was midnight, the moon was high in the sky, the Nura household were strangely quite as most of them were still passed out from the party that had erupted from Rikuo's announcement. Sake had been spilled all over the tatami floor creating a mess in the room.

Now usually Yokai in general have a high immunity to sake but even so, they have their limit. Testing their limit on how much consumption of alcohol they could take is the usual activity they would do when they drink. Once they reached the limit, they would of course be drunk, that was of course not the worst part.

The worst part came in the morning. One of the few draw backs of drinking sake for yokai, the hangover stage, and someone had already woken up and was beginning to feel the full force of that pain, that someone being Kubinashi.

As he woke up, he groaned in pain and sat up slowly while holding onto his throbbing head. The events of last began to come back to him. After the pain had lessened, he scanned all over the room in search of someone.

Kubinashi's eyes widened his mind and body was wide snapping into attention as raw panic began to sink in. The master of the night was missing. "Master? Master Rikuo, where are you?!", he shouted in the room, receiving several groans of pain from the other yokai and some even whispered at him telling him quiet rudely to shut up. He panicked and began to search the room, sliding open the door before searching outside and even on the roof itself.

Kubinashi turned around the corner looking around the gardens. When he was unable to find The Third, he began to sprint towards the entrance frantically. spotting that Rikuo's shoes were indeed missing from the entry way he began to leave bumping into Wakana on the way out.

"Forgive me, Lady Wakana." Kubinashi apologized bowing slightly.

Wakana smiled "Ah~ It's fine. May I ask where you're going?", She questioned, peering at him curiously.

Kubinashi's eyes suddenly widened "That's right! I need to find Master Rikuo!" He told her "I'm sorry for bumping into you!" He apologized running through the gates before giving her a chance to speak 'Please.' he thought desperately 'Not another Rihan.'

Wakana stared at the direction Kubinashi had disappeared "Oh, dear..." she said "I didn't even get the chance to tell him that I asked Rikuo to buy some groceries... He did the same thing with Rihan too..." She trailed of remembering how many times the String User had done this with her husband.

Rikuo sneezed, looking up at the moon frowning slightly "I wonder if anyone's talking about me." He questioned himself grabbing some apples from the stand.

"Yo! How much yen does this all cost?" Rikuo asked holding a bag filled with fruits in one of his hands.

The women working the stand stared at him with a small blush rising to her cheeks "Ah.. Um.. It's 3045 yen (approximently $24.54 in US)."

Rikuo smiled handing her the money, ignoring the women who were staring at him a little to intensely. Luckily because of the late hour there were not as many people as in the day time. He walked down the dark street completely undisturbed by the lack of working lights from the lamps and the gruesome splashes of graffiti strung across the walls.

Rikuo turned into an alley his long hair swishing behind him 'Odd... It usually isn't this quiet at night...' Then he heard three feminine screams coming from a few blocks away. 'I just had to think that didn't I?' He thought sarcastically straying from his path and walking steadily in the direction of the screams groceries still in hand.

"I'm sorry!" Shima wailed "I promise it won't happen again!" Tori and Maki glanced at each other silently communicating. The poor blonde haired boy began to sweat slightly, the two girls nodding at each other.

Maki sighed "Fine we forgive you. But if you ever push us into the pool ever again..." She left the threat hanging in the air watching as Shima gulped, shakily moving his head up and down.

The trio continued walking down the street, having agreed to walk together. Kiyotsugu had called an 'emergency' meeting causing them to travel to the other side of the city. They hadn't found anything but they had stayed until a late hour.

After a few moments of walking three huge muscley men walked up to them, "Hey, how 'bout you two babes ditch the loser and come have some fun with us." One of the men grinned motioning towards his two companions who gave toothy smiles only for one of them two show a missing tooth.

Maki and Tori reeled back, "Sorry but we're not interested." Maki said taking a step back clearly trying to get away from the men.

Shima gulped looking around trying to find a way to escape when he heard Tori cry out. The third man who has dyed blond hair who, grabbed Maki's arm. The one with the missing tooth acted quickly grabbing Shima, while one of them, who had been trying to flirt with the girls grabbed Tori.

Tori, Maki and Shima did the only thing that they could do... Scream.

Rikuo ran towards the screams turning to see some thugs. He paused as his blood began to boil at the sight of his friends pinned to a wall 'How could they do something like this?' He thought as his red eyes glowing in the darkness.

Rikuo cloaked himself in his fear asking out load "And just what do you think you're doing?" He drawled his voice was cold and steely, after all no one messes with a Nurarihyon's friend and gets away with it.

The thugs jumped looking around the alley way finding no one "Who's there?!" yelled the one with dyed blond hair.

Maki, Tori and Shima jumped, ceasing they're struggling for a moment, recognizing the voice although they weren't sure from just who it came from. They looked at each other recognizing the chance to escape. Preparing to help the mystery man if needed.

