Hello dear readers! I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.
Anyway, here is the next chapter! Please see the author's note at the end.
*NOTE* For the full smutty version of this chapter, please follow the link on my profile ;) For those who like it clean and mild, please continue :)
Many thanks to PurseMonger for her great suggestions!
AtLA is not mine.
Chapter Fourteen
In Which the Princess Experiences New Delights
Several weeks later found Zuko performing a new set of firebending katas under the dark dragon's watchful eye. The banished prince let out a shout as he punched his fist in front of him, sending a powerful blast of fire shooting forward.
After several sessions, Zuko realized that the new steps he had learned from the dragon not only increased the power of his flames, but also made his movements more fluid and flexible. This made it easier to move through several different katas in quick succession, which would overwhelm an enemy and guarantee victory. He also realized that even though his firebending attacks were more powerful and the heat of his flames were more intense, he was spending less energy than he normally would. The dragon had explained that the stronger his inner fire was the more control he would have over his bending. When he made a mistake, the dragon would correct him and make him repeat the move. It reminded Zuko so much of the days he would train under Uncle Iroh that it made him want to strive to be better, to make Uncle proud of the firebending master he had become, even if Iroh was gone from this world.
Over the past several weeks, Zuko and the dragon were beginning to learn more about each other and the firebender was learning more about what it meant to be bonded to a dragon. Unlike how he and Katara were able to hear each other's thoughts, and in a way, be sentimentally close, Zuko and the dragon could use their bond to communicate like one would with another human. When he had tried to understand this more, the dragon had said it was because the connection between True Mates was something completely different, much more powerful and sacred, for True Mates bonded in body, spirit, and mind.
That explanation made a lot of sense to the firebender, although it was something that he was still trying to get used. Although Zuko did consider Katara his True Mate, the concept was still a little scary. He had no idea how Katara would take it. He had tried to bring it up to her several times, but would always stop himself. He didn't know how to actually explain such a phenomenon to her without sounding crazy. However, he knew he would have to tell her one day.
Another thing he realized was that unlike how he and Katara could communicate mentally even at a distance, he needed to be in close proximity to the black dragon to understand and 'hear' his thoughts. However, when they were apart, they could still feel the connection. It was interesting.
Good. It seems you have already grasped the concept of fire coming from your breath and not your muscles. Unlike other firebenders I have seen.
"That would be thanks to my uncle's teachings," Zuko responded as he wound down his final move, panting slightly from the exercise and adrenaline. Then with a wry smile, he added, "Although it took me years to understand since my temper would always get in the way. But, he never gave up on me. Not even when I was cursed."
He sounds like a wise man.
"He was," the prince replied with a fond yet sad smile.
A pensive look appeared on Zuko's face and the black dragon cocked his head wonderingly.
"Uncle Iroh was actually supposed to be the next Fire Lord, but after losing his family, Uncle refused the title and instead focused his attention on learning more about firebending and the mysteries of the world," Zuko explained, "He would've made a wise and honorable Fire Lord. You could've formed a bond with him instead and both the Fire Nation and dragonkind would've lived in peace."
Perhaps. But it seems fate had other plans and had us cross paths instead. Perhaps fate knew you and I had to form a bond to save both our kinds.
"Hm, perhaps you're right," Zuko responded with a contemplative expression.
Knowing his father and Azula's ambitions, either one of them could have plotted to kill Iroh in order to take the throne. Azula had already alluded that their father planned their aunt and Lu Ten's deaths, knowing how much it would devastate Iroh. If things had gone differently, Uncle would have died much sooner and the dark dragon might not be there today. He frowned. It was not a pleasant thought at all.
In a couple of days, you will be ready for flying lessons.
The dragon's words immediately brought Zuko out of his thoughts.
"Flying lessons?" he asked uncertainly.
A nod was the response.
We must learn to fly together to strengthen our connection, to show our subordinates the power of our bond, and to be attuned to each other when in battle as our ancestors have done before us.
Zuko was amazed at the dragon's solemn explanation. He wished he had learned more about the ancient history of the Fire Nation and the relationship between the Fire Lords and their dragons. If they were able to stop Azula and heal the Fire Nation, one thing he would insist on would be having his people learn their traditions and heritage better. He focused his attention back on the awaiting dragon.
"I look forward to the lessons," he said before he added wryly, "Perhaps it would go smoothly since I got used to flying as a dragon. I actually missed it."
The dragon let out a low rumble.
"Do you remember the name of the last Fire Lord that was bonded to your father?" the golden-eyed man asked curiously, wanting to know more about the past.
I do not remember the man's name, but I do remember he called my father 'Fang'. He had visited my mother and me with my father a few times before their deaths. He was a kind and wise human.
Zuko smiled. He had been right. The last bonded human and dragon was Fire Lord Roku and Fang.
"So I've been thinking of a name for you," Zuko spoke up after a brief moment of silence.
When the dragon gave him an expectant look, the firebender continued.
"Druk. It's an ancient word that means thunder dragon. I thought about it because your roar reminds me of thunder."
The banished prince stood still as he watched and sensed the male dragon contemplate the name and its meaning. A moment later, the dragon inclined his head.
Druk. It is acceptable.
Zuko smiled, pleased.
"I was unsure about what name to give your mate, but Katara asked me to ask you to describe her. That way Katara can think of an appropriate name for her."
Describe her? Druk asked in confusion.
"You know, uh, her personality. Or, um, maybe what she likes?" Zuko replied with a scratch of his head as he tried to repeat Katara's suggestion.
Druk was silent for a moment as he thought about it. He did not quite understand the concept. Humans were strange.
