Sorry guys not an update I just wanted to respond to reviews and messages I've been receiving. So first I want you to always know that unless I've specifically said I'm stopping a fic I never will and I always plan to update.
The thing at the moment is I am struggling to balance everything together, I'm taking my A2 exams this year for my final A levels (for any fellow British: Help. Me.) so that's stressful but also each time I go to write in just not inspired? I don't want to update something that's a load of shit and isn't worth reading because I've forced myself? I always want it to be something you deserve.
Basically I leave college this year and once I do I quite literally have no idea what I'm doing. My friends are all off to Uni except for about one or two and even they have plans so I guess I'm a little lost at the moment. I hope that once all the stress of the exams are out of the way I'll get back to updating. A few of you know I have a plan to finish all my fics and concentrate on one big one that I plan to get a Beta for so that's exciting. But it's getting back into I guess.
sorry if I got you all excited for this? But I just wanted to respond to all the messages and let you know I haven't given up and to please be patient with me? Lexa's death has certainly had more of an impact than we all thought it did and I wanted to say I am so proud with all we have achieved? I struggle with our media representation and if this is going to finally inspire a change then I am happy to have been a part of it :) thank you all for everything and hopefully next time I see you will be for an update XD
i want to say 'may we meet again' to be dramatic but it sounds more like a goodbye so I'm going to say 'may we meet soon' :)