Bleed for me - Part Forty One

This will be the final chapter of this story, but there will follow an epilogue. I'm so incredibly grateful to all of you who have supported me throughout this story. You are amazing and I can't thank you enough.

One month later

The sun was unusually bright as Emma drove through town, patrolling the streets of Storybrooke, past the library and Gold's pawn shop that had been recently reopened. She glanced through her windshield as people were just now beginning to move about the small town.

A slight breeze came in through the open window and she inhaled a deep breath, smelling the salty sea air, as she hummed along with the last notes of a song on the radio. She caught a glimpse of her own reflection in the rear view mirror, her sparkling emerald eyes and serene expression. An expression she grew accustomed to, ever since the darkness left her body. Ever since Regina had set her free.


Beautiful, strong, loving Regina…

It had been just one month ago that they finally confessed their feelings for each other. She had no idea what to expect, but it turned out to be so much more than anything she'd imagined even in her wildest dreams.

There were no more walls, no more secrets between them, no part of their lives they had to conceal anymore. The last shreds of cover had been torn away and they faced each other as they truly were. Two women who'd been through hell and back together, lovers to whom the ability to love and attach had been miraculously returned. Emma no longer felt the nagging tug of loneliness and rejection, she'd found the missing link in her life once and for all.

Although she hadn't moved in with Regina, she spent most of her evenings at Mifflin Street. Cherishing their time together as a family and loving her late night hours alone with the brunette, revelling in their newfound love and intimacy.

She enjoyed every single moment together to the fullest extent possible, still amazed by the sheer radiant uncontained happiness she felt. And every time she left the mansion early in the morning for work, she was overwhelmed with the burning desire to stay, to never leave again.

A feeling so foreign, so intense, that it scared her. She was afraid to move, wishing she could just freeze time so it would last forever, so she'd never have to lose the happiness she felt. But she knew deep inside her that no matter how many times it was tested, this happiness would always endure as long as she was with Regina.

Their love seemed to grow deeper and stronger with each passing day, and she often marveled at the way her life had turned out. Who would have thought that she would find love in the arms of a woman who was once upon a time feared as the Evil Queen?

In moments they were entwined in each other's arms again, their bodies seeking the sweet fullness only the other could give. Caught up in the wonder of the brunette's touch, the amount of passion overwhelming every cell in her body. Every sensation was magnified by the bond they shared, shooting through her with every single touch and caress.

But their relationship felt right on so many levels and it was far more than just a physical connection. She could feel it deep in her soul. The emotional part was more than she ever could have imagined, so deep and all-consuming.

A bright smile unconsciously beamed on her radiant face as she found herself driving past Regina's house. She stared up at the huge, white mansion, that already felt more like a home to her than any house she'd ever lived in. Her eyes scanning the windows, hoping to catch a glimpse of her stunning girlfriend.

Her foot seemed to have a mind of its own, as it pressed down onto the brake pedal. She gasped when the car halted abruptly, clenching the steering wheel with a white knuckled grip. Within seconds she exited her car and nearly ran towards the porch, feeling an almost physical pull, but the sensations seemed to come from inside her rather than outside.

When she reached the house, she took her key from her jeans pocket and inserted it into the lock. Her hands were trembling slightly, the way they always did whenever the brunette was near. Feeling her smile spread even wider as she opened the door, and glanced around the foyer.

She softly closed the door and stood in complete silence for a moment, focusing on the brunette's presence, but there was no sound from inside to indicate anyone was home. She glanced at her watch and briefly wondered if she'd already left, when she heard footsteps approaching from the floor above. Her heart skipped a beat and a shiver crept up her spine, as she turned her gaze and watched the brunette appear at the top of the stairs.

Regina stopped and she looked down at the blonde, her eyes widened in shock. Emma's breath hitched when she saw the brunette's face, as it was clear that she had been crying. Strands of her hair were stuck to her flushed cheeks and the rims of her eyes were red.

"Emma.." Regina choked out and visibly tried to compose herself. Her lips lifted, but the smile never reached her eyes.

"Hi.." the blonde breathed, keeping her eyes fixated on Regina.

Trying to establish what happened between 06.00 a.m. and 07.30 a.m. , when she had left the brunette, still curled up soundly asleep in their bed.

"I didn't expect you.." Regina croaked out as she began descending the steps slowly.

Emma unconsciously took a step forward with every intention of taking the brunette into her arms, to soothe whatever was bothering her.

"No, I know.." she said quietly, her eyes never leaving Regina's. "But I needed to see you.."

Her lips set in a nervous smile as she reached out her hand for the brunette to take. A sudden rush of anxiety shot through her when their hands touched, feeling Regina's cold and clammy palm, trembling in her own.

"Are you okay?" she breathed, unable to hide her concern.