My mate is my mate. She is the mother of my offspring. She provides comfort and warmth.
"Um, I see," Zuko said slowly when it seemed Druk was waiting for him to say something. That wasn't very descriptive, but he could definitely sense Druk's affection for the dragoness. He frowned as he tried to explain from a different angle. "Uh, ok, let's see. What does she remind you of? You know, just like how your roar reminds me of thunder?"
Druk was silent as he again mused over Zuko's question.
Her silver color reminds me of the moon. When light touches her scales, I am reminded of the stars in the night sky. She is graceful and elegant when she flies.
"That is rather...poetic," Zuko responded.
"Uh, never mind. I'll tell Katara what you said. I'm sure she'll come up with a great name for your mate."
Very well.
A strong, cold breeze blew by and caused Zuko to shiver as it cooled the perspiration on his skin. He looked up to see the clouds were getting darker. He quickly pulled on his borrowed tunic and parka before walking back to where Druk was sitting.
"I forgot to mention earlier that you and your mate should prepare for the upcoming snowstorms. They will last several weeks and make hunting difficult."
I appreciate your concern, Druk replied with a low rumble.
A strange silence settled between them and Zuko frowned when he sensed the dragon's hesitation.
I wish to apologize for attacking you and Katara in the beginning.
Zuko relaxed before he waved the apology away as they began walking away from the clearing.
"It's in the past. Plus, I'm grateful for your help in driving away those men who attacked us."
Why did they attack?
A dark expression overcame the firebender's face.
"Their...leader wanted to take Katara away because he wants to force her to marry him," he growled angrily, "I couldn't let such a dishonorable bastard do that to her. I had to protect her."
Druk's eyes narrowed and he nodded.
It is understandable that you would fight for your female, he rumbled before he straightforwardly asked, Why have you not claimed her yet?
Zuko faltered in his steps and stared wide-eyed at the questioning dragon before he cleared his throat.
"How did you know I haven't, well…claimed her…?"
I can smell both of your attractions, but no scent of mating, Druk replied bluntly.
Zuko gaped up at the candid dragon before he groaned in mortification as he ran a hand down his face. He had forgotten how sensitive his senses were when he was a dragon.
Humans are odd. You overcomplicate things when they should be simple. You want her. She wants you. It is very simple.
Zuko shrugged, unable to argue, before he straightened himself out.
"Even so, I plan on being with her always to love and protect her."
That is the meaning of True Mates. The connection shared between mates is stronger than anything. They become as close as to becoming one being.
Zuko nodded as he got a better understanding of what True Mates meant and he was more confident than ever that Katara and he were destined to be together. Why else did he feel such a strong pull toward her, even before he knew who she was? Why they were able to hear each other's thoughts? Why they had such a strong connection?
You should not take long to let her know your intentions.
Druk's sentiment brought Zuko out of his thoughts and he looked up questioningly at the dark dragon.
If you hesitate too long, you risk losing her interest. She might look elsewhere for a more receptive male.
Zuko frowned deeply at the possibility. He had not thought of that. He had been too busy worrying about his worth and what the future might bring that he didn't realize that his stalling might push Katara away. Druk was right. He needed to gather his courage and honestly tell Katara his intentions and his wish for a future together. There could be a possibility that she would reject him, and it would hurt if she did, but if she did accept him, they could start working on building a life together.
Yes, he needed to talk to her soon.
Both unease and anticipation rose in his chest.
The Earth Prince loudly slammed his hands down on the wooden table. Several of the hunters sitting around him flinched back, but their leader only raised an eyebrow.
"What do you mean you can't go?!" Jet shouted angrily.
He impatiently waved away one of the disguised Dai Li agents that tried to calm him down and returned his glare to the older man calmly sitting in front of him.
"What I meant was that we can't venture to the mountain at this time," the hunters' leader replied as he scratched his stubbled chin, "We'd die in the blizzard. No sane person will make the trip until winter passes. Plus, there aren't many dragon hunters, if any at all, in the Earth Kingdom. My group and I are skilled in hunting down smaller beasts…even humans. You didn't mention you want us to hunt down two dragons. Three if the dragon you say you injured survived. It's a suicide mission."
"You're a bunch of cowards," Jet sneered, his dark eyes narrowed.
The hunter shrugged, unfazed by the insult, while his men shifted in their seats and scowled.
"I'd rather we keep our hides intact," the older man continued as he laid back in his chair and propped his muddy boots up on the table. "You'll need a small army to kill those dragons."
Jet gritted his teeth at the man's nonchalant attitude. If he knew he was speaking to the Earth Prince, the insolent hunter's demeanor would be completely different. He would be begging for his life. Jet turned away to try and compose himself, trying to come up with a new idea. He had initially thought about taking some of Ba Sing Se's soldiers with him to the mountain, but he knew his father, weak man that he was, would refuse to lend him a few troops, especially with the rumor of impending war with the Fire Nation. Plus, he would be wasting time waiting for them to arrive.
"How about this?" the hunter spoke up after a tense moment of silence.
Jet turned around to regard the man with a dark look.
"If you double the reward money and wait until the beginning of spring, I can gather more hunters to go with us. We will be better equipped to take down the dragons."
Jet clenched his jaw at the man's greed, but knew it could not be helped. He needed all the hunters he could get to defeat the dragons and rescue Katara. He just hoped she survived the winter. It would be a waste if she didn't.
Once he thought things through, Jet composed himself as he gave the man a curt nod.
"Very well. Gather the necessary men. We leave as soon as it's safe to reach the mountain," he said. Then with a sharp smile, he added, "Then we can kill the beasts and bring back their heads."
