So, it looks like happypugfics from tumblr and I have already had another brain child. Oops. Enjoy.
"So, you looking forward to more Alchemy? I can't see how you do it, Jems. It sounds so boring. Isn't it just like potions, but with more potions? Or more ingredients? More hard?" Skye laughed and nudged the shorter girl who was carrying an arm full of books. She had offered to carry them for Jemma, since she only had two books of her own and they were already in her bag. Jemma's was already full of books. She had so many; however, Jemma had said no, and that she could carry her own. She was such a bookworm.
It was already after lunch, and a hot day out. Skye had already loosened her green and silver tie and unbuttoned the top of the white collared shirt. She hadn't even put on her robe today. She didn't have a class for her third period on Thursdays, so she was content to make her way wherever she pleased. After she dropped Jemma off to class of course. It had been a tradition for several years now, and their sixth year wouldn't be any different. Skye would always walk Jemma to class, part with a kiss, and then rush to her own. She was often late because of this, but she never minded. The most she had ever gotten taken from the Slytherin house points was fifty, and her classmates had done much worse things to warrant deduction.
"For your information, alchemy is very different from potions," Jemma began, not realizing that Skye didn't actually want a definitive answer. "The premise of potions is to use several different ingredients and techniques to create something, while alchemy is altering one element into another." Jemma finished, a proud grin on her face. When she finally noticed the amused expression on Skye's face over her stack of books, she understood that the Slytherin girl was teasing her, not being curious about her classes.
"I enjoy challenging myself!" Jemma defended her decision to take the class and Skye simply raised her eyebrows. She knew how much the taller girl was enjoying the way she was flustered because there was a sparkle in her eye and she caught her lower lip between her teeth.
The weight of her books was getting uncomfortable in her arms, but she wouldn't let Skye carry them because she'd see that there were textbooks in her pile for classes Skye didn't know she was taking that day.
She shifted them uncomfortably and just stared helplessly when one slipped off the top. Finally, Skye's proximity to her became useful as the brunette caught the book and delicately placed it back where it was supposed to be.
"Alright, alright, but just think of the muscles you'll have at the end of the year. You'll be so in shape that you could try out for Quidditch," Skye laughed and smiled, putting her arm around Jemma's hip and pulling her in so they could walk just a little bit closer together for the last couple minutes to her class. Her hands were full with books, so Skye wanted to hold the next best thing. Well, technically Jemma's hips weren't bad...they were actually one of Skye's more favorite places...and she was getting off topic in her daydreams.
"I'm going to go find Trip during break. He promised he would show me this new spell he found in some old book in the library," Skye stopped on the stone walkway in front of a large set of black wooden double doors.
"Here we are, M'lady," The brunette joked, slipping her hand from Jemma's waist and taking a bow. "I'll see you for class after? Were you going to come by Quidditch practice today or head to the library?"
"As much as I enjoy watching you fly around hitting a ball with a club," Jemma joked, getting revenge and teasing Skye. "I have to study in the library for an important arithmancy test tomorrow." She informed her girlfriend, not realizing her mistake until it slipped out of her mouth. As far as Skye knew, she didn't have arithmancy tomorrow. She flinched internally, hoping the other girl wouldn't notice.
One of Skye's eyebrows rose in curiosity at the mention of Jemma's arithmancy test. One of the few things she did actually memorize during the school year was her girlfriend's schedule, and Jemma only had that class on Wednesdays.
"You must be over worked already because you just had Arithmancy yesterday, Jems. You've got a whole 'nother week to go," Skye shook her head, smiling down at the girl with a wide grin, "You need more free periods in your week. You're losing your mind! And besides, Beater is a very important position, I'll have you know. I keep everyone else, including the Seeker, from getting beaten to death on the field. I am important as they come, little lady!" She leaned over and pecked Jemma on the cheek lightly.
Jemma would acutely remember how important beaters were, saving everyone else on the field from getting pummeled, only to be pummeled themselves sometimes. Skye had broken her arm last year when she had missed a bludger and it had swung back around and hit her. She had almost fallen off her broom too, but she had managed to hold on. Skye remembered Jemma had not been very happy the rest of that week.
"My mistake. I must have gotten my days mixed up. I'll be at practice, then." Jemma smiled and rushed into her class before Skye could question her further.
Skye just stood there for a moment, watching her little dork vanish through the doors before she left to meet Trip in the courtyard. They had an hour and a half to spare and by the end of it she was sure she will have learned a new prank spell to practice on Jemma. The enchanted snowballs last year had been too fun. Trip was a master at making people laugh, that was probably why he and Skye were best friends, despite him being in Gryffindor.
The brunette walked back the way she had come with Jemma and into the large main structure of the castle. She rolled up her sleeves and adjusted her bag strap against her shoulders, holding onto it as she walked through the large open hall. She passed other Slytherins, nodding to them, waving to some others who were in her apparitions class, before she turned her glance ahead. Down a flight of stairs, around another corner, and then out the large back doors of the castle and into the grass court yard.
Trip was waiting for her and got up from his sitting place on a low wall and rushed over. He was a seventh year and Skye would be sad to see him leave at the end of the year. His sleeves were rolled up as well, but his tie was as pristine as ever. He was also wearing that ridiculous grey sweater. Trip found it highly important to look his best at all times. He had ladies to impress after all and an image to keep up. He was the Gryffindor Keeper.
