A.N.: Hey! I wrote this as a compliment fanfiction to animelover4ev's fanfiction "Steven's Diary", which you should all go read. Seriously. It's really good. (And the author is my younger sibling.) Anyway, I hope you enjoy this and stick along for the ride!

Dear Mom,

The Crystal Gems were talking about you today. I wasn't supposed to be listening, but I couldn't bring myself to leave my hiding spot. I heard them speak of the way you four led against the Homeworld Gems, and how brave you were during those times. That made me really proud to be your son. It's really nice, you know? Anyway, they continued to discuss memories they had of you, and I think they all started crying. Even Garnet was in tears! It was pretty crazy. By the way, what does Amethyst mean when she says you "sure can pack a whole lot"? Some of the things the gems were saying didn't make much sense to me.

Oh! Right... I know for sure I wasn't supposed to hear this part, but I can't help but agree with them and say they are correct. They started talking about me in comparison to you. It kind of hurt. You know that familiar pain I get in my chest when someone says something hurtful? Yeah. I think they kind of blame me for you not being here. I kind of blame me too.

Oh, well. Ah! Look at the time. I gotta go, Mom. I'll talk to you later.


Steven Universe