The hunter nodded and the other men cheered.
Jet grinned, ignoring the concerned looks the Dai Li agents sent his way.
Katara would be his, one way or another.
Katara narrowed her eyes as she watched Zuko slowly circle her. Her hands placed defensively before her, she countered his movements, making sure to keep him in her line of sight. With a shout, Zuko lunged forward with a raised fist. Katara quickly blocked his punch with her forearm, while at the same time, she swung her arm upward to clip his jaw. She felt elated at how much her reflexes had improved the last couple of days. Eyes wide, Zuko barely managed to grasp her fist before it connected with his face as they panted with the exertion.
Katara grinned triumphantly up at him. She frowned when Zuko suddenly returned her grin with a smirk before gasping when he easily tripped her with his foot. She landed on her rear with an 'oof!' follow by a defeated groan.
"Dammit! I almost had you!" she growled in frustration as she looked up at Zuko with a small glare. Not once since he started training her had she been able to beat him in their spars and it was so aggravating.
Zuko was momentarily distracted by the strands of brown hair that had escaped from Katara's braid and were now clinging to her perspiring skin and the flush that covered her cheeks from the exercise. Mentally shaking his head, the firebender stared down at the glowering woman with a raised eyebrow.
"You know you shouldn't have relaxed your stance until you knew you had defeated me," he lectured smoothly.
"I didn't relax my stance!" she hissed heatedly.
"Remember that when you're in a real fight, you need to keep your senses on high alert until you have successfully defeated your attacker," Zuko continued as if she hadn't interrupted and reached down a hand to help her up.
Katara almost slapped his hand away in her annoyance, but managed to stop herself at the last moment, knowing it would be petty of her to do so. With a sigh, she grasped his hand and allowed him to help her to her feet. She had lost count of how many times Zuko had tripped her or how many times she had failed to block an attack. He had never actually hit or hurt her, but it frustrated her that she still had so many gaps in her defenses.
"I'm never going to get this," she sighed despondently as she brushed the snow from her backside. She walked toward a large rock and sat down heavily on it after absentmindedly swiping the snow off it with her waterbending. "Maybe fighting isn't my thing and I should just be content with what I know about waterbending."
Zuko frowned at her words and slumped shoulders as she hugged her knees to her chest.
"Don't feel discouraged," he told her firmly, "We just started training. You shouldn't expect to be an expert in just a few sessions." Then more gently, he added, "With time and practice, you'll become more proficient. And I'm sure once we reach the Northern Water Tribe, Pakku would be happy to teach you more about waterbending."
"I know," the blue-eyed princess sighed as she looked up at the dark clouds above them, "I just always get so frustrated when I can't get the moves right quickly unlike other people. It was the same way when I was learning the basics of waterbending."
Zuko mentally smiled at the image of a little Katara pouting in irritation. He moved toward her and sat down next to her.
"The other girls would laugh behind my back and say that maybe I was swapped with the real princess as a baby," Katara continued with a roll of her eyes.
"That's horrible," Zuko growled out.
Katara shrugged as she wiped at her sweaty forehead.
"I made them eat their words once they realized that I was more skilled than they were even if they learned more quickly," she added smugly before continuing on with a frown, "But, my waterbending training stopped once I had learned everything there was about healing. I tried mimicking the stances from the waterbending warriors, but I could never get the moves right."
Zuko wrapped an arm around her waist and gently brought her to his side. He heard her sigh softly as she leaned her head on his shoulder.
"I understand your frustration. I was the same way when I began learning firebending," he said.
"You?' Katara asked incredulously as she lifted her head to look at him.
Zuko gave her a brief nod.
"How so?" she asked curiously.
She had seen how incredible he was when he firebended. It took her breath away. She could not imagine him ever having trouble with it.
Zuko did not immediately respond to her question as he glanced away to stare at the treeline. He hated talking about his weaknesses, but he found he didn't mind when it was Katara.
"As a child, I also struggled with my firebending and martial arts," he continued in a low tone, "And it was made worse when Azula, a year younger than me, easily surpassed me in everything. It made Father extremely disappointed in me. He berated me all the time, but he showered Azula with praise. It was the only way he showed affection, which I never got. He never once showed he cared for me, even when my firebending improved. For a long time, I wondered if there was something wrong with me."
"Zuko," Katara whispered sadly as she placed her hand on his chest and wrapped her other arm around him. "I'm sorry that happened to you."
Zuko grasped her hand and looked down into her azure eyes, feeling his heart constrict at her obvious concern for him. Just as he wanted to comfort her, she wanted to do the same. She did not hesitate in talking about herself to him and he was learning to open himself up to her more and more.
"There's nothing for you to be sorry about," he murmured softly as his thumb caressed her hand, "Although I could never get my father's approval or affection, I had the love of my mother and Uncle Iroh. Mother encouraged me to believe in myself and Uncle patiently trained me. Their comfort made me strive to be better."
Katara listened silently to his story. She loved knowing more about his past, but it also saddened her to know his childhood wasn't a happy one. When Zuko paused for a moment, she looked up to see him frowning.
"I think their affection for me made Azula jealous. She stopped spending time with Mother and me. Instead, she spent her time with Father and his courtiers or with her friends, Mai and Ty Lee. Mother tried to mend their relationship, but Azula always rebuked her, saying affection was for the weak. Mother began to despair when Azula became more and more cruel, but this only made Father prouder. Yet, Azula was furious that our father refused to name her his heir, which eventually led to her murdering him and our mo—"
He paused and took a shaky breath. Katara encouragingly squeezed his hand.
