Here's chapter seven, wasn't gonna add it but you guys insisted.

"You may kiss the bride," North told Jack as he shut his book.

Jacks lips pressed firmly against Elsa's. The guardians, Jamie and all of his friends cheered. Jack pulled away and waved to the audience. Elsa rested her head on his chest and smiled to her new husband, Jack smiled back and kissed her again. The new joy that filled the guardian was like none he ever felt before or may ever feel with anyone else or any other way. Jack lead her to the window to let the wind carry them to their home at the lake.

Elsa turned around to throw the bouquet. She closed her eyes and with all her might threw it over her head. Cheers from every female in the room sounded as the flowers made it as high as they would go. The bouquet fell and landed in the arms of Sophie.

"I got Elsa's flowers," she cheered excitedly.

Elsa and Jack made a mad dash for it. They were caught in the wind and a new sense of lightness filled them.

"Jack slow down, let's enjoy the ride," Elsa shouted over the rushing of wind.

"Sure thing," Jack shouted back slowing down a bit.

"Jack I love you so much," Elsa said squeezing him.

"I love you to," said Jack, "Now and forever."

Elsa squeezed her new husband as tight as she could. She didn't want to let go, ever. But at some point she will have to, she knew that. But she wanted to hold him as long as she could, as long as time would allow. Jack didn't want her to let go. He squeezed her back but to him she was just scared of the height. He was too at first. It took him a minute to realize he hadn't thought about The Big Four for once in a long time. In fact, he was going on week three. Maybe it just took a little love and compassion to help him forget the heart ache he felt that day, and to remember the fun they used to have all the time. He was finally able to forget that day they broke up, the day they rest quit believing, and remember they joy he felt when they finally believed again on their death beds. The day each one of them was able to see Jack never let them be alone, that he was always there waiting for them to believe again.

Elsa surprised him with a kiss. Jack was thrown off guard for a moment. It only took him a second to realize what was going on and to kiss back. They lake was in view and saddened him because he wanted that flight to never end. He just wanted to fly around and be able to protect Elsa from danger, protect her from the horrible things that would harm his beautiful new wife.

"Jack I got a surprise for you," Elsa said when they landed on the lake.

"What," said jack smiling putting his hand in his pocket and throwing his staff over his shoulder.

"Oh gosh it's you," said a familiar young male voice he hadn't heard in years.

"I'd say he got himself a new girlfriend," said A female Scottish accent.

"Is it me or those two cuter than a button together," said a girls voice he hadn't heard in years.

Jack whirled around Could it be? It couldn't, they died years ago, or so he thought. It was. It was the friends he never left even though they quit believing. It was Hiccup, Merida, and Rapunzel as they were when they split.

"How," was all Jack could get out before squeezing their necks as hard as he could.

"Jack you're choking me," Hiccup said.

Jack let go, "But how."

"I did," said Elsa, "It wasn't easy."

"How tell me," said Jack about ready to cry.

"She's a movie remember," said Merida, "So are we. She used the same spell the brought her to bring us. A spell that can only be used on those who live in an other world that get told as stories here."

"Yes," said Rapunzel, "So this is where you live. I think it needs color, maybe purple."

"Yellow," said Hiccup excitedly, he realized what he said, "Forget I said that. As I had learned from a good friend, Jack, Yellow and snow don't mix. Especially when you eat it."

"I'm going to pretend I never heard that," said Elsa pointing at him, "Remember I did freeze someone to solid ice before."

"But you did bring her back," said Merida putting her hands on her hips, "Too bad spell's only temporary."

"Wait, what," said Jack scared.

"For them not me," said Elsa, "Believe it or not, "I'm not powerful enough to cast a spell on the to keep them here permanently."

"Oh," said Jack feeling better for Elsa but not his friends.

"We're here to say we're sorry," said Merida, "It was wrong for us to do that to you. Leave you like that."

"It's fine, I got over it when I met Elsa," said Jack smiling.

"Elsa can I have a few snowball to throw at a certain person," said Hiccup rolling up his sleeve.

Elsa did as she was asked. Hiccup picked one up and was ready to throw it a Jack. But instead he threw it at Elsa. Let's just say Elsa wasn't too happy.

"That's it you little punk," said Elsa lunging at Hiccup.

Hiccup ran off into the woods chased by the queen. Elsa was followed by Jack who was followed by Merida who was followed by Rapunzel. Elsa threw a giant snowball at the kid. Hiccup fell on his face with a pile of snow on top. Jack picked up Hiccup and threw him over his shoulder.

On the count of three," said Merida smiling at Elsa and Rapunzel, "One."

"What's going on," said Hiccup trying to see.

"Two," said Rapunzel giggling.

"I'm sorry," Hiccup said laughing.

"Three," shouted Elsa as their hands slapped the small round butt in front of them.

"Ouch," said Hiccup squirming out of Jacks grasp and falling to the ground.

"I didn't expect you to squirm that much," laughed Merida.

"What did you get your little booty spanked," said Elsa tearing firm her laughter, "I wish you guys could stay."

"Could be worse for Hiccup," said Rapunzel smiling, "Him and Merida need to do something they hadn't done in a while."

Everyone knew what Rapunzel was talking about except Elsa. Jack smiled.

"Do it Merida," shouted Jack.

"Fine," said Merida giving Hiccup the biggest kiss of their lives.

"Best day ever," said Hiccup when the kiss was over.

They all laughed. They were going to have more fun they would ever have any other time.

Well there it is, that's it. No more. I hope you liked it. thanks for reading and please review.