A/N: I'm a bit stuck with the bigger project I'm working on right now, so I decided to take a little break from it and write something light.

Mission Interlude I

"What," Grant starts sharply, "the hell are you wearing?"

Skye blinks back at him half innocently, half indignantly. "Clothes. You know, the kind people might wear to the beach?"

He inhales through his nose, trying not to do anything stupid–because, let's be honest, he is rather close to it. Because it's not simply clothes what she is wearing, it's… It should be illegal, honestly. Sinfully short shorts that make her legs look tantalizingly long, and a dark, loose top that leaves most of her back bare and highlights the curve of her breasts, and she has bracelets on, big, silver bracelets (he's never known he had a thing for bracelets until now), and these temporary tattoos that gleam like metal, and her hair is tousled, asking him to run his fingers through it, and…

"You are not going up to him dressed like that," he states in a voice he hopes sounds authoritative, and not whiny or insecure or jealous (he has a feeling he is not really succeeding).

Now she really looks mad.

"Yes I am going up to him dressed like this," she replies in the exact tone he hoped to hit. "Because we need the information the guy has–you know, the clueless hedge fund kid with the HYDRA daddy–, and we know that he is more likely to talk to pretty girls. Hence," she points at her outfit, "this. Currently I'm the embodiment of the guy's fantasies, at least if we can believe his digital footprint." She crosses her arms. "And I distinctly remember you telling me that this is exactly what I should go for in Undercover 101."

He hates when she turns his own word against him. Especially when she's right.

"We didn't even have 'Undercover 101'," he says, mostly for the sake of saying something.

The corner of her mouth twitches as she lets her arms drop against her side. "You know what I mean. And hey," she steps closer to him and puts her arms around his neck. His hands find their place on her waist instinctively, his thumbs touching bare skin. "You are my Robot, no-one else." A quick peck. "And I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself. After all, I had a great teacher."

"I'll still be watching," he says more focused on her lips than anything else. She smiles.

"I'd be disappointed if you didn't." She untangles her arms from around his neck. "I'd better get going now. But if everything goes well," she continues with a mischievous glint in her eyes, "I'll let you take me out tonight. In this outfit. And we'll see what happens." And she winks, then turns around, walking down the spiral staircase.

He just chuckles to himself at first, shaking his head, but then steps to the railing and calls after her, just before she'd walk down the ramp of the cargo hold.

"Skye?" She stops and glances back at him, waiting. "You look… great."

She smiles. "You see? You could have started with this."