Mikasa was lonely. It had been three days since the last time she had lunch with Eren and Armin. She did told the boys that she would try to have lunch together with the other girls in her class, but in the end, she just couldn't do that. She found that it wasn't easy to start a conversation with the girls. Sure, some of them looked nice and friendly—like that blond girl the other day—but Mikasa just didn't know how to start. So, she made no friend yet in her class, yet she couldn't go to Eren's class after she told him that she would eat with the girls in her class.

Here she was, then, having lunch in the school clinic.

"So, you're going to have lunch here every single day?"

Mikasa was chewing her croquette coolly as she looked at an older woman with white lab coat and messy reddish brown hair for few second before swallowed it and opened her mouth, "...am I bothering you?"

The older woman laughed loudly, "naaah. I am just jealous that you have proper lunch box. It looks so delicious!" she grinned at the girl, "Seriously, tough, I don't mind you have lunch here. After all, this is not my place…" the woman looked at ramen cup on the table in front of her, opening the lid to check on the ramen, it had been three minutes. Ever since Mikasa saw her having her lunch in this room three days ago, the woman always had ramen cup for her lunch.

The older woman's name was Zoe Hange—or Hange-sensei how the students called her—their biology teacher who was also Eren's and Armin's homeroom teacher. For a reason she always had lunch in the school clinic instead of the teacher's longue. Mikasa didn't mind Hange-sensei's presence around her though. Somehow she felt comfortable around the teacher. Maybe it was because Hange-sensei's lack of femininity, Mikasa didn't have to feel awkward around her.

"Ne, Sensei…"

Hange paused and turned at the girl. She tilted her head, "yes?"

"You always eat ramen cup," the black haired student deadpanned, "that's not healthy."

Hange laughed, "Well, money is tough this month," She twirled her chopstick around the ramen as if it was spaghetti before she eat it, she looked happy as she devoured her cheap lunch, "besides, ramen cup is delicious."

Mikasa didn't say anything as she looked down at her lunch box in her lap. She worried about Eren. He told his mother that he didn't need to bring lunch box to the school anymore. He said that he would just buy lunch from school cafeteria just like his other friends. His mother didn't say anything and let her son did just like what he wanted but Mikasa had been so worried. He didn't only eat ramen cup these past three days, did he? A boy Eren's age needed balance nutrition, didn't he?

Suddenly Mikasa lose her appetite.

"Aaah, I am still hungry!"

Armin looked at his childhood friend who had just finished his second melon bread today. The blond boy himself was drinking a box of vanilla milk when his childhood friend started complaining about still being hungry despite he had just devouring two jumbo melon breads. His other friends who mostly had finished their lunch just snickered at the green eyed boy's antic.

These past few days Eren had stopped bringing lunch box from home. Instead he would buy breads or rice balls from the school cafeteria, but it seemed like those foods wouldn't fill his bottomless stomach as he kept on complaining of still being hungry. The brunette might keep complaining about being hungry but his friends had a vague idea what it was actually about. They had a rough idea that it wasn't solely about the food. It had been three days, anyway, since the last time Eren's childhood friend , the beautiful oriental girl, came to their classroom and ever since then, Eren would never stop complaining. The other boys—save for Armin—might have no idea about what had actually happened between those two but they knew that it might be just Eren being a stone head as usual.

"As expected," Eren frowned, he touched his tummy, "that's not enough." He turned to Armin and grabbed his hand without warning, "c'mon let's go!"

Armin startled, "wh-what? Where are we going?"

"Buy more breads," Eren muttered under his breath as he dragged the smaller boy leaving the classroom.

His friends were watching until the brunette and the blond couldn't be seen anymore before any of them open their mouth to say anything. It was the tall blond boy, Reiner, who first said something. The boy snickered, making his other friends turned their head and looked at him. Reiner folded his arms.

"That stupid kid, how many times do you think he is going to go "to buy bread"?"

Connie rubbed his nose and looked at Reined with a confused look, "maybe he was really hungry? Or maybe he just loves bread very much."

Reiner laughed, "stupid! Do you really think that he really needs to go back and forth only to buy breads? Our class is in different building with the cafeteria, he could just buy four or five breads at once instead of go back and forth five times."

Jean lifted his brow, "what do you mean?"

