A/N: It's the last day of Jerza week! I can't believe it's already over... Thanks to everyone who followed/favored/reviewed my stories! :)

This prompt is about future, so I wrote about their future - meaning there will be OCs in the form of their children ;).

I hope you'll like the story, and till the next time!

Day 7. (The last day)

Prompt: Future

Word count: 1450

"Jellal Fernandez, how many times must we go through this?"

"But Erza, do you really have to take that mission? Can't somebody else go?"

Sighing, the woman shook her head, letting her short scarlet tresses flutter. Jellal was simply so stubborn, she was getting to the end of her wits. This topic wasn't being discussed for the first time – but it sure felt like it. Honestly, Erza hoped that after the last two times, he'd let it go, but apparently, that wouldn't be the case.

"I am pregnant, not handicapped, Jellal! I can very well take care of myself and our child! Haven't I proven that already?", she said, referring to the two previous pregnancies during which she also kept going on missions (to the dismay of her husband, of course).

"But Erza, you're in your fifth month! Please reconsider going, you know I always get worried when you do.", Jellal said, wrapping his arms around the enlarged frame of his wife. "Isn't it enough that I go on jobs? I earn enough, and we already have plenty of money saved."

"It isn't about the money, Jellal.", the scarlet haired woman said softly, forgetting about her irritation. "We have talked about this before – I don't want to stop going on missions just because I'm carrying a child. I never pick the tough and dangerous ones, anyway, and I do stop once I've reached a certain stadium of pregnancy. I would never let anything happen to our baby, Jellal.", she looked him in the eyes and said seriously, and the blue haired man could only sigh.

"I know, Erza, I know, but I just-"

"Mom, dad? What are you doing?"

The pair turned around to see their eldest child, a ten year old girl, enter the kitchen. She was rubbing her eyes, still a bit sleepy, but awake nonetheless. She was an early bird and a light sleeper, just like her parents. Those traits ran through the entire family, it appeared.

"Good morning, honey. Your father and I were just discussing some matters, that is all.", Erza said as she walked over to her daughter and hugged her, kissing her blue strands of hair lovingly. The little girl returned the hug and kissed her mother's cheek, then her belly.

"Good morning, Emily. Did you sleep well?", Jellal asked, smiling gently at his daughter. Emily ran to her dad and hugged him tightly, prompting a chuckle from her parents. There was no doubt that Emily loved her mother very much – she was her number one girl in the world (as the little one didn't have any sisters) – but she simply adored her father. She was a daddy's girl, through and through.

"I slept well enough.", she answered, still clinging to her father. "I had a visitor in the middle of the night, though.", she said, and finally let go of her father.

"Did your brother sneak into your room again?", Erza asked, and Emily nodded. "Honestly, this is the third time this week. I wonder what's wrong.", she said, worried about her little boy.

"He must have had another nightmare. Did Zael tell you anything, Mil?, Jellal asked. The six year old had started having some sort of nightmares recently, but everyone assured his parents that it was nothing to worry about, that it was just a faze that would pass soon. It didn't put either at ease, though.

"Not really, I just woke up and saw a scarlet bush and immediately knew it was him. I got used to it, so I didn't ask anything. Was I supposed to?", the little girl asked, feeling guilty about not paying enough attention. She loved her brother very much and she wanted to be a good older sister (to both him and the baby on the way), but it seemed like she failed. Erza, sensing Emily's distress, quickly patted her daughter's head and smiled at her.

"No, no, don't feel bad, honey. Dad and I are just a bit worried, but it's normal. You used to have many nightmares too, remember? When you'd squeeze yourself between the two of us?", she asked and Emily blushed, feeling embarrassed.

"I was little then! I'm big now!", she said, running out of the kitchen. "I'm going to brush my teeth!", she yelled from the hall, and Jellal and Erza laughed at their daughter's antics. The man came closer to his wife and put an arm around her shoulder, and she leaned her head on his.

"She is growing up fast, though.", Jellal whispered, reminiscing the old memories. "It was as if just yesterday, I held her in my hands and now, she's already training to become a strong mage, like her mother.", he said and turned his head so he could kiss Erza's nose, and she giggled and brushed it against Jellal's.

"Yes, you are right. They both grew up so fast… I can still remember how Zael would wake us up in the middle of the night.", she said and Jellal chuckled. "He was a fussy baby, wasn't he?", Erza laughed, and unconsciously reached for her belly, gently stroking it.

"And now we have another one on the way.", Jellal said lovingly, and lowered his gaze so he could look at Erza's stomach. "I hope this one won't give us as much trouble as his older siblings.", he joked, though he didn't care even if the baby turned out to be the biggest trouble maker of them all – he'd do anything for her, just as he would for Emily and Zael. They, together with their mother, were his world. They were everything to him and he loved them with an intensity he didn't even know he could muster.

"Oh, no. He will be the calmest one, I can feel it.", Erza said and turned around so she would be face to face with her husband.

"So you think it's a he? I think it's a she.", Jellal smiled and put one hand on his wife's waist, and the other one over her stomach.

"Mother's intuition.", Erza shrugged. "I knew Emily would be a girl, and I was sure Zael would turn out to be a boy, and I was right, wasn't I?", she smirked and Jellal just smiled and faked a sigh.

"Oh, well, what can you do? We will see in about four months, no?"

"So we're sure we don't want to know the gender?", Erza asked and Jellal nodded.

"We want this one to be a surprise."

The scarlet haired woman laughed and then looked at her husband's smiling face, and she knew there was no place she'd rather be. Their past was a troubled one, and there were many obstacles on their way, but they managed to get through everything and now here they were, in a cozy house on the outskirts of the town, surrounded by lake and forest and grass field, blessed with two beautiful children and a third on the way, with the best friends – the best family – anyone could ask for, and in each other's arms. The uncertain future both of them feared turned out to be the brightest one they could ever imagine, and they were looking forward to the rest of their lives, of their life, in this place called home.

As Jellal leaned forward to plant a kiss on Erza's lips, they heard a shriek coming from the kitchen door and turned around to see their daughter, completely red in the face, covering their son's eyes. The little red haired boy made a small pout, and reached with his little hands to fend off his older sister's bigger ones.

"What happened? Mommy? Daddy? Mily, let go!", he tried to pry himself away, but Emily's grip on him was tighter. She then turned around and left the kitchen, pulling her younger brother with her, still blushing from what she saw.

"Let's go, Zael. Mom and dad are being all mushy.", she said, and the last thing the stunned couple could hear was their son's "Eww!", before their children marched up the stairs, going to their rooms.

The kitchen was silent for a few moments, both Jellal and Erza blushing, before both of them erupted into laughter, filling the house with happiness. Up on the floor, Emily and Zael giggled as they hid on the top of the stairs, still watching their parents. Jellal pressed a chaste kiss on Erza's cheek, and she returned the kiss as well, then started pulling out the plates and serving breakfast.

"… You know, I'm still against you going to that mission…", Jellal said, and Erza whined, not wanting to start that conversation once again.

Just another day in the Scarlet-Fernandez household.