"Sorry for bringing up the past," he said with a shake of his head before adding wryly, "I was trying to comfort you and instead started talking about my troubles."
"Don't be," she replied with a warm smile, "I'm here to listen if you need to talk to someone. Besides, I like knowing more about you."
Zuko returned her smile. "I'm grateful for your kindness. I feel the same way about you, which is why I appreciate that you came to me to help train you. You'll see that one day all your hard work has paid off. Then it will be you pinning me to the ground."
He chuckled and Katara giggled at the thought of tripping him over and over again. She then murmured a word of thanks before she leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he wound his around her back. They kissed each other tenderly and slowly, although they could feel the fiery passion simmer beneath the surface, before they pulled back. They sighed as they touched foreheads, ignoring the snow that was now falling around them.
Zuko suppressed a shiver when he felt her gently cup his scarred cheek. The first time she had touched his scarred skin, he had tensed up, but when he realized she was not afraid or disgusted by it, he had relaxed. She was truly a unique and kindhearted woman.
Perhaps now would be the best time to ask her about a possible future together, Zuko mused mentally as he pulled back to stare into her eyes.
Hurry up and ask her to mate, Druk's sudden thought had Zuko jumping up from the rock as if he had been scalded.
"What's wrong?" Katara asked in alarm as she stood up.
Zuko flushed slightly before he pinched the bridge of his nose and groaned in mortification, sensing Druk's amusement through their link. He cleared his throat and hoped the dragon sensed his irritation.
"Druk and his mate are approaching," the prince replied as he looked up at the darkening sky.
Katara smiled excitedly as they watched the pair appear overhead before touching ground. They immediately nuzzled the waterbender affectionately before doing the same to Zuko, the chill in the air disappearing quickly with the dragons' body heat.
Well, did you ask her? Druk's question made Zuko glower up at him. His glare only intensified when Druk's amusement only rose at his expense.
"Is there something you need?" the firebender asked gruffly.
I explained to my mate about the humans' wish to give us names, Druk explained, his amusement subsiding a little, She wants to know what name you have decided for her.
"Oh, of course," Zuko replied before he turned to Katara to explain.
He had described Druk's description of his mate to Katara that morning and she had said that she would think of a perfect name for the dragoness.
Katara smiled up at the awaiting silver dragon.
"What do you think about Tanik?" she asked hopefully, "It's the name an ancient human civilization had given to their goddess of love, the stars, and the moon. It is said to mean serpent lady."
Zuko translated her words to Druk who then translated it to his mate. The silver dragoness dipped her head and let out a low rumble before leaning down to nuzzle the princess' head. Katara laughed as she caressed Tanik's snout.
"Druk said that she likes it," Zuko spoke up with a small smile.
Katara beamed with happiness as she stared into the dragoness' blue eyes. She wished she and Tanik could share a bond like Zuko and Druk did, however, she didn't need a link to sense Tanik's affection. And to think they had started out as 'rivals' for Zuko. She mentally chuckled at the thought.
Zuko watched Katara and the newly named Tanik interact when he was distracted by Druk curling up around him. The firebender turned to look into the dragon's crimson eyes.
I planned for us to start our flying lessons today, but I sense a sudden storm approaching, Druk explained. He lifted his head into the air and took a deep whiff, I believe it may be the great snowstorm you mentioned before.
Zuko frowned as he also stared at the dark sky, finally noticing that the snow was falling more heavily now. He would not be surprised if the weather worsened within the next few hours. Fortunately, he and Katara had made sure to have enough firewood and food to last them through the rest of winter.
"It'd be best that we all take cover in our caves from now on," Zuko spoke up, "I'm sure you and, uh, Tanik would be okay if you went hunting once in a while, but you have to be careful. It wouldn't be good if you were suddenly caught in a blizzard miles away from the safety of your cave. Katara and I, being human and all, will have to stay in our shelter until the weather improves."
Druk was silent a moment before he rumbled his agreement. A harsh gust of wind blew around them. Both dragons lifted their wings to cover the humans from the buffeting snow.
Very well. Then it seems we will see each other once spring arrives, Druk said above the howling wind, We will resume your training and begin flying lessons then.
The firebender gave him a nod and a smile.
"Looking forward to it."
Zuko slowly opened his eyes as sleep gradually left him. He closed his eyes again and snuggled closer to Katara as he buried his face in her soft hair, absently wondering what had woken him. He heard her sigh sleepily as she snuggled back into him, rubbing her nicely shaped backside to his groin. Even with the blanket and sleeping bag between them, the sensation was hard to miss. Zuko's eyes flew open when he felt his semi-erect shaft harden fully. He groaned quietly before he slowly moved away from her, careful not to disrupt her sleep, and sat up. He groggily rubbed his face and frowned. He could not feel the energy of the sun, so he knew it was still the middle of the night.
The worst of the winter season had finally hit and they had been holed up in the cave for about six days. Fortunately, they had enough wood and meat to last them until the storm passed. He hoped the dragons were faring well, but he had a feeling they were fine since he had been able to survive several winters by himself when he had been a dragon. Just to make sure, he would prod the link between him and Druk every morning and would always receive a reassuring reply.
Zuko looked back down at the sleeping waterbender. Every night since he returned to being human, he had woken up either pressed close to Katara's back or her cuddled against his side. Part of it was to ward off the cold, but most of it was to be close to each other. And every time he woke up with them pressed so close against each other, his body reacted strongly. It did not help that they had exchanged many kisses and passionate embraces before one or the other would reluctantly pull away.
Gods, the sexual tension was killing him.
