Hey guys, so I'm trying to force myself back into writing for the TF fandom. It's been a little while. Funny how my first plot idea was meloncholy huh? haha. By the way, this little spurt of inspiration is better if you listen to ( www. youtube. com (forward slash/question mark button on keyboard) watch?v=pUZeSYsU0Uk [just take out the spaces] ) while reading this! Fanfiction is a derp when trying to put in links, like oh my god.

Anyways, glad to be back and I love you guys!

~D.R. Out

We all have this belief that we or the ones we love are invincible. We all hold onto some crazed thought that we can defeat death. However, what we fail to realize is that the only constant is change. At some point or another we falter in our steps and that is where and when life strikes.

The mask we hold cracks in some way or another at our most vulnerable moment. The pain in ones eyes, the slip of a smile, the way we gaze off into the distance with some memory; in reality isn't it inevitable that we all become some distant memory and eventually fade from the books of our ancestors? Swept under the rug or put, figuratively speaking, on a shelf to collect dust.

I like so many others thought these things...I thought that there was no way that they could be destroyed. He seemed so immortal. Until one day he simply wasn't. One day he was gone, just like that. You don't know what it is like like to lose someone, to feel them being ripped away. Not until you've had someone who is literally your other half. We were the dynamic duo.

We were the perfect two. He and I had been through thick and thin together...we fought together, ate together, slept together, protected one another, and on occasion fought each other. He was my dandelion of doom. He was...Sunny.

I suppose it makes sense that he would be the first to dissipate from this realm of existence. He was always the first at everything. He beat me in every race, beat me at art, at fighting, beat me literally when I deserved it...and he was the first spark. I was merely second place. So in turn it only makes sense that he would beat me in this race too.

"Please oh please don't take my sunshine away..." I sang the Earth song to myself in the empty room, hiccuping on choked cries as my vocal processors grated and felt raw. my optics flickering in the dimness of the room. Somewhere in the dark, in that lonesome room I clench my fist and for the first time I cry. I sob not because of the war, not because of my depressing thoughts...but because I am all alone. My Sunshine was taken away, and now it is a cold existence.