Notes: Oh snap it's really back woot! Confetti! This one has been a long time coming. It feels like I say this all the time now but I really am sorry for all the delays. I want to put out even more for you guys but I don't want to put out disappointing content. I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter and that it was at least a little worth the wait.

And please remember to leave a review. Your feedback means a lot to me.

Big Bear's Bothers

Yang Xiao Long

"Oh hey there guys it's been quite awhile hasn't it? Seriously it feels like I haven't seen you in months. Its good to see you though I mean after what crazy mess these last few days have been I could use a friendly ear to unload my woes on."

"Huh, you're having trouble remembering what happened? Well I guess it has been awhile so I guess I can refresh you. First my dad cut me off for trashing Junior's club, then Junior ended up hiring me hear at his club so I pay off my school fees and avoid me trashing the place again, and then the very same day we found out that a new club had just opened and it was sucking up all of our business and since Junior's dad was on the way we had to liven it up a bit before then. That's why we had that intense arm wrestling tournament which I won by the way. Though to be honest with you if I knew it was going to get that heated I would have never even suggested it. I'm still a little sore from back then and it was days ago! Oh well it all worked out in the end I guess. It's really what came after that, which was truly trying. If I never see another poker chip in my life it will be too soon."

"Oh, right of course you wouldn't know. I mean we haven't even spoken since the night of the party after all. Would you like to hear what I've been up to since then?"

"Wait you don't? Are you sure you don't want to hear the story right now? I'm telling you it was quite the adventure. You will be missing out. Still no!? Alright fine suit yourself!"

To Be Continued…


"Oh, you're still here huh? I guess I just figured that since you didn't want to hear my story you would've left by now. I mean there's no since in hanging around this crappy club if you don't even want chat up hotties like me right?" In the back of the club you could faintly hear Junior grumbling about the crappy club comment but otherwise remaining out of the conversation. "Anyway where to begin, hmm I guess it all started right after you left the club after the tournament…"

Several Days Earlier in Junior's Club

"It looks like we have ourselves a winner folks! I guess even a blind dog can find a bone every now and then since the winner of our first and likely last arm wrestling tournament and the winner of the one-thousand dollar grand price is Yang Xiao Long! Everyone give her a round of applause, or don't there's no pressure or anything. If you feel the need to boo and/or demand a rematch I will totally understand." Melanie announced with more than a slight hint of annoyance present in her voice.

Meanwhile Yang was far too busy basking in both the relief and the thrill of her victory to notice much of anything else. "Hell yeah who's bad! That's right I'm bad!" She cheered before directing her attention towards her former opponent Militia who was now sitting back in her chair with her arms crossed and she was wearing a disinterested expression. Then Yang directing a finger towards the girl's face and addressed her directly. "In your face Malachite! You just got schooled! And don't I have forgotten about our little wager!"

In response to that Militia rolled her eyes before swatting away Yang's finger and speaking. "A wise man once said that he who speaks without modesty will find it difficult to make their words meaningful."

One of Yang's eyebrows arched upward. She was clearly unsure how she was to interpret the strange response. "Huh, what are you on about?" She asked as she began to vaguely recalled memories of her partner Blake saying something very similar to her once but she didn't really get it back then either.

Militia simply shook her head before answering. "Why bother explaining it? If you don't get it now then you probably never will. After all at the end of the day you're still just an uncultured swine." This comment caused a wave of irritation to shoot through Yang. And it was signified by the appearance of a throbbing vein on Yang's temple. Trying to control herself Yang breathed in deeply and let the air out slowly and she then she looked like she was about to make her retort when Militia be her too it. "It's quite okay. You have no need to worry your empty little head over such things. I fully intend to follow through with my end of the bargain. After all I am a member of the Malachite family and we never go back on our word." She said dismissively.

"Is that right? I've never met a member of the Malachite family beside you and your sister so how can I know that's true?" Yang asked sounding less than convinced.

"Then I guess you will just have to take my word for it, now if you will excuse me." Militia huffed before springing out of her seat and stumping past Yang towards her sister and passing Junior along the way.

Yang spun around ready call out to Militia but lost sight of her when she was suddenly swarmed by crowd and her friends from Beacon who began to shower her with congregations which lasted until Junior broke through the crowd his eyes met with Yang's. Yang shot him a proud smile and was promptly pulled into a massive bear hug by the later club owner. "Blondy you did it! I knew you would come through!" Junior praised. Yang however being completely caught off guard by her employer's unexpectedly friendly actions let out a yelp before going stiff in the man's arms.

The two stayed that way for about three seconds before the awkwardness of the saturation finally caused Yang to react. "Umm, Junior?"

"Yeah Yang?" Junior responded.

