SUMMARY: Things were changing. Wanda found herself not liking the change. At all.

AN: I just watched the new Civil War trailer (I highly recommend watching it) and I knew I had to write this. Consider this a kinda epilogue.

Thank you all again for your wonderful support you've shown this fic that was originally a drabble but grew thanks to the love you've all shown. Thank you all once again!

"When life falls to pieces, glue does't always fix it."

Korey Miracle

Steve Rogers

From the moment Steve walks through the door Wanda knows something is wrong.

He's been doing this a lot lately, leaving out of no where and returning hours sometimes days later. They no longer talk like old times, so carefree and fun. They don't have fun sparring matches or share a laugh over stories. Now, now everything is much more professional and serious and Wanda finds herself no longer seeking his company.

Wanda never questions, never interrupts because she knows it's not her place. But the longer it's been going on the more she becomes worried. The face Natasha makes every time he comes back doesn't help. There arguments, which once were rare now have become more frequent and she's noticed that the once enjoyable couple could hardly stand being in the same room as the other.

The fact that Sam has been going with him and the trips have been taking longer worries her. Every tiny little thing has begun to worry her despite her best attempts to push it away.

She's heard rumors. Rumors about a man with a metal arm. She's heard about him while she was in HYDRA but she could never really be certain that she could believe in it. Now she wasn't so sure.

Looking over at Steve she saw something in eyes. She saw something... different as a man she's come to know as General Ross enters the room. The tension weighing heavy in the air.

And she wasn't sure she liked it.

Clint Barton

She likes to pretend she doesn't hear the yelling. The yelling from downstairs that instead of lessening it's becoming more frequent that she knows she's not the only one listening in at night.

She wants to pretend that she doesn't notice the distance between Clint and Laura, that they're still the happy couple she's come to love, that Clint doesn't start leaving in the middle of the night and doesn't return until morning to take the kids to school or during the day, That she doesn't hear Laura break down and start crying. She wants pretend Clint hasn't taken out his bow, arrows and uniform or that he's been out "chopping" wood longer than usually.

To distract herself she's been spending more time with Lilla, Cooper and Nate playing games with them, watching TV or movies with them or even performing magic tricks for them.

She pretends to be fine. Pretends to smile, laugh and act like nothing is changing. She's pretending everything's okay.

The yelling quickly transcends from home to work and it takes everything in her not to cover her ears, but she admits to herself that at night when Clint's voice echoes through the house or when Laura's sobbing gets louder...she covers her ears, desperate to block them out, her eyes screwing shut tightly while she desperately tries to imagine happier times.

So she keeps pretending that everything is fine.

Bruce Banner

Weeks have gone by and she hasn't heard from him.

Email after email, letter after letter, even call after call have been left unanswered.

She tries not to let it bother her, she tells herself he's busy (though a voice whispers that even then he would have sent something, anything really), and so she tries to busy herself.

But every time she sees someone with a lab coat on, or short black wavy hair or even glasses that lie on a table her mind instantly starts coming up with possible reasons as to why he's here. She becomes filled with hope though she knows in the end she'll just be left disappointment.

And it's become such a regular thing that she's surprised she even has any speck of hope left in her.

It doesn't stop her from sitting late at night with a board game in front of her all set and ready to be played.

She doesn't bother stopping the tears that cascade down her cheeks.


Star gazing has lately become a habit for. Sitting outside late at night just watching the stars above. Not even cloudy night can stop her because she's been observing them for so long she's pretty sure she knows their positions and could imagine them.

It doesn't take her long to go from looking at them to talking to them: small things really.

Like the new things she's come to learn, how everyone is doing and even what new food she's tried.

She doesn't even realize that she's begun to bring pop-tarts with her and she would eat one but always leaving one besides her, hoping that by some miracle he'll show up, take it and begin telling her the stories he's promised. He never does and she tries not to let it get to her. Tries not to let the disappointment hit her hard.

She takes comfort outside when she no longer can handle the silence inside.

Talking about minimal things no longer helps her and she soon hears herself saying things she tries to keep to herself: the fights, the tension between the team, the pain she feels as she silently watches from afar as her family slowly start to fall apart.

He said if she ever needed him to just look to the sky and she does. She calls to him as she gazes up praying he'll hear her, if he does she doesn't know and she tries to convince herself he's busy too.

But after each failed attempt she bows her head and clenches her hands trying to hold in the tears that are burning in her eyes.

