"Ok, Cressida," Seneca Crane says. "We're testing camera one, in five, four, three, two…"

I turn a knob on my control panel, and I watch the screen above me as it reveals a shimmering lake, deep within a beautiful forest. Beautiful, but deceiving.

This is the arena of the 74th annual Hunger Games. I've been installing arena cameras for about three years now, yet it never gets easier. I know the lenses are only going to witness horror. What can I do, though? My job pays well, I get to visit places that are off-limits for most civilians, and, I always remind myself, I don't play a hand in the deaths.

"All right. Let's see camera two." Beside me, our Head Gamemaker scratches his decorative beard, while I continue the work. I'm overseeing 30 cameras. There are 100 total, just so viewers don't miss a second of action.

Later that day, the Hunger Games begin.

Two weeks result in twenty-two deaths. But luckily, rules have been changed. Seneca decided two victors can win if they're from the same district. Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark are the final tributes, both from District 12. Which means, they've just made history!

Whatever remains of the District 2 boy is lying at the foot of the Cornucopia, thanks to the muttation dogs he got attacked by. Cato, his name was. There's an arrow in his chest where Katniss shot him. It was torture, watching him die; so I don't think of the arrow as something evil. It granted Cato peace. His last words haunt me:

I'm dead, anyway. I always was, right?

The boy slaughtered without mercy, even though it killed him slowly. Katniss and Peeta sit on top of the Cornucopia, looking exhausted, but relieved that their nightmare has ended. She's only got minor bruises, cuts, and burn marks. I'm worried about Peeta, though. One of his legs was gnawed at by a mutt, and doctors probably won't be able to repair it. I fear he might not actually survive. Katniss helps him down from the Cornucopia while they await the hovercar.

Their bliss gets interrupted by Claudius Templesmith's on-air commentary:

"Attention! The previous announcement, allowing two victors from the same district, has been… revoked. Only one can be crowned victor. Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor."

I curse under my breath. Seneca must've thought it would be clever, lulling them into a false sense of security. He's usually pretty likeable. But sometimes, I wish I could strangle him.

Katniss and Peeta stare at each other helplessly. Whatever is between them- I wouldn't call it a romance, since we're talking about TV- has just gone downhill, fast.

"Go on. Kill me," he says. "One of us has to win. They have to have their victor."

She replies boldly, "No, they don't. Why should they?" From her pockets, she produces berries of an indigo color.

"No!" he exclaims. All of us watching share the same reaction: pure shock. I thought Katniss would rather be victor, but hey, I admire her bravery.

"Trust me," she tells Peeta.

And so, he takes a handful.

Katniss begins the countdown: "Three…"


They raise the nightlock to their lips. "One-"

"Stop! Stop!" Claudius pleads. "Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the victors of the seventy-fourth Hunger Games."

Unbelievable. Seneca changed his mind, again.

At dinner, my family and I can't hold in our giddiness. Well, actually, they're not related to me. I was adopted a few days after I was born. Although I don't call them Mom and Dad, Selene and Raphael Dormer are my parents, as far as I'm concerned. They have a daughter of their own, named Delphyne, who is older than me by five years. Delphy, she's one of a kind. She loves experimenting with her hair, and today, she's chosen neon blue. It creates quite the contrast against her coffee-brown skin- she got that from Raphael. I've always looked up to Delphy. She earns her money by styling tributes; District 2, as a matter of fact. We never pretend to understand how the victors recover- or if they ever do recover. But we're die-hard optimists. This is our way of supporting them. Keeping the faith alive.

"Can you believe what just happened?" I ask Delphy.

"It's crazy, isn't it?" She stares at her feet, wiping away tears. "I can't stop thinking about Cato… the poor kid. He didn't want any of this. I know he didn't. One time, when I was checking to see if his costume fit, he said… he said the District Two mayor forced him to volunteer."

Selene shakes her petite head. "Why am I not surprised?"

"Our country's just so predictable now," Raphael says. He repositions himself on the couch, which squeaks under his massive frame. "That's why. Only a true psychopath could want to be in the Hunger Games."

Like Clove. The District 2 girl. But, then again, maybe she was just wearing a mask in the hopes of surviving. It's been a winning strategy before. Not for Clove. She didn't stand a chance once Thresh grabbed her.

"I don't think I can be a Hunger Games camera tech anymore," I admit to them.

"If that's how you feel," Selene replies, "then, by all means, resign. They won't need you again until the Victory Tour begins. Enough notice for Seneca to hire a new camera tech."

Her encouragement drives me to begin carving this new path for myself. So I say, "First thing in the morning, I'll talk with him."

Delphy takes the remote and selects a different channel... just as my boss appears in the right-hand corner of the screen.

"Breaking news," Caesar Flickerman announces. "Seneca Crane, Head Gamemaker, has died unexpectedly."


"Mister Crane served the Capitol for many years, both as an escort and a Gamemaker. I think I speak for all of us when I say that we're deeply saddened by this loss. But our esteemed President Snow is wasting no time in finding a replacement. We've received a statement from his staff that he'll be interviewing Gamemakers this week, and hopes to choose their new leader by the end of the week. This Head Gamemaker will have a big job on his or her hands, as you know, because next year, we celebrate the Third Quarter Quell!"

"'Unexpectedly'," Raphael scoffs. "Yeah, right. I'll bet you anything he was executed."

I have to admit, I was thinking along the same lines. My heart drops with the knowledge that Seneca died because he decided to be a human, for once. Now the question is: Where do I go from here? I guess there's something I could do… Maybe I should quit putting it off and face my unfinished business, while I've got freedom.

"Hey, you guys," I suddenly declare, placing Selene's dainty hands into my own, "You know I love you, but… I'm twenty-three years old, and I've always wondered about my birth parents… I think it's time I found out who they are."

"And you've got every right to find out," Raphael assures me.

Delphy adds, "I'm behind you one-hundred percent, no matter what."

"I wish we had the answers," Selene replies. "Unfortunately, we didn't receive any information beyond what we've told you before."

I nod. "Right. Which is why I plan on leaving here so I can learn more. I already know where to look first."

And that night, I reserve my seat for tomorrow's earliest train.