Alternate Ending
*I had a very difficult time towards the end of this story trying to figure out what to do. I had written Jonathan in a way that I honestly wanted him to get with Clary; I really wanted him to have his happy ending. I had somehow written, though unintentionally a Jonathan who was really in love with his sister as opposed to the real books where he wanted her out of lust and power. I kept going back and forth between Jace and Jonathan. I do not believe in incest and I see Jonathan's blood as tainted to the point that they are not really related (Just so you don't think I'm psycho). After writing this I truly fell in love with Jonathan and had to remind myself to let others fall in love with Jace as well; who obviously took the back burner.
The more and more I debated the more and more I knew that Clary would want Jace and not her brother. So I ended up writing two versions of Waking Sleeping beauty. The first with Jonathan and the second with Jace. Obviously Jace won out in the end but I thought it would be nice to share the other version with you. It is still the rough draft so don't go crazy over typos and misspellings. Though it drives me crazy seeing errors when I go back and reread my stories even after I reread them twice before posting. Ugh.
So here are the events at the Seventh Site if they had gone a different way. This takes place after Clarissa ran out of the cave away from Jace when he tried telling her the truth. If you are disgusted by Jonathan X Clary you should probably just not read this. Fair warning.
Jace had to be wrong. Jonathan loved her and would do anything for her. Clarissa looked out over the barren wasteland. The pounding in her head was growing stronger and trying to think became more and more difficult. She wished Jonathan was here.
"Clarissa." A voice called worriedly behind her.
Clary turned around to see Alec's wide eyes behind her with a crossbow out. She looked quickly to the direction his crossbow was pointing and saw a dark outline. It only took a moment before Alec fell to the ground screaming as an orb of fire approached him. Jace ran out of the cave taking in the scene before him.
"Clarissa Adele." A familiar voice called out.
Clary turned around and saw Valentine standing before her. She gasped in surprise as she looked at the man before her. Jonathan's father would know what to do right? Clary got up shakenly trying to remain conscious as the blood pounded in her head as she took a step toward Valentine as the bright orb floated towards Jace.
"Clary no! Get away from him." Jace called out before his body crippled down on the floor next to Alec.
Clary ignored him and pushed herself into a run toward Valentine desperately throwing her arms around him in a tight hug. Valentine looked down at her in pure shock but returned the embrace anyway. Tears began falling from her eyes.
"Where is Jonathan Clarissa?" Valentine whispered.
"He is inside with someone named Lilith." She replied weakly.
Valentine raised an eyebrow before tilting his daughters face up to his. Clary's eyes were dilated and he could tell she was obviously struggling to stay conscious. He saw a demon ruin glowing on her right temple and sighed before taking her back into his arms.
A deception ruin, Lilith clearly wasn't taking any chances. He wondered if his daughter even remembered who he was let alone what she had done. Though he had come here to give his children a second chance.
"Come now my dear Clarissa. Father has come here to save you. Close your eyes and I will take care of everything." He said sweetly into her ear as he placed his hand on the back of her neck. With great skill Valentine placed a little pressure on that small spot in her neck before his daughter's body fell limp against him. He slowly picked her up as he turned the silver Morgenstern ring on his hand.
"Go now Agramon. " Valentine called before disappearing.
*********Line Break**********
Jonathan stood still as he let the blood seep down his injured hand that he had punched the bolder with minuets ago. Letting her go with Jace was the hardest thing he had to do his entire life. If he had just come alone he would probably be taking Clarissa's naked body on this very rock right now. She had told him that she loved him and she meant it. It hadn't been the kind of sibling love that he had grown accustomed to. No, this love was different. It was the same look of love and longing that she gave Jace. He knew he did the right thing but he wished he hadn't.
"I don't know why you don't just claim her for yourself." Lilith spoke stepping out of the darkness.
Jonathan looked up at her with heated hatred.
"She is still under my control. You can still have her my son. She is yours; you have only but to claim her."
"What did you do to her?" he snapped.
"I put her into a dream world. Where she fell madly in love with you."
"So you lied to her." Jonathan argued.
"More like twisted the truth. It didn't take much for her to fall for you. She loved you even before I touched her memories. I think you would be happy to know that the girl had given herself completely to you." Lilith smiled.
"That explains why she was trying to strip my clothes off when she came to."
"The heart wants what it wants as the humans say. Somewhere deep down in her she wants you as much as you want her my son. I just helped her to see that." Lilith said solemnly.
"What?" Jonathan asked taken aback.
"Come with me my son. If you come with me you will have everything you have ever desired. Clarissa loves you and is happy. You don't want that to go away so you?"
Jonathan looked to the ground. He didn't know what to do and stood still. In that second a ball of fire appeared out of nowhere. He looked at it curiously as the shape morphed into something else. He dropped to the floor and began screaming. He saw Clarissa in front of him sad and crying.
"Why don't you want me Jonathan? Can't you see that I am in love with you?" Clary cried.
"Clary no! Please don't be upset I love you too more than you can ever know!" Jonathan called out.
Jonathan reached out to her but It was too late. Clary was gone and Jonathan's vision swam into darkness and he lost consciousness. Lilith smiled at her son lying on the floor.