He wanted her like he had never wanted any other woman. It also did not help when Katara would do something adorable, say something funny or sweet, or even when she would glare at him with those big, blue eyes of hers. Or when she would bend over to pick something up, presenting her delectable rear to his hungry eyes or when she would playfully taunt him when they sparred under the light of the glowing crystals in the smaller chamber. Or when she would look at him warmly and whisper that she loved him.
The only thing holding him back was the fear of driving her away if he came at her too strongly. He wanted to marry her, to have her at his side as his mate, for always. He had never imagined that he would want to tie himself to a woman so badly or permanently, but with Katara, it was something he seemed to crave. Part of him was resistant at the thought of needing someone that much, but a much bigger part of him seemed to enjoy it. He loved the closeness he and Katara shared and he knew that it was something he would never find with anyone else.
But, what if she did not want to get married? Or what if she didn't want that with him?
He frowned at that thought as he looked away and stared at the fire. He had to admit that he had avoided bringing up the subject even after his talk with Druk days ago. However, he knew that they would have to talk about it soon before they left in search of her friends and her brother, whom she already described as overprotective. And her father seemed to be even worse. Granted, it wasn't as if they needed to get married right away, but he wanted to make sure she would be amenable to the possibility of them being married someday.
A sleepy sigh from Katara had him glancing back down at her. He admired the way the light from the fire illuminated her features in a warm, golden glow. He heard her let out a soft moan and he felt his erection twitch. The firebender quickly looked away and took a deep breath. He needed a bath so he could calm down his thoughts—not to mention his arousal—and hopefully go back to sleep.
He moved the blanket aside and carefully got up from their grassy bedding. He raised his body temperature with firebending to ward off the cold before quietly making his way to the smaller cave. The light from the glowing crystals illuminated the serene pool as he approached it. Reaching both hands into the cold water, he called forth his firebending to heat it up. Once he was satisfied with the temperature, he stripped himself of his borrowed clothes and quickly stepped into the heated water. He relaxed against the edge, trying to calm his body and distract himself with other thoughts such as finding a way to get his revenge on Azula, calculating when Sozin's Comet was supposed to arrive, or what he should say once he saw Pakku again.
He was not successful, however, and his thoughts soon returned to the beautiful princess sleeping several feet away. He brought to mind the feeling of Katara in his arms, her sweet lips on his, her hands in his hair, and he could not help once again fantasizing about making love to her. He closed his eyes and shook his head, trying to ignore his arousal and steer his thoughts to safer areas, but ultimately he caved in to his body's needs.
He opened his eyes and looked down at himself. It had been a while since he had masturbated, and although it was not Katara, his hand will have to do for now.
He imagined Katara touching him, kissing him passionately, whispering seductively in his ear as she looked at him through half-lidded eyes full of lust and love, losing himself to the heat of the moment and his imagination, until he suddenly erupted in excruciating pleasure that robbed him of all thought.
"Katara," he called out her name in a long groan.
He was suddenly snapped from his afterglow when the sound of a small gasp reached his ears. His eyes flew open and he whipped his head toward the entrance to see Katara, the object of his fantasies and desires, looking at him with wide, shocked eyes.
Fuck, he mentally curse.
Katara woke up to see that she was alone once again. If it wasn't because she knew Zuko woke up as soon as the sun rose, she would think he didn't like sleeping next to her. But she knew he did. The past few days when she had woken in the middle of the night she found find him wrapped almost possessively around her. She even woke up one time to find his hand grabbing her breast. She had blushed deeply when she realized how much she enjoyed the touch and how much she wanted him to touch other places that felt warm and tingly at the thought of his hands roaming her body.
She had been aroused before, but never to this extent. She almost wanted to beg Zuko to make love to her just so the ache would go away. However, she was still hesitant at the thought that she was being too reckless. After all, she really did not know if he wanted to marry her. She knew she would not be okay with him just wanting her for her body without any sort of commitment. She was a princess and she had been taught at an early age that she would bring honor to her family if she married well.
However, it was just not that.
She did not want to be used. She wanted to have a loving, lasting marriage like her parents did, and she wanted that with Zuko.
But there was also a part of her that wanted to keep growing to her full potential as a bender. Most husbands would want their women to be just mothers and dutiful wives. But she wanted more than that. Would Zuko be okay with that? That was if he even wanted her as his wife.
She frowned and then scowled for getting ahead of herself once again. She rolled over to lay on her back, staring at the dark, rocky ceiling in contemplation. Perhaps it would be best if she brought up the issue to Zuko now just so she could know where they stood and stopped having such uncertain thoughts. She just hoped she didn't scare him away and that she would be able to accept a rejection, if it came to that.
Sitting up, she glanced around the dark room before her eyes settled on the fire. It was still burning strongly, so she deduced that it was still hours before dawn approached. She could slightly hear the blizzard still raging outside, so Zuko must have gone to the small pool. Since it was the middle of the night, she figured that he must be practicing his firebending or meditating. She had joined him a few times in meditation since the crystal's ethereal glow and the trickling waterfall provided a peaceful atmosphere.
Wiggling out of her sleeping bag, she stood up and shivered after leaving its warmth. She rubbed her arms as she made her way to the other room. As she approached, she heard several quiet groans. She frowned. Was he in pain? At the thought, she rushed forward, ready to help him, just as she heard him utter her name. She froze in her tracks at the sight of his face contorted in pleasure, his torso bare and glistening, before her attention was caught by the movement of his hand. A soft gasp escaped her as she watched him finish.
Oh, La. He had been pleasuring himself!
