Hi so this is my first FanFiction. Sorry that the start is so crap, but I wrote it at like 2AM and fell asleep but I am to lazy to fix it up. Next chapter should be better. Okay well ENJOY!


It is believed that all demons poses some form of animal characteristics. If this is true, what is Rin's?


It was a warm Spring afternoon and Izumo,was making her way through the halls of the cram school to find the tall, blue haired, half-demon boy name Rin Okumura. As she walked down the halls she could hear muttering and furious scratching that could only be caused by a pencil. The black and purple haired teen rushed down the halls, hoping against hope that it was Rin.

Izumo it to the room, panting slightly and saw that it was the half-demon boy she was looking for. A small smile twitched at her lips as she let it grow to a nice Cheshire grin.

"Hey Rin?" The bossy 16 years old girl named Izumo, questioned as Rin entered the exorcist class room.

"What do you want polka brows?" The navy hair boy growled, looking up from his text book.

The older girl huffed,

"Can't I ask a simple favour of my favourite demon?" She pouted.

"Well considering your tone and attitude," Rin began, "I assume it is going to be bad."

Izumo just glared at the young spawn of Satan standing before her. Grumbling, she gave in.

"Okay fine!" The polka browed teenager snapped, "I need help with the homework Yukio assigned."

Rin stared at he for a moment before doubling over, laughing. He laughed for ages at the very flustered female before him. Once he caught his breath, he wiped away a few stray tears and proceed to talk to Izumo.

"Y-you," He panted, "Ju-st asked me for h-help? W-with H-h-homework?"

The bluenet began to laugh, again.

"You don't understand!" Izumo blurted out, "I was assigned hell strength and fire demons. I CAN'T GET NEAR ONE WITHOUT BEING BURNT TO A CRISP!"

Rin stopped his laughter abruptly and realised what was going on. He narrowed his eyes, tail swishing back and forth in an aggregative manner.

"Are you asking me to be your Guinea pig?" He accused.

"N-no I just, um, I was, ah," The black and purple haired teen was lost for words.

"Admit it," Rin pushed, "You want me to be your guinea pig."

"I," She began, "Ugh, fine! I do. But only because I want to get a good grade on this report."

"Why don't you use the internet?" Rin said narrowing his eyes.

"Don't you think I tried that dummy?" The uptight, girl screamed, "There is nothing on there that gives me the answers! That's why I need you! You are both of those things combined! You can help me get an A!"

"I don't know?" The young male ex-wire replied, stunning the female before him, "Yuki-chan didn't give me a demon as it would be unfair as I can get all the information without even trying. He was going to give me fire but that is what I am so you got 2. I don't want to go behind my little bro's back."

Izumo scoffed at this.

"Oh so now you are all about 'not going behind Okumura sensei's back," She laughed, making quotation marks with her hands as she did so, "Ha, and I thought you had a reputation for being bad. Hm, some bad boy."

She knew this would push the half-demon's buttons as he growled deeply as she spoke. Grinning, she decided to give him a little bit more of a push.

"Or maybe you're too weak," Izumo smirked as she saw the deadly fire in Rin's sapphire eyes, "Oh no my mistake, you are just scared."

That did it. Rin was strong a points but when you pissed him off he would cave in to prove he is still the 'man' he is today.

"Fine I will help your to prove to you just how strong AND brave I am!"

Grinning with her success, the rude teen stuck out her hand and the annoyed demon child shook it. Little did they know, untold secrets were to be reviled and broken bones were to be blessed.

They were in for one tough week.


Well there was chapter one. It wasn't as great ass I would of liked it to be but it is something. Please tell me what you thought of it and I shall be sure to use that advice to improve my work. A free *cough* non existence *Cough* sorry about that, I have a lousy cough. Now were was I? Oh yeah. A free llama for who ever can guess what animal Rin acts like and how it is unleashed. Well tell me what you think and BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!