Regina looked up at her, her brown eyes shining more brightly than ever. The tears that had moistened her eyes were now spilling freely down her cheeks. Smiling the most pure, beautiful smile, the vein in her forehead throbbing and prominent. The energy practically radiating off of her in waves.

"Yes… I'm more than okay.." she whispered shakily, squeezing the blonde's hand, seeing the confusion swirling in Emma's eyes.

She inhaled shakily, fully aware that the next few seconds would change everything. Realizing the weight of the words as they poured out of her mouth, gripping the blonde's hand tightly as if to anchor herself.

"I'm pregnant.."

Emma gasped sharply at the sudden pain in her chest and her emerald eyes almost popped out of her head. Bouncing back and forth between the brunette's, her mouth gaping open. She froze in place, almost statue like, although her chin couldn't seem to stop quivering. She tried to speak, but though her lips shaped the brunette's name, her voice died away in a husky whisper.

Her head thudded madly, her mind slowly filling with awful questions she already knew she didn't want to know the answers to. Terrified to hear who the father of her child was, afraid of the consequences, terrified that she would leave her to be with Robin. Terrified to spent the rest of her life close to her, yet just out of reach.

"H-How long?" she choked out, looking up into the brunette's eyes again.

Regina's smile slowly faded as she studied Emma's expression. Seeing the pain in her face, the raw devastation and confusion flashing through her emerald orbs, as she suddenly understood exactly what she'd said wrong. How her words must have sounded to the blonde, who repeatedly lost hope of ever being wanted or belonged anywhere.

The unspoken question hung between them, as loud as if Emma had shouted it, and Regina's heart broke for the blonde.

"Emma.." she breathed and reached out for her, stroking her cheek gently.

She looked so vulnerable, Regina could almost feel the anxiety emanating from her. Her bright eyes shining with tears, pleading the brunette to answer her question.

"A month…" she softly added, hoping Emma would understand what she was trying to say.

Emma just stared at her, her face pale and lined, her hand trembling in Regina's. She swallowed thickly, barely able to keep herself together.

"A month?" she whispered high-pitched.

Her eyes blinked a couple of times, as if she was trying to connect the dots, but at the same time, seemingly unable to comprehend the true meaning of the brunette's words.

A moment later, her eyes suddenly widened, filled with hope and shock all at the same time. A small, choked sob escaped her throat, as a warm tear coursed down her cheek. She looked up at the brunette, searching her eyes with tears in her own.

"When we…" she whispered, her voice trailing off. Her words sounding so much like everything she desperately wished to hear but her mind refused to believe.

Regina lifted her free hand and rested it on the blonde's shoulder, picking up a strand of her hair and twining it once.

"Yes, dear…" she softly clarified, holding Emma's gaze without blinking. Not wanting to miss out on a single second of her reaction.

"I believe you're my Savior, in every single way.."

For a long moment Regina looked into the blonde's eyes in that way of hers, so intently that Emma's breath caught. Feeling the brunette's hand sliding down her arm, her fingers gently smoothing over her leather sleeve, and although her skin was covered, leaving a trail of goose bumps in their wake. Her heart was racing as she tried to make sense of the way everything had just shifted so quickly and immensely.

"I have no idea how, but we are going to have a baby, my love.." Regina whispered, her voice raspy with emotion.

Emma blinked once, twice and once more, before she released the breath she'd been holding. Her lips parted with a dazzling smile, and her eyes dwelt on the brunette with a look so intense, so full of fathomless love and happiness, it was more than Regina's heart could bear.

"We're going to have a baby…" Emma echoed in barely more than a whisper, her voice filled with wonder.

Regina gasped when the blonde surged forward and threw her arms around her, hearing her cry of pure joy muffled against her neck, feeling her body shuddering against her own. But most of all, she felt a completeness finally overwhelming her incomplete, yearning heart. Such an intensity and pleasure she had never felt before. Hearing Emma's voice and her words inside her mind, bringing their journey full circle.

"I made a wish that I didn't have to be alone.."

"Sister, you have no idea what I'm capable of.."

"She's not dying.."

"I think that this, whatever is between us needs to end.."

"I invited her.."

"You're right. I don't know what you feel.."

"You may not be strong enough, but maybe we are.."

"But if we teamed up. If you taught me.."

"Doesn't sound much like a happy ending.."

"But it won't be real.."

"With you, Regina. I always know when you're lying.."

"There you go. Telling the truth again.."

"That makes us unique. Or maybe even special.."

"You don't need a speech, you need a drinking buddy. Shots?"

"You've worked too hard to have your happiness destroyed.."

"Please, help me, Regina.."

"I'm not strong enough. I need you…"

"Be happy, Regina.."

"I just feel stronger whenever I'm around you.."

"You don't owe me anything, Regina.."

"Stop pretending that you don't feel this.."

"This is real and this is exactly the place where I want to be.."

"I'm so proud of you.. I really am.."

"I love you, Regina.." Emma breathed in her ear, holding her even tighter. "I love you so very much.."