His best friend, the freckled dark haired boy, tapped his shoulder chuckled, "you know, to get to the cafeteria, you've to walk by Mikasa-san classroom…"

A realization started to hit the boy, "wait, don't tell me…"

The tallest boy with dark hair amongst the boys smiled, "oh my, he should be more straightforward about his intention, that kid…"

Reiner laughed louder, "because he is an idiot."

The other boys agreed on this.

She wasn't in her classroom.

Eren clenched on his yakisoba bread as he walked leaving the cafeteria. He had been glancing at Mikasa's classroom on his way to the cafeteria and just like few times he did check before as he going back and forth his classroom and cafeteria, she was still not there. It wasn't only today, yesterday and the day before too, every single time he walked passing by her classroom, she was never there. For a reason, it disturbed him. He knew that it was him who told her to stop coming to his classroom but he also knew that Mikasa had no other friends. So where had she been during the lunch time?

Without he realized it, Eren had stopped in front of her classroom's door. He was to open the door when suddenly it was opened, surprising both Eren and Armin. Eren grunted as he picked up the bread he dropped when he heard a feminine voice apologize for surprising him. When Eren looked up, he was greeted by a blond girl with gentle smile. As he stood up straight, he realized that the girl was really small, almost a head shorter than him, and he wasn't that tall. Armin hid behind Eren as the girl greeted them with a warm smile.

"Hi, I am so sorry, am I surprising you?" her voice was also gentle. The girl remind him a lot of the angel he saw in his story book he used to read when he was little, "I saw you walked passing our classroom quite often, and each time you've been always glancing at our classroom. So I wonder if I could help you with anything…"

Eren frowned. He wasn't good talking with girld who were not Mikasa. His mother had always told him to be nice toward girls and his father always teased him that it would be bad for his future if he didn't know how to treat a girl right. He wondered what it means to be nice…

"Umm," he was scowling, "Mikasa…?"

Suddenly the girl's blue eyes sparkled, she clasped her small hands together, "don't tell me you're actually Mikasa's friends?"

"So… this man has a really grumpy face, he looked like he had a really bad day—or constipated—every time I see him."

Mikasa didn't say anything. She didn't understand why she was even listening to her teacher's rambling about a man she met recently. She still had few minutes before the next class started and she didn't feel like going back to the classroom yet. It wasn't like she hated her classmates or anything; it was just that she didn't feel really comfortable around them.

"Now that I think about it…" Hange-sensei rested her cheek on her hand, "you're kinda reminds me of that man…"

Mikasa tilted her head, "who?"

"The guy—that little man—I am talking about," Hange-sensei laughed as she tapped her long finger on the table, "well maybe not his face tough, but his aura? You know, the air around him? How to explain it… Hmm, well, something about you is indeed similar to him."

"I remind you of him? Not the other way around?" Mikasa asked as she started to collect her stuff, it was about time, she needed to go back to her classroom.

"Well," Hange-sensei grinned, "but it's true!"

Mikasa didn't say anything as she stood up, her lunch box in hand, ready to go back to the classroom. Hange asked her if she was going to go back already and the girl with red scarf just nodded without saying anything.

Already used to Mikasa's cool demeanor, Hange-sensei just waved her hand and told her to have a "safe trip" as the girl leaving the room.

Mikasa would never admit it but she was actually quite enjoying her lunch time in the health room. Hange-sensei was a bit crazy and sometimes talked to much—and too loud—but not intolerable. At least, with her around, Mikasa didn't have to eat her lunch alone. With Hange-sensei talking to her—telling her many stories—Mikasa didn't have to feel lonely, because honestly, after all of these years she always had lunch with Eren, eating alone was a bit lonely even for her.

The black haired cool beauty stopped just few meters before she reached her classroom. She couldn't believe her eyes at first but she saw two familiar figures at her classroom door. It took almost ten seconds before she realized that it was really Eren and Armin who stood at the door and talking to one of her classmate about something she couldn't hear.

The girl talking with Eren was the same blond girl who talked to her the other day. Why was she talking with Eren like that? Why was she giggling? More importantly, didn't Eren hate girls? Then why was he talking to the blond girl as if she had been his friend?

Mikasa clenched on her red scarf she got from Eren years ago. Suddenly she felt suffocated and she didn't know why.

It was Armin who saw her first. The blond boy smiled at her before he tugged on Eren's sleeve to get his attention. Eren turned around and grinned at Mikasa. Usually his grin would make her warm but this time somehow, why did it hurt?