The days passed into weeks in what seemed like a matter of moments. Over time, Wanda healed. She could walk easily and even use her powers, and was often seen walking through the hospital with Vision. After she was stabilized, she was moved to the more private hospital wing at the Avengers facility, where she could heal in peace. She seemed fine, but every once in awhile, she would touch the bandage across her abdomen and her expression darkened. She remembered the burning pain, the sickening darkness. Her rage that the man who hurt her had slipped from their grasp unpunished. Sam was hunting him, but she didn't know if he'd be able to find him. After all, it was a big world, and he was one man.

Wanda sat in the hospital wing of the facility, waving off the nurse who offered her a glass of water. She was waiting. Every day at 9:30, Vision walked through the door and offered her his arm. They would walk and talk and just be around each other. Today was no different. Vision stepped through the door, a small smile on his face. She met his eyes and smiled herself.

"Hello. How are you feeling?" he said, heading for the bedside and taking her hand in his.

She smiled. "Better. Thank you."

He nodded. "Shall we?" he said, and she nodded. He gently helped her out of bed.

She stood straight, and noticed a flicker of pride light up Vision's eyes. She couldn't help but smile.

He held her hand and led her towards the rec room. They were almost inside when they paused. Raised voices were coming from it's open door, echoing through the hallways.

"Nat, he's my friend. I know it was him that saved me. I need to track this lead!"

"Are you kidding? I'm all for second chances, but he's a wanted man. He tried to kill both of us. He might not even remember you, and you want to go at this alone?"

"I have to know. I thought he was dead for years, and he's not. I know I can save him. I'll make him remember. I have to."

"Steve, he's been gone too long. Don't you think he would have found you if he wanted to? He's not the same man you remember."

There was a pause, then Natasha's voice continued. "No, I know that look. I can't talk you out of this. Damn it, at least take Sam. Bring some backup." She made what sounded like a curse in Russian, then her footsteps headed away.

Vision turned to look at Wanda. "Maybe we should get some food first?"

She nodded, and they headed for the kitchen, but Vision walked right past it. She waited in confusion for a moment, but then followed him outside. He kept walking until they reached a small hill. On its top was a small red blanket and a picnic basket. He turned and took her in his arms, flying her to the top of the hill. When they reached it, he set her down gently and sat beside her.

She smiled at him, and received a beautiful, open smile in return. Vision opened the basket and laid out what he brought. Sandwiches, apples, popcorn, egg rolls, chocolate, cookies, a few slices of pizza, some grilled salmon that was still warm, and two whole pies. She looked at the array of food in surprise.

Vision looked at her worriedly. "I wasn't sure what you liked best so I brought everything."

She laughed and leaned over, kissing him on the cheek. "It's perfect. Thank you so much." She looked over everything and reached for a plate, putting some of everything on. She began eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, with chocolate on the side. Vision leaned back and watched, eating some popcorn. They sat like that for several minutes, eating what he brought. She smiled and leaned against him, and kissed his cheek.

"I'm glad you're here with me," she said quietly.

He smiled and kissed her head. "I'm glad too."

That sat like that for a while, and Wanda drifted off slightly. A faint touch on her face roused her, and she watched as the bee that had landed on her cheek took off. She smiled slightly and Vision stroked her hair.

"Come on. We should visit someone you haven't seen in a while, since you've been healing." She leaned forward to let him stand, and then he helped her up. He took a bouquet of flowers from the basket and handed them to her. Then he took her hand and left their basket behind.

He walked around to the other side of the facility. A single marble stone stood off the the side. Before long, Wanda stood before it, her eyes filled with tears. It read -

Pietro Maximoff.

Brother. Friend. Hero.


She set down the flowers before his grave. Vision put his arms around her as they stood there in silence for a moment. She wiped her eyes and smiled slightly at the stone.

"You would have liked being an Avenger, brother."

She stood there for a moment longer with Vision at her side before feeling a rush of peace. She had a home, a family, and purpose. It had been hard to get here, but now that she was, she couldn't shake the feeling that the worst was behind them. That things would get better.

If only she could see the road ahead.

Thus ends my fanfic. I may or may not write another after the events of Civil War, depending on how that turns out. Thank you all for reading and commenting, I am so incredibly grateful for everything you've done. Thanks again.