A/N: And here we are!(: Hope you enjoy, and thank you to The Moyashi Beansprout Midget, Lena-luvs-cats, hiyomi, chibianimefan26, and AngelHeartsX for reviewing!(: Absolutely loved reading your reactions!(x
A special thanks to everyone who's stuck with this story from the beginning! You know who you are!(;
Disclaimer: Still don't own anything!
Time Frame — Evening of May 15th, 1898
—1st Person POV—
"Ah! So pretty~!" she giggled, clasping her hands together with a gleeful grin, leaning around me to observe my reflection across the mirror. "Isn't this fun? I admit, your first body was much cuter, but this one also has so much potential! I'll be right back! I need to get some ribbons for your hair!" She jumped to her feet and quickly skipped out of the room.
I didn't react. I hadn't reacted much since I had become another one of Road's dolls. So I simply stared at my reflection, torturing myself with the image of my first kill.
Miranda Lotto.
To this day, I still don't understand how it happened. I had unwilling raised my bladed arms, ready to tear them through Komui, and out of sheer fear and desperation, I had looked away.
I wish I hadn't.
I don't know where she appeared from, but before I knew it, I found myself relaxing into the flesh of my new body, Komui's horrified gaze on me. From there on, it's a blur. I remember running and practically starving myself. Isolating myself. Refusing to kill further. As if that weren't punishment enough, Road decided that I'd be of better use as her personal entertainment. So I simply sat here, on my knees, gazing solemnly at the pale face that once belonged to Miranda. The shadows around her eyes had gradually faded (sleep wasn't a requirement of the living-dead) and Road always made sure to keep up my appearance as if I were simply a toy. Curling my hair; dusting powder on my—her face; stuffing me into poufy dresses and heels.
Truthfully, I believe Road got more than just a doll. She got the sadistic pleasure of turning me against the Black Order; because I could never return. She always made sure to bring up my comrades, and no matter how minute my reaction, she always giggled. But the worst was when she brought Tyki along. HekilledmehekilledmeHEKILLEDME! KILLER!
And then I remembered that I was a killer too.
But in some ways, I was grateful. Because I would rather be tortured, than be forced to continue to kill. Road fed me this Akuma oil that kept me from succumbing into my demonic desires. It was how Akuma servants survived without feeding on human lives.
"I found them~!" Road skipped back into the dimmed room, a tangle of silky strings clutched in her small fists as she held them up triumphantly. My blank expression remained steady, but she was used to it. So she simply plopped down behind me and began the task of intertwining the ribbons throughout the mass of dark curls, even stringing along a pearl necklace. I relaxed slightly, grateful that for once she'd actually remained silent, and almost jumping in surprise when she exclaimed, "I've got a surprise for you!"
I didn't respond. No need to react to the fact that she was most likely going to inflict more psychological torture.
"But come on!" she urged me, "You need to get up! We should hurry before Millenie comes home!" Road giggle mischievously, as if she were a mere, naughty child. But I felt apprehensive. Since coming here, I had not once left this room.
Unfortunately, I had no say. So I carefully stood, allowing her to fuss over my appearance for a second longer before she began tugging me towards the doorway. I carefully observed the turns we took, making sure that I'd be able to find my way back. If Road forgot about me somewhere along the way (a fact I could hardly doubt, what with her childish persona), it would do me no good to be lost—not in a place occupied by the Noah Clan. Even if I was an Akuma now, they were still a sadistic bunch, willing to kill the smallest of annoyances.
We took a lot of staircases. Down and down we went, until the air began became dank and musty. We were in a dungeon as far as I could tell. We passed by a couple of empty cells, before we paused by one near the end.
I stared, and though I would normally control my facial expressions around Road, I couldn't help but feel horrified. And it showed all too well.
She giggled. "I'll leave you alone for a little bit, okay? Have fun~!"
Road skipped out, humming softly to herself, and it wasn't until she'd disappeared from view that I rushed over and kneeled beside the only occupied cell.
"Allen?" my voice croaked slightly, weeks of my continued silence peeking through.
The white-haired boy had his back to me, slightly hunched into himself. He was a sad sight, clothes torn and hanging off, smeared with blood and dirt, hair grimy and sticking in odd directions.
This is all my fault, I sobbed quietly.
He stiffened at the sound my voice, and for a moment I thought he would simply ignore me. But then he slowly lifted his head and turned the slightest, peeking at me from beneath his hair. I heard his breath catch in his throat, as he choked out, "M-Miranda?!"
I smiled sadly and whispered, "Not quite."
"What…?" he murmured and then abruptly froze as his cursed eye whirred into motion, rings of red and black replacing silver, and a cog materializing above it. "N-no…" he whispered, hands clenching into fists. "W-what the hell?! Who are you?!"
I closed my eyes with regret, pitying the fact that he was witnessing my agonized soul chained to Miranda's body. "It's…" I hesitated, but at this point, it was the easiest explanation, "It's Lenalee…"
"L-Lenalee?!" Now he was fully turned into my direction, scooting forward, hands grasping onto the cell bars. "B-but how…?! You're dead?! … You're an Akuma…?"
I ducked my head with shame and curled my hands above my heart. "I'm sorry… Back at the North American Branch… Tyki, he… he caught me off guard, and managed to… managed to…" I sucked in a shaky breath before I angrily spat out, "He crushed my heart."
Allen's whole expression instantly fell into one of horror and dread, hands tightening around the bars and leaning his forehead against them. "Oh no… Lenalee, I… I'm so—"
I quickly shook my head and snapped, "Don't apologize! It was in no way your fault! I was the one who got us into that situation… and I'm sorry. I should have never let any of you come…" Allen's brow furrowed with frustration, but before he could protest, I pleaded softly, "Please. Just don't argue anymore. Everything has been so awful, and I'm just too tired to put up a fight."
His expression instantly softened. "Of course. I-I can't imagine what it must be like…"
I lifted my shoulders into a small shrug and curled my lips into a sardonic smile. "And I can't imagine what it must be like to have a Noah inside my head…" I chuckled humorlessly, "What a pair we must make—the Exorcists turned Noah and Akuma. If the situation weren't so serious, Lavi would never let us live it down…"
Allen joined in with his own grim laugh and then sighed. "It is real screwed up, isn't it? I just… why Miranda?"
I pressed my lips into a thin line, my own fingers curled around the bars in a tight grip. "I-it wasn't her, it was Komui…" I hunched forward with a heavy sigh. "I-it's so awful, Allen, being enslaved to the Earl. I no longer have a choice. His first command was to kill, and kill I did. I don't know where Miranda showed up from, but by the time the deed was done, I was in her body, rather than his."
He took my hands in a tight grip, but said no more, and we both basked in the comforting silence.
"A-Allen?" I eventually whispered.
He hesitated. "Yes?"
"Could you please… could you please kill me already?" I choked on the words, but forced them out nonetheless.
He glanced up abruptly, eyes widened with shock. "Lenalee, I—"
"Times up~!" Road called, suddenly appearing beside us.
"I'm sorry…"
A/N: Hehe, sorry that was kind of short! And I know a number of you messaged me, wanting a sequel, but I honestly can't come up with a long-term plot. Sigh. Maybe if Hoshino had finished the story by now I would have a lot more material to work with, but with her updating schedule, that's probably a few years away. I'm really sorry, but if you have any ideas, be sure to let me know!(:
But hey, maybe I could still add bloopers and deleted scenes?
Don't forget to review!^-^
P.S. Does anyone have any new story suggestions? I've finished most of my on-going stories, so now I'm drawing a blank as to what I should do next…