"Well do you think you could put me down now?" Yang asked sheepishly while letting out a weak laugh. She hoped the laugh would make the situation a little less awkward, it did not. And now the crowd was staring great! "Junior seriously!"

"Oh right, sorry!" Junior blurted after realizing his error and with that he quickly and quite unceremoniously dropped the startled blond.

Since she was less than prepared for the sudden freefall Yang wasn't quite able to stick her landing and began to stumble before losing her balance completely and falling over backward to land on her rear end with an audible thud. "Ouch! What the hell Junior!" Yang roared while rubbing her sore buttocks.

"Crap sorry I didn't mean…" Junior began to apologies while reaching a hand down to help Yang up however he was cut off when his hand was smacked away and he caught sight of the blond's usually lilac eyes that were now bright red and glaring up at him. Sensing the danger Junior quickly withdrew his hand and took a step back to give the blond some room.

With her bumbling boss out of the way, Yang pushed herself up off the floor and promptly began dusting off her uniform. It wasn't until she was finished did she remember that she was currently surrounded by a massive group of people made up of both friends and strangers. Fearing possible damage to her reputation her eyes became wide as they snapped back and forth across the tournament area. She quickly gauged the onlooker's reactions which by some stroke of luck seemed to be none completely non-existent. Mostly because almost every single person had their gaze pointed in the direction in which Junior had come from.

Since it seemed that almost nobody had seen her little spill and anyone who may have couaght a glimpse of it seemed to wisely be keeping it to themselves Yang let herself breathe a small sigh of relief. "Looks like you lucked out Junior." Yang stated cheerfully. And with that settled something else clicked in her mind. "Wait what is everyone looking at?" Yang asked in a confused tone before following the other guest's eyes toward the source of everyone's gaze. When her eyes fell upon it they once again became wide and she could do nothing to prevent the massive grin that spread across her face. "Oh my, no way!"

"What is it?" Junior asked while cocking an eyebrow at the blond. Without saying a word Yang's hands sprang forward to grasp both sides of Junior's head and spin it around to face backward. An audible crack was created and Junior could feel a surge of pain run through his neck and he was just about to spin back around and snap on his new employee for nearly breaking his neck but felt his train of thought fly off the tracks and slam into a gas station before going up like the forth of July when his eyes came upon the ridicules scene playing out before them.

At that very moment Junior's only other female employees also known as the Malachite twins were currently engaged in a furious lip lock. Which was an odd enough sight on its own seeing as how they very shown any signs of leaning that way. And even if they had, they were twins for Monty's sake! However there didn't seem to be any signs of enjoyment on either of the sisters faces. Rather the white clad sister Melanie seemed just as bewildered by the whole thing. Her eyes were wide with confusion and looked almost fearful. While her red clad sister Militia looked almost disinterested with the whole affair. Her eyes were glassy and her expression was nearly completely blank. Junior could only ever recall her making that kind of face when she was cleaning up around the club or doing paper work. "Just what the hell are those two doing idiots doing?" He thought out loud.

"Well by the look of it I would say they are having a little bit of fun." Yang declared as she appeared beside Junior with her scroll out and pointed towards the pair of siblings.

"Are you recording this!?" Junior snapped.

"What, do you really think I would pass up a chance like this? Hey look at it his way if this thing goes viral it will be great for business!" Yang said jokingly causing Junior to scoff but ultimately do nothing to stop her or the twins.

A moment later and Melanie finally managed to get enough wiggle room between herself and her sister to push her away using only one hand. Finally able to breathe freely again Melanie instantly began to gag, spit, and vigorously wipe her lips in a desperate attempt to cleanse them of their impurities. After she finally finished that she turned back to her sister and shot her a heated glare. "What the hell was that Militia!?"

"Yeah sorry about that Melanie, I kind of had to you know?" Militia responded dryly while offering her sister a small shrug.

Since this response did little to answer Melanie's question its only real effect was to make her glare intensify even further. "No I don't know! What the in the bloody blue blazes do you mean you had to? How does that even make sense!? Are you drunk or did you just hit your head or something!?"

"Well how should I put this…" The red clad sister said sheepishly while glancing back towards Yang who much to her dismay was not recording them a motion that didn't go unnoticed by her sister.

"You!" Melanie spat as she directed an accusing finger towards Yang. Her voice carried enough venom to melt flesh. Sensing the danger the Junior along with the group of huntresses in training all took a step away from Yang as the white clad girl began to stomp forward. "This is your doing isn't it!?" She roared angrily.

