Hey. :) Feel free to criticize and point out errors. My OC is a little different as you'll soon find out. Sorry if I can't get all the dialogue correct. Thanks. Enjoy!


Chapter 1

"Is the world not a beautiful place? Is it not?" I cannot help but wonder. Currently, I was sitting outside on my front lawn, gazing out at civilization, a discarded book sitting in my lap.

My eyes study the ordinary citizens going about their everyday lives, unaware of my scrutiny. A group of boys stood nearby the church, over on Lincoln avenue. My eyes lingered on them for a few seconds before moving on. Little did these people know as to what I did. Something was going to happen. Something bad. I could feel it. Call it a sixth sense if you wish but I could tell when something bad was going to happen and, right now, my senses were screaming at me.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and a growing feeling of restlessness settled in the pit of my stomach. It was starting.

Storm clouds gathered up in the sky, a sea of dark grey fluff. It seemed as though they were being pulled towards something and, further inspection of it, revealed a large black circle in the center. A flash of lightning came down from it and a few people yelled out in surprise. Curiosity sparked my interest as I wondered why there had been no thunder. A second flash came down in the exact same spot. "Strange." I thought. Lightening doesn't usually do that. Confusion mingled in with my curiosity as I counted twenty-six times lightening flashes in total.

Mind wandering in thought, my eyes settled, once again, on the group of boys by the church. One in particular stood out to me and for some unknown reason I couldn't take my eyes off of him. His brows were furrowed in confusion as his grey eyes studied the sky, thinking, whilst his friends started conversation about the recent events.

I don't know if he felt my eyes upon him or whatnot for the next second his gaze fell onto me. Our eyes locked, grey on grey, and that was it, I struggled to breath as the whole world seemed to slow down. Some kind of connection seemed to form between us, I could sense it. "What was happening? This has never happened before." My body felt tingly and jittery as our eyes stayed in the same position for a full five seconds before I had the decency to glance away.

I pretended to be reading my book for a minute. The next moment I looked up at him, he had moved on, conversing with his friends. Strangely, I yearned for him to look at me, or even glance in my direction. I felt as though I recognized him as he looked slightly familiar. Racking my brains for an answer, I came to a conclusion that, at the moment, he wasn't familiar.

Slightly disappointed when I saw he was leaving, I continued to finish off my job of scrutinizing my surroundings. My stomach still churned with fear and worry when I realized that the lightening wasn't going to be the last of the unusual events taking place.

Heading indoors for the day, I sighed at the deserted environment of my house.

My dad thought of me as weird. The fact that I could predict things and feel slight changes freaked him out when I told him at the age of fourteen. Ever since then he's abandoned me, left me to fend for myself and hardly ever spoke to me. It was like I was no longer considered his daughter and I didn't belong. Then again, I didn't belong anywhere.

Glancing up at the clock, I saw there was still five more hours before my he arrived home. I sighed when I saw his packed lunch still sitting on the kitchen counter. Mulling it over in my thoughts, I decided to go take it to him at his workplace. My father owned a garage. It was quite worn down but made good business, which isn't what you would think at first sight.

About an hour later, I pulled on my jacket, grabbed my dad's packed lunch and stepped out the door. Walking briskly down the street, the anxiety in my stomach grew to the point I almost felt like crying. It was nearly painful. I'd never felt like this before and, quite frankly, it terrified me. I carefully monitored my surroundings, watching everything for strange or unlikely behavior.

Of course, the feeling immediately intensified when I noticed a massive metal machine with tentacle-like legs up ahead in the distance. Screams and shouts erupted when blue lasers started hitting everyone, reducing them to ash. People scrambled about, running, trying to escape into safety but it was useless. Humans were dying left, right and center.

My breathing increased to the point I was hyperventilating as I continued to run towards my father's garage. Sprinting would be an understatement to describe the way folks tried to protect their lives.

Panic built up inside of me and I wanted to scream to let it all out but I couldn't, my jaws were clenched and refused to open up.

Once the garage was in sight, I skidded to a halt by the entrance and stopped to observe the current situation. My father was arguing with Ray Ferrier - who was occupying the front seat of a car which I'm quite sure was not his. My dad was standing by the passenger door which was held open by - hey, now I recognize him! Ray Ferrier's son, Robbie Ferrier. My heart jumped at the sight of him.

I hurriedly made my way towards them, wary of what was going on outside. I'm pretty sure I looked a sight: fear, worry and panic painted all over my face.