"Hopefully that will give him the proper motivation?" Aragon grinned beside her.
"I do hope so. Please take him to his sister. I must finish things here before meeting up with you and Valentine." Lilith replied stepping towards the sounds of fighting in the next cavern.
***************Line Break **********************
Clary woke up from a soundless sleep in a big soft bed. She looked up not knowing how she got here. It was then that she noticed she wasn't alone. Jonathan lay beside her fast asleep. She sighed with relief and nuzzled her head into Jonathan's chest. He was still fast asleep with his arms draped around her. Memories started flooding back to her. A cave, Jace, and Valentine. She quickly pushed those thoughts away and inhaled Jonathan's scent. She didn't know or care what the truth was anymore. She was with him and regardless of everything he made her feel safe. She rested her head on his chest falling back into blissful sleep.
**********Line Break************
"Clarissa." A familiar voice called.
Clary opened her eyes to see Valentine standing in front of her. She quickly rubbed her eyes and rose up from Jonathan's sleeping chest.
"Yes Lord Valentine?" she answered.
Valentine looked at her suspiciously. The glowing orb beside him chuckled.
"My dear will you please tell me, do you remember who I am?" he asked ignoring Agramon.
Why was everyone asking her these kind of questions lately? Though she was thankful that her migraine was gone so she could at least think clearly again.
"You are Jonathan's father, the King of Idris and the leader of the New Clave." She said as it was the most obvious thing in the world to answer. Valentine smiled keeping his composure.
"And Jonathan?" he asked sternly.
"Which one?" she asked curiously not wanting to anger her future father in law.
"Johnathan Herondale is my brother and Jonathan Morgenstern is my fiancée and your son." She answered as calmly as possible.
Valentine looked at her sharply, taken aback. Agramon released another chuckle.
"Lilith always had a talent for persuasion but she has outdone herself this time." The demon of fear grinned.
"Who is Lilith?" Clary asked.
Valentine looked at her warmly.
"Jonathan's mother my dear. Though I am afraid you will not be able to meet her." Valentine replied taking a step forward.
"I can see you are still tired my darling. You and Jonathan need your rest. There is much to explain. Please go back to sleep and I will come to retrieve both of you for dinner. All will be explained then my child." He whispered.
Clary nodded sleepily and laid back down on the bed. Valentine smiled before walking away and leaving the room. His children's blood was tainted to the point that dna didn't matter. Although he didn't necessarily agree with it he couldn't complain. Lilith had made her decision. At least he would get a strong Morgenstern heir.
After a few minutes of silence Clary finally felt Jonathan begin to stir. She felt his arms wrap around her bringing her back into his chest instinctually. Clary sighed with delight as her warmth over took her.
"Clarissa." He whispered into her ear.
"Yes." She answered in a hushed voice.
"Do you remember what happened in the cave?"
"Vaguely." She yawned.
Truth be told she rather not remember Jace walking in on her and Jonathan. That and the things he had said upset her. She was hoping the whole ordeal was just a dream; no such luck of course. Jonathan sighed. Maybe he was upset that Jace interrupted them too?
"I don't think we can do anything Jon. Your father is here." She whispered placing a kiss lightly onto his chest. She could feel his body shiver.
"Yes, I don't think our father would approve of incest. Then again experimenting on his children didn't bother him so I might be wrong about that one….still-"
Clary opened her eyes and looked up into Jonathan's dark eyes.
"So what Jace said in the cave was true? You are really my brother?" she asked meekly.
Jonathan looked saddened as he placed a strand of loose hair behind her ear. Not being able to bring himself to answer her question. They looked at each other in silence each with longing in their eyes. Clary lifted her hand and brushed her fingers across his face intimately before Jonathan leaned down and softly placed his lips on hers. She returned the kiss with passion as he felt his resolve break.
"Just this once; please Clarissa." He whispered.
Clary hesitated before finally nodding and pressing her lips back to his. She could feel the heat radiate off of her body; warming her to the core. His shirt had opened during their nap. Clary placed her hands on his bare chest. She could feel Jonathan's heart accelerate as hers pounded again her chest to match. She could feel that he was losing control just like in the cave. All she just had to push him a little more. She could do this. She could convince him to forget about the world, his father, the Clave, everything and give in.
With that thought she pushed up her hips and lightly grinding up against his manhood. She could hear the moan leave his lips shattering the last bit of resistance in him. He turned her over and pinned her to the bed beneath him. Clary giggled tracing her fingers down his arms admiring his strength.
"So you like that I take it?" he grinned.
Clarissa looked into Jonathan's pitch black eyes and smiled.
"I like it when you take control. You are so strong and perfect Jonathan." She whispered kissing him hungrily.
"I shouldn't….we should stop." He whispered bringing his lips down her neck.
"Do you want to stop Jonathan?" she asked bringing her nails lightly down his back.
"No." he moaned.
"Then don't." she moaned as his hands found her breasts.
He smiled at the sounds she was making. He gave her an opportunity to say no and each time he encouraged him to go on. No one could blame him right and if having Clary meant putting up with his father well than Valentine wasn't so bad right? His mind pressed him to answer that question but when Clary moaned again he lost his thoughts to the blissful noise. She had told him not to stop….and he didn't.