So this is just a short one-shot I wrote up today. I have so many emotions going on with me right now and I felt like getting some out.

I do not own anything.

Earlier today my skip blew up yet another one of my cars. It really wasn't my fault. See the skip had stolen a dozen rocket launchers and while I was wrestling with him inside his house we knocked one off the table. It went off and flew through the living room window and hit my car. My car immediately exploded. It was definitely one of the cooler ways my car has been blown up. My skip stopped fighting to watch my car burn.

My shoulder bag was still in the car. My wallet with all of my cards and IDs, my stun gun, gun, pepper spray, and phone were all gone. I at least had my handcuffs. I slapped them on my skip and waited, knowing Ranger and some Merry Men were on their way.

A few minutes later Ranger showed up with Bobby and Lester. Bobby looked me over while Lester put my skip in their SUV. After Bobby deemed me unharmed he left with Lester to bring my skip to TPD. And Ranger…well he's Ranger. He held me and let my body get rid of the excess adrenaline while dealing with the police.

He dropped me off at Joe's where I had been living for the past couple of months. As I exited his car he said, "Babe take care of yourself. Call me if and when you need me." He handed me a new cell phone then drove off.

I put the new cell phone in my pocket then headed inside. It was quiet like it has been for the past couple of weeks. Joe was working a case in Philly and hasn't been home. I sat down on the couch and thought about my life so far.

I was deep in thought when Joe stormed into the house. He stood a few feet away from me and started on our normal 'after Steph blows up a car argument'.

"I can't believe you blew up another car. When are you going to quit that job and marry me and stay home? Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is to hear from the guys that you blew up another car? They have weekly bets on you. But do you change? No. You just keep getting shot at and blown up."

After the first minute I zoned out. I was thinking about how different my life would be if things were different. I deserve better. I want better. The change would be hard but sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same. I wish I had the courage to stand up for myself. I wish I had the courage to state my demands and if they weren't met then pack up my stuff and leave.

I sat here until I heard the door slam after Joe left. I couldn't tell you what he said nor do I really care. I was tired of all the arguments. I was emotionally exhausted at doing what was expected of me. I headed upstairs to take a shower.

After a long hot shower I laid down in bed and fell asleep. I knew it would probably be best to call Ranger and leave but this is what was expected of me and for now this is how things would be.