"Ra- Melody? What are you doing here?" My dad asked me.
"Dad, please, we have to get away, please, it's not safe."
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"D-Dad, the machines, they're killing everyone, w-we have to get AWAY!" My voice rose to a scream to the end of my sentence. A few tears slipped out of my eyes and left two tracks down my cheeks. I noticed everybody staring at me: my father, Ray, Robbie and a small girl in the back of the car (most likely Rachel). She let out a small whimper.
"Bullshit, Melody. I don't know what the heck you're talking about but stop lying." Ouch. I looked down at the ground as a couple more tears left my eyes at the trust my father put in me. Absolutely none. By the time I looked back up he had resumed his quarrel with Ray.

"Come on, Ray, don't do this."
"Get in, Manny. Bring your daughter too."
"Ray, I'm serious, get out the car."
"Get in, Manny, or DIE."
"Right, that's it, get ou-"
"Shut the door, Robbie, SHUT THE DOOR!"

The passenger door slammed shut in my father's face just before one of the blue lasers hit him. I screamed as I watched my father deplete into ash. No matter if he had treated me like shit, he was still my dad.

I sank to my knees, cowering, crying, no longer caring if I died or not. I had nothing to live for. I had no one. I was an orphan. I rocked back and forth, my hands pulling at my hair as I sobbed over the ashes of my dad.

I was half aware of somebody bending over me, trying to speak to me. When they received no response, they sighed and arms wrapped around my waist and knees. A shot of electricity traveled through my body and brought me to my senses. I was being carried towards the car and was placed in the back seat. The door slammed shut and the person ran to the passenger seat.

It was only then that I became aware of the effect that Robbie's touch had on me. He had merely held me in his arms for a few seconds and already I was brought back into reality.

The car drove off, much higher than the speed limit, I'm sure. Although I had ceased my sobbing, a few tears continued to stray and I sat up properly in my seat. the girl beside me, Rachel, was screaming in shock as Ray yelled at us all to get down. I placed my body over Rachel's, protecting her with myself as Ray forced Robbie to get down. "HOLY SHIT!" He yelled in shock at the sight of a bridge collapsing over a few buildings.

The blue lasers hit all along a bridge forcing it to collapse onto the row of houses below, one of which was Ray's. Things were exploding behind us as giant jets of fire broke out everywhere. The car was swerving this way and that, throwing us all about. I lifted myself off of Rachel who was practically throwing a fit.

"Where are we going?" Robbie yelled.
"We got to go. We got maybe the only working car around here. I'm not stopping till we're clear of it." Ray replied.
"Clear of what?"
"We got to go." Was his only reply.
"What the hell is going on?!" Robbie exclaimed.
"Look, you saw, we're under attack!"
"By who?!" he screamed, "Who is attacking us?!"

I could barely hear them over Rachel's screaming. Despairing, I tried to get her to calm down but to no avail. She wouldn't pay any attention to me. Robbie's eyes met mine through the rear view mirror and, again, I felt the strange connection we had formed.

"Rachel? Rachel. You gotta keep it down. Rachel. Rachel. Shut up, Rachel!" Ray said, exasperated.
"You're freaking her out!" Again, I tried to get Rachel to listen to me or even look at me but she was crying too hard.
"Look, I'm driving! Do something!"

Robbie turned around and situated himself into the gap between the two front seats. He glanced at me for a moment before focusing on Rachel.

"Okay, put them up, Rach," he positioned his arms, "Make the arms." I watched carefully, in case I needed it for future reference.
"This space, right here, is yours. This belongs to you, right?" He managed to get out over Rachel's wailing.
"Yes." she replied.
"You're safe in your space."
"I'm safe in my space."
"You're safe in your space." he repeated, " Nothing can happen to you in your space. Okay?"
"I'm really scared."
"I'm gonna go to the front seat, I'm gonna talk to Dad-"
"I'll be two feet away, okay?"
"Will you hold my hand?"
"Will you hold my hand?" he repeated again.
"Will you be okay?"

I admired the way he managed to calm her down. I could see how much trust and love Rachel had for her brother. We glanced at each other again and he motioned me towards Rachel. Understanding what he meant, I shifted myself closer to her held her tightly. She immediately reacted by burying her head in my neck which I took as a good thing.

He smiled slightly before turning back towards the front and stating "I wanna know everything you know." to Ray. Ray tried to explain what he had experienced but unfortunately, Robbie hadn't understood. "What is it? Is it terrorists?"
"No, this came from someplace else." I could see Ray trying to remain calm.
"What do you mean, like, Europe?"
"No, Robbie, not like Europe!" He yelled causing Robbie to shut up for a bit.

After a few moments of silence Ray proceeded to tell Robbie what he knew. From listening in on their conversation, I discovered that we were heading to Tim and Mary Ann's residence (Rachel's mother and stepfather's place). I don't know what they planned to do with me, I was unwanted extra baggage. I understood that they had saved me but for what? What was I to them? Nothing.