The morning after the ship was turned around, Jaime and Sansa notcied the change in the crew. The sailors were anxious and wary of them. They knew it was because of the new queen's command concerning Jaime and even because Ramsay Bolton was still looking for Sansa. Even so, it was strange to go from being the equals of these men to highborn fugitives instead. No one spoke to them anymore. And if by chance they had to speak the sailors were as courteous and brief as possible.

At the noonday meal Jaime went up to the galley to get food for them and Sansa was alone in their room when a knock sounded at the door. She went to the door but didn't open it.

"Who is it?" She called out.

"It's Captain Edwin. Might I have a word with you my lady?" He asked.

Sansa wasn't sure she wanted to speak with him alone but Jaime would be back any moment, it should be safe enough. She opened the door.

"I came to ask after your welfare." The older man said in a kindly tone.

"I am well enough, thank you for your concern." Sansa told him.

"What I mean is, I can not tell if you are here of your own free will or not. All the north knows that your husband the bastard of Bolton was not a kind man… but we can not guess why you would leave with a Lannister unless he forced your hand. If you are wanting to be free of him, I'll gladly give you a cabin of your own and I'll let him off at Deepwood Motte and let the North deal with him." Edwin told her seriously.

"No.' Sansa said wide eyed. "No there's no need for all that. Ser Jaime has been very kind to me. I left with him of my own free will." She told him.

"Forgive me for being so blunt my lady, but is he your sworn shield or are you his mistress?"

Sansa blushed, she hadn't expected such a personal question. Had she been thinking more clearly she might have refused to answer. "Both...I suppose."

"I see. I wouldn't have expected it of a Stark…" He said shaking his head as he walked away.

Sansa closed the door behind him. somewhat lost in thought. She had never thought she would be any man's mistress. She was going to be a lady of a castle, married, and always faithful to her husband. Yet here she was running away from her husband and sharing a bed with another man. The strange part was, she didn't feel any real guilt about being unfaithful to her husband. He had been a monster and she had never loved him. Her only guilt was in being unfaithful to her family and even that she had managed to push aside, at least she pushed it aside while she was in his arms.

Jaime returned to her a short time later with food. "Apparently the sailors are speaking to me now." He said as he entered the room. "You'll never guess what they asked me to do."

Sansa took the bowl of stew he offered and didn't even try to make a guess.

"Some of the lads were sparring with practice swords. I told them they were doing it wrong and all of a sudden they want me to teach them how to use a sword properly." Jaime said.

"Are you going to do it?" She asked, maybe it would be good for him to have something to occupy his time.

He shrugged. "It's not as if there's a lot of other things to do around here. I told them I'd work with them after breakfast tomorrow."

"Good." She said, thinking that if Jaime could get these men to like him then it would be less likely the Captain could repeat his idea of throwing Jaime out a Deepwood Motte.