It's only until she collapses on her bed, when the yells begin and the feeling of loneliness fill her that she allows them to escape because it's only then that she's hit with the realization that she's slowly losing them.

It's far more painful and difficult loosing the people you love one by one than all at once.

Tony Stark

With a shuddering sigh she realizes he's not coming.

She's been waiting for him far longer than she was supposed to but a part of her held onto hope that maybe he was late, maybe he had an emergency meeting that was keeping him from coming to get her so they could go and have their usual Netflix night.

Standing in the rain, she looks lost and it was how she didn't want to acknowledge the fact that maybe she lost Tony as well.

She thinks back to their fun nights of laughing, judging, making ridiculous comments and generally having a fun time over at Stark Tower, sometimes Pepper would come in and scold them to keep it down but it almost always ends with her joining in on the shenanigans they pull.

Somehow thinking back to those happy times only send her to a deeper depression because whispers in her mind telling her she won't be having those night anytime soon...maybe never at all.

Thinking back earlier today she chokes back a sob and hugs herself tighter as she recalls seeing Sokovia fall apart in front of her eyes. She hasn't thought sadly about her home for such a long time that when she saw it just, fall apart, she had to get out of there. She had to escape and the only person she could think of was Tony.

Sniffing hard and allowing the tears to fall she let's herself cry openly.

She doesn't care. She simply doesn't care who finds her outside of base, soaking wet and sobbing hard because they're leaving.

Because the earth beneath her is crumbling down and she doesn't know how to stop it.

Natasha Romanoff

Wanda runs. She doesn't care that tears are falling down her face because dammit it she can't loose her. Not Natasha. Anyone else but her.

She should've known from the moment Steve stepped through the doors that something was wrong. The devastated look in his eyes should have warned her. She doesn't remember what he said exactly or how he put it, the only thing ringing through her mind is that she's leaving. She's leaving, she's leaving... she's leaving her.

Wanda runs as fast as she can because she can hear the car outside. Hear it as it roars to life.

No no no no please no.

"Natasha!" Wanda screams running through the doors taking a second to realize that it was too late.

The car was already speeding away along with the last person Wanda had. The last person she loves.

And even though she knows it's a lost cause she still runs. She can't loose the last person of her family.

The past few weeks she's put on a brave face, she watched with an expressionless face as Steve buried himself in work and disappeared far more often than before, as Clint starts picking up his bow more, as Bruce and Thor are still missing and Tony turning back into the man she feared he would become.

Natasha has become far more than her friend but someone she could consider a sister.

"Natasha please!" Wanda screamed trying to run after the fast moving car.


Wanda ran after the car as far and as fast as she could but in the end the car drove away far quicker than she expected.

Slowly she came to a stop, crying because she couldn't stop the last person she cared about from leaving her.

She fell to her knees knowing this was it, her family was broken apart in two and she doesn't know how she could possibly fix... she wonders if it's even possible.

She distinctly felt two arms wrap around her but she didn't want the comfort right now. She wanted Natasha back, she wanted Tony back, she wanted her family back.

Roughly pulling away from the arms she stalked off to the one place she felt remotely safe to mourn her torn family.

The sky fell down, the ties are cut and the only thing left is the bitter feeling of upcoming war.

The Avengers

Standing behind Captain America she tries to put on a brave face. A face that displays determination to fight for what she believes in, to fight in what she knows is right.

Inside her is another thing.

For inside she is torn. She sees Natasha with the face she's come to associate with the Black widow, she sees Rhodey and Vision; her friends and teammates...and Tony, his face full of determination and something she can't quite place her finger on. There's someone else too but she doesn't remember hearing about him or seeing him. The man with claws dressed in black.

She takes a quick glance around her and though she has Steve, Clint, Sam and someone she was recently introduced to as Scott or Ant-man (weird names) and the man with the metal arm or Bucky as Steve said he was named, she knows this is not where she wants to stand. Even if she knows it's right.

She doesn't like this. She doesn't like this at all.

Families are supposed to be together, to stand together. They're not supposed to fight each other, to stand on opposite sides, ready to do whatever it takes to take down the other. To let things tear them apart without trying to mend it.

Wanda breaks internally for this moment has finally revealed what she has feared: her family truly has broken apart.

Tony and Natasha stand on one side while Clint and Steve stand on the other, with both Bruce and Thor still missing. Her family is no more.

Taking a breath she prepares herself for what is needed to do for what she knows is right...though she feels a stab to her heart knowing she would have to hurt those she once swore to protect.

United we stand, divided we fall.