Chapter 1

A/N: This is back before First Avenger.

I sat there on my bed, crying into my mother's shoulder. There I clutched in my hand a lock of my hair. My tears dampened her lovely dress. I felt bad for it and wished I would stop, but I couldn't. For just this morning right there on my pillow was a cruel surprise waiting for me.

What was wrong with me? Let's go back a few weeks ago. I was sitting at the doctor's office with my mother and father.

I haven't been well since the day I fell. There was a bruise on my leg that wouldn't go away. I was scared to hear what the doctor would say. I was expecting him to say that I needed to get my leg cut off or I had a serious infection. The nurse called out my name and we followed her to the examine room.

There I sat, in silence. The doctor told me the news. Between the red cells and white, something wasn't right. I was emotionless. My mother was in tears as my father held her close to his chest.

The doctor placed a hand on my knee, staring up at me. "Don't worry. We are going to take care of you. We're going to give you therapy to treat this. It is the strongest there is, but I think we caught it in time."

I went to school the next day. It was my senior year in high school. Prom was only a month or so away. I had someone in mind to go with, but I didn't think he would ever want to go with me.

"Hey, Grace!" I heard a familiar voice call out to me.

I turned to find Bucky and Steve coming over to me. I put on a fake smile when I replied back. I tried to ignore the look of worry on Bucky's face. He knew when I was smiling and when I was acting.

"Hey you two." I said and hugged Steve right away.

He gave me a shy smile, trying to act all tough. I looked over at Bucky and he gave me a smile as well. We all three started to walk out of the school together, the day ended.

"We haven't seen you all day today. What's going on?" Bucky asked as he walked on my left side.

"I've just been busy, that's all." I shrugged.

"Busy…I see." He trailed off.

"Don't…please…" I mumbled to Bucky and he turned to look at me. I didn't want Steve or him to know I was sick. "Don't try to figure it out."

Bucky eyed me suspiciously before nodding to me. "Okay."

We waved bye to Steve when his mother came and got him. He was going to the doctor's today. I was walking with Bucky, going home. We lived near each other.

"How was your doctor appointment?" Bucky asked me.

"Huh? Oh, yeah." I tried to make up a lie but I took too long to respond.

"Don't lie to me." Bucky said in a serious tone.

I looked over at him and gave him a small smile. "They just said that I have…something wrong with my healing process…thing…" I tried to make up. I wasn't completely lying.

"That's why the bruise won't go away?" He asked me and I nodded. "What do you have to do?"

"I have to take medicine and also try to watch what I eat. I'm a slow healer I guess?" I shrugged it off, knowing I suck at lying. It seemed to work though. That or he knew I wasn't ready to tell him yet.

"Well, if you want…I can help you remember to take your pill and help you watch what you eat?" He suggested.

I wrapped my arm around his arm, so it was like he was escorting me home. "That would be helpful."

We made it to my house and I turned to look at him. He seemed to be in deep thought. I poked his cheek and he looked over at me, snapping out of whatever he was thinking.

"Sorry, just off in my own world." He said.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be okay. The doctor said that I have a good chance of getting back to normal." I wasn't lying this time. The doctor told me I had a six out of ten chance.

Bucky took my hand in his, examining my fingers. "I was wondering, Grace…"

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Would you want to go to prom? I know, it's a month away and I should have asked you before…but I just…" He shrugged.

"Better late than never." I said and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Okay. I'll let my mom know so her and I can go dress shopping. I'll tell you the color of my dress so you can include that in your suit."

Bucky gave me a warm smile; it reminded me of an adorable puppy. "See you later." He said as he slowly let go of my hand.

I melted at the sight of him. He always had this effect on me. I couldn't help but wonder if I had this effect on him as well.

That brings us to where we were. Back to me crying on my mother's shoulder. She tried to soothe me, but I couldn't stop.

"Mom, it would be a mistake for someone to take a girl with no hair to the prom." I cried out. "Bucky will not want me anymore. I…I can't…" I sputtered out, not knowing what else to say.

"Honey, you know just as much as anyone…that he wouldn't care. If he truly does like you…he would be there for you." My mother whispered in my ear.

I held the proof that I couldn't deny, gripping it tighter. This was all I needed to know that I really am sick. Soon, Bucky and Steve will know. They have been asking me lately about my health.

I've been getting skinner and paler each passing day. I've just made up the excuse, saying it's my medicine. I knew Bucky wouldn't take that excuse anymore. Soon, he'd ask my mom or dad about me. They thought he already knew, but in reality he didn't.

A/N: This is part of my Captain America story. I just thought that this would need its own part, explaining who this woman is. I'm writing this before I mention her in my main story, so you all know who she is. I hope you like this little extra part. :) There will be more chapters after this one!