Rikuo leaned against a wall "I'm right here..." He stated appearing before just a few feet in front of them. The gang startled back.

The leader was the first to recover began to snarl "And what a pretty boy like you gonna do?" He questioned.

Maki, and Tori gasped as soon almost as soon as they saw his figure, while Shima was doing a pretty good impression of a fish out of water.

Rikuo smirked "I believe I'm just fine to take down you three, however since I'm feeling nice today I'll give you the chance to walk away." Normally he would just knock them out however his human form was still there trying to be nice so he decided to give them a chance.

Missing Tooth sneered releasing Shima, running up to him throwing out a sloppy punch, Rikuo quickly ducked under his arm, spinning before giving a sharp hit to the pressure point in the man's neck, causing him to drop like a sack of potatoes.

Rikuo sighed, moving quickly before doing the same with Dyed-Blond. He turning towards the Leader who released Tori stepping back yelling, "W-We'll g-get you next time!" Before turning around and running out of the alley.

Rikuo paused his step and turned towards his friends "Are you alright?" He questioned his tone unusually soft as he offered his hands to the two girls.

Maki stared up at him blushing slightly hesitantly taking his hand Tori doing the same. Shima hesitantly walked over a bit shy to talk with their Saviour.

Tori paused "You-You look different..." Rikuo blinked tilting his head to side as Tori continued "... More feminine... You turned into some sort of bishie..."

Rikuo blinked again then broke out laughing "Hahaha... I suppose your right...I'll take that as a compliment." he gave them a soft smile.

Shima jumped having never heard their Saviour laugh before, his eyes widened he realized they he had never asked "E-E-Excuse me... B-but would you mind telling us your name?" It was an honest question. He had always wanted to ask but he had never spoken to the Yokai before.

Rikuo looked over to Shima honestly surprised it was the shy boy who had spoken "Can't tell. You the humans don't really call me anything in this form..." That was true enough "Why do you ask?" He questioned.

Shima gulped "W-well you saved us a long time ago so I don't know if you remember and you helped us just now so I was just wondering..." He trailed off glancing at the Yokai before looking away.

Maki frowned "So you don't have a name? Then we'll give you one." She declared Tori nodding in agreement, Shima meanwhile gave a small nod.

Rikuo raised an eyebrow turning around and grabbing his groceries "I have titles. I am most commonly referred to as The Lord of Pandemonium." He told them.

It was technically true outside of the Nura Clan . Many referred to him by his most commonly known title. Although since the Nura Clan was widely spread throughout Japan so it wasn't every day that he heard his title.

"Are those groceries?" Tori asked incredulously looking at the bag as if it was from outer space. Rikuo nodded amused.

Shima shook his head "I never pictured our Saviour shopping before." He said trying not to sound too surprised and failing miserably at it.

Suddenly Rikuo remembered something he paused, "Wasn't there a third girl with you?" He asked looking around for the third nonexistent girl.

Maki shook her head "No why?" She asked.

"I could have sworn I heard three girls scream..." Rikuo trailed off noting that Shima had turned red while Maki and Tori had begun to giggle from behind their hands.

After a few more moments Maki turned serious "What do you think would be a good name?" She asked herself looking at his clothes and features "Something simple. Yet something that suits you."

Rikuo nodded amused at her deep thinking. Wondering what she would come up with.

Maki continued "It can't be girly but it can't be something boring... Tsuki? No thats to famine... Kurai?... No, not quite... Let's see... Pandemonium... Dai konran... Daikon... Shadow? No... Night?... Night Shadow... Yoru no Kage... Yoru Kage! That's it your new name is Yoru Kage!" She shouted out fully satisfied with the name.

Rikuo's eyebrows rose not bothering to hide his surprise "Yoru Kage, eh? I suppose it suits me." He said chuckling at the irony of the name.

Shima grinned "How about we call you Yoru for short?" He shot out there no longer nervous as the conversation began to draw out.

'Yoru' nodded inwardly thinking 'No matter what form I take 'Yoru' will always follow me.'

"Well I need to get going" Rikuo paused looking at them "You should too." He stated "It's not safe at this time of night." He paused shifting the groceries in his arms.

"W-Wait! W-We... Um... We have this friend, Kiyotsugu and..." Shima started trailing of nervously not knowing how to phrase his question..

Rikuo raised an eyebrow "And?" He asked curious as to why Shima suddenly decided to bring up the Yokai obsessed boy.

Tori decided to continue for him realizing what he was trying to say "And he would kill us if we didn't ask you some questions." She stated.

"If you don't mind." Shima added in quickly not wanting to upset the only friendly yokai he had ever met, and had a conversation with.

Rikuo looked thoughtful for a moment, part of him was telling to just say no and finish shopping. While another part of him told him that he should help them but be cautious as to what he would reveal.

