Another one-shot! This one features Krillin and 18!
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of its characters, Akira Toriyama does!
Krillin stretched and yawned as he sat up and looked around. He'd taken a short nap on the couch after coming home from work. The house was quiet..TOO quiet!
He couldn't find a trace of 18 or their daughter Marron. Maybe they were out in the yard. Just great, the car was no longer parked out front. Swallowing hard the former monk reached for his right rear pocket. Sure enough, his wallet was missing!
Krillin groaned out loud, evidently 18 was out going on one of her infamous shopping sprees. He was still making payments on her last escapade at the West City Mall. He'd only had a few small bills so she'd obviously be racking up more charges on his credit card!
Burying his face in his hands, the once bald Z-fighter sat down on the porch and waited for his wife's return. He ground his teeth as 18 pulled into the driveway and exited their vehicle loaded down with boxes and bags. More items were neatly stacked and tied down on the top of the car.
"Hi Daddy!" Marron called out cheerfully.
Krillin's eyes bulged as he took in the sight of the very expensive-looking porcelain doll cradled in his daughter's arms.
When 18 reached the top of the steps she shoved her parcels into Krillin's arms.
"Here, make yourself useful while I flag down the delivery truck. It looks like the driver's lost."
"D-Delivery truck?" Krillin sputtered as he scrambled to hold onto the pile in his arms.
"Of course! Our little car can't haul very much," 18 blithely explained.
"Uh, hon. We discussed responsible spending. You promised you weren't going to West City..."
"I didn't go to West City Mall I went shopping at East City Mall!" 18 called out as she directed the delivery truck into the driveway.
Krillin smacked himself in the forehead at his wife's logic.
"I bought you something too, Krillin," the statuesque blonde declared.
Her husband brightened for a moment "Y-You did?"
"Yes. I bought you a pair of socks."
A pair of socks?
The diminutive martial artist sat his armload down on the porch and waved his arms about frantically.
"All of this and you got me a pair of socks?" he asked in utter disbelief.
18 swept back her hair as the last item was unloaded from the delivery truck and the driver backed out. She gave a dramatic sigh, "I knew you wouldn't like the socks…..that's why I returned them and bought Marron a blouse instead."
Krillin just gaped in disbelief as he fought for self-control. He took a deep breath and asked point-blank, "Sweetheart, have you thought about how we're going to pay for all this?"
"Of course," his wife answered.
"You did? Did you go out and get a job or something?"
"Don't be silly, I just took a SECOND mortgage out on the house…"
So what did you think? Please let me know!