Chapter 1: Just jump

Mello let out a frustrated sigh. It was already three hours since they boarded the plane and he couldn't wait until they landed. He turned his head to the left to look through the small window. Only the blue of the ocean was seen, no land in sight yet. He saw Near next to the window and gave the smaller boy a hateful glare before he turned his head away.

Matt sat beside him, Near on the left of Matt by the window and he sat on the side of the path between the middle row of seats. There were three rows with each three seats next to each other. It wasn't possible for them to use one of L's private jets for one reason or another unfortunately... so they were stuck here between other loud talking people.

The reason why they were on a plane was their mentor and possible future. L had asked for their presence to help him with one of his smaller cases. This was the first time such thing happened. L wanted them to learn more about his job as detective from first-hand.

I can't wait to get out of this plane and show L what I can do! There's no way he won't see that I'm more skilled and better for his title than that albino sheep.

'Matt, I'm bored,' he complained. When he didn't get an immediately answer he poked his friend in his shoulder. 'Maaatt!'

Matt grumbled. 'And what am I supposed to do about that? Just eat some chocolate or something.' He was very busy with pushing buttons on his Gameboy, trying to win one of his many games.

'But I already ate all of them! We're already for three hours on this plane!' Mello whined. That was another reason he couldn't wait until they landed... he had ran out of his precious chocolate bars.

'Well then you'll have to figure something out to do until we arrive on the ground again,' Matt shrugged and went on with his game.

'You can play with one of my robots if you like,' Near's voice joined in.

Mello shot another glare at the boy. 'I'd rather die of boredom.'

Suddenly the plane started to shake more than it should do. Mello grabbed the arms of his seat until his knuckles of his hands turned white. Matt forgot his game for a moment and gave out a high squeal. Near stayed the calm robot he was as always.
Finally the shaking stopped and Mello took a deep breathe. The voice of the pilot came out of one of the intercoms on the plane and let the passengers know it was just some turbulence. There was no reason to worry.

Matt sighed relieved and glanced at Mello. 'Please don't say the words "I rather die" while we're on the plane. It gives bad luck.'

Mello grinned. 'You're afraid for flying airplanes?'

'… Maybe a little bit...'

Mello let out a short laugh and Matt returned to his game. Matt was his best friend for years now since they met each other at Wammy House and they were put together as roommates. The redhead was not as brave as himself, but he stuck with him anyway.

Just when everything seemed calm again and he sat relaxed in his seat again everything of that changed in an instant when an enormous BANG sounded through the plane. The noise sounded like something big exploded. The plane started to shake even more than it did before. Screams were heard when people panicked from the sound.

'One of the motors exploded! We are heading for the ground in less than ten minutes! We're gonna try to make an emergency landing!' the voice of the pilot sounded. Mello could hear the pilot tried to sound calm, but he heard the panic in his voice.

'WHAT?!' Matt shrieked, game now totally forgotten. 'Did he say one of the motors exploded?!'

Mello felt his heart go faster from fear. 'We are above the ocean! How are we supposed to land?'

'We're not above the ocean anymore, Mello' Near said as he pointed at the window.

Mello and Matt looked through the window and saw a blur of green far below. It was some kind of forest.

Matt started hyperventilating. 'There are so many trees! How do they want to do an emergency landing there?!'

The plane jolted and shook from the impact from the explosion. The nose of the plane started to go down and so did the direction of the entire thing. They were heading to the ground in a breakneck speed. The people who were unlucky and didn't had their safety belt on slammed in the seat in front of them. Others who were even more unluckier flew across all the seats or tumbled down the path between the seats and slammed into the wall in the front. Baggage of the people in the plane and other stuff flew to the front too. People were now in too much panic to stay calm as they knew they were going to die in less than ten minutes.

I'm not going to let it end like this!

Mello looked desperately around him in hope for something that could save them. Adrenaline pumped through his body as he searched for a way to escape their death.

'We have to do something! What can we do?' Near said in a louder voice than normal to make himself understandable above the screams of other passengers.

Mello's eyes widened when he saw something that could work for them to get out alive. 'There! That's what we're going to do!'

He unfastened his seat belt and crawled slowly to the objects that he had seen. He heard Matt yelling at him what the hell he was going to do, but he ignored it and grabbed the two backpack like objects. When he had them in a tight grip so they wouldn't roll further across the plane, he went back to Matt and Near.

Near watched the two backpack things and understood what Mello's plan was. 'They're parachutes!'

'What!' Matt shrieked. 'You want us to jump out of this plane, are you crazy?!'

Mello pushed one of the parachutes in Matt's hands and snapped back: 'This is no time to play the coward! Just put that thing on, it's the only option I can think of right now.'

Matt was silenced by his words and did what he was commanded. Mello did the second parachutes on and made sure it was safely fastened on his back with straps around his chest. Near noticed he was the only one without a parachute, but he didn't say anything.

When they both were done fastening the parachutes Mello started to get out their row of seats. The plane was slanting and he had to climb slightly up to go to the back of the plane. He used the other seats to climb faster. Matt and Near followed his example and were right behind him.

Finally they reached the back and Mello looked for a short moment at the door that had to open. He saw a red emergency handle that would open the door. He broke the glass and pulled the handle down. The door made a hissing sound, but stayed closed.

He took a step back and turned to Matt and Near. 'Push yourself flat against the wall!'

Then he kicked the door open and pushed himself against the wall himself before he could get sucked up by the wind.

'We have to jump now! Matt you go first!' he said.

Matt looked scared to death. 'I can't!'

Mello growled. 'Just jump, damnit!'

Without any hesitation he gave Matt a hard push so he had no other choice than jump. And he did… with a very manly shriek.

Mello glanced at Near and saw the sheep looking quite uncertain at him.

He probably thinks I'm gonna push him out the plane without a parachute… Hmm… it's an idea, but no. I don't want somebody to die with the blood on my hands… even if it's Near.

Without any more explanation he draped his arms around Near and he didn't try to think too much about it. It felt like hugging him.

'… What are you going to do?' Finally some fear seeped through the stoic mask.

'Just hold on tight and whatever happens don't let go,' he replied.

Mello felt Near grabbing onto him with a death grip and he buried his face in his chest so he wouldn't have to look. Mello knew he had to jump now or it was too late and they would be too close to the ground to jump.

He took a deep breath and pushed himself away from the wall. He jumped through the open door and saw the forest far below him. When he thought it was the right time he pulled a cord and the parachute opened. Mello searched for a certain redhead below him and was relieved to see another parachute beneath him. Matt had managed to open it.

I hope the landing will be okay.