(A/N: this story takes place in Justice for all. This is my first Phoenix Wright fanfic so go easy on me. No flames please.)

Phoenix Wright: From Rookie to Ace Detective

Chapter 1

(Dante's pov)

The names' Dante Vera. Former fanfic author, now rookie detective for the police. Now you're probably what's going on. Well...it started like this. I was playing Phoenix Wright on my DS when a flashing bright light blinded me and putted me in the game. And what's the first thing I did? become a detective. I'm not good as a lawyer as Phoenix or Mia or a prosecutor as Miles Edgeworth but being a detective seemed like a good idea to work. Plus, Gumshoe was showing me the ropes how to be a detective. The pay may not be good but hey It's an interesting job. And what's the first case I got?

(Location: Kurain village. Fey manor, Meditation room. Date: June 19)

"The police are here! Sorry to keep you waiting!" Gumshoe shouted as me and Gumshoe entered the manor.

That's right...The case of Dr. Grey.

"Huh? …You again!?" Gumshoe said as he noticed Phoenix.

"What are you doing all the way out here, Detective Gumshoe? And who's he?"

"Oh, him? He just joined not so long ago and this is his first case. As for how we got here...heh. It's actually kinda funny. We were in the area for a business trip, pal." He said with a chuckle.

I always wanted to see Kurain village but I never thought I'd get involve in this case.

"Well, time to check out the crime scene. I'll have to question everyone here later on, so sit alright?"

"Shall I show you and your partner to the scene of the crime, Detective Gymshoe?"

"Um… My name isn't Gymshoe…"

We walked to the channeling chamber and there was the body of Dr. Grey and an unconscious Maya Fey.

"I'll leave you two gentlemen start on the investigation." Said Morgan.

"That would be appreciated, ma'am."

Morgan walks out of the channeling chamber and closes the door behind us.

"Time to get work, Dante. Time to put all that training to the test."

"Sure thing, pal." I chuckled.

I put on my gloves and walked to the body of Dr. Grey. I examined the body and I see a bullet wound on his head and a fruit knife impaled on his chest.

"Hey, Gumshoe. Looks like the victim was stabbed first then shot in the head." I said as I showed Gumshoe the knife on .

"I see the knife but where's the gun?"

"I think I found it." I said as I pointed where the gun is.

Maya was holding the gun on her hand. Gumshoe groaned.

"Something wrong, Gumshoe?"

"This is the second time she becomes a suspect and already I feel like she doesn't deserve this."

"Wow...must've been harsh."

"No kidding...I'm going to call Forensics to get the body and get a autopsy on the body and have someone put Maya in custody. Make sure no one goes in the crime scene."

"Sure thing."

Gumshoe went out of the manor to call the station. I went out of the Channeling chamber once I got a good look of the crime scene and stood in front of the door making sure no one enters the scene.

And do you want to guess who's the first person I see? Morgan Fey? No. Lotta Hart? No. Phoenix Wright? Yes.

"Excuse me. Mind if I go in the scene to check out what happened?"

"I'm sorry, sir. But no one goes in."

He then flashes his attorney badge.

"I'm a lawyer. I want to find out wh-"

"I don't care, sir. I'm under orders not to let anybody in."

"Okay...can I ask you some questions?"

I pinched bridges of my nose and sighed.

"Sorry, sir, but I'm not in a mood for questions. Another time."

He finally gives up and leaves me alone. Don't get me wrong. I'm a huge of Phoenix Wright since I was 13 years old and I still have his games. But I have a job to do and that's my job as a detective.

I just really hope I know how to do my job right.