Some set backs

Smexy tiem nom noms

And a plan.



A 'meeting of the minds' was going to be a difficult task with a track suit clad man-child curled in your lap and refusing to leave it. Malcolm was unknowingly projecting stress last night, and it ended up giving Ianto nightmares; that even mind blowing bed time sex couldn't stop. The older Merlyn decided the loss of another tie, and his own personal limpet; was a small price to pay. Especially since this particular limpet, discovered he could still ride his lover's cock without sacrificing the safety, his angel's constant touch provided.

Jones gasped in pleasure as Malcom forced his hips down, bucking up at the same time. The older man's thick length sliding deeper into his lover. "Yes sweet boy, take all of Daddy." He groaned, punctuating each word with a sharp thrust.

"C-cl-close." Ianto whined, moving faster, getting more friction for his dick as it rubbed between their bellies. "C-can I-I-I D-D-Da-Daddy?" Jones asked, unable to cum without his love's permission. His need heightened with each nudge against his prostate.

Malcolm didn't tease or even hesitate. "Yes beautiful, cum for me. Cum on Daddy's cock." He growled, only to groan as his beautiful boy's slick passage clamped around him. Pulling his own orgasm from him two thrusts later. Ianto followed, when he slumped back in his office chair. Thankful they had time to clean up before everyone arrived. From the glint in his lover's eyes, he knew there would be at least another round in the shower.

What Jamil Waladi wants, Jamil Waladi gets.


Oliver was the last to arrive. Malcolm had told team Arrow that considering Ianto's fragile state, he'd like to keep this to a bare minimum of people. Thankfully they understood, and had readily agreed it best, that only Ollie went. The older Queen respectfully kept his mouth shut, when he noticed Jones dozing in the other archer's lap. All while contentedly chewing on Malcolm's no doubt, expensive tie. "I knew it was bad, but…" Oliver trailed off. Hearing about, and actually seeing it really were two very different things.

"I don't know if I'm making it better or worse, but I just haven't had the heart to move him knowing in just two days I could lose him entirely." He sighed, and added. "Probably makes me a selfish bastard, but I honestly don't care." The older Merlyn dropped his cheek to Ianto's hair as Laurel actually touched a hand to Malcolm's arm.

"That's not going to happen Dad." Tommy assured, getting firm nods from the other's. "Oliver, Laurel, and I have been talking. And we think Ianto should say yes." The older Merlyn balked immediately, but his son stopped him. "There would be conditions."

"You would have to go with him." Miss Lance stated simply.

"Not sure we're happy with the thought of you two being in the League of Assassins… But in the end, knowing what we know about them, and the lengths they'll go to. We think it's the best option." Oliver sighed, glancing over at his friend, now snoring softly. "We just need to figure out a way to make Ras agree to the idea."

Laurel actually snorted, "Between the four of us. I think we can come up with something." She smirked.


It was the first time in days he'd seen his lover truly smile. Finally there wasn't dark, and oozing sludge running through his mind. Honey dripped, smooth, sweet, and sticky in it's place. Ianto couldn't stop the delighted moan, and he shifted to allow the fingers a better grip on his growing erection. 'Mine.' Was hissed in his ear as the touch quickened. "P-pl-please." Jones whined, it felt so good. He barely knew where he was, barely cared. Because the touch turned to wet velvet heat. Ianto's hips bucked, his hands clenched in silky hair. He never got a chance to warn Malcolm further, as he shot ropes of creamy cum down his lover's throat.

"Sleep my sweet, beautiful boy. Daddy needs to go train."