Yang didn't seem the slightest bit concerned however as she pointed one of her fingers at her own face. The gesture suggested that she was unsure if she was the one being spoken to which only made Melanie more furious. The white clad girl picked up her pace and almost instantly closed the distance between her and Yang before grapping her blond coworker by the collar. "What do you think moron!" She screamed while she violently shook Yang back and forth. "You dirty barbaric pervert, how could you involve my innocent sister in your ludicrous fantasies?!"

"Hey would you cut it out." Yang managed to blurt out while being throttled. Seeming to hear her Melanie stopped her shaking and lowered Yang back down so their eyes could meet. Then she gave Yang a look that said she wanted answers. Yang shrugged. "Hey it's not my fault! Your sister is the one who wanted to make a bet!" Yang said defensively.

Then one of Melanie's eyebrows shot up before her head spun around almost one-hundred and eighty degrees to shoot a glare at her sister who now seemed to be trying very hard to look anywhere else. "Militia, really!?" Militia's only response was to begin whistling a happy tune to herself. "Ugh I can't believe the two of you! I need to go wash my mouth out now!"

"Umm…" Yang began causing Melanie's head to snap forward again and shoot Yang a look that seemed to ask what she wanted. Undeterred Yang continued while pointing to Melanie's injured arm which she was still using to hold her aloft. "Doesn't that hurt?" Yang inquired in a calm tone.

Melanie didn't expect such an odd question from the blond and was slightly taken back by it. However her furious expression seemed to soften slightly, if only due to her confusion. Unfortunately however her confused expression was quickly became twisted as her mind was suddenly overtaken by intense agony. It quickly became apparent that with her rage now subsiding and her adrenaline levels returning to normal that the pain of her earlier injury had returned in full. And due to her reckless behavior it was with a vengeance. Now completely overwhelmed by the pain Melanie dropped Yang back onto her feet before falling to her knees hissing like a snake and desperately gripping her injured arm to prevent it from moving about. The whole time the she was spouting obscenities at the top of her lungs.

With Melanie lost Yang offered the girl a silent prayer so her spirit could go in peace while Junior and Militia were left shake their heads. After a moment of nearly a full minute of this Militia had disappeared some where only to return a moment later with what appeared to be bottle of prescription strength pain medicine, why she had it with her was anyone's guess and an ordinary frozen ice pack. "Here Melanie take these." Militia said as she offered the items and her sister made to grab the items but froze when her sister spoke again. "Now promise me you will stop being such a baby. I don't want you embarrassing me like this."

Melanie glared up at her sister for a moment as if to say your one to talk but ultimately said nothing before letting out a huff and snatching the offered items and promptly putting them to use. "Thanks Militia." She said with a sigh before turning back to Junior to address her boss. "Sorry about the disturbance sir, can Militia and I go on break? I could go for some air." She asked hopefully.

"Yeah sure, I think you two have caused enough trouble for one night." Junior responded while waving his hand dismissively. Melanie spared one more nod for Junior and a glare for Yang before disappearing into the back of the club with her sister in toe.

"Well that was a thing." Yang said cheerfully while trying to restrain her laughter.

Junior on the other hand now wore an expression that said he wanted to pick up right where Melanie had left off. However before he could get the chance to strangle his latest employee a large man in a black suit stepped over to stand beside him. The man didn't say a word but Junior instantly noticed the large figure out of the corner of his eye. And a sinking feeling flooded Junior's gut as he slowly turned to look into the figure's cold eyes and when he did his blood ran cold. Stud there beside him was his father with an expression so menacing it would send weaker men fleeing in terror. Junior new better than to run though, it would only make things worse for him if he did so he tried his best to match his father's gaze. That's when his father's glare became even more intense and as his eye's bore into him Junior could feel himself shrinking.

That was a sign that Junior had really screwed up. Not only had had he just allowed his father to see Yang's special kind of madness play in his club but in the insanity of the moment he had completely forgotten that his father was even there. This was possibly even more damning because if there was anything that he knew set his father off it was being ignored. Junior new he needed to do damage control and he needed to do it fast. "Umm da…"

Junior was interrupted when his father moved his hand up in sign to stop. Then the large man took a moment to straighten up his tie before speaking. "Indeed that certainly was something. Now would somebody care to tell me what the hell that something was!? And why it's happening in my establishment!?"

The sudden outburst startled Yang causing her to yelp and jump back into a fighting stance on instinct. "Gees stop yelling in my ear jerk!" Yang shouted angrily causing the other two men to turn and stare at her one in fear and the other in annoyance. "Hey Junior, who the hell is this jackass!?"

Junior made a quick slicing motion across his throat with his hand in an attempt to silence her but that's when his father stepped forward to tower over Yang. "Funny I was just about to ask you the same thing. I don't recognize you but by the look of things you're the one responsible for all of this." He said motioning around the club at all the guests who now seemed on edge. Many of the civilians were now inching away while the Beacon students seemed to be preparing to jump the large man if he tried anything.

