AN~~ Hey Guys! I'm writing again yay! This is a new story that I am creating based on a request from my dear friend fellow nerd Blueflames123 . This chapter will probably be the only one in past tense so if you get confused throughout the story, just leave a comment and/or message me and I can explain it to you. Votes and comments are always appreciated so I can find out where I need to improve my writing skills and what parts are crappy or not. Enjoy! ^-^

Lucy's POV

It started out as any normal day in the guild. Cana was drinking barrels of alcohol form who-knows-where, Mira was giggling about wizards who had recently become couples while reading Sorcerer Weekly, Erza was eating her strawberry cake, and Natsu and Gray were fighting. Chairs were being thrown, food was being flung, names were being called, and any poor bystander close enough to either of the idiots was immediately dragged into the chaos.

"Ice Princess!"

"Flame Brain!"



"Flame Pervert!"


I sighed as the fighting grew more vigorous.

"Will they ever have a mature conversation with each other?" I asked Levy who was sitting in front of me trying to read a book.

"I don't think that is actually possible Lucy," Levy replied, sighing in annoyance.

"You might be right about that- Gray! Your clothes!"

"Whaa- HOW THE HECK DID THAT HAPPEN?!" a certain Ice-Make mage yelled, confused.


I paled as I saw that Natsu had knocked over the table that Erza had been sitting at and stepped on her cake. The deadly aura she was emitting could be felt even where I was standing on the opposite side of the guild hall. Her bangs covered her eyes and even Natsu fell silent form seeing the look on her face.

"You. Destroyed. MY. STRAWBERRY. CAKE!" the requip mage yelled.

The guild fell completely silent and all wizards, excluding Natsu, took shelter under any table they could find or in any barrel in sight as a sword appeared in her right hand. Natsu tried to escape but her free hand shot out and grabbed his scarf. I squealed, got up, ran, and jumped behind the bar. Mira, as calm as ever, just stood there wiping a beer mug. I poked my head over the counter to watch the destruction, wincing as I saw the beating Natsu was receiving.





Natsu's screams of pain could probably be heard throughout Magnolia as Erza exacted revenge for the destruction of her precious cake. I kinda-sorta felt sorry for the pink-haired idiot, but I wouldn't be the one to stand up to Erza and tell her to stop what she was she was currently doing.

Erza finally let go of the bruised and battered Dragon Slayer and calmly walked back up to the bar, got another slice of cake, and went to another table to enjoy her sugar in silence. Fairy Tail mages started coming out of there hiding places and resuming what they were doing.

I stood up an jumped back over the bar and made my way to Natsu who was currently out of commission. Once I got by his side, I knelt down by his face and laughed and the pissed-off expression he wore.

"You idiot," I laughed affectionately.

He closed his eyes and smiled wide. I smiled at him again and held out a hand to help him up. He accepted and stood up. Immediately he shook himself off and walked over to the job board and looked at the postings. I shook my head fondly and turned around to walk back to Mira when I realized she had already moved to directly behind me with Happy by her shoulder. She leaned close to my face with a creepy smile.

"You liiiikkkkkeeee him!" she and Happy teased.

"Ehhhh? NO I DON'T!" I yelled indignantly.


I ran over to Natsu and started looking for ajob as well to get away from at least Mira for a little while.

" Hey Luce!" Natsu said excitedly while shoving a job post in my face. " I found the perfect job for us and it will probably help you pay your rent for the next nine months!"

" NINE MONTHS?" I yelled, suprised. "Just how much are they payinng for the job?"

"Well if you multiply nine months of rent for your apartment by three then the total amount of money they are offering is around two million jewel am I not right Erza?" Wendy questioned to the red-haired mage.

"I think that's about right Wendy."

"Woohoo! Monster slaying here we come!" I yelled.

Immediately after Wendy's calculation everyone was shouting and trying to tear the job out of Natsu's hands.

"That's a ton of money!"

"I want that job!"

"If they are paying that much money, then the job should be pretty dangerous shouldn't it?"

"Who cares? Just take a look at that pay!"

"Hey! I was staring at the board for longer than you, so how come you found that job first Natsu?!"

"No Fair!"

"Give another wizard a try will you!"

"I bet I'm strong enough to take on any monster in my path!"

"No you aren't you moron!"

"Oh yeah? Bring it on!"


"I could buy barrels of booze with that kind of money!" (you can probably guess who said that)


Everyone grumbled and went back to what they were doing before for a second time.

Natsu and I went up to Mirajane to tell her we had a job we were going to do. She checked us off and we were good to go.

Yes! Here we go!I cheered in my brain.

We ran to my house to get a few things before leaving then ran to the train station. As we got on, I felt that for once, everything was going along smoothly.

Little did I know how wrong I was...