"Sure why not. Though, I need to go pick up some sake. We'll talk while I finish my shopping." Rikuo informed them shrugging his shoulders before walking off.

Exiting the alley way Rikuo watched as they began to trail after him quickly. Maki started the question, "How old are you?" She asked bluntly.

Rikuo took it in stride with a prompt answer of "I'm younger than most Yokai. I'm still in my teens." Maki and Tori paused having thought that he was much older than the two of them despite his youthful appearance.

"Do you have any siblings?" Shima asked.


"What do you mean by still in your teens?" Maki asked "Aren't you over four hundred years old?" She asked remembering Kiyotsugu rant about Nurarihyon defeating some fox lady around that time.

"No. I'm not Jiji." Rikuo stated half annoyed and half amused at her question, honestly when would people stop mistaking him for his grandfather?

"Jiji?" Tori asked curiously peering at him.

"Humans call him Nurarihyon the First Lord of Pandemonium." Rikuo stated "My grandfather."

Maki, Tori and Shima's eyes widened at the statement. Rikuo turned to a little shop on the corner of the street opening the door. Revealing an array of different yokai that were all drinking and laughing.

Cries of "Young Master!", "Nice to see you again, Young Master", and "The Third is here!", could be heard as they yelled out spilling some sake or chugging it down.

Rikuo turned to a Bake Neko "Do you have the order?" He asked his tone was still even giving nothing away about what he was buying.

The BakeNeko nodded "It's in the back. Allow me to go fetch it." He bowed his head slightly before disappearing into the crowed of Yokai.

Maki, Tori and Shima watched the interaction soon however they were surrounded by some of the smaller Yokai who asked them questions. After a few more moments the Bake Neko came out holding two large bags handing them of to Rikuo "Thank you for your purchase!~" The Bake Neko said.

Rikuo nodded grabbing Shima, Tori and Maki, exiting the shop. He rose an eyebrow at the trio "What happened to you three?" He asked noticing Shima's blushing face and Maki and Tori's ruffled appearances.

"Th-The yokai were really interested that you brought humans with you and decided to swamp us." Maki told him still looking slightly shocked.

"Y-Y-Yeah!" Shima agreed "They came from all sides." he added in shivering slightly.

Rikuo chuckled at the three "Welcome to my life." He told them amusement clear in his tone.

Shima put a hand on his shoulder "I pity you, Yoru. I really do." He told Rikuo before realizing what he was doing and withdrawing his hand.

Rikuo rolled his eyes at them as a small smile worked it's way onto his face "Anyway you three need to get home." He told them "It's already past ten and you all are to young to stay out this late."

Maki raised an eyebrow, "Didn't you say that you were a teenager that doesn't make you much older than us." She stated turning to stare at him.

Another low chuckle escaped Rikuo's mouth "You forget I'm a yokai." Maki blushed at the statement, "Besides yokai become full adults at the age of thirteen. Now go your parents will be worried."

Shima slumped "Don't remind me..." He groaned in obvious despair "They're going to kill me for being out this late." He told the yokai.

Rikuo rolled his eyes flicking his wrist as three small blue flames flickered into existence before they started heading down the the street at a slow pace pausing clearly waiting for the three. "Follow the flames they'll lead you home safely." He told them.

"Wait!" Tori and Maki cried out grabbing his sleeve "Would you mind if we took a picture before we leave?" They asked him.

Rikuo blinked "Ah... Sure..." He said not thinking about the answer before it spilled from his lips as Shima pulled out a small digital camera from his pants pocket "Kiyotsugu always forgets to bring a camera so I lend him mine." He told the yokai.

Rikuo snapped his fingers as a blue flame took the camera and the three others took his shopping bags a moment later they were in position and they all took a group picture along with some others just for fun.

"Bye Yoru! See you again some time!" Maki shouted waving goodbye as Shima and Tori did the same. Rikuo smiled as they left before picking up his bags and heading home.

At the Nura household, "Master!~" Kubinashi cried out "Where were you! I've been all over town searching for you!" He shouted causing Rikuo to stir from his sleep.

Rikuo tilted his head to the side rubbing his sleep filled eyes "Eh? Kubinashi, didn't Mom tell you that Kejoro and her sent me out to pick up some groceries?" He asked the neckless Yokai.

Kubinashi's eyes widened his jaw ignoring him Rikuo layed back down and went to back to sleep. After all if he was going to pull of his plan with Tsurara he would need all the energy he could get.

Go then,

there are other worlds than these.


Manga Recommendation; New Gate by Kazanami Shinogi, Horimiya by Hagiwara Daisuke, and Tales of Demons and Gods by Mad Snail

Anime Recommendation; Black Blood Brothers, Bleach, Fairy Tail

Bye Bye~~