She felt her cheeks instantly heat up in shock, but her body also reacted to the new and erotic sight and she pressed her thighs together at the tingle in her core. Her gasp must have been loud because Zuko snapped his head toward her with a mortified expression.
"K-Katara!" he stammered in embarrassment.
"Sorry!" she exclaimed in a high-pitched voice as she turned around and fled.
She sat on top of her sleeping bag and covered her burning cheeks with her hands.
Oh Tui, how embarrassing!
She had intruded on a private moment she was sure Zuko had not intended for her to see. She knew she would be mortified if he had caught her touching herself. She groaned. How would she face him now?
Her traitorous mind, however, returned to the image of him stroking himself. She had not gotten a good look at his…erection, but it had seemed large. She then recalled the way he had called out her name as he…finished. Her entire body seemed to flush at the pleasure she felt knowing that he had touched himself while he had been thinking of her. She bit her lip and suppressed a moan. Her fingers twitch at the need to touch herself and the strong desire to have Zuko touching her. She could not handle all the sexual tension!
She froze when she heard Zuko clear his throat. Blushing, she slowly turned around to see he was standing fully-clothed near the entrance, awkwardly rubbing the back of his head as his eyes darted around the larger cave. The waterbender felt herself relax slightly at seeing his embarrassment. At least it didn't seem like he was upset with her.
For his part, Zuko felt like his entire face was burning. He glanced at Katara briefly before looking away again. Agni, how humiliating to have Katara catch him while he had been masturbating. She had fled before he could apologize or explain. Could he explain? Tell her how much he wanted her? That she drove him crazy with lust that he had to release the pent up pressure?
He glanced back at her to see she could not quite meet his eyes either and she was nervously biting her lip. Well, perhaps now was the time to have that important discussion he had been putting off. He needed to hear her answer, once and for all. He cleared his throat again before making his way to sit next to her. She had not lashed out at him in anger or indignity, so he took that as a good sign.
Katara felt her heart pound wildly at his presence and his warmth before she heard him take a deep breath.
"I'm sorry…about that…" he apologized haltingly.
"Why are you apologizing?" she asked as she looked up at him before blushingly adding, "I was the one who…intruded upon you."
Zuko felt himself flush.
"It's because I was thinking about…" he paused and licked his lips.
"Me?" Katara whispered with a small smile.
Zuko's eyes widened at her words.
"I heard you say my name when you, uh…" she trailed off.
The firebender felt his heart beat faster at the knowledge that she was not upset, but rather, seemed almost…pleased.
"Climaxed," he finished for her in a husky timbre.
Katara again felt her core pulse at his tone as well as the memory of what he looked like when he…climaxed.
"Yes," she replied breathlessly.
"You're not upset?" he asked.
"Why would I be, knowing you're attracted to me?" she responded before softly adding, "You…you are, right?"
Her eyes widened when he moved closer to her and cupped her cheek, his eyes intensely looking into hers.
"You have no idea how much," he said huskily as his thumb caressed her soft lips. "Making love to you is all I can think about."
The princess's breath hitched and her eyes fluttered at his words, feeling her womanly walls throb with need.
"Truly?" she whispered softly.
"Yes," was his throaty reply before he captured her lips and kissed her hard.
Katara moaned loudly as she returned his kiss, opening her mouth to him so he could plunge his tongue inside, her hands clinging to his back at the intensity. He traced his fingers along her spine before he splayed his fingers possessively on her lower back, crushing her to him. She gasped into his hungry mouth and a shiver went through her body. All thoughts of asking questions left the princess's mind as passion grew within her as she sucked on his tongue while her hands fumbled with his tunic, causing him to groan. Suddenly, she felt him pull away, their panting breaths echoing loudly between them.
The waterbender flushed deeply and averted her eyes in sudden nerves as her fingers twitched against the ties that held his tunic closed. Now that they weren't kissing each other senseless, Katara felt her previous thoughts intruding once again. She wondered how she could ask Zuko about their relationship without scaring him away and ruining the moment. Before she could say anything, however, she felt him cup her cheeks once again, his long fingers threading through her hair. She looked up to see him staring at her silently, his expression unreadable.
"What's wrong?" she asked worriedly.
Zuko shook his head.
"Nothing's wrong," he replied, still out of breath by their passionate kiss. "I'm trying to control myself, but you're making it difficult."
The waterbender could not suppress her smile at his words before she frowned slightly when he removed his hands from her cheeks and instead grabbed both of her hands.
"Katara…I need to…confirm some things before we…continue," Zuko added in a low tone.
Katara felt herself flush at the fact that they both knew that their attraction and feelings were going to culminate in intimacy that very night. She was both nervous and excited. She wondered what he needed to confirm. Unable to find her words, she gave him a nod.
At her encouragement, Zuko took a deep breath to calm his sudden nerves and lingering arousal.
"Although I really want to…make love to you…you have no idea how much," he groaned, "I won't do so until you agree to be only mine." His tone was soft yet firm at the same time.
Katara frowned slightly at his words.
"What do you mean?" she asked before she narrowed her eyes and continued tightly, "If you mean as your lover only, then I will have to decline."
She paused when he squeezed her hands and quickly shook his head, a deep frown marring his handsome features. He took a small breath and his expression relaxed. Katara felt her chest warm up at the affection in his eyes.
"No, I meant that before we can continue, you need to agree to be mine forever…as my wife," he breathed out.
Katara's eyes widened in shock at his words. Her heart fluttered in her chest. Did…he really mean that? She floundered for words, her mind still reeling in astonishment. She did not have a chance to reply before he continued.
"I know that I have nothing to offer you," he said with a frown before he continued firmly, "But if you give me the chance to improve myself, I promise to be a great husband to you. I promise to keep you safe and make you happy always."