"Her name is Yang Xiao Long she just started and…" Junior began to explain but was once again motioned to stop by his father.

"I'm speaking to her Junior, don't interrupt again. Now I will ask again, are you the one responsible for this Miss Xiao Long?" Mr. Xiong asked.

"Well the Girl's Night was the twin's idea but I was the one who suggested we do that we should do the tournament. What of it?!" Yang retorted.

For nearly a full minute after that Mr. Xiong stared down into Yang's now red glowing eyes as fit in search of something. Then seeming satisfied his expression softened and he suddenly broke out into a booming laugh. Yang was so startled she completely fell out of her fighting stance and was nearly knocked over when Mr. Xiong slap his hand's down on her shoulders. "Well done newbie!" He cheered happy.

"Huh!?" Yang and Junior said in unison.

"Wait you're not mad?" Junior asked.

"Oh don't get me wrong I was ready to drop you in the bay when I found that flyer outside but look at this place." Mr. Xiong responded once again motioning around the busy club. "I can't remember the last time it was this booming! And that look at that guy girl ratio! Now this is my kind of party! And since your newbie here won it looks like we're going to make a killing tonight. Don't you remember what I've always told you Junior? He asked.

Junior let out a sigh of relief before responding. "It's all about those credits right?"

"Damn straight! Hell I half expect this place to be barren since that new place just opened up around the block but how wrong was I?" Figure's his father would have known about that Junior thought to himself. "And that brings me to the real reason I came here tonight." Mr. Xiong said as he stepped away from Yang towards his son.

"Real reason?" Junior asked unsure.

"That's right but we can't really discuss it here. Shall we move this conversation to your office?" Mr. Xiong suggested.

"Umm, right of course! Right this way!" Junior stuttered as he motioned towards the back of the club.

Mr. Xiong made to follow after Junior but stopped to glance back at Yang who was still stud still in the crowd. "What are you looking dazed for? You're coming with us newbie." He told her.

This caused Junior to snap back around to look at his father. "Wait, why is she coming along?"

Mr. Xiong only motioned for Yang to come along causing the girl to do so reluctantly. "I will explain in a minute." He said as he past Junior.

When Yang caught up to Junior she gave him a look that said she was confused and hoping for answers. Junior shrugged. "Sorry blondy I got nothing. Just mind you manner's you got me!" Yang huffed out a whatever and began to follow along only to be grabbed by the arm and tugged backward.

Yang spun around with a fist raised and an annoyed expression on her face. It was clear she wasn't in the mood to play around. However her furious expression instantly fell away when her lilac eyes met emerald. "Oh Pyrrha, what's up do you need something?" She asked calmly.

Pyrrha shook her head. "Nothing I just wanted to make sure everything was alright. We all thought you were about to slug that guy. I'm glad I didn't have to pull you off of him."

Yang began to smile warmly as she giggled. "No need to worry P-money I got everything under control. I should get going though. I don't want to get left behind." She told the red haired warrior. Pyrrha gave Yang a curt nod before allowing her to continue onward to join Junior and his father at the door to the back area.

The group promptly made their way through the door and down the narrow hallway to arrive at Junior's office. Junior threw open door and waved his guests in side. And then he instinctively made a move to take a seat at his desk which had the most comfortable chair but was beaten there by his father who promptly motioned Junior and Yang to sit on the fold outs in front of the desk. "Come on what are you guy's waiting for? We got business to discuss." Mr. Xiong told them. Junior grumbled but made no argument as he pulled up a chair.

"Well here we are. So what is it you want to discuss?" Junior asked.

Mr. Xiong cracked an almost wicked smile as he leaned forward over Junior's desk and laced his fingers together. "Well my boy I have a little situation I would like your help dealing with. A lucky punk is getting a bit too big for his britches and needs to be taught a lesson you see? However the guy doesn't seem to be normal. None of my boys can seem to touch him. So I figured I would barrow the twin's and let them handle it." He explained.

Junior nodded along as he got the jest of it. "Alright, so how long do you need them?" He asked.

"Oh, I don't anymore." Mr. Xiong replied.

"Pardon?" Junior asked.

"Tell me Junior, why do you have a huntress working here?" Mr. Xiong asked causing Junior and Yang to tense up. "We don't normally many of them types in our business. Their always too high and mighty to get their hands dirty so landing one is quite the big deal you know? Quite frankly I'm a little offended you didn't think to let me know about such a score. So I came up with a way for you to make it up to me."

That's when Mr. Xiong turned to look at Yang. "If I had known you had a real huntress under your finger I never would have even considered those two drama queens. So what do you say little missy you ready for a real job?"

To Be Continued… For Real…