"Hey there girl! You drop lil'mama off to class?"
"Yep. She's all taken care of. Now tell me what you found!" Skye grinned, walking with him along the path to the back of the court yard.
"Oh yeah, it's all ready. I wrote it down for you. Simmons should get a kick out of this one. C'mon, I'll show you," Trip nodded towards the tree with a wide mischievous grin on his face. Skye's grin nearly matched as she followed him, looking around to make sure that no one would pick up on their soon to be shenanigans. As she scanned, she thought she spotted familiar light brown locks rushing across the other end of the court yard to another wing of the castle.
"Hey…" Skye's eyebrow rose again, as it often did when she was confused. It was something that Jemma found rather adorable about her. She squinted, trying to see the girl's face in the crowd. Something made her want to pay attention.
The way she walked. Her hands were full of books. It could be anyone really. Skye was about to shrug it off, when the girl almost dropped the top book and knelt down to pick it up.
"So, you hold your wand like this, and then swirl it this way, just right. Watch the wrist movemen-"
"Trip, I gotta go! Sorry! I'll catch you later!" Skye shouted and suddenly secured her satchel and darted across the grass. As the strange girl went to open the door to continue into her class, her hand was caught by another, and swiftly turned around.
Skye's mouth hung open confused as she stared at the girl.
"Jemma? I just took you to Alchemy! What are you doing out here?"
Jemma nervously looked back and forth between the door to her class and Skye. She was already late, but what was she supposed to say to her confused girlfriend? Jemma hadn't told her she'd been issued a time turner this year, and she'd been trying to hide the fact because she knew Skye would think it was ridiculous and that she was taking too many classes at once.
"It will all make sense in a second," Jemma promised. She would finish her class, and then travel back in time again to this same moment to explain to Skye. This way, she would be simultaneously having a conversation with the very confused girl and attending both of her classes at once.
Jemma slipped into the door of the classroom and left an open-mouthed Skye outside.
"Wh-What…?" Skye turned, looking to the door as Jemma walked through, letting it shut behind her. What had happened? She was too confused. Nothing she had said made any sense, until she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around.
"What?! What?! Jemma?! What-I-What?!"
"Ok, pay attention." Jemma silenced Skye and put her books down on the ground so she wouldn't have to hold all of them.
"Jems...You just...I dropped you at just went…" Skye pointed awkwardly at the door that Jemma had just walked through.
"I know, and if you'd just listen, I'm trying to explain everything." Jemma said, a little frustrated now, but understanding Skye's reaction. If their rolls had been reversed, she would have been just as flabbergasted. This seemed to silence Skye, and she let Jemma continue.
"The me you walked to Alchemy is the first me, the me that just walked into this class is a duplicate, and this me is a duplicate of the duplicate." Jemma started, forgetting to explain how she was duplicating herself before explaining which was which.
"Duplicate...of a duplicate...of...Jemma, I don't understand," Skye's eyebrow rose again, just like Jemma liked, and she reached out for the girls arms and held them. Her head was starting to hurt. Her girlfriend wasn't making any sense.
"How...why are there duplicates of you? I don't get it…"
"Oh! It's time travel, I.." Jemma stopped when she saw that Skye clearly wasn't getting it, so she pulled the golden chain out from underneath the collar of her shirt and showed it to her.
"After getting permission from the headmaster, the head of Ravenclaw assigned me this time turner necklace. You see, after I finish a class, I can travel back in time and go to another one that is going on at the same time. I signed up for more classes than my schedule would allow, so I needed it to be in two places at once. Or, right now, three." Jemma smiled, finally pleased with the look of slow realization on Skye's face. Honestly, she was just glad the girl understood her rambling this time.
"So...what you're saying is...the you here, right now, is the third you," Skye said slowly as her brain tried to process all of Jemma's information. "And...well," She grinned then, "This you isn't doing anything. So...we could go make out in the attic of the library since you're already in your classes if you want?" Her grin got wider as she waited for an answer.
"Skye!" Jemma exclaimed, slapping her girlfriend's shoulder. Of course the only thing she took away from this was that there was a new opportunity to kiss her. She should have expected it, but she didn't look away in time and ended up getting rendered completely helpless by Skye's puppy dog eyes.
"Well…" Jemma began as she was slowly convinced that making out with Skye was definitely the best way to spend the hour she'd gained.
"I've already been to both of my classes that are going on right now… and I can't have anyone else seeing me for an hour until the other me's use their time turners and disappear… so I suppose we can have it your way." She finally agreed, picking up her massive stack of books. An enormous grin was plastered on Skye's face.
"Just this once. I'm not supposed to be abusing the privilege of having this device." Jemma lectured, but she was fairly certain her last sentence was lost on Skye.
"Basically, what you're saying is that you shouldn't use it to be having multiple make out sessions in a day with me and I can't borrow it to go back in time and finish my conversation with Trip?" Skye grinned, leaning over and taking all of Jemma's books under her arm, and then linked her free hand with one of Jemma's. "If all you're giving me is an hour, then we best get going," The brunette winked and tugged the flustered girl towards the library in earnest.