"Zuko…" Katara breathed out, too overjoyed and overwhelmed to say more.
"So, what I'm saying is…" Zuko continued as he stared deeply into her eyes, "Katara, will you marry me?"
The firebender held his breath as the question left his lips. He was blown away by the joyously brilliant smile she gave him.
"Yes!" was her happy reply.
Zuko was surprised at her quick and assured response before his chest expanded in exhilaration. She had agreed to marry him! Before he could say anything, however, she threw herself at him and kissed him passionately. He wrapped his arms around her, groaning in pleasure and elation, but she pulled away before he could fully respond to her kiss.
"Zuko, I do want to marry you, but I still want to learn so many things…do so many things," she said hesitantly with a slight frown before adding more firmly, "I want to see more of the world. I don't want to be confined at home and just be a dutiful and obedient wife…"
Zuko had at first stiffened in fear that she would take back her acceptance to marry him, but relaxed once she voiced her concerns. He had already known that about her and it was nothing he didn't agree with.
"I know and I understand," was his soft response as he lifted one of her hands to brush his lips on her knuckles. "We don't have to rush. We can get married whenever you're ready. And even if we were to get married tomorrow, I won't force you into a role you don't want nor deny your wish to become a master waterbender. I just wanted you to understand my intentions and my wish for a future together."
Katara felt her heart clench in her chest at his heartfelt words. She did not think she could love Zuko more, but she had been wrong. She was so lucky to have earned his love and she would be an idiot if she let him go. She leaned forward to press a small kiss to his mouth before moving back to smile at him.
"Thank you for understanding and, yes, I want to marry you," she said softly, a gentle smile on her lips.
Zuko smiled before he frowned.
"Are you sure? Your family might not accept me," he told her, wanting to make sure she completely understood the ramifications.
"I'm sure," she responded assuredly. "I'm positive that if we talked to my grandfather and my father, they'll see you're worthy." She smiled. "Plus, I can't see myself marrying anyone else but you. I just had to sneak out of my home to realize it. It's like I was just waiting for you to show up in my life."
The firebender returned her smile, euphoria building in his chest at her words.
"And I know you were destined for me," he murmured as he pressed several, small kisses to her lips.
Katara smiled.
"How do you know?" she asked playfully against his mouth.
"Because we're True Mates," he replied, leaning back to gauge her reaction.
"True Mates? What's that?" she asked in confusion.
Zuko recounted the stories Iroh had told him before and what Druk had confirmed. He told her that he knew she was his True Mate the moment he first looked into her eyes while still in his dragon form and how it felt like there was a string pulling him strongly to her. Katara's eyes kept widening the more he explained before a contemplative expression appeared on her face.
"That explains why the thought of leaving you pained me…and why I was so devastated when I thought you…died…" she breathed out softly, "And why I felt such a strong connection to you even though we barely knew each other. Wow, that's incredible and…very romantic."
"Yes, I suppose it is," Zuko responded with a smile before he added more seriously, "Which is why, I needed to know you want a life together. I don't think I would be able to let you go once I take you."
Katara gasped softly when he grabbed her about the waist and brought her flush against him. She swallowed thickly, suppressing a moan, at the intensity in his golden eyes.
"Once we join together," he growled in a low tone, his hands rubbing her hips, "you will be mine forever as I will be yours."
Breathless, the waterbender could only hold on to him as she stared unwaveringly into his eyes, feeling her entire body heat up in arousal.
"Yes," she moaned without any more hesitation, "Please make me yours, Zuko."
The prince groaned at her fervent plea before he swooped down for another urgent kiss. He could not believe he was finally going to make love to Katara, but most importantly, that she had agreed to marry him. It took all he had to keep restraint on his lust. He knew she was still a virgin and he needed to take great care of her. He did not want to overwhelm her or cause her any pain. He wanted her to enjoy this night as much as he knew he would.
Katara clutched his hair as she returned his ardent kiss, a myriad of emotions rushing through her. She was extremely aroused and excited for what was to come, but a bigger part of her was nervous and slightly afraid of the unknown. However, she trusted Zuko and she wanted to be intimate with him.
They pulled apart a moment later to catch their breaths, the air heavily charged with their arousal, as they stared at each other through lidded eyes.
"I'm going to add more wood to the fire," Zuko rasped. When he saw Katara frown, he cupped her cheek and added throatily, "There's nothing more I want than to see your naked body and I need more light for that."
"Oh," was her breathless response, feeling her cheeks heat up in both eagerness and embarrassment.
She watched silently as he went about adding more wood to the fire, using his firebending to make the flames lick higher. Light flooded the area and the added heat chased off the cold. Once he was done, he looked back at the waterbender, his eyes almost glinting predatorily. Katara sucked in her breath, swallowing hard, feeling her pulsed race as she watched him approach her. He offered her his hand and she trustingly placed hers in his before he pulled her up from their bedding until she stood in front of him. They stared at each other for a moment before he bent down to kiss her softly.
Katara murmured against his lips and trembled slightly in anticipation when she felt him begin to slowly pull at the ties of her tunic. A few minutes later, he had divested her of her warm clothes until she was standing in only her under-wrappings. She shivered slightly as the chill hit her warming skin and she shifted slightly in sudden nerves. The way he was staring at her, however, made her blood heat up in her veins and made her restless with need.
