I do not own Naruto -
Naruto ran out of the office, determined to find out who the HUNHI were. His curiosity made him forget that he wanted to see the members of Team Seven who stayed behind.
"Naruto wait!" Ino shouted as she ran after him. Naruto stopped and turned to face her, only to see that all of the returning ninja were following him.
"We want to see who these people are too!" Ino said with a smile.
"And on the way we can see our team mates." Tenten said with a grin.
Naruto grinned. "I can't wait to see Sakura-chan and Sasuke-teme." He turned around and went to the Old Uchiha compound. He was nervous, considering what had happened there. He didn't understand why anyone would want to live there. He stopped abruptly when he saw the entrence.
"N-naruto-kun why did you stop?" Hinata asked slightly concerned.
The only response that she got was him pointing to the gate. Everyone stared wide eyed at what was hanging above the entrence. The strange symbol that the Hunhi wore on their vest was displayed with smaller clan symbols on either side, more specifically the Haruno, Uchiha, Nara and Hyuga clans. The strange symbol was the largest and the other four were slightly smaller than it. To the left of the symbol were the Hyuga and Uchiha symbols and to the right were the Nara and Haruno symbols.
Everyone looked at the symbols in confusion until they heard a loud noise.
"Get back here!" A female voice shouted.
"I don't feel like dying!" A male voice shouted back.
The returning ninja looked at each other.
"Don't those voices sound familiar?" Tenten asked.
"Yeah, it sounds like…" Ino started to say before she was interrupted.
"Damn it Sakura! We can't afford another repair!" A different male voice shouted.
"Can it Sauske! You're the one who set the entire training district on fire!" Sakura shouted.
"Yeah the training district not the housing district!" Sauske shot back.
"Kiba did a lot worse to the bath house." Another male voice casually added.
"Speaking of which, where did he, ah ha!"
The returning ninja slowly walked into the compound, towards the noise. The scene that they cae upon shocked them.
Kiba was surrounded by debre on the ground with Sakura standing over him with her foot placed firmly pressing on his chest. Sauske, Shikamaru and Neji were looking at the scene with little interest. Everyone stared at Kiba and Sakura, waiting to see what would happen. "I swear I didn't mean to Sakura." Kiba said to Sakura as his voice shook with fear as he already knew she was going to attack.
"You destroyed the bath house right before I was going to go in!" Sakura seethed, her green eyes darkened by her anger.
"So if I was going to go in next instead of you, you would not have cared?" Neji asked calmly.
Sakura turned her head towards Neji, never lessoning the pressure on Kiba. "Yes, cause you can just hose down outside. Ladies should not have to deal with that kind of stuff."
Sauske snorted. "Since when were you a lady?"
"Since I am covered in blood, dirt and face paint." Sakura said as if it was obvious.
"I know that you are busy and all, but we have Visitors." Shikamaru said in a bored tone.
Sakura and the others turned their heads in the direction of their returning team mates. Sakura removed her foot from Kiba's chest and yanked him to his feet.
Kiba held his abused arm. "Was that necessary?"
"…Yes." Sakura said. Kiba rolled his eyes to her response and turned to face their company.
"Can we help you?" Neji asked with a raised brow.
"We wanted to see who the HUNHI were." Tenten said with a small voice.
"Yeah! Have you seen them?" Naruto asked with a large grin. Many sweat dropped at his question "…They just left." Sauske said with amusement dancing in his eyes.
Naruto's face fell. "Oh. Do you know when they will be back?" He asked sadly.
"In one week." Shikamaru said in a bored tone.
Naruto nodded his head in understanding and turned to face Sakura. "So how have you guys…" Naruto stopped midsentence as he finally took notice at what was on Sakura's face. His eyes widened in surprise. "What is on your face?!" He shouted as he pointed to her cheek. That caught everyone's attention. Their eyes widened at what they saw.
Sakura cocked her head in confusion. "What are you talking about?"
"Why didn't you tell me you were married?!" Naruto shouted.
"What?!" Sakura asked with her eyes widened. "I am n-"
"And to Dogbreath no less! I thought that we had something special!" Naruto said with tears in his eyes.
"Baka!" Sakura yelled as she punched him in the face. "I am not married to Kiba!"
"But you have the red triangles in your face!" He pointed out.
"Yeah and so does Neji, Shika and Sasuke." Sakura pointed out with annoyance lacing her tone.
Naruto turned his head to see the others and started to laugh. "I knew you were gay Teme!" This caused everyone to laugh and smirk.
"Yes Dobe I gave up on my goal to revive my clan so that I could be with Kiba." Sauske sarcastically stated. "Are you stupid?"
"What did you call me Teme?" Naruto asked.
"I called you stupid, Stupid." Sasuke said with a smirk.
"Call me that again, I dare you." Naruto said with a glare.
Both Sauske and Naruto glared at Sakura who was smiling in victory. "Now why don't we all catch up like civil human beings?" Everyone nodded their head in agreement. "Exhalent! Now why don't we meet at Ichirkau in an hour? That should be enough time for Sauske, Shika, Neji, Kiba and I to shower and get ready." Sakura said with a smile. The returning ninjas smiled and nodded their heads in agreement before leaving the compound.
"So how much are we going to tell them?" Kiba asked.
"Just the general information like passing the Jounin exams and becoming Squad 11." Sakura said as the group started to head back to what remained of the bath house. "So not any of the extreme jobs or successes that we accomplished?" Kiba asked.
"Why of course we will talk about most of our successes." Neji said with a smirk.
"We need to show them that they made a mistake by not bringing Sakura on that mission." Sasuke stated.
"You guys are the sweetest!" Sakura said with a smile. All the guys looked at her and glared. "Tell no one." They all said at the same time.
Sakura held her hands up in defence. "Alright, altright your secret is safe with me. Now lets get ready we have exteam mates to impress."