Hydra had two top assassins in their ranks. They had The Winter Soldier and they had The Night Siren. The Winter Soldier was pure Hydra but The Night Siren not so much. The Night Siren had been working for SHIELD undercover at Hydra. Though The Winter Soldier and The Night Siren had never met they were very well aware of each other's skills. They knew everything about their counterpart's kill numbers. The Night Siren was sent undercover by SHIELD to try and get The Winter Soldier back. SHIELD knew he was Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers was desperate to get his best friend back. The Night Siren had been working at getting close to The Winter Soldier for three years now. All that time she had been gathering intel on him. The Night Siren may seem like a cold hearted assassin but she is a real person underneath all that black leather. The Night Siren is me and my name is Evelyn.

I've been with SHIELD for 5 years now and undercover at Hydra for 3. We all have things that make us unique and mine just happen to be my skills at killing someone without them knowing I'm there until it's too late. I wasn't raised to be an assassin or trained in the arts of killing since childhood. The role of assassin came to me later in life but I picked it up quickly. We all have stories, things that made us who we are today. My life was normal until it wasn't anymore. I lost something very important to me and my life was never the same. I channeled my rage into fighting and then SHIELD found me. Well more accurately Steve Rogers found me. It was ultimately him that had me joining SHIELD. Steve is the only person I have in this world and I just want to make him happy. Steve is someone I love and trust. He is like the brother I never had. Steve knows all my secrets, including the ones that SHIELD as an organization don't know. He is my best friend in the entire world so when the mission for the recovery of Bucky Barnes came up I was first to volunteer. I had nothing to lose and I know how much Bucky means to Steve. I am trying my hardest to bring him back.

I quickly climbed the ranks at Hydra. My talent is a raw talent that I refined over a very quick span of time. My background as a gymnast made picking up things easily. What I didn't already know the people at SHIELD quickly taught me. My skills were honed by Natasha. I didn't give myself the nickname The Night Siren the same way that I doubt Bucky gave himself the name The Winter Soldier. My name was given to me by the members of Hydra. They saw how I lured men into my trap then killed them before they knew what was going on. I always used my sexuality to my advantage. Men are attracted to a woman in a short skirt and I always make sure to give it to them. Getting their attention on my breasts makes it easier to slice their throat. Do I feel remorse for killing as many people as I have? Sometimes. To fit in at Hydra and not raise suspicions I have had to follow some orders that I did not agree with. Luckily they realized my propensity for killing men and making them suffer. I don't hate all men but once you have been wronged the way I have its hard to look at them with anything but contempt. Steve Rogers and Phil Coulson are the exceptions to my rule. I keep to myself and I do my job, both of my jobs. I pushed away my pain and my past. The only thing I kept from my old life is my rage. It fuels me and makes it easier to shut down my emotions to be an assassin. There is only one spot in my heart that is filled with light. That spot is occupied by Steve and only Steve. That is the reason I am still going and did not end my life years ago. When I fell into the dark Steve caught me. Now I am trying my hardest to return the favor. My job is to bring Bucky back to him and I will do that even if it is the last thing I do.