Zuko took a moment to calm his raging blood at just the sight of Katara in her under-wrappings. Agni, he could not wait to see her fully naked before him. He analyzed the white wrappings for a moment before he proceeded to divest her of those as well. He felt her tremble slightly and he leaned down to press a kiss to her mouth. He pulled away to watch his work. Inch by inch, the wrappings loosened around her, exposing more of her exquisite skin and he felt his breath accelerating in mounting need. Then, finally, they came undone and pooled gently at her feet.
Katara felt herself flush heavily and it took all she had to keep her arms from covering her body and averting her eyes in embarrassment. Instead, she watched as Zuko's eyes widened, his mouth parting slightly open in an expression of awe that made her skin tingle pleasantly.
Zuko sucked in his breath as he finally got a full view of Katara's glorious, naked body. His eyes drank the sight of her. Gods, she was perfect. And she agreed to be his.
"You're so beautiful," he breathed out softly.
The appreciation and tenderness in his eyes and words made Katara's heart race with different emotions. Then she watched as he moved his hands to the ties that held his own clothes up and her breathing accelerated in eagerness. Her eyes hungrily drank up the sight of his bare muscular chest and stomach before they widened when he placed his hands on the hem of his trousers and pushed them down until they fell to his feet, which he then kicked to the side. The waterbender's eyes widened impossibly large as they became riveted to his groin.
Zuko stood perfectly still as he waited for Katara to examine his body. The way her eyes roamed his frame before widening at the sight of him filled him with pride and arousal. He saw her lick her lips and the erotic movement had him groaning deep in his throat.
"Do you like what you see?" he asked teasingly.
Katara tore her eyes away and looked at him wide-eyed before she gave him a sheepish smile. She appreciated that he was trying to make her feel at ease.
"Yes, very much so," she said shyly.
Zuko grinned before he slowly reached forward and lightly placed his hands on her shoulders.
She felt him run his hands down her bare back before gently pressing her against him. A small moan escaped her at the incredible sensation of his hot hands on her, their skin touching, of her breasts pressing against his hard chest. He leaned down to capture her lips and her breath hitched. Their kisses became hurried and turned more passionate and demanding as their bodies strained against the other.
Next thing she knew, he was picking her up and gently depositing her atop the sleeping bag as he again pressed his lips to hers. She inhaled sharply and he hissed as he pressed his entire body to hers. She whimpered, his scent and his heat surrounding her, creating a hazy sensation in her brain. Unlike earlier, he kissed her slow, yet deep, almost searchingly. His tongue slid over hers, licking and caressing, sensual in its slow, measured motions that it caused her toes to curl.
Zuko could barely contain his eagerness as Katara returned his kisses, her hands threading in his hair, her soft skin pressing hotly against his. His need was savage as it clawed ruthlessly at him, increasing more and more every time he kissed her. He had experienced lust before, but with Katara it was…different. It was more than just simple physical attraction or a need for sexual release. Katara called to every part of him on an entirely different level, touching the very heart of him, stirring feelings of intense possessiveness and protectiveness that he had never experienced before.
"So lovely," he murmured as he reached up a hand to caress her flushed cheek.
A smile curled Katara's lips at his words before she kissed him. A moment later, he pulled away to stare down at her.
"I need to be inside you now," he groaned throatily. "Are you ready for me?"
She shifted slightly and bit her lip. This was it. She was slightly nervous since she would be delving into something new, but most importantly, she would be giving something of herself that she could only give once. But she wanted this. She wanted Zuko to have both her body and her heart. She trusted him with both.
Smiling gently, she cupped his scarred cheek, watching him nuzzle into her touch, and gave him an encouraging nod.
"Yes," she purred softly, "Make love to me, Zuko."
A groan fell from the firebender's lips at her passionate words and her assurance. He kissed her again so he could adjust to the ardent arousal coursing through him. He reveled at the thought that no other man had touched her like he had. Although it saddened him that she would not be his first, he declared to himself that she would be his only from that moment on.
"I'll be gentle. I promise," he told her sincerely as he looked deeply into her eyes, "But I'm sorry if I cause you pain."
"It's fine," she reassured him as she lifted her head to press a small kiss to his mouth. "I'm sure the pleasure will be worth it."
Zuko felt his chest tightened at the trust and love he could see in her azure eyes. He vowed to himself that he would make this a pleasurable night she would never forget. He would show her how much she meant to him, how much he loved her.
And he proceeded to do just that, claiming her innocence, as their bodies intimately connected for the first time. The cave filled with their moans and groans of pleasure. A moment later, they were both crying out their release before he slowly brought his body atop hers, shuddering against her. They panted hard against each other, both trying to come to their senses and take deep air into their lungs.
A moment later, Zuko wrapped his arms around her and rolled them over so that she was partially lying on top of him. She lay contentedly against him, nestled in his embrace as he ran a soothing hand down her back, feeling her body still trembling slightly. Zuko blinding reached next to him and then pulled the blanket over them to keep them warm. Emotions swirled through him and he tightened his hold of her.
"I love you, Katara," he exhaled against her head, pressing his lips onto her hair, "Never in my life have I felt this...I love you so much."
Katara felt her eyes mist a little at the emotion and sincerity she could detect in his voice, at the tender and protective manner he held her against him.
"I love you, too, Zuko," she responded just as sincerely as she wrapped her arms tightly around him and pressed her face against his strongly beating heart. "More than anything."
Now she was his and he was hers.
For always.
A/N: Cold shower, anyone? Hehe. Hope you liked this chapter! :)
So as I have mentioned before, I haven't read any of the AtLA comics or watched The Legend of Korra, so I didn't know older Zuko has a dragon. A reader brought it to my attention, and so I decided to change the original name I had in mind for the black dragon to Druk as an homage of sorts.
Thanks again for reading!